The full press and FvA bots will be offline on the 10th and 11th. Apologies for the inconvenience.

A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Bugger (3639 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Another Quick Question
Country 1 (ABCD)
A moves to E
B sup move to E from A
C moves to F.... Continued inside
3 replies
airborne (154 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
A game
2 replies
mb (549 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Rankings and statistics
Dear all

I am working on some rankings and statistics about the games played on this page.
8 replies
xcurlyxfries (0 DX)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Its a gunboat but I just had to lol
Austria's bounce got owned
16 replies
cstuart (151 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Take over CD for free
Hi: I'm watching all these games with CDs, but nobody wants to play them because right now, they cost points just to lose. I'd actually like to play them as much as starting a new game because of the increased need for diplomatic dealings, but they just cost too much as it is right now.

How about creating a troubleshooter category that lets people who want play a limited number of CDs for free.
7 replies
V+ (5613 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Need help pausing...
I've been called out of town unexpectedly, and I'm not sure if I'll have internet access until Monday. I've asked for pauses in all my games, but in some I have not-quite-CD powers or other players who have not voted for them. Is there any way I can get some help pausing? I just don't want to forced into CD by non-voters.
2 replies
Kainer (1096 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Powder Hound
Looking for players for a 24 hour, 10 point game. It is the most I can afford.

What happens is you run out of points?
1 reply
Babak (26982 D(B))
10 Feb 09 UTC
This site and its PPSC rules are NOT "Dipomacy" they are a bastardization of a quality game
I have now played on this site and FB for 2 full months+ and finally I'm fed up with it. this is NOT Diplomacy... its the bastardization of a quality game - and its dragging the name of the game down with it.
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DipperDon (6457 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
From Babak: "your reaction and DEMAND for a game-long ally was indeed a spark... but hardly the only example of the 'warped' logic this ppsc-model creates..."

More lies. I never demanded anything of the kind. And I never do. I offer to be a gamelong ally. And I tell people that I won't stab. With you, I don't think I even offered, because I didn't expect you to hold to anything of the kind. Keep lying, if you want. Someone may actually believe you. What good that will do you, I don't know.
kestasjk (69 DMod(P))
11 Feb 09 UTC
As I said elsewhere and Chrispminis quoted: As you can see from the article below by Calhamer himself the PPSC vs WTA debate is hardly a phpDip assault on the traditional hobby, it's a long debate which is more or less a matter of opinion, and that's why we offer both

What I'd like to expand on here is you say PPSC makes phpDip a variant of Diplomacy, but I don't think it does because Diplomacy doesn't say anything about draws or second places. Even the creator wasn't sure about it as Edi has said, and as his own article says.
What this means is that for you WTA is a preference; it isn't an inherently correct choice

Second: PPSC is, at least, a necessary evil. If a player has to win to gain any number of points they are less likely to stick around and participate, they are more likely to join many games at a time and give up the moment they think they aren't going to win

PPSC really is what keeps the newer players playing until the end; the people who have been here long enough to see the games before and after points were introduced will be able to back me up here. Without it, and with the larger proportion of new players we have, all games are totally chaotic and terrible

With it those who have some skill can gain some points and make it to the better games, of which a larger proportion are WTA (but there is a choice, and even tournaments are organized), and there's no problem of everyone leaving the games when they're going to lose because people are more skilled and experienced at higher levels

This setup is naturally frustrating to experienced players who are new here, because they have to make it through the filtering process which is our points system, but that's a necessary side-effect of having a fresh, open, large community with lots of new players

If you're an experienced player one option is to leave for a site which has an older, more experienced, smaller community. Another is to battle it out and try to make it here, and try and influence the new players and make more WTA games here.
My point is that crippling this site's point system and making this site into an older, more experienced, smaller community isn't an option, because this site is about offering Diplomacy to everyone. I think given that constraint our choices regarding points systems are pretty reasonable and successful
Xapi (194 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
I'd like totake a swing at answering your questions one by one, from my point of view.

1) what is the purpose of the ppsc system?

It is a way to distribute the points invested by the players in a game. It's not inherently better than WTA, but it's not inherentely worst. Hence, the ability to choose between one or the other.

2) what benefits does it offer over a wta-only system?

Well, PPSC let's players be rewarded for a good game being played, even if they didn't end up on top. This is something that is usually a good thing, specially when the player is new to the game, or in other circunmstances such as a middle class player daring to play the top rankers. Wouldn't you want to reward that guy if he did a good job?

Also, it makes for players fighting things to the bitter end. If you survive with at least one SC, then you got something out of that game, as little as it may be. In WTA, when you know you can't win or force a draw, you've got nothing to play for except what you may consider honor... and many players (particularily the newer ones) don't seem to have much of that.

I know that you can describe the benefits for a WTA, that's why you like it, but PPSC has benefits that are neither better nor worse than WTA's, they're just different.

3) can we achieve those same benefits with a purly wta-system?

No, we can't. How could we? You call PPSC a variant, and I'm not completely disagreeing with that view (I would call both PPSC and WTA specific houserules to adress something the original game does not, wich is a ranking method). Can you create the same feeling as in a gunboat game but with people talking to each other privately?

If the answer is no, then you can't get the same things you get out of PPSC in WTA. Sorry.

