A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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IKE (3845 D)
04 Jan 11 UTC
Fog of war gunbot
On Oli. Annon gunboat 25 D 24 hr phase.
0 replies
President Eden (2750 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
6 replies
Bob Genghiskhan (1243 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
Our host is apparently a Stephen Fry fan

And no, Kestas, that wasn't especially tricky camera work. Gridiron is a confusing game.
16 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
And everyone who posts below this is hereby a fool, a moron, or an attention-seeking whore!
9 replies
Hellenic Riot (1626 D(G))
03 Jan 11 UTC
Why can a fleet go into Memphis on the Anc Med....
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djbent (2572 D(S))
21 Dec 10 UTC
i would like to play a game
or two. anyone up for one?

between now and saturday, i can only do live games. i can play a real, serious, high or not pot, anon or not, game probs starting around the 2nd or 3rd. any takers? been missing diplomacy, glad to see things are still so vibrant here.
57 replies
Paulsalomon27 (731 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
In which I propose a new sort of Diplomacy, an official metagame.
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theVerve (100 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
Site needs a Chatroom? Discuss....
Just found myself refreshing the Forum as fast as a 5 min live game and it occurred to me that something didn't feel quite right for 2011...
25 replies
Maniac (189 D(B))
02 Jan 11 UTC
Alternative Player of the Year Awards.
Nominations are now open.
51 replies
basvanopheusden (2176 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
one rule: no double posting
9 replies
☺ (1304 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
Statistics Spreadsheet
14 replies
charlesf (100 D)
18 Dec 10 UTC
What webDiplomacy really needs...
I very much miss multilateral negotiations here. Next to global broadcasts and bilateral correspondence, there ought to be the option to adress several (but not all) players at once. It's a very basic and very necessary feature that all Diplomacy judges have. webDiplomacy really needs to up its game on that one.
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peterwiggin (15158 D)
30 Dec 10 UTC
really random . . . but I also miss being able to send press to myself.
spyman (424 D(G))
30 Dec 10 UTC
You can, but you you need to alter the URL - each power has its own number. For example, CountryID=0 is global press, 1 is England, 2 is France etc. Change the URL to yours and the message you type will only be visible by you.
peterwiggin (15158 D)
30 Dec 10 UTC
It just doesn't display the tab! nifty
figlesquidge (2131 D)
30 Dec 10 UTC
I'd forgotten about that little trick. I used it quite
figlesquidge (2131 D)
30 Dec 10 UTC
a lot when i was sitting for people - with reminders on what they want me to do etc. Only trouble is when they take over again remembering to mark them all as 'read', or the owner gets really confused!
kestasjk (64 DMod(P))
31 Dec 10 UTC
> 1) implementing a GM option would be an AWESOME addition. What would it take,
> what would be the process and time line for this idea to be operational on webdip? IF
> you decided to adopt it?
Depends on the specifics. The easiest/quickest way to approach it would be to have the GM be the game's creator, for private games only, and with the power to pause, unpause, and draw games.
Things that we might want to add to it, but which would make it harder, (in ascending order of estimated difficulty) would be:
- Making it clear from the interface who is the GM
- Allowing moderators to assign/unassign GMs
- Allowing the GM to kick players
- Adding an interface to let GMs easily see the games they're controlling from the home page
- Logging GM actions
- Allowing the GM to not be a member of the game
- Multiple GMs per game
- Allowing GMs to manipulate the board

What would be much quicker and easier would be an option to pause on NMR

> 2) gray press would ADD to the original game...
I don't dispute that :-o

The thing about writing messages to yourself also made me think that perhaps it could be reused for gray press.. The downside is a lack of elegance and you couldn't use it for taking notes in a gray press game, the upside is the ease of implementation and built-in efficiency from it not needing to change any indexes or add any flags

> 3) PPSC. I have long since given up trying to convince you on this. it is a cost/benefit
> analysis where our definitions of cost and benefit differ greatly
Fair enough, I can see the case for it and understand having a preference, but it is the default here for good reasons and as the Calhamer article shows claims (from others) that this site isn't a real Diplomacy site on the basis of our (default) scoring system are absurd
orathaic (1009 D(B))
31 Dec 10 UTC
"Depends on the specifics. The easiest/quickest way to approach it would be to have the GM be the game's creator, for private games only, and with the power to pause, unpause, and draw games.
- Making it clear from the interface who is the GM
- Allowing the GM to not be a member of the game"

I have to admit it's very useful being a moderator and pausing/unpausing games i'm in (especially when i've recruited people i know in real life and with people having very intermittent net access over the holidays)

@kestas on 3.

can you recommend a database program, so i can do a statistical analysis of PPSC vs WTA games on this site. Every time i try opening up the database on my home computer it freezes as loading a 1gig database into memory is what my stupid program tries to do...
Sleepcap (100 D)
31 Dec 10 UTC
IMHO important for GM:
- Allowing the GM to not be a member of the game
- Making it clear from the interface who is the GM
- Let the GM read and view all chat of the game (PM and global)

I'm experimenting with adding a "dummy-member" to the chatbox-class (add during __construct, remove during __destruct) and you can send him a message that he forwards. all: means it's posted in global, countryname: means it's forward to the given country. Reusing the players coutry-tab should be even easier.
Babak (26982 D(B))
31 Dec 10 UTC
Kestas, other important GM powers would be assigning countries, re-setting time, CDing an existing player (allows for replacement wo NMR), and I do think a 'GM' tab would probably be needed to communicate with the players. Also, I'm taking it as a given that the GM would not be IN the game... he/she'd be an "8th" person.

