M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread - HIDDEN

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M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread - HIDDEN

#1 Post by worcej » Fri Oct 23, 2020 3:30 pm

Mafia 61 - The Mastermind's Revenge

GMs: worcej, Donny Dude
Deadlines: 2 PM PST US
Day length: 48 hours
Night length: 24 hours
Start: Monday, October 26, 2 PM PST US


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game (for the town majority) is to kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game.

For more information on how this game works, please click here.


0. The GMs reserve the right to adjudicate individual scenarios that arise during the course of the game at their discretion.
1. All players must vote at least once per game day and make two posts per day phase. There are no posting requirements for the night phase.
2. All players are forbidden from posting screenshots or text contents of ANY game-related communications.
3. All players are forbidden from using encryption, i.e. if you are going to communicate in code, it cannot be code that is only decipherable via a third party decryption service.
4. All players are forbidden from using non-sanctioned PMing.
5. All spectators and players who have been eliminated are forbidden from posting on all comment threads related to the game.
6. All players are forbidden from cheating.
7. All players are required to play to win.
8. Players and/or teams may not concede the game in public.
9. All players are allowed to +1 other player posts. +1ing GM posts is not only encouraged, but there is a 50% chance that the first faction to +1 the GMs 50 times wins.
10. All players must follow the typical webDiplomacy rules and forum rules.
11. Any issues, concerns, or complaints should be directed toward the GMs only. For concerns that require escalation beyond the GMs, contact the mafia council (AKA: dargorygel, the resident dinosaur) .
12. Violations of these rules may carry a penalty at the discretion of the GMs and the mafia council.


The penalty for breaking one of the above rules is decided at the GM’s discretion, up to and including immediate removal/modkill and/or sanctions from future games. Removal and/or sanction are instruments of last resort and will be used only if absolutely necessary. Sanctions such as future bans will be determined by the consensus of the active player base after the game has concluded. A player removed from the game may or may not have their role revealed on removal, depending on the circumstances surrounding their removal.


Spamming (defined as excessive content-free posting, excessive posting regarding subjects irrelevant to the game, over-sized posts that are not relevant to game, or quoting over-sized posts that are not relevant to the game) is not subject to mod-kill by rule in this game, but the GM reserves the right under Rule 0 to sanction any particularly egregious examples. The in-game voting mechanic exists to curb any advantage that spamming as a tactic may confer; please reference the “VOTING” section below for more information.

Players that have other participants on their mute (or "foes") list are asked to remove them for the duration of this game. Disputes stemming from outside of this game should not carry over into the gameplay. If they do, the GM reserves the right to address these issues and potentially remove or sanction players if it becomes a disruption.

If a player is silenced on the forum by the site moderators/admins, an alternate will take their place for the duration of their silence, where possible. The silenced player will, on their return to polite society, then have the option to take their position back over or leave it in the hands of the alternate. As long as the silence does not stem from actions involving the Mafia thread, there will be no in-game sanctions for a forum silence.

A player wishing to drop out may be replaced at the GM's discretion. Individuals wishing to serve as potential replacements must NOT join the out-of-game God QT. Replacement is not guaranteed.

If you have any actions to take, please PM your action the GMs. Mafia's faction actions will be decided and assigned in their QT during night phases.


There are three types of voting within this game: collective voting to execute perceived Mafia in Day phases, collective voting to end a Day phase, and Mafia faction actions.

Daykill vote: The first level of voting is for whom you intend to kill. Notate this vote with a pair of hash symbols before your intended vote target (e.g., ##VOTE bo_sox48). You do not need to spell out your intended target's username fully; as long as the GM can understand who you're referencing. However, if there is a player that the bot does not quite understand without being spelled out in full, it would be helpful for everyone if you could spell their name out in full when voting for them. In the event of a tie during a Daykill vote, no one shall be killed.

