The full press and FvA bots will be offline on the 10th and 11th. Apologies for the inconvenience.

A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 694 of 1419
hy2850 (100 D)
06 Jan 11 UTC
How do you leave the game?
I totally messed up on one game, and I don't feel like playing that one.
Well, I saw some people leaving aside getting wiped out of the map, and I want to know how. Pls answer
16 replies
mdrltc (1818 D(G))
05 Jan 11 UTC
First person to post is an idiot!
Whoops, didn't think this one through...............
4 replies
Kingdroid (219 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Parameter 'fromTerrID' set to invalid value '165'.

I simply chose the territory my unit was in...
8 replies
mikeconroy (0 DX)
06 Jan 11 UTC
Need a Sitter to Complete A Live Gunboat
It will probably take under an hour. PM me please!
10 replies
Dan Wang (1194 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
#10 Gunboat 20 points PPSC anonymous 24 hour phases
0 replies
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Why PPSC is terrible
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Rommeltastic (1126 D(B))
05 Jan 11 UTC
Alright, that I agree with. There's a certain undeniable satisfaction you get from matching toe to toe with another power.

But in this case, multiple people with about 20% of the board were trying to fight off one person by leaving themselves exposed. If the game finished when they stabbed allies, they could manage with more points than if they tried to put together a larger alliance (in a 5 minute/phase game, no less.) Which severely hampers their efforts if they DID try.
Rommeltastic (1126 D(B))
05 Jan 11 UTC
@Figle Right, I'm reffering to PPSC games only here.
I understand Rommel's argument. Considering it was PPSC, I don't blame them for going for the points and not worrying about place.

Now, *I* would stop the solo, too, and I side with smiles on that issue. But Rommel's position makes sense from a points perspective.

And Lando hit it on the money. The issue was that a few players simply didn't understand gunboat -- alliance signals, the need for extra strategic vigilance to stop a solo threat -- which ended up costing Lando and smiles. And I am sorry for that.

(Also, @smiles: I figured that you would convoy Greece to Naples and go for all four Italian centers the turn I stabbed. *shrug* I didn't like stabbing at the time I did, but I didn't have a choice. You played very well.)
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
I'm not saying that these guys necessarily played wrong, I'm saying that PPSC is AWFUL because it encourages people to play this way.
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Nah, I knew your stab was coming Eden, there was just nothing I could do. You played well too. :-/
Heh. Not speaking from my position in the game, I do wish someone had come up and helped. Germany shouldn't have eroded your position and England shouldn't have ignored Scandinavia.
butterhead (90 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
and Russia should have never let you into the black sea... Im stupid...
Rommeltastic (1126 D(B))
05 Jan 11 UTC
That's what I disagree with. If you don't like PPSC, DON'T PLAY THEM, simple as that. I like the idea that people will squabble for second places, and it helps people with goals other than draws to arrive. Though I admit, I only played a few WTA games in my Webdip career, all when I was quite noob...
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Well, as I said Rommel, I was doing someone a favor by taking over. I play exclusively WTA, for exactly this reason.
Triumvir (1193 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
@Smiley - While I disagree that PPSC is an awful way to play, I wholeheartedly subscribe to your way of thinking about wins/draws/etc. If one player has a clear chance of the solo win, I do everything I can to band the other players together to force the draw. The rare exception is when another player has made it clear that they will not cooperate in this venture (the annoying player type you have been describing above).

All this to say, I guess, it's not PPSC that's awful. It's a certain type of player. Granted, they are most often found in PPSC games. But, if I could alter the phrase, "Don't hate the game. Hate the player." PPSC games have their place and they are easily avoided. ;)
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
I think PPSC is a more fair way of allocating points. I think the winner should get ~3/4ths though. Someone deserves SOMETHING for an 18-16 split, if they tried their hardest to stop the solo. To get jack is... unfair.

But PPSC promotes bad behavior, which is why I don't like it.
Rommeltastic (1126 D(B))
05 Jan 11 UTC
But in itself, PPSC is a good system, but the people who play it are what sometimes ruin it.
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
You can't say it's a good system, because that begs the question. What is the purpose of the system? To allocate points fairly or to promote good behavior? I would argue both. PPSC does an acceptable job at allocating points (Not too much better than WTA, I think) but it promotes despicable behavior.
I don't think you can determine that it's a good or bad system, then. Whose word decided what behavior is "good"? By the same token that you can't just say it's a "good" or "bad" system, you can't just arbitrarily say some behavior is "good" and some is "bad."

I would argue that neither is superior. They are different variants. No one is the "original" one or "better;" they have the same objective under a points system (earning the most points), but different distribution means that provide different strategic objectives. In WTA, you obviously play win-draw-survive-defeat; in PPSC, a strong survive trumps a draw.

I personally like WTA more because I like the objectives better, but that is my personal preference.
mrlentz (0 DX)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Interesting reading. Im on the side of smiles/faceman/lando/President on the proper way to play. I dont mind PPSC in live games, though, because the caliber of most live games (at least that I have somehow found) is lower, so even in WTA you will see people mucking around on their own behalfs. But maybe thats just the games I have found,

Most important to me is thanking Face/Smiles. You did me an incredible boon by sitting, and I am sorry you got annoyed. I couldnt care less about the result, and you helped five other people enjoy their night. Thank you!

For those who put it all together -- the emergency is now somewhat resolved, and I appreciate the pms of concern.
I was wondering what happened for you to need a sitter and call for a pause! You don't have to say if you don't want to. I hope whatever happened is going to be alright.

And thanks for filling in, smiles -- I didn't know you were sitting until this thread =P
mrlentz (0 DX)
05 Jan 11 UTC
My wife needed to go to the hospital. We are both still there, but she is asleep and just being kept for monitoring now. The reason I actually had time to deal with this was because my car was with a friend and they needed 20 minutes to get to me. What people did in the days before cellphones.......

