The full press and FvA bots will be offline on the 10th and 11th. Apologies for the inconvenience.

A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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thedayofdays (95 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Leisurely Playing the Game of Diplomacy
Perhaps it's just me, but do some people take this game way too seriously? Here I am, playing Diplomacy for fun, countlessly running into people, other players, that I can't help but to assume have a dictionary nearby whenever they play the game. Intimidation via vernacular, if you will. And to be honest, I find this concept incredibly humorous. Anybody else?
16 replies
Ges (292 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Pick up Italy in a locked 24 hr low-stakes WTA game?

Italy is at 7 SCs but about to hit 5. The players in the game have been very dependable -- no other NMRs up to 1905. A good bet for a decent player who enjoys negotiation. The password is playfair.
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samdaman02 (100 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Guys please join cool! the game..
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rayNimagi (375 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Need 1 More Player for Newbie Game
See inside
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IKE (3845 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Today is my web dip birthday
I just turned 2 and have not learned a damn thing yet. Maybe when I'm 3 I will know how to play this game:)
Happy birthday to anyone else who has the same web dip birthday.
14 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
This Time On Philosophy Weekly: "Will you be kind enough to justify your existence?"
The above quote is from my SECOND-favorite playwright of all-time (we ALL know who my favorite is) Mr. George Bernard Shaw, who was staunchly of the opinion that life SHOULD have a purpose, and that if it didn't...well, he didn't look kindly on that, but let's focus on the positive--IS there such a thing as "purpose/justifying your existence?" Is it granted naturally, or obtained? Can it be lost? WHAT IS IT? And if there IS no justification for existence...what THEN?
1 reply
Baskineli (100 D(B))
30 Jan 11 UTC
Anonymous games are evil - discuss
I consider FTF Diplomacy to be the purest. When playing FTF, you often know who are the players you are playing against, you know their history and how they play. This allows a more intricate diplomacy. By playing anonymous games on WebDiplomacy, we ignore the most fundamental side of FTF Diplomacy - history.
63 replies
Indybroughton (3407 D(G))
30 Jan 11 UTC
PPSC v WTA: A top 100 GR player fails to understand the controversy around 17 17 games
As so eloquently stated in a post yesterday, "PPSC is NOT a gentleman's game. PPSC isn't anything good."

Please elaborate. I promise a good faith attempt to try to understand why PPSC games are inherently evil.
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centurion1 (1478 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
thats scummy indy you metagame and i refuse to play with you if granted the opportunity.
Indybroughton (3407 D(G))
31 Jan 11 UTC
Actually, I'm for enjoying the game - in all its diversity, with all its variants - and not obsessing over WTA vs PPSC.... what is "pure Diplomacy"... what is the strict definition of metagaming....

But when folks argue about "the goal of diplomacy is" and "whether going for an intentional 17 17 is 'right' or 'wrong" ....surely they are referencing "how the game was MEANT to be played". And if they want to make that the standard on which they judge the one and only true way Dip should be played...then surely the intent of the person who created the game...would be the driving piece of data in that argument.

Having said that, I agree, AC's quote didn't say "attack the highest rated player at the beginning of the game". And I don't actually do that - for me, it's much more about compatibility with a potential ally. BUT having said that....Any ultra-competitive player in Hearts or Cosmic or other games....tends to try to deal with and favor the less capable players...and target the best player...from hand one.... Is there any cut-throat Hearts player here that will tell me that when playing against a shark and two medium sized fish, they won't immediately target the shark, even if the two medium fish are a little bit ahead??
SacredDigits (102 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
I generally, in Diplomacy, will join up with the most competent looking person in the short term. And I do similar things in Hearts. If I feel I can drop a bunch of points on anyone and make the game end while still pretty confident in my lead, I will. Because you don't want to be the nail that sticks its head up either.

You know the competent person is a danger to reverse the flow, so you mark him for it.

I don't really think it's a creator intent issue, I think it's more of...everybody likes to play the way they've always played and thinks their way is right.
Maniac (189 D(B))
31 Jan 11 UTC
@Indy - "Based on this, he would have supported not only ganging up on the current leader, but at the beginning of the game, when no one was ahead," - you seem to be drawing inferences where none exist
Alderian (2425 D(S))
01 Feb 11 UTC
@Draugnar, regarding your first response, I did say "more than likely".

But regarding your second response, I have to disagree. If you are setting up a grand alliance and some putz doesn't do his part right, that's your fault too. When I'm trying to stop a solo I discuss with each other person what we need to do, down to the necessary moves. If I have to, I'll outright tell them what to do, but in a diplomatic way of course.

As an example, in what I believe was my last survive, we had a 5 way alliance against Italy. I was Russia. Austria was in Portugal and France had 4 or 5 centers. We had the stalemate and then Italy pulled back to give France the chance to take out Austria. But Italy moved back at the same time and France took out Austria yes, but broke the stalemate line in doing so and Italy won the next year. While I told France not to do it, I should have pointed out how to do it and not break the line if possible.

I was Russia and France fucked it up, but by my book, I fucked it up too. Don't give me any "it was someone else's fault" crap. I'm not buying.

In any case, this is just my opinion and is very different from what we have now so doesn't even really matter that much, take it for what you will.
Alderian (2425 D(S))
01 Feb 11 UTC
Oh, and one more thing. Again with what I'm suggesting is not something to compare penis sizes. It is a raw measure of your experience. So if someone solos and you survive and it really was completely not your fault, tough. Play another game and you'll be fine.

