A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 1172 of 1419
tvrocks (388 D)
23 Jun 14 UTC
need replacement
0 replies
bicycleforlife (112 D)
22 Jun 14 UTC
A Fool's Quest
Please consider joining this game if you have NOT been recently diagnosed with lock jaw. If however you LOVE Diplomacy...have a seat at the table. I will join you as soon as I am done in the kitchen sharpening the knives...
4 replies
mapleleaf (0 DX)
21 Jun 14 UTC
So, I was approaching this line-up at a convenience store or at least I thought I was...
...I guess the problem was I didn't know if I was going to the front or the back of the line because the clerk/owner was turned around on a stool...
3 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
22 Jun 14 UTC
North Korea (again)
0 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
19 Jun 14 UTC
So a girl isn't sure about 'breaking up' with a guy and I help her figure it out..
I think I've done it pretty much by the book, but I can't ignore the fact that there's quite a bias: I really like her, and I don't like him. So breaking up happens to be in my favour.
What I wonder is: does this make it wrong? At least consciously, the only thing I care about is helping her do the right thing, and there's definitely something 'cold' between them that wouldn't be there if they love eachother.. I'm pretty sure it would end at some point anyway..
92 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
The Favorite Author Tournament: The Elite 8
Into Round 4, the Elite 8, and the contestants? George Orwell, who IS More Equal than Others! Charles Dickens, who has Great Expectations after taking out Homer! Virginia Woolf, in a League and Room of Her Own as the last female author standing! Victor Hugo, Master of Notre Dame! Poe, who's looking to be eliminated nevermore! Dumas, out-dueling all comers! Isaac Asimov, laying the Foundation for victory! And Tolkien, beating Vergil to become the One Fantasy Writer to Rule them All!
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obiwanobiwan (248 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
62. George Orwell
61. Charles Dickens
5. Virginia Woolf
38. Victor Hugo
39. Edgar Allan Poe
40. Alexandre Dumas
18. Isaac Asimov
16. J.R.R. Tolkien

So, ghug or anyone else, tell me how to see those remaining eight, and the first match will begin with a 24 hour phase from the post establishing that seeding.
ghug (5068 D(B))
13 Jun 14 UTC
I like your portrayal of Vergil as fantasy writer. It's sad that he lost, but I encourage you all to go read him because that was the point of this anyway. I'm glad he lost to Tolkein. It's a better ending than most of the remaining authors.

16. J.R.R. Tolkein
18. Isaac Asimov
62. George Orwell
61. Charles Dickens
5. Virginia Woolf
38. Victor Hugo
39. Edgar Allan Poe
40. Alexandre Dumas

So Asimov vs. Poe assuming skipping the first one again due to its being the most recent. I vote Poe, or Tolkien if it's him vs. Dumas.
SYnapse (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
I vote Victor Hugo for everything.
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe. I love Asimov, but Poe is just the better writer and the more influential for his day. Everything Asimov really influenced was Science related. pie did poetry, horror, and detective/mystery fiction.

So again, I say Poe.

Poe 2
Asimov 0
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
13 Jun 14 UTC
Oh man. I like Poe, and I like Asimov. This comes down to poetry vs. science-fiction...

So I have to say Asimov.
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Damn, Woolf's drawn a tough opponent...oh well...hopefully she can prevail still, and anyway, glad a pick of mine made it this far (especially her, I'd argue that she's probably the most underrated of the 8 remaining.)

Poe vs. Asimov, hm...

On the one hand, no question, preference goes to Poe, and I think he's the bigger name with arguably the better body of work...

On the other hand, Asimov's arguably more indispensable in his --you can have Gothic horror or poetry without Poe, but doing sci-fi without Asimov is like trying to read the great playwrights and not reading Shakespeare or Ibsen.

On the shallow side, Poe's just more fun for me...on the equally-shallow side, always tempting to vote for a Jew, and Asimov's the last one left (I really thought Kafka would have a better shot vs. Poe.)

