A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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FirstPreviousNextLast (0 DX)
23 May 17 UTC
Buy CC, Cvv , dumps Fullz of all countries
Buy CC, Cvv , dumps Fullz of all countries
0 replies
Volmort (100 D)
22 May 17 UTC
Coast passing
Hi I have a question, can I move from mid-atlantic see to North Africa and next turn attack Tunis?

Or its prevented by coastal issues?
5 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
20 May 17 UTC
Gauging Interest: Econ-Dip
See Inside
31 replies
Namejeff (10 DX)
22 May 17 UTC
Does anyone have GTA 12 that I can borrow for my comrade
1 reply
bobarctor1977 (341 D)
18 May 17 UTC
Would anyone be interested in joining a game with some friends of mine and I?
I have 3 friends that I would like to introduce to the game, but can't seem to talk anyone else into playing with us for a full Ancient Med game. Just a casual, low-bet game, probably 2 day turns.
18 replies
Hippopankake (80 D)
20 May 17 UTC
New game
I'm thinking about making a game where you have to have a war goal and a justification for going to war similar to paradox games thoughts ?
7 replies
leon1122 (190 D)
18 May 17 UTC
German Man Imprisoned for 10 years for Holocaust Denial
See below
381 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
21 May 17 UTC
Lawmaker threatened with Lynching after calling for Trumps impeachment.
4 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
21 May 17 UTC
Hehe, Trump just bowed to Saudi king and curtsied too
Just another example of Trump hypocrisy. He slammed Obama for merely bowing. The curtsy was bigly over the top.
32 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
20 May 17 UTC
Juggernaut is actually a horrible alliance
Despite the fearmongering ive seen in Press games about Juggernauts over the past 5 years ive been here...I cant help but note its low rate of success and how its paranoia often benefits France or England most. Please share games where Juggernauts fail miserably. But also include ones which work out in a 2wd (if there even is such a situtation)
10 replies
peterwiggin (15158 D)
24 Mar 17 UTC
Spring 2017 SoW Study Game
This thread is for commentary and discussion on the spring 2017 School of War Study Game: gameID=194603

233 replies
Jamiet99uk (1302 D)
20 May 17 UTC
It's been a while since the last game of Mafia. When does the next one start?
19 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
18 May 17 UTC
Is it Treason to sympathize with the Confederacy?
Shouldnt it be treason to sympathize with the Confederacy? We fought a war and defeated them. Hundreds of thousands died more than any war fought by America. For people who still wish the south had won- chant the south shall rise again or fly its flags isnt this treason?
86 replies
Crazy Anglican (1075 D)
20 May 17 UTC
Dresden Files rpg
Anybody here played it or better yet GM'ed it?
0 replies
Fluminator (1500 D)
18 May 17 UTC
Should otherkin be forced to give up their human rights?
Are there any otherkin on this site? I'm genuinely curious to understand this culture more. If you identify as something non-human, do you think you have a right to get the privileges that all humans deserve? Or do you believe you're in a separate category and thus have different standards and base rules to start off with?
20 replies
Hippopankake (80 D)
20 May 17 UTC
New game
I'm thinking about making a game where you have to have a war goal and a justification for going to war similar to paradox games thoughts ?
0 replies
Fat backstab (25 DX)
15 May 17 UTC
I feel this would be a much better game if you destroyed all of the thots accounts
52 replies
Jamiet99uk (1302 D)
15 May 17 UTC
Trump hands highly classified information to the Russians

What a liability this man is.
43 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
Hillary's secret agenda
Someone made a comment that they voted for Trump because they were worried about Hillary's secret agenda. What was she going to do that was so bad?
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
I'll start with what I think you're gonna say and then you can add in other stuff:
take away your guns
somehow do something better for Wall Street than what they already have
start WWIII
discriminate against white men (mostly by supporting affirmative action)
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
16 May 17 UTC
- kill all DNC staffers who aren't loyal to her
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
Hippopankake (80 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Putting chest rials in the sky that was gonna turn the frogs gay
Randomizer (722 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Give classified intelligence to Russia. Ooops Trump beat her to it.
Increase US military involvement in Syra. Oooops Trump beat her to it.
Zmaj (215 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC

"discriminate against white men (mostly by supporting affirmative action)"

I think just hearing the phrase "affirmative action" was enough for half the nation to vote against her. I know I would.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
Seriously? Is Jeff Kuta the only one with a beef against Hillary? Where is the rest of the fabric of America?
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Whistleblowers are worth protecting.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
@Zmaj, ... and that would be your right. Even I would prefer handling the remedy to discrimination a different way.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
Jeff, I curious if you see any distinction between a whistleblower, a leaker, and a spy.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC
A different way? You mean like massive income redistribution?