I'm talking about the system only showing if you are an Apprentice (0-4 exp), Journeyman (5-19 exp), or Master (20+) or something like that. Just enough to tell if a person has experience playing here without telling you how bad or good they are.

A ratings system changes how the game is played, so I'd rather not have it at all. Points were meant to help with CDs, but there are other ways to deal with that, such as a no-NMR option.
figlesquidge (2131 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Those who want number of completed games to form 'rank' - how would you feel if you'd already been playing Dip for years and years?
Draugnar (0 DX)
01 Feb 11 UTC
@Alderian - Sorry if I offended you. I can see your point of view, but I've had plenty of games were n00bs were convinced to give away the win because they didn't understand the rules and would hate to see someone take a hit for that. But you are right. If you take a little one point hit, so what.

Ironically, you're better off eliminated than surviving a solo...
Alderian (2425 D(S))
01 Feb 11 UTC
@fig, I'd use charlesf as an example. He played PBEM for years, came here excited, and left presumably frustrated. Just because you've played for years elsewhere doesn't mean you'll be good or happy playing here. And look at the scale I suggested. It won't take long to get into a decent neighborhood.

@Draug, pfft, not offended at all, we're just having a fun little discussion here. Actually, I'm not even sure what I said that lead you to think I might have been offended. If you feel like mentioning it, feel free to PM, I'd rather not clutter it up here.

And yes, can't put too much blame on the first guy out for what happens after that. Granted someone may give the game away on their way out, but I'm not trying to be perfect, just trying to get a sense of a webdip player's webdip experience.

Although maybe just separating the PPSC and WTA game stats would do that well enough. Still leaves some people playing based on the rating system rather than just playing the damn game.
Draugnar (0 DX)
01 Feb 11 UTC
@Figle - That applies to a lot of things in life. I've been autocross racing for years but would still have to qualify for a rookie spot if I wanted to race in one of the historic classes at Watkin's Glen or something. It's the price of joining a community - you have to earn your stripes.

100 replies
Alderian (2425 D(S))
29 Jan 11 UTC
In memory of charlesf
charlesf appeared on the webdip scene on December 10th of 2010. He had one bad game experience so came to the forum to both talk about how this site could be better and to get a better quality game going.

He was last seen on January 10th of 2011 when he had the audacity to leave his country in Civil Disorder in that game.
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dgtroop53no (0 DX)
31 Jan 11 UTC
last person to post wins
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Hermes (100 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
1 slot left!
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Hermes (100 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
New Live Game starts at 9pm GMT
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centurion1 (1478 D)
30 Jan 11 UTC
how to lose a game.

sweet mother of jesus your name suits you quite well.
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djbent (2572 D(S))
31 Jan 11 UTC
live game today (mon jan 31) at 10am eastern?
i know i should post this in the live games thread, but oh well.
i would like to play a quality live game today at about 10am eastern (4pm spanish time, in about 3 hours) -- classic, small pot, anonymous or not, full press. any takers?
13 replies
Furball (237 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
Diplomacy: Best approach?
I'd just like to discuss about how to approach in compromise and resolve through diplomacy. I'd like to know your guys opinions about what you think is the best form of diplomacy.

I'd also like to ask your guys opinions about what basis you guys form when creating an alliance. As in, do you guys form rules to be kept when you guys make an alliance?
21 replies
MadMarx (36299 D(G))
24 Jan 11 UTC
WACcon (Seattle) 2011
Dumbass of the Tournament Award: MadMarx
66 replies
Serioussham (446 D)
27 Jan 11 UTC
One last game.
A dynamic game would be nice.
15 replies
airborne (154 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
My First Commentary
The quality should be better going to fix those issues soon I hope.
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Troodonte (3379 D)
27 Jan 11 UTC
Another Big Pot Gunboat
Post your interest and conditions
It will be Anonymous and WTA. Buy-in > 200 D (to discuss).
36h (to discuss) with COMMITMENT TO FINALIZE (this is important!).
70 replies
The Czech (39938 D(S))
30 Jan 11 UTC
Anyone up for Live gunboats?
30 replies
Tolstoy (1962 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
The Revolution WILL Be Televised
22 replies
Kingdroid (219 D)
30 Jan 11 UTC
Maybe this should be deleted? lol
8 replies
basvanopheusden (2176 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Why can’t I surrender?
My proposal: let players vote for resignation, and if everyone agrees, the game ends.
28 replies
iMurk789 (100 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
just wondering if anybody else on webdip enjoys the scrumptious online action of this game
10 replies
gunboat in the ancient med!
join epicicity, the epic game of epicness!48548
0 replies
gunboat in the ancient med!
join epicicity, the epic game of epicness!
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idealist (680 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
Resolved: Democracy flourishes through compromise
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SkitchNM (100 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
I think I've played way too much Diplomacy lately
Every time I watch the news, I can't help but think: Egypt has gone into CD!
12 replies
Hermes (100 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Quick game - who's up for it?
Name is going to be blitznacht. 5 mins turns. just want to get used to online game mechanics.
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wfguiteau (373 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
New game, serious discussion

I'm looking for six more players who would be interested in a game with long-ish deadlines and ample banter. If you're interested, let me know. The long deadlines are designed to give you no excuse for dropping, as well as to communicate a lot. If you're not down with this, the game's not for you.
11 replies
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