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principians (881 D)
01 Oct 15 UTC
45th mass shooting in america in 2015
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Yaleunc (11052 D(B))
02 Oct 15 UTC
Also I remain perplexed as to why people think tougher gun laws will be an effective deterrent against criminals not willing to obey laws against murder. Sometimes shootings are carried out by individuals that legally purchased firearms, but often the guns are stolen or otherwise obtained illegally. It takes a massive disconnect with reality and logic to find that at all rational/logical.
Durga (3609 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I love when people ignore hard statistics on how places with LESS GUNS have LESS GUN VIOLENCE (oh my god!!! who would have though???).
Durga (3609 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
thought *

Also, do people not realize how much harder it is to commit MASS murder without a gun? And, other countries have similar if not worse social problems than the US and don't suffer from as much mass shootings. Just because *YOU* might be responsible at this very time does not mean your neighbor can not develop mental issues and utilize the same weapon that might have "saved" him.
KingCyrus (511 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I also love it when people ignore hard statistics on how places with a LOT OF GUNS have CLOSE TO ZERO GUN VIOLENCE (I'm looking at you Switzerland).
Yaleunc (11052 D(B))
02 Oct 15 UTC
@DemonOverlord, you do realize that outlawing guns doesn't make the 300+ million guns already in the US disappear, right? Or that many mass shootings have been carried out by individuals who could not and/or did not legally purchase firearms already (for example the under18 perpetrators of the Columbine shooting or the mental case who did the Sandy Hook shooting with a stolen gun). Criminals are going to steal guns or obtain them through the black market. Breaking the law is what they do.
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
02 Oct 15 UTC
Why should law abiding citizens suffer for what criminals do?
Gobbledydook (1389 D(B))
02 Oct 15 UTC
By that argument, you should be allowed to own nuclear weapons so long as you follow necessary precautions, because if you aren't planning on nuking someone with it, it's all ok?
steephie22 (182 D(S))
02 Oct 15 UTC
I would like to ask a question about gun laws and gun crimes in Chicago:
Do we know whether one of them causes the other? I think that someone tried to imply here that tighter gun laws only increase the casualties sustained, but perhaps the gun laws got tightened up because there were more casualties sustained, and it's better now than before?

I have no clue, just asking.
Gobbledydook (1389 D(B))
02 Oct 15 UTC
Australia used to have gun laws similar to that in the US, then a mass shooting in the 90's prompted the government to recall all guns. The government announced that they would buy up all privately-owned guns, while making it illegal to own a gun without permit. It worked, and now very few people have guns in Australia.

So the moral of the story is, if you throw enough money at a problem, it will disappear. It can certainly be done in the US, if the political will is there.
Yoyoyozo (95 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
There has been a steady decline since the 1990s but get this:

The Chicago gun laws were actually *stricter* before then. In the 1980s, Chicago banned the possession of handguns. around this time, the murder rate was around 9 per 100,000, it shot up in the early 90s to almost 12, then steadily dropped to around 6 by 2004, where it has stayed for nearly a decade until just recently 2014 it hit 5.3 per 100,000. Mind you, the laws in Chicago have been steadily becoming more relaxed on obtaining a gun.
semck83 (229 D(B))
02 Oct 15 UTC
The Australian program, however, didn't really accomplish anything of substance.
Yoyoyozo (95 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I think the problem here is a difference of culture. It's illegal to possess a gun in 95% of the country without a permit, it's just that more people are willing to go out and get a permit.

Also, have you looked at the murder rates graphs for australia? the rate hasn't drop much more (if at all) than the drop in murder rates in Chicago in recent years.
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
@ Chaqa: "I have several justifications, Jamiet. I choose not to provide them because it isn't relevant to the discussion."

Asking you why you choose to be a gun owner is not relevant to a discussion about gun ownership?

Ok. Right. Sure. Anything you say.
diplomat61 (223 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I am reminded of the joke about how many psychologists it takes to change a light bulb. The answer is any number, but the light bulb has to want to change.

