A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Gen. Lee (7588 D(B))
09 May 17 UTC
Any more tournaments coming this year?
37 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
24 Apr 17 UTC
France's Macron statutorily raped by his high school teacher, quite possibly

He was also a member of the Socialist Party. Will the opposition be able to take advantage of these things? Runoff is on May 7th.
123 replies
CAPT Brad (40 DX)
07 May 17 UTC
Is Yhere Correlation to Ghost Ratings and 'D' Postition?
In my case there is a virtual tie between my points ranking and my GR.
"D" Position: 267 GR Position:266
And both have been getting lower in number and higher in rank/placement.
Does anyone else have this coincidence?
15 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
02 May 17 UTC
Would you insure someone whose house was on fire?
No one would insure someone whose house is on fire, right? They just want to make a quick claim, far in excess of their premium paid. So why should we force insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions?
147 replies
slypups (1889 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Will the Canadians pay for the Canadian Wall?
Trump wants a wall with Mexico, but nothing for Canada. Why not? Doesn't he want to protect that border too? Please explain.
11 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
09 May 17 UTC
Could Dolphins or Whales learn to play diplomacy
I was curious if Whales and Dolphins are capable of playing diplomacy. Either ftf or online. We could devise a helmet using donation money to fund marine biology experiments on these creatures. Study what openings they like; study their convoy choices. What do you think?
8 replies
jmo1121109 (3812 D)
27 Apr 17 UTC
Thread Mutes
If you mute too many threads and then go to the settings page and try and change your password the site will let you, but the wrong password will be saved. So please limit yourself to muting less then 4,346 threads or I will have to delete all of them to fix your account. Cheers.
16 replies
venoms (0 DX)
09 May 17 UTC
Buy ID Buy a driver's license,
Buy a driver's license, ([email protected]) Buy passport, visa, ID E-mail contact [email protected]
Skype: in.forsdocuments85
4 replies
JECE (1322 D)
20 Apr 17 UTC
The IRS employs regressive taxation for independent contractors and the self-employed
I paid my taxes in the States the other day like a good citizen. And I'm pissed. Is it actually true that the States has regressive taxation for people categorized as self-employed/independent contractors?
Annual profit $0–$433.12: 0% tax rate
Annual profit $433.13–$128,316: 14.12955% tax rate (including on $433.12)
Annual profit $128,317–: 2.67815% tax rate (including on $128,316) + $14,694
20 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
07 May 17 UTC
Let's Play a Game
Below I have a detailed scenario. What will you do?
4 replies
AtomicOrangutan (75 D)
07 May 17 UTC
New game Mediterranean live pace!

Live pace!
0 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
07 May 17 UTC
Let's Play a Game
Below I have detailed a scenerio. How would you react?
22 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
04 May 17 UTC
My girlfriend snores
Apparently we both snore alot. I am told I sound like a horse sometimes when I sleep. I was wondering if I am part centaur. What should I do to improve my airways so I dont snore? And please dont suggest hooking me up to tubes or some creepy oxygen machine. My ex did that and she was like sleeping next to skeletor
27 replies
dancing queen (100 D)
07 May 17 UTC
Interview with David Hood, TD of DixieCon

Memorial day weekend - if you're in striking distance of Chapel Hill NC, come out and play!
0 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
06 May 17 UTC
Okay, so this forum isn't really the first i'd go to for thoughts on music. no offense but you all don't seem that .. cool... but alas i have an inquiry. Has anyone listened to the Gorillaz Album "Humanz" if so thoughts?
Disclaimer: I am a huge Gorillaz fan and love the album.
6 replies
Valis2501 (2850 D(G))
04 May 17 UTC
I might not be here much longer
Health complications, see below

Valis2501 (2850 D(G))
04 May 17 UTC
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because the webDip forum gave me cancer anyway.
Durga (3609 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Please quit
brainbomb (295 D)
04 May 17 UTC
The Princeton rowing team is devastated
BREAKING: Internet Diplomacy May Cause Cancer
Tune in here for coverage of both sides of this important issue.
TrPrado (461 D)
04 May 17 UTC
I've never groaned so audibly in my life.
Durga (3609 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Don't you have people to falsely accuse of meta gaming or something
CAPT Brad (40 DX)
04 May 17 UTC
DO are you metagaming again?
I used to row for Navy; but we did more running than rowing. i hate running, especially when the Severn river would freeze and we couldn't use the shells
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
04 May 17 UTC
That's why hey I i dont like Brad. He's fucking navy.
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
04 May 17 UTC
God fucking dammit Valis
JamesYanik (548 D)
04 May 17 UTC
was that from a watchmen comic?
JamesYanik (548 D)
04 May 17 UTC
because if you want cancer... just sit through 3 hours and 35 minutes of that pile of garbage
Wusti (884 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Fucking Americans
slypups (1889 D)
04 May 17 UTC
This is important for all of Valis. Did you get the cancer from making posts, reading posts, +1'ing people, or something else. I want to make sure I curtail the correct activities.
bellcp (105 D)
04 May 17 UTC
This is dumb as shit. I was fully prepared to feel sympathy and empathy as someone who has had close relatives fight and lose a battle with cancer and you compare that struggle to some bickering in a web forum. Grow up and live in the real world. Jesus Christ.
Dejan0707 (1608 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Valis: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
brainbomb (295 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Valis if you are actually suffering from poor mental or physical help that is unfortunate. I can relate as I suffer from High blood pressure and hypertension, imsomnia, depression and alcholism.