Note: The webdip mafia community has decided to make a concerted effort to stop using the word “lynch” to describe the day phase killing. There is currently no punishment for using that word as old habits die hard, but that may change in future games at the discretion of the GMs and the mafia council.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double hashtags your vote will not be counted, for reasons of fairness but also because it is unlikely the GM will see your vote using the CTRL+F feature and this rule thus prevents vote miscounts. Votes posted after EOD (as timestamped on the forum) will not be counted. The GM will endeavor to call the end of phase promptly, but in case of delay, players should cease posting.

Must Vote: At the end of the Day phase, all participating players MUST have their vote on a candidate, or "Unvote" if you don't want to eliminate anyone. “No-kill” will be counted as “Unvote.” In both cases, a majority of “Unvote” will result in no one being eliminated. Any player violating the Must Vote rule will be replaced or modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances.

Hammer Vote: The second level of voting is whether or not to employ the hammer mechanic. By default, days are set to 48 hours long, and nights are set to 24 hours; however, players may instead elect to activate the hammer mechanic. Notate this vote with a pair of hashes before the word end. (EX: ##END). The day will end as soon as a majority of players are voting to endhammer ON ANY TARGET. If you are not able to vote before the hammer is dropped, you will not be penalized for failing to vote during that day.

Mafia ‘Vote’: The third level of voting refers to Mafia members choosing their factional abilities. For M61, the mafia members will use their separate QuickTopic thread to discuss these abilities and how they are used. Please make your choices in bold, like so: ##kill bo_sox48 (<b>##kill bo_sox48</b>). Mafia faction actions per player will not be decided by a vote due to this games setup, so if an action is submitted by a player and not rescinded, which is distinguished by using the bold format described and saying something like <b>Cancel kill of bo_sox48</b>, then the action will be performed at the phase change.


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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#2 Post by worcej » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:10 pm

  1. bozotheclown
  2. bo_sox48
  3. Chaqa
  4. damo666
  5. dargorygel
  6. Durga
  7. Fluminator
  8. ghug
  9. Hamilton Brian
  10. Hellenic Riot
  11. Jamiet99uk
  12. kgray
  13. Macca573
  14. Maniac
  15. rdrivera2005
  16. seth24c
  17. teacon7
  18. Vecna
This game is a modified version of 'Small Steet', which is found here: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Small_Street

The game will have the following modifications:
  1. The game will start with our normal 48/24 phases, however you will not know your exact role (AKA: Your initial role PM will tell you your alignment) at the start of D1.
  2. The Pre-game phase will be the first 24 hours of D1, where the starting mafia members can discuss their options and purchases in the Mafia QT.
  3. If the mafia players choose to recruit an additional member, they will get to choose the person via votes using the voting mechanic - it will not be randomly assigned.
  4. The person who joins the mafia team will inherit a randomly selected role outside of the roles the mafia team purchase.
  5. The mafia cash balance can go negative, but if any mafia player is day-murdered-by-vote when the team has a negative balance, the entire mafia team loses the game and town immediately wins (unless an SK is present).
OVERALL PLAYER SETUP (at game start):
15 town
3 mafia
(18 total)

The roles are listed below and the cost for each role for the mafia team is in parenthesis at the end of the role.
  • Tree Stump (+2)
  • Fruit Vendor (If Mafia, can't be performed alongside a factional action) (+1)
  • Public Vanilla (is publicly confirmed not to have any power at the start of Day 1) (0)
  • 2-Shot Neighborizer (0)
  • 1-Shot Gladiator (0)
  • Voyeur (-2)
  • 1-Shot Follower (-3)
  • Even-Night Tracker (-4)
  • Odd-Night Tracker (-5)
  • Universal Backup (-5)
  • Non-consecutive Night Commuter (can't be performed alongside a factional action) (-5)
  • Modified Faith Healer (fails if both Faith Healers target the same person, 100% success rate otherwise) (-5)
  • 1-shot Night-Governor (target can't be voted next day) (-10)
  • Diarist (-10)
  • Modified Faith Healer (-15)
  • Vengeful (-25)
  • Restless Spirit (-35)
  • Double-voter (-45)
The mafia starting balance is set at 5*n, where n is the number of players. This balance will be changed over the course of the game and will be tracked in the Mafia QT, therefore it will be hidden from the main thread.