I guess I'll go with Poe in the end...I personally think his role in founding the detective story is a bit overstated sometimes--don't get me wrong, he did start it, but mystery-solving in works of literature is one of the oldest dramatic conventions there is, heck, even Hamlet's arguably trying to solve a mystery, Poe just took that convention and formed a genre around it as his society allowed for that kind of genre--but nevertheless, very important, and I think he's the better overall author:

Poe: 3
Asimov: 1
Asimov though both are amazing.
Yakoska (496 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Hardest one... Poe horror and detective fiction... enduring, probably more so than Asimov will be, in some ways. But Asimov. Wow. His locked room mystery short stories? Foundation... Robots... the 3 laws that seem to be obliquitous now, like Tolkien's world in fantasy. Damn.

Quoth the raven.... Asimov... though it rips my heart.
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
And I've read The Aeneid, ghug...

And while it is a masterpiece, frankly, that's enough Vergil for me for a's been a couple years now since I read it, but even so, Vergil for me is most interesting as the cap to the Iliad/Odyssey/Aeneid trilogy that forms a huge basis of Greco-Roman literary tradition....

Maybe it's an odd comparison, but to me, Vergil is like Breaking Bad, and someone like Shakespeare The West Wing--

I can watch/read the latter two over and over, always find new things, and be equally entertained or intrigued or moved, and often more so with each new reading/viewing...Hamlet/Martin Sheen as the President (and Bradley Whitford as the Deputy Chief of Staff...Josh Lyman...that character was and is MY character...everything from the attitude to the Jewishness to the smart-assery to the shouting and rooting for the Mets) I can enjoy endlessly.

The latter two? Breaking Bad/The Aeneid were great to go through once, but a lot of the interest came from just seeing where each was going...once they ended...well, I can't see myself watching Breaking Bad over and over again...maybe occasionally, someday, but the fun was in Walter White and the plot twists, and with the latter revealed and the former played out...I can't see me watching it again and again.

Same with Vergil--I can read Shakespeare over and over and find new, great things each time, but Vergil? I'm sure I could to...but he doesn't really compel me to do so...put another way--

I'd be one of those nutjobs who WOULD sit through a full rendition the entire Henriad, all 4 plays, that's probably 10-12 hours easily, if not more...I might even do so multiple times...that epic is just so rich, the language so perfect, the journey of Prince Hal in the tavern with Falstaff to Henry V in Agincourt is just THAT incredible (and of course probably far more incredible than the actual tale and man himself)...

I'd watch or listen to an opera or musical version of that, or the War of the Roses plays.

But Vergil's epic?

Berlioz has a massive, 5-act grand opera centered on it...and I LOVE long operas...and I couldn't make it through, and while part of that's down to my not being the biggest Berlioz fan--he's OK, but I like a ton of composers far better--another part is just down to the fact that, for whatever reason, I can't bring myself to care as much about that epic and those characters.

I can care for 10-12 hours straight about the Henrys...

I can't do it for 4 hours straight for Aeneas and Company. Even if it were a straight adaptation or just reading it for 4 could do it for Shakespeare, probably for Dante, maybe even for Milton and Homer...

But while I can say Shakespeare isn't always "good" (hey, he wrote 37 plays, and co-wrote others), he's almost NEVER dull...even in a "bad" Shakespeare play, the man knows how to keep your attention--the language, the characters, sex, violence, conflict, jokes, bad jokes that get your attention as to just how bad they are...

Shakespeare's not always good, but ALWAYS engaging.

I can't say the same for Vergil--he's usually good, but that doesn't mean he's always engaging.