Stricter gun controls in the US are impossible until the majority of the population demand them. I have no idea what the tipping point will be. In the meantime, hundreds of innocent people will be killed every year by sick people with easy access to guns. From the outside looking in the situation is crazy and the gun-loons will continue to equate guns with other lethal weapons such as cars and irons and high-heeled shoes.
y2kjbk (4846 D(G))
02 Oct 15 UTC
The majority of US citizens, gun-owners and not, believe gun control needs to increase. Unfortunately a lot of them have representatives in congress in the pocket of the NRA/gun lobby and they don't have the desire or ability to fight the hard battle needed to change that.
TrPrado (461 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Sanders/Trump 2016
y2kjbk (4846 D(G))
02 Oct 15 UTC
also invoking switzerland as a reason that americans should be able to broadly have guns and have that not lead to violence is very misinformed. mandatory military conscription leads to most men owning guns in switzerland, but there are serious restrictions on the possession of ammo, and everyone owning these guns is put through explicit training for using said guns. very different than in America where a high school drop-out with no criminal record but with all the crazy intentions in the world can go get a loaded gun at walmart with little hassle.
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Back in the day, the NRA supported gun control, aka "responsible gun ownership." After gun manufacturers figured out that the second amendment is the only amendment which protects the right to buy (and own) weapons, they marketed the shit out of that and now we are swimming in firearms.
Durga (3609 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Switzerland is a very different case study. Their population does not suffer from the same issues as the US, the massive differences in class and race that appear in most countries do not hold much ground there. Them being an anomily does not negate the countless evidence that states fewer guns = less violence. Especially mass murders.
TrPrado (461 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
TrPrado (461 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
(Note: Even then, y2k's reference holds true, as the laws in Canada promote SAFE ownership of guns, and they are much less loose than the US has ever been.)
Durga (3609 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
What about Canada?
Durga (3609 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I don't know anyone in Canada who has a gun, maybe a few have one for hunting... I'm Canadian btw.
TrPrado (461 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Canada has a decent amount of guns and low levels of gun violence.
TrPrado (461 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I know, and so was mapleleaf, who would always be an ass to American users after every single mass shooting. Canada has the 12th highest number of guns per 100 thousand residents.
Durga (3609 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Maybe rifles for hunting. People do not feel the need to keep a gun to "protect" themselves here.
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Ok then, I have a question for our American chums:

Those of you who are arguing that gun control is not the answer, and who are pointing out that other countries have high-ish levels of gun ownership and much lower rates of gun-related death.... WHY is this the case?

Why is it, Americans, that American gun owners are far more likely to be homicidal than the gun owners of other countries?

If gun ownership is not the cause of gun violence, then what *is* the cause? What drives American gun owners to kill, where their cousins in other nations manage to exercise restraint?

This is a serious question.
ND (879 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Eh against strict gun control. Don't think it will work. Criminals and madmen will find a way to kill people. Let responsible citizens have a way to protect themselves.
Octavious (2802 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I have quite a few Canadian relatives, and around half have guns. They use them for hunting moose mostly.

I live in the UK. Ignoring the local firearms shop, I am aware of over a couple of dozen guns in private ownership within a short walk. Most of the people I know have used guns, mostly .22 sports rifles and shotguns, but also hunting rifles and assault rifles. There is no shortage of guns in Britain.
KingCyrus (511 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
I am an American and I have guns which I regularly hunt with. I also do target practice.