For this game, it is set at $90

  • Enable White Flag (Hidden) (+20)
  • Encrypt Day Chat (-10)
  • Recruit Additional Mafia Member (-80)
Each Mafia member can do their normal action (any action from their PR role) and a special faction action, which does not require a vote to execute, each night phase unless their PR ability does not allow it. These are initiated by using the bold mechanic for QT voting. The actions are:
  • Mafia Kill (+0) [Limit 1/night for the team]
  • Roleblock (-2)
  • Rolecop (-2)
  • No-kill [Limit 1/night for the team] (+3)
  • Turn a Town player into a Bulletproof (Immune to scum NK for the rest of the game, target is informed of this) (+10)

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#3 Post by worcej » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:15 pm

The alignment PMs for this game are the following:
You are a member of the Town. Each day, you must vote for a suspect to kill. You win when the mafia are defeated or nothing can be done to stop the mafia from being defeated.
You are a member of the Mafia. Each day, you must vote for a suspect to kill. You win when the town has been defeated or nothing can be done to stop the town from being defeated. Your QT link is [REDACTED].
The role PMs that will be sent out after the first 24 hours of D1 are the following:

Tree Stump
You are the Tree Stump. If you are ever eliminated in any way, you may continue posting in the thread or any QT you have access to for the rest of the game. Once you are ‘Stumped’, you cannot vote and are not counted as a living player for any purpose.

NOTE: You will not gain access to the God QT once eliminated.
Fruit Vendor
You are the Fruit Vendor. During the night phase, you may give a piece of fruit to any player. The player is informed that they received a fruit, but not who gave it to them. If you are Mafia, you cannot perform any faction actions if you choose to give someone a fruit.

Your ability is considered protective.
Public Vanilla
You are the Public Vanilla. Once the role assignments are completed, the GM will make a post indicating you are vanilla and have no actions.
2-Shot Neighborizer
You are the 2-Shot Neighborizer. During the night, you can choose a player and have them gain access to your Neighborhood Watch QT for the rest of the game. This QT is open only during the night phase. As the name implies, you can only do this ability twice. There is no cooldown to this ability, so you can use this ability twice in the same night.

Your Neighborhood Watch QT is found here: [REDACTED]

Your ability is considered protective.
1-Shot Gladiator
You are the 1-Shot Gladiator. During the day phase, you may choose someone by PMing the GMs with the command ##challenge (player name). The GMs will make a game announcement and all votes will be reset. Only you and the person you challenged are allowed to be voted for. As the name implies, you can only do this ability once.
You are the Voyeur. During the night phase, you may target a player. When you do, you will learn of any action types done to that player (protection, investigation, etc), but not who did it.

Your ability is considered investigative.
1-Shot Follower
You are the 1-Shot Follower. During a night phase, you may follow a player. When you do, you will learn the types of actions that player performed. If a player performs multiple actions, you will learn all actions they performed. If they do not visit anyone, you will learn that they did not perform an action. As the name implies, you can only do this ability once.

Your ability is considered investigative.
Even-Night Tracker
You are the Even-Night Tracker. On even nights (N2, N4, N6, etc.), you may track a player. When you do, you will learn who the player went to visit. If they do not visit anyone, you will learn that they did not move.

Your ability is considered investigative.
Odd-Night Tracker
You are the Odd-Night Tracker. On odd nights (N1, N3, N5, etc.), you may track a player. When you do, you will learn who the player went to visit. If they do not visit anyone, you will learn that they did not move.