Anyways, Thanks again to smiles.
Oh, man. Hope she's doing well and I'm glad things are... okay? Sounds like things are okay. I hope they are, and if they are I'm glad.

Nice work smiles. ;]
mrlentz (0 DX)
05 Jan 11 UTC
they are indeed, thanks. Just chilling on a couch with a laptop in the evening. Reminds me of my college days. If you and your friends are still hunting trouble, I might be interested.

By the way -- very well played by you. Kudos on the win. Though lord knows, if I had been there (ha -- just having fun, I highly doubt I could have done any better than smiles).
Nah, some of them are still high schoolers. Mommy made them go to sleep. =P We'll be around tomorrow if you happen to be online, though. Can always use more players! =]

And thank you! I feel like I was the benefactor of shoddy Western play (excepting, of course, poor Lando, who dealt with more suicide attacks than the whole of the Middle East in the past decade), but it is what it is. I dunno at which point smiles took over, but both of you played pretty well. Whoever put up the defense against my stab was really sharp, if Germany hadn't inconceivably intervened then I don't think I'd have won the game -- might have beaten Austria, but Lando and company in the West would have eventually figured their crap out and stopped me, I'm sure.
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
05 Jan 11 UTC
eh, man up and stop playing gunboat, : )
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
I took over the turn you stabbed. :-/
akilies (861 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
@ smily face guy - ok really random but even with your (:-/) face I still feel that you are happy because of your name
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Hahahaha. That's funny. It's OK, I'm a pretty happy guy.

54 replies
kislikd (840 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
New game anyone?
Haven't seen a good, relaxed World map lately so here's one. Any takers?
9 replies
wfguiteau (373 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
We gotta do something about players dropping
There is nothing more annoying than playing a 2 day deadline with 6 players who are on the ball, and then one guy who decides to drop the game. There has to be a bigger penalty for dropping out of games. I think it's really poor form to drop a game without good reason, so maybe there should be a way to just drop a game and take the penalty.
29 replies
Maniac (189 D(B))
03 Jan 11 UTC
No to self regulation of the forum
See inside
32 replies
mrlentz (0 DX)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Live game sitter?
Family emergency -- need to go in 20. message me if you have can do this at all.
4 replies
Commander Keen (127 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
New players just can't play....
Please tel me how to break this vicious circle...
23 replies
Dan Wang (1194 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
NEW Gunboat 20 points PPSC anonymous 24 hour phases
0 replies
☺ (1304 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Draw/Pause/Cancel in Gunboat
I'd like some gunboat enthusiasts' opinions on this...
13 replies
mathieuportelance (115 D)
05 Jan 11 UTC
Monte Cassino 7
I don't know if it's the web site or if it's my computer but it was impossible to me to play in the game that I create ? Every time I refresh there was no change and I come back at the first phase.

Can you help me please?
3 replies
Hellenic Riot (1626 D(G))
04 Jan 11 UTC
Ipod diplomacy
I noticed that while using my iPod to go on this site I cannot scroll in the chat boxes with each this fixable?
7 replies
Ges (292 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
Favorite Classic Territory?
Some territories are just more fun to own than others, be it for strategic value or "nyah nyah" effect on other players. I love Serbia, since it gives you an SC and can impact so many crucial Balkan provinces without being touched by the many navies swarming about the Med and Black Sea. Anyone else have sentimental favorites?
13 replies
Dan Wang (1194 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
Gunboat 20 points PPSC anonymous 24 hour phases
1 reply
Babak (26982 D(B))
04 Jan 11 UTC
Diplomacy World #112 is out - lots of "Russia" articles
The Winter 2010 Issue of Diplomacy World, #112, is now available for download from
9 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
03 Jan 11 UTC
There's been a lot of talk about self-moderated forums lately.
And that's fine. I'm at peace with idea. But since we are supposed to moderate ourselves, I'd like this forum to consider a proposal or two.
46 replies
Troodonte (3379 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
Kizomba - game over
Thanks everyone for playing this game that I dedicate to a friend.
2 replies
Triumvir (1193 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
Question from a Noob
I see a lot of Full Press games and a lot of Gunboat, but do people every play with global messaging only?
10 replies
peter25 (0 DX)
04 Jan 11 UTC
new game 58 points join please
0 replies
warsprite (152 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
The most important scifi story every told. What do you think is the most important scifi story every told? I'm assuming this means the impact on society, not personal favorate, best, or most realistic. I'd have to say Star Trek. The 1960s series not only spawned new series and several movies, inspired many scientist and enginers and innovators, and affected peoples veiws of the world.
73 replies
aodshark (149 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
24 hour classic game needs three
ID#: 45869
Title: The Continental
Password: champagne
0 replies
Scallywag (0 DX)
04 Jan 11 UTC

5 replies
Draugnar (0 DX)
20 Dec 10 UTC
A tough decision, but I have to make it...
This is supposed to be a joyous and caring time of the year, so why do I keep feeling persecuted... Maybe because I am.

More inside...
210 replies
Triumvir (1193 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
24 hour classic game
Details inside
3 replies
Dan Wang (1194 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
Gunboat 30 points PPSC anonymous 24 hour phases
1 reply
hellalt (113 D)
23 Dec 10 UTC
Southeastern European Tm Fiesta Game
The upcoming winners of the World Cup would like to celebrate their certain victory with a special fiesta game.
It will be wta, 20 D, 36hrs/turn, full press, NOT anon.
64 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
02 Jan 11 UTC
What games involve skills vital to diplomacy.
If one was to hone one's diplo skills by playing other games, what would those games be?
70 replies
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