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112 replies
shield (3929 D)
03 Oct 15 UTC
12h game of modern dip
0 replies
Deinodon (379 D(B))
03 Oct 15 UTC
1,408 balanced reduced latin squares.
Once a half a year or so ago on here, I mentioned this paper and how I'd really like to get my hand on some of those squares. Well, Tim McMurry sent me 1,408 reduced latin squares to be used in balanced diplomacy tournaments.
7 replies
Dannyux (282 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
How long does it take a 5 min game ?
How long does it take a 5 min game ?
9 replies
Doug7878 (1590 D(G))
02 Oct 15 UTC
Classic Gunboat Anon WTA 120D 92%RR
Classic Gunboat - Anon, WTA, 120 D, 92% RR, Hidden draw votes
12 replies
jmo1121109 (3812 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Excel Question
If anyone has a surface pro 3 could you run the following code in Excel's VBA immediate window: ? application.operatingsystem
and let me know what you get?
4 replies
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
02 Oct 15 UTC
Nuclear Armageddon
The UK Labour Party's new leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is being attacked by some people because he said he would not use nuclear weapons, if he was Prime Minister in future.
16 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
01 Oct 15 UTC
Equality vs Equity
"A state of equality still leaves the most marginalized groups as they are: oppressed." Discuss
(From: )
8 replies
damian (675 D)
17 Sep 15 UTC
Anyone up for a game or two?
WTA, full press, 36hour, 99%+ RR only.
51 replies
ConorK (100 D)
29 Sep 15 UTC
The Art of Correspondence in the Game of Diplomacy
Hi folks, I just wanted to alert the webdip community to my new book. I've finally completed a two-year study of what makes for effective negotiations (and what doesn't work so well). Thanks, Conor
30 replies
wjessop (100 DX)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Mafia XII: X-Men Apocalypse
See inside for details.
2253 replies
Durga (3609 D)
01 Oct 15 UTC
Share your sweet tunes
What do you beautiful webdippers like to listen to when you're getting ready for the stab? I'm looking for new music, please share good things :)
29 replies
MrcsAurelius (3051 D(B))
17 Sep 15 UTC
Top 100 GR game. Full press. Anon. WTA.
Hi all, I want to try and play one more game before I take a break again. Some games I played the past months have been great, others a bit disappointing. Overall I still think GR is the best indicator for a noNMR high level of press game, as it was three years ago before I returned to the site. So for my last game before my break I'd like to try and set up a top 100 GR game. Is there anyone out there willing to spar?
27 replies
TheGambla (10 DX)
01 Oct 15 UTC
My Game
Join my game pls i need people
0 replies
TheMinisterOfWar (509 D)
16 Sep 15 UTC
Off to work to play Diplomacy
Today I'm in the fantastic position that I'm off to work to play Diplomacy. Or at least, GM it. A local bank is setting up a game for 300 (!) employees, in a trajectory to kickstart discussions about trust and audacity in company culture. I'm really interested: have others ever used Diplomacy in a professional setting? Maybe we're on to something.
73 replies
backscratcher (459 D)
30 Sep 15 UTC
Help with strategy for Amer. Empire?
Could someone who has good experience with Fall of the American Empire please PM me? I have a question.
0 replies
peterwiggin (15158 D)
29 Sep 15 UTC
The Art of Correspondence in the Game of Diplomacy

Somebody should read this and tell us if it's any good.
9 replies
ejb0527 (1012 D)
30 Sep 15 UTC
Is forum allowed to give game advice?
Please respond
8 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
29 Sep 15 UTC
A Perfect Example of Why a Knew Player Shouldn't Start With a RR of 100%
userID=74305 joined this evening and promptly CD'd in both of his games. He should have never been allowed into a game with a RR limit of 80%.
21 replies
diplomat61 (223 D)
27 Sep 15 UTC
Ready vs Not Ready
Are players confused by the Ready/Not Ready button?
18 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
23 Sep 15 UTC
So I have permission to use a 3D printer for my boardgame prototype..
Now I need 3 D models to print and use as units. I need tanks, infantry, helicopters, planes, artillery, battleships, factories, territory markers (flags or more creative) and possibly the resources oil, iron, gold and aluminium depicted somehow..
Could I find files for those somewhere? Thoughts?
64 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
28 Sep 15 UTC
webDip Live Gunboat Highlights Game 2
Valis and I went on a D&D bender last weekend, so we didn't advertise very well, but we still want to do this so let's get a game going tonight! 8PM EST. Solo and get interviewed! Express interest below!
8 replies
beniliusbob (0 DX)
27 Sep 15 UTC
How does PPSC work?
I thought that in PPSC you always, no matter what, hey points according to the number of SCs you control. But someone in game told me that if you draw, all the points are split among survivors.

Can someone clarify for me?
19 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
28 Sep 15 UTC
Robot workers and an oversupply of labour
just reading some lite economics news. Morgan Stanley did an analysis recently and blame everything on demographics (and the inclusion of Chinese and former Soviet workers into a global workforce)
5 replies
diplomat61 (223 D)
28 Sep 15 UTC
Downloading map files
I would like to download the maps for each turn in the 30-odd games I have played. Downloading each is painful, is there a way to download all those for game?
11 replies
rbeyers (100 D)
28 Sep 15 UTC
rules question
suppose Russia is trying to move to Bulgaria from Rumania (1 army). At the same time Turkey is trying to move to Bulgaria from Con (1 army). At the same time, Austria is trying to move to Bulgaria from Serbia with support from Greece.

will the unit from Serbia make the move?
9 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
24 Sep 15 UTC
Come play world of warships with ss and me
7 replies
backscratcher (459 D)
23 Sep 15 UTC
Any good advice on Italy in Modern?
Whp can give me some good quality advice on how to do well at playing Italy in Modern?
9 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Sep 15 UTC
ok, time for some contraversy: Is Cereal Soup?
I haven't posted much this last week; So i thought i'd post this rather polarising topic.
26 replies
Valis2501 (2850 D(G))
18 Sep 15 UTC
Highlighted Live Game(s) this weekend.
Hello Everyone! As above, below.

64 replies
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