So 100% estate / death tax; that way all the ill gotten gains of slavery can be redistributed (once - it can apply to everyone a single time, and only to people born before it was introduced). Then setup a system for giving equal opportunities to all citizens. Paid for by this estate tax. Shure we'd only be one life-time away from utopia, right?
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
16 May 17 UTC
A whistleblower is an insider. A leaker is a complicit outsider. A spy is an adversarial outsider.
peterlund (1310 D(G))
16 May 17 UTC
You have a corrupt retarded traitor in your oval office that is a security risk to the whole world. Now we all need to become religious and start pray that we survive these 4 years.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
The tax thing sounds like rich people problems. So is the worst of it the reverse discrimination?
peterlund (1310 D(G))
16 May 17 UTC
Impeach the bastard!
Zmaj (215 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC

"So 100% estate / death tax; that way all the ill gotten gains of slavery can be redistributed"

This reminded me of something I read recently. In the Ottoman Empire, "spahi" (knights) would receive land for their service. However, when a knight died, his land was confiscated and redistributed. It was the sultan's way of ensuring nobody became too powerful.

This is considered by today's historians to be one of the main reasons for the stagnation and decline of the Ottoman Empire, as it prevented almost any kind of major economic enterprise except those initiated the sultan (i.e. the government). Interesting, wouldn't you say?
Zmaj (215 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC
*initiated by
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
@Zmaj, if the sultan kept the money for himself and did not create a class to support him, that is a fatal error. Say, how long did the Ottoman Empire last? A long time right?
Hauta (1618 D(S))
16 May 17 UTC
The flip side is that he didn't have to raise taxes on anyone alive in order to finance new loyalties.
Zmaj (215 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC

Yeah, 600 years or so. I see your point. But it was primarily supported by conquest. When that started failing, it couldn't sustain itself.
Manwe Sulimo (419 D)
16 May 17 UTC
There's no telling what her real policy goals were. She said one thing, yet believed another. She admitted as much herself - politicians need "both a public and a private" position according to her. She is a chronic liar and I simply can't trust a word that comes out of her mouth. That's probably the biggest reason I didn't vote for her.
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
16 May 17 UTC
The "both a public and a private" position thing applies to every single politician out there. Hillary just got caught admitting it.
Manwe Sulimo (419 D)
16 May 17 UTC
"The "both a public and a private" position thing applies to every single politician out there. Hillary just got caught admitting it."

That's why I dislike the vast majority of them.
Zmaj (215 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC
Hillary Clinton did everything by the numbers. She must have made great sacrifices to distort her personality in order to be the person she thought people would like and trust. And she lost to someone who said whatever he felt like saying.