But if this is just a joke at the expense of people with cancer thats kinda shitty and in poor taste. (Which says alot coming from me)
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
04 May 17 UTC
Yeah, brain, it does, considering your thread taunting diabetes is just a couple of days old.
TrPrado (461 D)
04 May 17 UTC
It's much more recent than that.
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
04 May 17 UTC
Just because he's a hypocrite doesn't mean he's wrong g
brainbomb (295 D)
04 May 17 UTC
I mean I wasnt actually taunting diabeties since its in my family. I was asking an honest question about why dwarves and halflings would have longevity as opposed to health problems. At the very least its worth pondering. What is there in this thread to ponder at all? The argument is about as false of an equivalency possible.

I was in no way laughing at people with health problems. It was a serious question about why fantasy creature races are made so illogically
Unstupid (696 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Good luck Valis - keep playing diplomacy to keep your spirits up
Deinodon (379 D(B))
05 May 17 UTC
MajorMitchell (1605 D)
05 May 17 UTC
Good luck Valis ...See what happens kids when you use a dirty mute button
CAPT Brad (40 DX)
05 May 17 UTC
You at all going to die. It is just a matter of time. Tick, tick, tick, tick. Oh my look at he time. Is it that late? Soon you will all shuffle off this mortal coil. Tempest fugit, momento mori.

25 replies
fourofswords (415 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Can a convoy provide support?
Can a convoy provide support or must it only transport a unit to a location where it can "land safely"?
5 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 May 17 UTC
Instead of...
Rehashing all the same tired arguements, be it gun control, taxation as theft, or healthcare. Why not learn something about why these conversations never go anywhere?
8 replies
sammitchgamgee (100 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Give me a rundown of webdip history!
It's been so long since I was here, and I want to know without spending hours reading the forum what's happened over the past few years. Gimme a history lesson!
30 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
02 May 17 UTC
Would you ensure someones house gets set on fire?
No one would ensure someones house gets set on fire, right? They just want to make a pile of twigs, far in excess of their premium run of the mill "what looks like an accident electrical fire. So why should we force people to be lawful. Grab your torches, cans of gas and lets go reenact Shermans march on Atlanta.
5 replies
Easykill (424 D)
04 May 17 UTC
no chat box in game
In one of my games the chat box has disappeared mid game and all is see is the "mark messages unread" button. any idea how to return this? My other games still have the chat box and it is only the one specific game where it has disappeared for me. It was there previously
3 replies
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
03 May 17 UTC
Official Grayest Movie Thread
Let's vote on what movie is the grayest, but I decide in the end.
20 replies
r.e._stern (130 D)
04 May 17 UTC
Rhyming Diplomacy
Advertising for gameID=197491 - based on gameID=195048
9 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
01 May 17 UTC
If the American South had not seceded from the Union
If the South had not seceded, would Lincoln have had any legal basis for attacking it? (Note: Lincoln used Commander-in-Chief power to put down any insurrection as legal basis for the Emancipation Proclamation). How would negotiations have turned out?
29 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
01 May 17 UTC
PM for PW
36 hour phases
100 point buy in 60% RR
AnonFull press
35 replies
Bladerunners (1019 D)
02 May 17 UTC
Civil disorder after 1 NMR?
Just an idea - I think countries should go into immediate civil disorder on 1 NMR so a new person can take over right away and keep the game going. The current system of a CD after 2 NMRs means a country + game can be ruined before a new player takes over.
10 replies
Puddle (428 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Multi? Screwing Around? Really Bad Players? WTF
7 replies
SuperMario0727 (204 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Best Ally for Germany?
If Germany could only have one ally, which Great Power would be the best to pair with? Assume that only the tactical and strategic factors affect the choice of partnership. In other words, you do not choose allies on the basis of character.
23 replies
dargorygel (2679 DMod(G))
01 May 17 UTC
Anonymous Games
Sometimes... usually because I end up revealing who I am... I wonder what the point of anonymous games is. When we've played with someone, there are usually tells. When we have NOT played with someone, why do we need anonymity.
And sometimes I think that when I play anonymous games I might as well say who I am in globals. Stupid ellipsis and dumb proper grammar.
31 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
30 Apr 17 UTC
If we built it
trumps wall
43 replies
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