Will write some other thoughts later when I have time. =) thanks for the responses
Sleepcap (100 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
Made a GreyPress variant for the Classic game.
You can give it a try (and help debugging) @

kestasjk (64 DMod(P))
03 Jan 11 UTC
@orathaic: Hmm, Im not sure. I think excel might work if you can get the data into CSV style. Other than that I think it has to be SQL crunching, which MySQL&phpMyAdmin or SQL Server Express etc are fine for (but if you know SQL you'd probably already have chosen)
I'm no stats buff anyway, that's why I've always hoped someone else would come along to analyze our data

@SleepCap: I'm really looking forward to PHP 5.3 being ubiquitous, because it does make these sorts of things easier. Anonymous functions would let these sorts of things get bolted on top of the variant layer with much more flexibility

@Babak: Sounds like it'd be quite a bit of work, probably no easy quick fix to add on the functionality people say the GM would need, I'd need to give it more thought though
figlesquidge (2131 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
@Ora - MySQL would be a very good option. You can set it up in minutes with XAMMP

132 replies
☺ (1304 D)
03 Jan 11 UTC
Does anyone know...
... If, using Windows Live SkyDrive, if I have permissions set such that anyone can view a spreadsheet, will they be able to edit a pivot table?
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☺ (1304 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
Quantitative Easing

Has anyone seen this yet? This is fantastic.
1 reply
mykemosabe (151 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
why can't I play any more??
I singed up for a live game. 8 min. befor it started, my computer compleatly died. I got my laptop out,but couldn't get on line until spring 1902. put in orders which went through. then all my games went to 533 days until ,my next move including my live game...HELP!!!
8 replies
Dan Wang (1194 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
Gunboat 30 points PPSC anonymous 24 hour phases
1 reply
Fasces349 (0 DX)
02 Jan 11 UTC
best Allaince Openings
A while ago there was a thread called this that had some pretty cool allainces posted. Can anyone link me to that thread, as I want to try some of them out.
0 replies
TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
2010 Player of the Year
As some of you recall, I released a series of stats last year, as an unofficial player of the year award, using the data I get for Ghost-Rating.

Here is the 2010 version. (If someone formats it with links by each player's name I would be really grateful)
90 replies
Crazyter (1335 D(G))
31 Dec 10 UTC
Please recommend other games
I am thinking seriously of taking a break from dip. The cut-throat stabbing is really taking its toll...
44 replies
TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
New Ghost=Rating lists up
Same stuff as usual, January list & All-time lists are up.
22 replies
figlesquidge (2131 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
3 replies
Tolstoy (1962 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
Motivational Quotes
Anyone have any favorites? The Calvin Coolidge quote I have on my desk about persistence utterly failed to motivate me in 2010 and needs replacing.
11 replies
anlari (8640 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
Is there a way to colour Crete / Sardinia?
Is there?
8 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
27 Dec 10 UTC
This Time On Philosophy Weekly: Picard And Sisko Argue Ethics--Ends vs. Means!
We started to have a debate about this in the last topical post, so I thought I'd give it the full attention it deserves, since it IS one of greatest dilemmas in all of ethical thought and conduct. And, luckily enough we have two GREAT advocates for the opposing positions: Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Benjamin Sisko! ;) So, as a fun end of the year discussion, if ends DO justify the means, to what extent, and if they DON'T...then what IS justifiable?
203 replies
Dan Wang (1194 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
Gunboat 40 points PPSC anonymous 24 hour phases
1 reply
peterwiggin (15158 D)
02 Jan 11 UTC
School of War Winter 2011 Opening DIscussion
There's no reason we can't all learn something while we wait for the first game to start.
9 replies
butterhead (90 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
Good old Classic game...
Lets get back to the Basics of Diplomacy...
12 hour phases, 5 D, Anon... just a regular map...
17 replies
ComradeGrumbles (0 DX)
02 Jan 11 UTC
Attack! by Eagle Games... any other players out there?
Are there any other players out there who enjoy Eagle Games' "Attack!"? I was wondering if anyone had any cool adjusted house rules for it.
0 replies
JECE (1253 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
Happy New Year!
January 1 is the deadline to apply to Wesleyan University, the Little Ivy with no supplement! I encourage all you poor high school seniors to apply!
2 replies
bartdogg42 (1285 D)
01 Jan 11 UTC
Interested in a 48-hr Anon 101 pt game?
I'd love to get together some good players and start a couple games along with the new year. Seems like a good time to start playing dip again!
1 reply
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