A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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orathaic (1009 D(B))
14 Feb 15 UTC
New rules: On Rational Discussion

Will anyone second?
3 replies
ssorenn (0 DX)
13 Feb 15 UTC
WTA FP 25 Hour
whos interested?
2.chibli alex
17 replies
nicolasdranny100 (0 DX)
14 Feb 15 UTC
Buy Real /Novelty Passports,id cards,visas,drivers license
Purchase Real and Novelty Passports,id cards,visas,drivers license ,Permits for all countries ([email protected]) +237-673-971-112
3 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
13 Feb 15 UTC
Pure Gunboat

The best idea or the worst idea? Sign up below to find out!
32 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
04 Feb 15 UTC
Singular They

So, you was once exclusively plural? Who knew?
230 replies
Zach0805 (100 D)
04 Feb 15 UTC
Burned Jordanian Pilot alive.
Thoughts on this Tragic Incident.
199 replies
redhouse1938 (429 D)
13 Feb 15 UTC
This week's Minsk agreement on the Ukrainian conflicts
Please post any thoughts you have here, will post my own soon.
9 replies
dipplayer2004 (1310 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Atheist murders religious people.
126 replies
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
27 Jan 15 UTC
The Leagues 2015 Signup Thread
Back in November I did a sort of straw poll among you all, and the Leagues was the one with the most votes, so this is the one I shall be bringing back this winter. Signups will close on Sunday Feb 1st after the Super Bowl.

Info can be found here:
170 replies
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
12 Feb 15 UTC
They're remaking the Man From UNCLE
I feel like this might be relevant to your interests:
0 replies
naked (4955 D)
12 Feb 15 UTC
How to get a random country ?
I have 6 games right now on this site, with France (3), Italy (2) and austria (1). Just stepped out of 2 other games simply because i got every time France. There was no preselection. It is simply getting boring.
29 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
12 Feb 15 UTC
The Key
The key lepanto, of course.

Why are people so belligerent toward a key lepanto? I am yet to find a player that is actually open and receptive to it. Speaking from Austria's perspective, do Italian players simply not have the willpower not to stab?
46 replies
tvrocks (388 D)
12 Feb 15 UTC
Average iqs
I'm curious about what the average Web dipper iq is. Mine is over 9000, however, as I would be an outlier I will just go with my iq as being 135. Please post.
42 replies
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
10 Feb 15 UTC
Have you delved too deep?
At what point have you reached a part of the internet when you begin to question your existence for seeing whatever page you're on? Where you see the page and just go "What?.....why?" might have done it for me.
16 replies
King Atom (100 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Jon Stewart Announces Abdication
Post messages of regret, and sympathies for those suffering this tragic loss of life.

Also, who can recall the funniest daily show quotes?
13 replies
KingCyrus (511 D)
12 Feb 15 UTC
Please Help Me Explain
I am having a slight problem with an ally. Please help me explain a rule about supports.

If a unit is attacked, REGARDLESS if they have any sort of support hold, they may not perform any sort of support themselves.
8 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
11 Feb 15 UTC
Jeb Bush releases all emails as Governor...
Including SSN, medical information, and other personal data of thousands of citizens. Thoughts?
21 replies
VashtaNeurotic (2394 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
Hopefully the title isn't too close to another this time, but it really would help site organization if we had a thread dedicated to advertising replacements on the forum. Let's see if this works.
9 replies
Justin.tang92618 (19 DX)
12 Feb 15 UTC
Advertise any games here
Here you will post any games so that people can join.
3 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Who's Got the Sexist Accents? Most of Us Here, That's Who (Apparently) I like that just generic "British" and "American" accents are #1 and #2...because of course Brooklynites, Cajuns, Angelinos and Minnesotans (doncha know!) sound completely the do *insert topical English counterparts. But hey, on the bright side, US and UK Webdippers...we've got the sexiest accents around (not you Canadian players, though...not even in the Top 10, eh?) :p
16 replies
Byng6 (243 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Better Call
Hey everyone. I am trying to start a North American map game. Full disclosure three of the players do know each other (Byng6, Hydraheart & Timmler). We like playing together and do not necessarily align. There is nothing more fun than destroying my friends :) So if you do not have a problem with this join the below game:
Password = saul
0 replies
bbanks2504 (0 DX)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Join our game and make our dreams come true!
Hi everyone,
A small group of us want to get a World War game going. Join us (!
0 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
05 Feb 15 UTC
Vaccination Law