Doesn't mean he's bad or boring...just that I wouldn't sit spellbound by him for hours on end, whereas with others...I know friends who'll marathon the long-long editions of the LOTR movies for Tolkien, and again, I WILL sit through the whole damn Henriad in one shot (partially because of their balance, which is another issue with Vergil's epic--with the Henriad, you get a soft-ish opening with Richard II, a GREAT follow-up with 1 Henry IV, a follow-up to that that's so-so by comparison but ends strong and with one of the most dramatic interpersonal scenes in all of Shakespeare in the last meeting between Henry and Falstaff, and then the INCREDIBLE masterpiece that is Henry, soft, great, so-so, incredible, Shakespeare never lets the story sag for too long, or has back-to-back so-so chapters...with Vergil, I find the first half of The Aeneid WAY more engaging than the second, sans the ending, where you pick up interest again, but by then, it's been a few Books, and some of the steam from the beginning's great start is lost...with Shakespeare, you start off modest, go big, taper off just slightly, and then go big times ten, it's almost constant escalation, whereas with Vergil, the momentum's not nearly as good.)
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe 4
Asimov 3
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe: 4
Asimov: 3
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
The tl;dr version--

At the risk of hurting her chances, I'd compare Vergil to Virginia Woolf vs. Austen--

I firmly believe Woolf's the better writer...

But I'd be lying if I didn't say Austen didn't know how to appeal to a bigger audience and essentially do so on the sheer force of her ability to string words together in a pleasing, musical way.

Woolf's the more advanced, experimental, daring, innovative one...she's the better all-around author...

But if you get bored by her prose or plots or characters, for whatever reason, you're in trouble.

If you can't stand AUSTEN'S characters or plots, however--and yeah, that has a pretty damn good chance of happening--she can more often than not write herself out of the corner by just making the words and the banter itself engaging enough to follow...and she can even make a character so infuriatingly bad they can get you engaged again just based on THAT.

So while the Vergils and Woolfs are the superior artists, the Austens of the literary landscape are like silver-tongued devils--not quite as good, but way better at convincing a mass audience to stick with them, and that DOES count for something.
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Ninja'd! Hahahaha
Fishstudios (245 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC

Both are great, but Poe has the Raven going for him, which for me surpasses anything I've ever read by Asimov.
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe 5
Asimov 3
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Hugo and Dickens will be easy votes for me. This one between Asimov and Poe was tough (SciFi master versus a father of Horror and Suspense), but the real tough decision will be having to decide between the great French Romantic-Adventure novelist and the master of Fantasy. Why couldn't these 4 have just been the final four... Because then I would have had to choose between one of them and Dickens and another one of them and Hugo still leaving me with tough choices.
Theodosius (232 D(S))
13 Jun 14 UTC
Very tough.

As much as Asimov is THE science fiction writer, IMO, I'd still have to go with Poe.

I really enjoy Asimov, but I love Poe.
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe 7

Asimov 3
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Damn, was hoping this would stay close cause I love both.
semck83 (229 D(B))
13 Jun 14 UTC
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe 8
Asimov 3
KingCyrus (511 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe by the Raven.
ghug (5068 D(B))
13 Jun 14 UTC
That's fair, Obi. Different strokes for different folks.

I'm kinda glad Asimov's losing. Still disappointed Douglas Adams isn't the one representing the genre far into the tournament.
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Poe 9
Asimov 3

I just wish Asimov was getting a better showing.
taylor4 (261 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Catullus; Plato (including the doubtful Seventh Letter); Horace; (Virgil) P. Vergilius Maro
Poe Poe Poe (.. but not the BOOK of Literary Criticism of the Same Name.); Richard Rorty; Aeschylus; Herman Melville; Dorothy Sayers (Dante & Chanson de Roland translations and the Lord Peter Wimsey detective stories); Woodhouse (the Jeeves stories); Sir Walter Scott; Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Charles Williams; J.R.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury.
On a roll -, just writing this waiting for certain bastards to finalize Retreats in a disgustingly slow game
ghug (5068 D(B))
13 Jun 14 UTC
This Taylor seems like a man of excellent taste.
Yakoska (496 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
Douglas Adams is superb, but lets not confuse him as a Science Fiction writer :)
Yakoska (496 D)
13 Jun 14 UTC
I take it back, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency seroes was SF...