Your ability is considered investigative.
Universal Backup
You are the Universal Backup. You will assume the powers of the first person to be eliminated. If the person did not have powers, your ability does not trigger. If the role had charges, you gain the same amount of charges as the player had when they were eliminated. If the role had no charges when they were eliminated, you do not gain their role.
Non-consecutive Night Commuter
You are the Non-consecutive Night Commuter. At night, you may choose to commute yourself. If you do, you ‘leave town’ and become untargetable by any other actions. Any action that targets you when you commute will fail. As the name implies, you cannot commute on consecutive night phases. If you are Mafia, you cannot perform a factional action when you commute.
Modified Faith Healer
You are the Modified Faith Healer. During the night, you can target a player. If any killing action is performed on that player, you will save them. However, if another protective role is performed on the player you targeted, you will fail to save them.

Your ability is considered protective.
1-Shot Night-Governor
You are the 1-Shot Night-Governor. During the night, you may target a player. If you do, that person cannot be eliminated via the vote on the next day phase. Your ability will not publicly display until the final vote count is completed for that day phase. As the name implies, you can only do this ability once.

Your ability is considered protective.
You are the Diarist. During the night, you can investigate a player. If you do, you will learn when that player is capable of acting. The results will be either ‘Day’, ‘Night’, ‘Even-Nights’, ‘Odd-Nights’, ‘Any Time’, or ‘Cannot Act’. If a role has charges and has used them up, they will be listed as ‘Cannot Act’. If your target is mafia, their faction abilities will be factored into your investigation results.

Your ability is considered investigative.
Modified Faith Healer
You are the Modified Faith Healer. During the night, you can target a player. If any killing action is performed on that player, you will save them. However, if another protective role is performed on the player you targeted, you will fail to save them.

Your ability is considered protective.
You are the Vengeful. During the day phase, you may select a target. If you do, when you are eliminated that player will also be eliminated with you.

Your ability is considered a killing role.
Restless Spirit
You are the Restless Spirit. If you are ever eliminated, you are still able to submit votes publicly in the game thread during the day phases but you cannot communicate in any other way. Your vote posts must only be “##vote (player name)”. This also means that if you have access to any QT, you cannot post in it.

NOTE: You will not gain access to the God QT once eliminated.
You are the Double Voter. During the game, you have control of a secret vote called ‘The Double Vote’. You can place this vote by PMing the GMs your double vote target. During the final vote count of each day phase, this vote will be applied and listed as ‘The Double Vote’. If you are eliminated, ‘The Double Vote’ dies along with you.
The order roles will be completed during the night phase is the following:
  1. Commuter
  2. Roleblock
  3. Protective Actions
  4. Killing Actions
  5. Investigative Actions

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#4 Post by worcej » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:20 pm

GM Note:
At the 24 hour mark, the Mafia team's choices will be locked in and the GMs will, as quickly as possible, randomly assign the rest of the roles. There may be some delays in this process, so please be patient at that time while we work to get the role PMs out.

Please continue to not post.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#5 Post by worcej » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:25 pm

Another GM Note:
In case it isn't obvious, the Mafia Team cannot Kill and No-Kill with their faction actions. They are mutually exclusive.

I am sending out alignment PMs shortly.

Still Do Not Post.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#6 Post by worcej » Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:17 pm

Another, Another GM Note:
The Pre-Game actions for the Mafia team can only be taken once, so at most only one additional player can be recruited into their team.

Continue to be silent like good little sheep.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#7 Post by worcej » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:00 pm

M61 Opening Flavor

The Mastermind sat in his chair, his hands clasped together. On the screen in front of him were numerous network executives, awaiting for him to begin speaking.

“Welcome everyone.” The Mastermind speaks in a gruff voice “I appreciate you taking your time to meet with me once again. As you all know, my last attempt at a reality TV show failed…”

One of the executives chimes in suddenly “You mean the one where you showed a Hunger Games like reality show? Gee, I wonder why it failed!” The group of executives chuckle and whisper amongst themselves

The Mastermind smiles “Well, times have changed since then haven’t they? I think the people would love another crack at my show. Don’t forget: King Trump, may he live forever, held the public execution of Nancy Pelosi on live TV just last year…”

Several executives look nervous, remembering the brutal civil war between the MAGA Hats and ANTIFA hipsters, but continue to listen intently.