California is considering stricter vaccination requirements, but evidently they are also considering the continuation of a religious exemption, which renders this law useless..
154 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
11 Feb 15 UTC
Excellent article: what is 'othering'
17 replies
Jamiet99uk (1302 D)
02 Feb 15 UTC
God: Utterly evil, capricious and monstrous

445 replies
Zach0805 (100 D)
04 Feb 15 UTC
Chris Kyle Day
Last Monday was Chris Kyle Day in Texas. Obama hasn't said a word about his death last year but orders flags flown at half mast for Whitney Houston who died of Cocaine. I went on and looked up Chris Kyle. Here's what I got;
196 replies
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
You can now mark messages as unread
You're welcome.
39 replies
grking (100 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Learning a Language
Read below
14 replies
yassem (2533 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
How about using WebSocket instead of HTTP?
I am wondering about the cons of using WebSocket...
yassem (2533 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
I know this should rather be posted as a suggestion, but I am really curious about the opinions on such factors as efficiency, feasibility etc. (I just started working on my own simple browser-based game for my friend and I want to learn from the experience of other sites)

SO: Why does webDip. stick with HTTP? I get that it is much easier, but especially in case of very short phase games a two way conversation with the server could be really great. Not only wouldn't you have to refresh every 15 seconds to see if the next turn started (due to everyone's ready) and the messages could be instant...
So the gains are obvious, how about some cons?
Sherincall (338 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
Are you gonna spend the time implementing it? Or pay the devs?
yassem (2533 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
As in in case of webdip or my game?
In my game I am considering learning how to program it - I am using
In case of webdip I assume the developers can figure it out : D
ghug (5068 D(B))
09 Feb 15 UTC
I'll let A_Tin_Can give you an official answer, but I think it really comes down to the fact that the site's code base is old and we've never had more than one dev (it was effectively zero for quite a while until a few months ago). A live press interface is definitely on the to do list, but it's a long list, and there are a lot of higher priority items on that list that would take a lot less time and energy to get working.
yassem (2533 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
Oh - Ok, good to know. So there isn't a real con to that, except for the fact that it take time and effort, good to know. May I ask whether you plan to use WebSocket or some more complex implementations of HTTP?
ghug (5068 D(B))
09 Feb 15 UTC
That's something the actual dev (A_Tin_Can) would have to answer. I'm not well versed in the intricacies of internet protocols.
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
Ghug has it absolutely right. The primary reasons we don't use something like websockets are:

1) Websockets weren't widely supported when webdip was first written - I haven't checked, but it's possible that websockets didn't even exist then.

2) Changing to websockets would be a lot of work. It's a pretty big change- in addition to the new code, it would also require substantial changes to the way phase change/message notifications work internally.

That said, something that allows instant messaging and phase changes without refreshing the page is actually on the long term todo list. It would dramatically improve the live game experience.

With any feature changes, a big part of the development time is spent on testing. If we change the way notifications and message work, it would have to be 100% right before it was released for all gams. In addition to the testing during development, It would probably spend some time as a "beta live game" mode before being made permanent for all games.

tl;dr: For historical reasons, and because it would be a lot of work to change.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
09 Feb 15 UTC
I tried and then got bored, because i could make neither heads nor tails of the code base.
yassem (2533 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
Yeah, I know the problem with trying to improve something that already works, let alone fixing an existing code : D
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
Orath: To get started with notifications, you want to look at the send* methods of objects/members.php and for messages, you'll want to look at lib/gamemessage.php. There'll probably be misc changes in board/member.php. For the phase change, you'd need a hook in the process() method on the game class.