Politics are perceived as a comedy, but they have great potential for tragedies. I wish a new Shakespeare would appear in our age.
DammmmDaniel (100 D)
16 May 17 UTC
I hate affirmative action sooooo much. Makes it so much harder to get into better colleges in the states. Isn't there a stat that says affirmative actions basically forces Asians to get a higher SAT score by X amount of points in comparison to others? I just felt like during the election Hilary concentrated too much on racial issues. BEFORE all the shade comes flying at me, I do believe it is an important topic to discuss, but I also felt that she should have done a better job at spreading out her speeches.
@ Hauta why are you so horrid? lol You always make anyone who is slightly Right-Side oriented look like racist bigots.
The main reason why I didn't like her was that she has been in politics for too long. I'm not some dissenter that advocates for "Complete reset of political representatives", but I do believe that she has been in the game for so long that she probably does have some ulterior party motives (or favors to pay off/personal interests to pursue). IM NOT SAYING that Trump doesn't have these same flaws (lets face it he probably has a lot more flaws). I just feel that at-least we now have an idiot we can shake our heads in despair at, rather than someone who probably knows her way around so well, anything she does would have no footstep echoes.
ND (879 D)
16 May 17 UTC
There are a lot of far left SJW Marxists out there that want to censor free speech and any free of intellectual thought. They despise people who are religious and traditional or a centrist. It's sad, but there are a few people like that around here. Just ignore their click bait threads and let them ramble to themselves. It's better for everyone.
ND (879 D)
16 May 17 UTC
MajorMitchell (1605 D)
17 May 17 UTC
I'm not going to suggest that Hillary is perfect, she, like all of us has human weaknesses. But she has a proven track record as a hard-working high achiever. I think for some, those I regard as ignorant mysoginists, simply being Hillary is too much, the idea that a woman could aspire to the presidency of the USA, and succeed, be a President of the USA.. those are concepts that threaten these clowns so much that they will fight, lie, spread false rumour and offensive innuendo, do anything to prevent her succeeding. Unfortunately for them, but most fortuitously for humanity, these ideas are unleashed..and millions of young women inspired to be ambitious. Hillary won't be President, but I'll bet there are young women already working towards fulfilling that destiny..there will be a woman who will be President.
I can think of one woman already who would make a better President than that Turniphead Trump.. Oprah. Get your minds around that idea. Not only will a woman be President one day, she may well not be a "Barbie doll" blonde with blue eyes.
DammmmDaniel (100 D)
17 May 17 UTC
Hell no I need my barbie dolls. I grew up with barbie and ken. You can't take away my dream White House ( cause they are white get it hehehe) I'm used to putting barbie and ken and ken and ken and ken and ken and ken together.
ND (879 D)
17 May 17 UTC
That's a cool story MajorMitchell, anyway, come back to reality. Most people voted for Trump because he had a hopeful and optimistic message about economic prosperity. She just wasn't a good candidate. Sorry. Now, as to your other points, of course! Hopefully America has a female president one day.. but she may not be a SJW Leftist Marxist! Hopefully she will be a Conservative and Traditionalist like Sarah Palin.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
17 May 17 UTC
@Zmaj, yes thats very interesting, i guess that land continued to br owned by the state (the Sultan) but was granted on a life-time lease to the soldiers.

The up-side is you can re-use the land every generation to assemble more soldiers, and conquer more... The downside, well as you mentioned.

The difference with what i proposed is that it is a once off thing. Anyone born after this 'policy' was introduced would get an 'equal start' and be allowed to start accumulating wealth again - ok it would take years ~90 years before the majority was passing on their wealth again.

I must note, i was trying to come up with an extreme and possibly unworkable plan to contrast how little is currently being done with affirmative action (and how managable it is). But i'd definitely be interested in reading more about the Ottomans :)
orathaic (1009 D(B))
17 May 17 UTC
@"That's a cool story MajorMitchell, anyway, come back to reality. Most people voted for Trump because he had a hopeful and optimistic message about economic prosperity. She just wasn't a good candidate. Sorry."

You have the crux of it. She represented the status quo, in a way few else could have. And under the status quo many millions of Americans suffered - as a result of a banking crisis they had nothing to do with.

It is only a pity the US doesn't have a better electoral system. Even France's system would be an improvement.

But on the flip-side, i am shocked to hear people saying that they didn't vote for Hillary because she had too much experience. That is usually considered a good thing. It has really been spun into a negative - and not by Trump, but by the media - it think that is an impressive spin.

Also, all the racism and misogyny spewing from Trump's mouth, makes it clear that (many) people will think of themselves first (and their economic position) and only worry about other people wen they have the comfort and privilege to do so. I guess that isn't too surprising. Look at all the wealthy white vegans. They have a comfortable enough life to care about animal welfare...
eturnage (500 D(B))
17 May 17 UTC
My primary reasons for not voting for Hillary were as follows:

a) She was more of a war monger than Trump, according to the campaign rhetoric of both. (Of course, Trump lied during the campaign.) Completely in the camp of the neocons, which is why so many of those neocon Republicans supported her. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Trump?

b) She is horribly corrupt. Clinton Foundation, etc.

c) She was two-faced.

d) Lied about the email, destroying evidence, maybe worse (Rich murder?) etc.

e) She and the establishment Democrats cheated Sanders out of a primary victory.

Jill Stein was the better choice once Sanders was cheated out of the nomination.
diplomat61 (223 D)
17 May 17 UTC
"What was she going to do that was so bad?"