“Now, in hindsight - the issue of my first attempt was that I designed the game too closely… This time, I will let my contestants choose how the game will play out.” From the shadows, three figures walk out into the room, a faint smile seen on each of their faces.

“And this time… They are ready to win. They have a great plan, one could almost say, it’s a perfect plan.” The Mastermind leans back in his chair and lights a cigar. “So who wants to make some sweet money watching human suffering on television?”


Hopefully the last GM Note for a bit:
As a reminder, the first 24 hours is the ‘pre-game’ phase for Mafia. Roles for town will be randomly assigned and then distributed once the Mafia team have completed their purchases.

You will not see a public declaration of the mafia team’s balance at any point during the game unless one of them is ‘day eliminated’ and the team has a negative balance.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#8 Post by seth24c » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:10 pm

I always wanted to be a reality tv star.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#9 Post by Chaqa » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:31 pm


So, this first day is 48 hours, but the first 24 we don't know our roles yet, and the mafia can talk in their QT for those 24? Is that correct?

This is a bit different but I think it's pretty cool.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#10 Post by bozotheclown » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:34 pm

I thought this started in another half hour. Who are zorclex and Cerrynity?

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#11 Post by Donny Dude » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:36 pm

Chaqa wrote:
Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:31 pm

So, this first day is 48 hours, but the first 24 we don't know our roles yet, and the mafia can talk in their QT for those 24? Is that correct?

This is a bit different but I think it's pretty cool.
From the rules above under setup information.
The game will start with our normal 48/24 phases, however you will not know your exact role (AKA: Your initial role PM will tell you your alignment) at the start of D1.
The Pre-game phase will be the first 24 hours of D1, where the starting mafia members can discuss their options and purchases in the Mafia QT.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#12 Post by dargorygel » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:38 pm

(I somehow made the bot angry... working on it)

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#13 Post by Chaqa » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:41 pm


What is "Enable White Flag?"

I assume "encrypt day chat" means giving mafia full daytime chat?

Mafia choose roles, are town roles being pulled from the same list? Can there be reoccurrences?

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#14 Post by dargorygel » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:47 pm

Bot likes me again

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#15 Post by dargorygel » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:47 pm

Chaqa wrote:
Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:41 pm

What is "Enable White Flag?"

I assume "encrypt day chat" means giving mafia full daytime chat?

Mafia choose roles, are town roles being pulled from the same list? Can there be reoccurrences?
Did you read the setup at all?

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#16 Post by Durga » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:48 pm


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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#17 Post by Donny Dude » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:55 pm

Chaqa wrote:
Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:41 pm

What is "Enable White Flag?"

I assume "encrypt day chat" means giving mafia full daytime chat?

Mafia choose roles, are town roles being pulled from the same list? Can there be reoccurrences?
FYI - White-Flag is an option that, if enabled, when the mafia get down to 1 player remaining, they then lose instead of losing when the last member goes down.
Instead of an each day/night action, the scum can spend -$10 in the pre-game phase to encrypt day chat. If they choose not to, they will only get chat in the pre-game phase and nights.
GM Note:
At the 24 hour mark, the Mafia team's choices will be locked in and the GMs will, as quickly as possible, randomly assign the rest of the roles.
Thank you for fixing the bot.

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#18 Post by dargorygel » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:58 pm

Durga wrote:
Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:48 pm
Weren't you supposed to get married in here?

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#19 Post by Maniac » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:58 pm

Bonjour good people
I see we have changed start time
That's all very good

I've read role PM
boring boring boring eh
read set-up later

##vote Ghug

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Re: M61 - The Mastermind's Revenge - Game Thread

#20 Post by Hamilton Brian » Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:00 pm

...the public execution of Nancy Pelosi. Sheesh!!! Tough crowd!

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