4a) if so - how difficult is it to program?

4b) and how difficult will it be for the community as a whole to transition?

4c) if not - what other proposals can be made to cover those benefits without losing the wta nature of teh game?

I would say:
1 - Allow players to create WTA games as soon as they have finished a single game (No newbies creating WTA, as explained before, PPSC is best for newbies, but to be under 100 D does not make you a newbie).

2 - Display 4 sub-tabs in the Joinable Games tab:
a - WTA
b - PPSC
c - CD's
d - All of the above
With PPSC being the default shown for new players.

3 - Stop whining about what people do when you are not forced to join their games. You like playing WTA, you can play WTA, give the rest of us a break.
Caviare (123 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Sorry to come late into the discussion, but I did make a proposal last year that players be allowed to start WTA games with 45% of their current points even if they had 100 points or less. At the time Kestas said he would accept that code change if anyone wanted to make it. I think this would solve the problem.
SteveO (197 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Sorry, but what does WTA and PPSC games stand for?
figlesquidge (2131 D)
13 Feb 09 UTC
Winner Takes All - all the points to first place
Points Per Supply Centre - you get the same fraction of the points for each supply centre you control (this is generally 1/34, but in special cases can be slightly higher, such as if there are still neutral SCs)

66 replies
dangermouse (5551 D)
07 Feb 09 UTC
GFDT Update
Llama - can we get an update on how this is going?
Standings, games completed, etc.
40 replies
Stripy (2759 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
End of game reports
I saw a thread about a week ago where after someone finished their game they wrote a wee report about what happened in it from their perspective.
7 replies
RedSox9 (100 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Diplomacy 10- 24 hr turns
please join, i'd appreciate it:
0 replies
CommunistWaffle (100 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Diplomacy Forum
Hey guys if you enjoy this game you might enjoy Balance of Power; a geo political cold war simulator I run at my forums. Check it out!

11 replies
Churchill (2280 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Hey Figle!
Did you get my email?
5 replies
Bugger (3639 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Quick Question:
Country 1 (A and B)
A move to C
B support to C from A ..... Continued inside
3 replies
Jacob (2466 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
Problem on FB dip - maye here too?
I'm in a game on FB diplomacy where a fleet in West Med supported another fleet from MAO into Spain NORTH COAST. This is not a legal move since West Med can't move to Spain(nc). Is this a problem here as well? Anyone know?
25 replies
sean (3490 D(B))
11 Feb 09 UTC
Variant - Touch Diplomacy
Anyone up for a Touch variation game? I played in one before and it was a lot of fun but i need to be reminded of the exact rules. we had one global message allowance per regular turn(we can do without that i think) and then we could only chat to countries that units were alongside each other.
who did i play it with before?...flashman and cgwhite do you remember the exact rules?
60 replies
SrgtSilver64 (335 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
Become a Legend. Join "Rise of Legends"
10 point buy in and 24 hour phases. Join now :)
2 replies
burningpuppies101 (126 D)
10 Feb 09 UTC
Processing orders
Does anyone know how long it usually takes to process orders? Is it done by moderators or by a program?
5 replies
fullautonick (713 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
The Texas-Isreali War
150 Points buy in, Points per supply center
4 replies
Churchill (2280 D)
10 Feb 09 UTC
Points bias
What do you do when all the players in a game decide that you're a prime target because of the number of points you have?
30 replies
Silver Wolf (9388 D)
10 Feb 09 UTC
Question about "no talking" games.
Is it allowed to ask moderators to check if there is any contact in "no talking" games?
30 replies
fullautonick (713 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
Winner take all. 101 point buy in.

0 replies
Red Baron (410 D)
12 Feb 09 UTC
Hero of the Day needs England converted to civil disorder
My_name_is_Mud never really played England. It has now been over a week since he last logged on. With a 72hr/phase game, it causes a lot of waiting to not have him out.
1 reply
carne (470 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
Support hold rules
On this game :
The support of Belgium from London to English Channel didn't function, I would like to know why, because my fleet was supported by the fleet in North Sea
4 replies
Banquo (100 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
Just for Fun-4
Really just for beginners.
2 replies
LitleTortilaBoy (124 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
Question on Support holds.
If you support hold another unit, does it have to be holding itself to take effect? I know it can't be moving, but could it be support moving another unit but still get the support hold?
3 replies
Dandy (131 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
i dont know what to call this game...
come and join this game!!! really for beginners, or for misers who dont like spending their points...
0 replies
Akroma (967 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
Bug - disbanded fleet still shown as existing

the fleet in St.Petersburg was disbanded, yet it is still shown on the map. I am not sure if the fleet will be treated like it actually exists, but it would be nice if this can be fixed.
4 replies
SrgtSilver64 (335 D)
09 Feb 09 UTC
Is it poor sportsmanship or what?
What would you call it if a player who is obviously going to win because they have 17 supply centers decides not to take a supply center, but is instead intent on letting a weaker "friend" take you completely over from 13 SC's to 0. Just wondering and I would love to see your answers.
56 replies
MatGB (100 D)
11 Feb 09 UTC
France with 5SPs CD in '03

The game's in the early stages, but I only just took England from CD in '02, giving Germany a massive advantage.
0 replies
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