A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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rogi (184 D)
14 Aug 08 UTC
Does anyone else see the hilarity of this game? Bearing in mind I was in an alliance with Russia for the first eight years of the game.
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Ben e Boy (101 D)
14 Aug 08 UTC
Pause Game Request
I'm going to be away (unavoidable) for 48 hours, beginning about 36 hours from now. I have someone to cover my games, both on here and on Facebook phpDiplomacy, but they can only get only once or possibly twice per day. They will not be able to cover the 10-hour game Toaster Strudel -

I hate to leave games with unordered moves or in CD, as it ruins it for everyone else, but this was unexpected and can't be avoided. Please could this game be paused for 48 hours, beginning sometime around Friday afternoon (GMT)?

Very grateful if this is possible. I've seen games paused on Facebook phpDiplomacy, so hopefully...
4 replies
rickkunkel (105 D)
14 Aug 08 UTC
Confusion about Civil Disorder
Regarding the game at:

Russia is in civil disorder. They have moves they COULD make, but they apparenlty have no options, as there's no check or X next to their name.

France, on the other hand, hasn't done anything for a couple turns, but is still apparently able to make moves.

How does civil disorder work? Can you break out of it once entered? How many turns of doing nothing does it take to enter CD? Does logging in reset the timer, or does making moves reset it?


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paparazzi (100 D)
12 Aug 08 UTC
impossible movement

North sea could nt convoy. it is under attack from norwegian sea.
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Puddle (428 D)
14 Aug 08 UTC
1 hour per turn
anyone interested for just today? you wouild need to be able to stay online all day, but it could be fun, if we get enough people I'll set one up
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dangermouse (5551 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
Draw Request for game M
We've come to an impass here and would like to draw the game.
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Giramondo (100 D)
14 Aug 08 UTC
come join my fast game!
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alamothe (3367 D(B))
12 Aug 08 UTC
excellent russia to take over
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DeliciousWolf (112 D)
14 Aug 08 UTC
Stalemate Lines ?
Where can I find info on common stalemate lines? thanks
1 reply
Iidhaegn (111 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
Forum sub-division idea
I'm not sure if this is possible, but I was thinking... What if for forum subdivisions we just divided it up like your game tabs are divided up?

To explain: when you click the Games link, and you see at the top "Your games," "Joinable," "Active," and "Finished." In my proposal, when you clicked the Forum link you'd see "General," "Draw Requests," "Meta/Multi Suspicions," "Rule Clarifications."

I'm not too familiar with PHP programming, but it seems like we already have the outline in place (the Games link) and the primary Games pages could just be replaced with a blank Forum page. Sure, you have to post in the one you want to use, but that's no different from a typical sub-divided forum.

I'll take a look at the code and see if I can't figure this one out myself. But if there's anyone out there that can see where I'm going with this, and already knows PHP, maybe they could contribute... :-)
6 replies
VegHeadMoby (780 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
Draw Request for Game "balls"
We've come to an impasse and are requesting a draw for game 5001:
3 replies
Tolstoy (1962 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
Multiple accounts - 'Owned'
Led Julio and Aero are obvious multi-accounts, meta-gamers, or whatever you want to call them.

Have a look at their previous games:

I tried to handle it in-game and start an alliance with the other four powers, but unfortunately Germany and Austria immediately went CD, while Turkey and Russia never responded. In a fit of frustration/just for laughs, I created a second and third account of my own ("Tolstoy2" and Tolstoy3") and have taken over Germany and Austria to even out the odds. I would be interested in hearing from the community if this would be an acceptable way to combat this problem, or if I just ought to let T2 and T3 go CD as well and write the game off, points-wise, as a Cost of Doing Business.
1 reply
IllegalCharacter (100 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
New Game
Hey everyone, I started up a new game here:

We're a few new players, so hopefully we can have other new players join.
0 replies
Rait (10151 D(S))
12 Aug 08 UTC
Realpolitik & real-time diplomacy in Georgia
If someone wants to follow a real high-league diplomacy & circus that could be arranged to organize a masquerade covering up invasion to an another country, then You should take a look what currently happens in Georgia.

I have to admit that Russian politicians are amazing (on top of the others are obviously Medvedev and Putin) . There was incredible interview organized to western media yesterday, where 'confused' president Medvedev asked questions from the representative of government (Putin; actually it looked more like Putin had talked to the mirror), what the heck is going on 'near Georgia'. Medvedev looked very 'uninformed' and 'compassionate' to the victimized Russian citizens in Ossetia during this interview. Then Putin 'explained' (publicly) to Medvedev that these are bad bad Georgians who are committing genocide amongst the 'Ossetian pensioners' - Putin witnessed himself 'crying old ladies' who had lost their children in the attacks 'of evil empire of Georgia'. And after all, these are only few hundred 'defenseless Ossetian rebels' (flying around with new SU-27's and bombing Georgian civilian targets) whom Georgian army is persecuting.