Note that this change would be substantial - it's probably not a good candidate for a first change.

Having worked with the code for a while, I can say this is probably the cleanest large PHP project I've yet worked with. In general, it's very easy to maintain and make changes, and the code layout is very nice. Like any large project, it all seems wrong at first, of course :)

In this case, though, we'd be changing the code to do something that it definitely wasn't intended to do. It's a difficult change, and would require a lot of thought to keep the code as clean as it currently is. For those reasons, I really don't recommend it as a first change.
yebellz (729 D(G))
10 Feb 15 UTC
Looks like websockets weren't even standardized until 2011, and the webDip code base predates that by several years.

Also, using websockets is not the only way to implement asynchronous communication with the server (i.e., for getting messages and game state changes immediately without having to refresh the page).

AJAX techniques could accomplish the basically same thing (at least from the user perspective), although there are technical differences in what's going on behind the scenes (e.g., long polling vs a true push).

Here is an interesting discussion on the topic of AJAX vs websockets:

However, just as with switching over to websockets, adopting AJAX techniques would probably require a similarly huge development effort involving modification of several core components.
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
^I agree with this.

I think the hard part is not which technology we use - the effort is in the (re)design for the necessary changes, and in testing.
yebellz (729 D(G))
10 Feb 15 UTC
Note: webDip already does use some AJAX techniques, but this is limited to the situation of submitting orders. However, broadening the usage of AJAX for other features would still require a huge amount of work, probably on the order of practically rewriting several core components.
yassem (2533 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
Sure, Ajax is one of the possibilities for polling, but isn't that generally considered soon-to-be outdated? The effect for the user is the same, but the efficiency is much lower, isn't it. Nevertheless, I do understand the problems with implementation.
yassem (2533 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
Outdated as in polling technique, not AJAX of course
yebellz (729 D(G))
10 Feb 15 UTC

*LONG* Polling, Comet, etc. are not the same thing as simple, repetitive polling. Basically, within the wide array of techniques that get thrown under the "AJAX" label, there are various methods that fairly effectively emulate the responsiveness and efficiency of server pushes.

Here is a page that might help explain things:

I would also recommend looking more into the wide breadth of AJAX techniques. AJAX isn't simply one method, but rather a catch-all label that has been applied to a wide variety of techniques.
Check out wikipedia and various tutorials on the web that you can find via google.

As for "efficiency" ... performance (latency, throughput, etc.) considerations are just one part of the larger set of design considerations that have to be made for choosing a solution. Client-side support, network/server support, and ease of integration into other frameworks are just some of the many of other design considerations that need to be made. For example, would a tiny fraction of second difference in message latency really matter for webDip? Or would it be more important to ensure that the feature works across more clients/networks?

Maybe you overlooked this link that I posted above, which explores some of the pros/cons of AJAX vs websockets:

In regards to AJAX vs websockets, you have to weigh these design considerations to figure out what might work best for you application/context. It would be foolish to simply say that one is objectively better than the other.

TL;DR: Read the discussion in two links that I posted above.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
11 Feb 15 UTC
Long polling is awesome and easy to implement on the client side... But I don't like it as a server-side solution, because I don't know how to create a single thread to handle all the open connections... You end up with one process per page, and it just builds and builds... At least in php, I don't know how to pass a open connection to a list waiting for messages.

Not sure about a websocket alternative...

17 replies
King Atom (100 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
Any Poli Sci geeks around?
Hi, it's been a while. The political science department at my school can be dead sometimes and I've been looking to bounce some ideas around. I don't know why, but I remembered this site and thought there might be a few of you around with some interest for discussion. I know that for the most part, the discussion on this site is news/opinion based, but I don't know what kind of theory backgrounds some of you might have...
41 replies
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