Dunno, it was a secret.
Hauta (1618 D(S))
17 May 17 UTC
@JeffKuta, here's the pushback on the story that Clinton ordered Rich murdered for contacting Wikileaks:

In light of the article, what is your position on the matter?
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
17 May 17 UTC
I agree that the whole "Clinton body count" thing is more conspiracy than fact, but they do keep popping up all the time so it seems.
Fluminator (1500 D)
17 May 17 UTC
Why are there so many Hillary threads? She's irrelevant now. She lost.
Randomizer (722 D)
17 May 17 UTC
Those that voted for Trump for economic prosperity and jobs are cursing themselves for being stupid enough to do it. Trump has less new jobs than Obama over the same length of time and most of those new jobs were announced before the election. They want him to stop wasting time over illegal voters and other conspiracies and do something for them,

Hillary was going to bring back Democrat death panels to deny health insurance benefits. Trump is going to let market forces to it automatically with higher premiums and less coverage.
TrPrado (461 D)
17 May 17 UTC
"Trump has less new jobs than Obama over the same length of time"

I seriously wish people would stop using this statistic as praise of Obama. It's incredibly misleading. A lot of those "new jobs" are extra jobs people have to take up just to pay their bills, and that's not good.
eturnage (500 D(B))
18 May 17 UTC
Most of the jobs that were created during the Obama Administration are part time, low income. In order to make a living wage, people need two of those jobs. Check the details inside the numbers. It is setting the US economy up for a really bad unemployment spike. If we have inflation at the same time, the whole fiat-banking, US Dollar system may crumble.
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
18 May 17 UTC
I wish people would acknowledge that we are in the midst of the longest running expansion of the U.S. economy in history. It happened to coincide with the Obama Administration and the follow on after the Great Recession. It could have been better except for 100% obstruction from the Republicans in Congress.
eturnage (500 D(B))
19 May 17 UTC
dream on ^^^^ Democrat arguments like this are why Trump won. People know for a fact that our economy sucks. Our kids cannot find good jobs and there are more unemployed people in the US than in our entire history. When the service sector collapses and those low wage, part-time jobs evaporate, we're going to be in deep trouble.
Randomizer (722 D)
19 May 17 UTC

Ford cuts white collar jobs because blue collar ones are union protected. While most will be in Europe, so much for Trump job creation. It's over.
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
19 May 17 UTC
@eturnage: The facts are the facts. You can try to argue against them qualitatively if you want, but the numbers are real.

Where was that Republican jobs bill after they took over Congress in 2011? Never once, but they had time to repeal the ACA 50-odd times. Do-nothing, good-for-nothing GOP.

And what has the GOP done since Trump took office? Pretty much nothing. They are good at manipulating the system (e.g. gerrymandering and voter suppression) to win elections, but they have no idea how to govern effectively.

44 replies
CAPT Brad (40 DX)
17 May 17 UTC
Why Should Hillary Have Been Elected President
Explain concrete reasons why.
81 replies
TrPrado (461 D)
18 May 17 UTC
Betty Shelby Found Not Guilty of Manslaughter
I'm just left wondering how the DA bungled what should have been an open-shut conviction.
6 replies
Yoyoyozo (95 D)
13 May 17 UTC
Does .999... equal to 1?
I'm drunk and I havent seen this thread in a while. What do you guys think?
45 replies
peterlund (1310 D(G))
18 May 17 UTC
Robert Mueller my hero!
At last you are getting something right over there. Put that traitor into prison where he belongs!
12 replies
Durga (3609 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Is in Oxford this year. Anyone going?
11 replies
WyattS14 (100 D(B))
16 May 17 UTC
History of The Entire World, I Guess
If you haven't watched this video, I urge you to do so right now. (And let's start a discussion, why not? I'd like to hear what Zmaj and James have to say.
8 replies
stranger (525 D)
17 May 17 UTC
convoy rules
If my opponent moves his army from Tuscany to Piedmont and I convoy my Piedmont army to Tuscany via the gulf of lyons at the same time, will they swap places?
8 replies
rojimy1123 (597 D)
18 May 17 UTC
Chris Cornell, 1964-2017
My inner teenager is crying. RIP.
8 replies
Jacob63831 (160 D)
16 May 17 UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Is it Memes?
Is it Bill Cosby?
18 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
15 May 17 UTC
Interesting read
I'd like to hear what the right wing thinkers (and not trolls) think of this article, as well as the liberals here.

Mostly a criticism of market liberalism:
15 replies
wasdok (0 DX)
18 May 17 UTC
[email protected]

7 replies
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