This was really something. Tons of new lessons about diplomacy...
76 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
12 Aug 08 UTC
i'm playing austria in

and it says on that page that i have no orders to submit.

Standard: "You have no orders to enter this phase."

but it also says that i have not finalized, and I should have an option of retreat or disband(even if i'm just going to be forced to disband right after.)
4 replies
Feckless Clod (777 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
Online adjudicator
A little while ago, someone posted a link to a thingamajig which let you try out Dip moves online with an interactive map. I meant to save the URL, but forgot. Then my PC decided to be an ass, so I had to reprogram it with an axe. I lost the link. :(

I've Googled for something similar, but there are LOADS of links to Dip tools, and as far as I can tell, most of them are shit. So, fess up, who posted the link, and can I have it again, please? Cuz there's this Russian needs crushin'....
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keeper0018 (100 D)
12 Aug 08 UTC
in this game, i am turkey, and i ordered ankara - armenia supported by smyrna. the way i understand how the game is played on this site, his support in armenia should have been cut, not allowing him to get into ankara. i dont know, i may be wrong, but can someone shed some light on the situation?
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flashman (2274 D(G))
13 Aug 08 UTC
Bug. Game 4888
I am Italy. My support from Tyrolia (for Venice to Trieste) is shown on the big map as broken yet Tyrolia was not attacked. I should have gained Trieste through this move.

Just for the record...

10 replies
DeliciousWolf (112 D)
13 Aug 08 UTC
Attention: All "Brothers" - Metagaming and You
All of you who claim to be Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, Nieces, etc! It's fine that you both want to play Diplomacy, certainly commendable. However, there is too much "meta-gaming" which looks like cheating from you all! What is meta-gaming ?
1 reply
Ed Poon (100 D)
09 Aug 08 UTC
Variant Game (Fra-Eng vs. Ger-Ita-Aus vs. Rus-Tur)
If you're interested, please post. After seven people are in I'll start the game. Other suggestions concerning rules are welcome. 5 pt buy-in?

1) 24 hr phases
3) Communication with teammates only
4) No alliances between teams
5) No quitters
43 replies
07 Aug 08 UTC
Question about Convoys
Can both:
1. the convoyed army be supported to its destination by a separate unit (adjacent to the destination)
2. the convoying fleet be supported by a separate unit to prevent a disruption
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Wombat (722 D)
12 Aug 08 UTC
Join Game!
game name "Michael Phelps is amazing"

ppsc 50 each

0 replies
El_Perro_Artero (707 D)
12 Aug 08 UTC
The Olympics
We're only a few days in and there have already been some really exciting things going on in Beijing.
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schreck32 (100 D)
12 Aug 08 UTC
Low stakes, noob game
5d at stake. 24 hour phase. If interested look up :Wont get fooled again" as game name
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ldrut (674 D)
11 Aug 08 UTC
Posts not posting
I have frequently written a in-game post, pressed the button, and just had the post disappear without being posted. Have others had this happen before? I am using FireFox It seems to happen mostly with posts to Germany but maybe thats just because I post a lot to Germanys.
12 replies
lou89laj (276 D)
12 Aug 08 UTC
Move turn
So it was just spring turn yesterday and I did my moves, but I was unsure and left it unfinalized to get back to it later. Usually when the moves are done, but unfinalized, the turn will still honor the moves whether finalized or not, why didn't that happen now? What happened to my moves?
1 reply
canute (0 DX)
11 Aug 08 UTC
England and i (Russia) built fleets in a no fleet game- can we PLEASE REVERSE THE TURN?????
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Metternich471 (137 D)
11 Aug 08 UTC
silly question
I have a question on game mechanics; I can't find an answer anywhere on the site.
If your orders are saved but not finalized, are they still executed if the deadline is reached, or does everything hold? Thanks.
8 replies
supernazer (100 D)
10 Aug 08 UTC
Wannabe Diplomats wanted...
Low pot game, which is newbie friendly... but no less agressive!
1 reply
Ben e Boy (101 D)
11 Aug 08 UTC
Can an admin please double-check the order history?

As France, I'm absolutely sure I changed my order for A(Bur)-Mun to A(Bur)-Mar before I finalised. The order history disagrees. Obviously this is terrible for my relations with Germany and therefore affects the game substantially. Is there a log of every database submission that can be checked? Or is there perhaps a bug with finalising is a changed order hasn't been re-updated?
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