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198 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
21 Jun 14 UTC
Classic, Anon, Live
2 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
21 Jun 14 UTC
gameID=143686 , 30 minute phases
gameID=143686 , 30minute phases, classic diplomacy.
1 reply
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
21 Jun 14 UTC
Reliability Threshold
Is anyone thinking about creating an option for a minimum threshold to join a new game based on reliability rating?
6 replies
Fluminator (1500 D)
20 Jun 14 UTC
Classic Chaos
This site needs the "Classic Chaos" variant from Vdiplomacy. I would play it at Vdip but it's next to impossible to start a chaos game there.
Good idea no?
7 replies
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
20 Jun 14 UTC
SRG idea: no builds
So I want to get people to try out a novel idea I had: a game where you can never build, except to get back to your starting # of units.

Who's in?
28 replies
Mapu (362 D)
19 Jun 14 UTC
Bumping this thread.
186 replies
Frank (100 D)
18 Jun 14 UTC
Grantland article on Diplomacy
Definitely worth a read
24 replies
2ndWhiteLine (2736 D(B))
20 Jun 14 UTC
I need your help.
See inside.
32 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
19 Jun 14 UTC
How can we shine a light into the 'dark net'

Let's catch those paedos and kick their ass, we can put a man on the moon but cannot find a few dirty child molesters ...... priorities have gotta change
19 replies
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
20 Jun 14 UTC
Hey everyone. Last weekend I was unexpectedly rushed back into hopsital due to complications after my surgery. I've just got home today.
27 replies
denis (864 D)
19 Jun 14 UTC
A Live Game with Enough Time for Serious Diplomacy
Is anyone interested? details inside (no I am not advertising a live game, but thinking of setting a particular one up)
12 replies
Yonni (136 D(S))
20 Jun 14 UTC
Very minor bug
Very minor issue that probably doesn't affect many people. If you sign in to a banned account (I created an account in error near the beginning, forgetting that I already had one), there's no 'log out' button. I needed to clear the cookies in order to sign in with my real one. Not a big issue but figured it was worth mentioning.
11 replies
ol_hickory (515 D)
20 Jun 14 UTC
Five Minute Public Press Game
ID: 143645
0 replies
denis (864 D)
19 Jun 14 UTC
Replacement for Gunboat
gameID=143081Turkey was banned can we find a replacement
5 replies
Tru Ninja (1016 D(S))
19 Jun 14 UTC
Looking for a replacement player in the SoW game.
PM me if you're interested. Please do not post interest here since it's an anonymous game. Any player that is interested will do, but I place preference on those that have completed games and have not had a track record of CDs.
13 replies
denis (864 D)
20 Jun 14 UTC
Replacement for Turkey live gunboat
0 replies
denis (864 D)
20 Jun 14 UTC
Replacement for Germany Live game
0 replies
bengo1023 (100 D)
19 Jun 14 UTC
advertise live games!
3 replies
The Fox (115 D)
19 Jun 14 UTC
36hr anon WTA

It'll be an awesome BlocParty
0 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
19 Jun 14 UTC
Seeking a student for the SoW
Hi forum! I'm looking for someone interested in taking over Russia in the School of War. It's 1902 and you're in a great spot. This is an anonymous game, so PM me if you're interested. I will take anyone, however preference is given to those who have completed games and have a low number of CDs.
2 replies
dirge (768 D(B))
18 Jun 14 UTC
replacement player needed please
4 replies
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
19 Jun 14 UTC
Mafia III.VII: Irritating Draugnar
More to follow.
3 replies
SYnapse (0 DX)
19 Jun 14 UTC
Hey what happened to split diplomat?
1 reply
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
19 Jun 14 UTC
Time to let the old girl go
YJ is finally selling his car. Here is my craigslist ad, hope you guys approve.
14 replies
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