Celebration of America

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Re: Celebration of America

#181 Post by ND » Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:58 pm


“But I don't understand and I repeat again - THEY HAVE NO OTHER COUNTRY TO GO TO. Since this is the case how can **anyone** say they can go back to their own country???”


“@ND: Which country should they go back to?”


Irrelevant questions and points. Here is a list of known celebrities: https://www.syracuse.com/politics/2016/ ... ident.html who said they would leave the United States if Trump won in 2016. Like these individuals who claimed they would move (and many didn’t) the squad has the freedom (that’s what’s great about the US because we have the freedom to leave the country if we don’t like who is elected, etc) to move to a different country. Trump, doesn’t have the power to force these people to leave, but is simply suggesting that if they don’t like the country they could go to another country like these celebrities have suggested they were going to do in 2016. There is a large number of ex-pats living all across the world who have left the United States due to political disagreement or because they despise the country. If the squad hates the US and the President then why stay? They are free to go anywhere they want in the world.


Being white has nothing to do with it. He didn’t even name them in his tweets. You aren’t inside his mind and you have no idea if he would have chosen a different insult if they are white. He insults people on a regular basis and never highlights skin color. We are all human; the whole race thing is simply a barrier box that the identity politics, cultural marxist, left invented to divide people. Viewing people based on skin color is in itself racist. Just as policies like Affirmative Action, et al are racist policies used to discriminate against folks. The left is in fact the harbinger of most racial discrimination policies still in place in America.

Chris Wallace is a Democrat. Who cares.

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Re: Celebration of America

#182 Post by flash2015 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:38 pm

ND wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:35 am

“You are deflecting” No. I straight up answered your question.

“EEOC has ruled on statements about ‘Go back to your own country.’” Okay, this may be a big surprise to you so stay with me. The EEOC or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is simply an agency that policies workplace guidelines and allows workers to lodge a complaint against their employer if they believe they are being discriminated against. Ready, for the twist @Flash? The EEOC has no power over the President, the President’s tweets were not in a workplace, and whatever the EEOC guidelines say have no bearing on this. Why? Because, duh the Congresswoman in question don’t work for the President. I feel like I am losing brain cells writing this to you. Seriously, who the heck cares? The EEOC has literally no guidance or power on this. It’s a political issue not a workplace issue. Duh. Did I dumb that down enough for you to understand?

I seriously don’t care what Giraldo Rivera has to say and no one else does either. And, yeah he is wrong because the tweet wasn’t racist.
The EEOC is an independent body that has had to make decisions about whether racism/sexism/prejudice has occurred in the workplace. They have determined in the past that "Go back to your own country" was racist. I am asking you are they wrong? Or in those cases they are right but in this case it is "OK". But no, you ducked the question again and argued a straw man saying that the Trump-Squad spat was an employment law case which I wasn't suggesting.
I bring up Rivera and Wallace because it isn't common that commentators on Fox News think he has gone way too far this time.

https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/16/re ... terrorism/

Omar refuses to denounce Al-Qaeda. I don’t know anyone on earth who would refuse to denounce them unless she supported them.
So you are backpedaling, aren't you? There is no evidence that she is a supporter of Al Qaeda. The best you can come up with is is her getting pissed off because Muslims are **assumed** to be supporters of terrorism or terrorists and she shouldn't have to go out of her way to constantly denounce it as the denunciation should be assumed. I 100% understand where she is coming from here. Whether the response was good politics on her part is another story.
Trump doesn’t need to apologize for anything. He hasn’t done anything wrong. And, yeah Omar needs to apologize for being anti-semetic and refusing to denounce Al-Qaeda. Just think we have a US Congresswoman running around refusing to denounce Al-Qaeda and saying anti-semetic things about Jewish people. Ugh. It makes me sick.
Again, she did apologize for her comments...and I have covered your Al Qaeda support BS above.
“Show me where they say they hate the USA.” Um, their statements. Refusing to denounce Al-Qaeda, being anti-semetic, and putting down Americans. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/qanta-a ... m-religion
Ugh, so this is the "somebody did something" thing. Again, she was talking about all the prejudice Muslims experienced after Sept 11...who are part of her constituency and her audience was an Islamic one. Could she have said it better? Absolutely, again I don't believe she has learnt how to be an effective politician. But to get from that that she "hates the USA" is absurd.
“Fantasy World” What? Yeah, if the Jewish people hadn’t been stripped of their guns they could have defended themselves. Yeah, I am against the murder of children. 100%. I am against people murdering babies and children. Anyone who supports abortion is morally bankrupt. I don’t want to see children be murdered. I don’t think women should have a choice to kill someone, a living person, no. Sorry, but no. No one should have the power to murder a child or baby.
You know that Germany already had tight gun laws even before Hitler came to power, don't you? The Jews never were well armed and made up a tiny fraction of the German populations. This argument has been debunked many, many, many times. Repeating it again and again doesn't make it any less silly.

And you skipped my question again about birth control because of course it will make your silly argument fall apart. Deflect, divert, ignore - it seems like your only strategy. I assume you must be trolling as I just can't believe that you actually believe what you write.

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Re: Celebration of America

#183 Post by flash2015 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:05 pm

ND wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:58 pm

“But I don't understand and I repeat again - THEY HAVE NO OTHER COUNTRY TO GO TO. Since this is the case how can **anyone** say they can go back to their own country???”


“@ND: Which country should they go back to?”


Irrelevant questions and points. Here is a list of known celebrities: https://www.syracuse.com/politics/2016/ ... ident.html who said they would leave the United States if Trump won in 2016. Like these individuals who claimed they would move (and many didn’t) the squad has the freedom (that’s what’s great about the US because we have the freedom to leave the country if we don’t like who is elected, etc) to move to a different country. Trump, doesn’t have the power to force these people to leave, but is simply suggesting that if they don’t like the country they could go to another country like these celebrities have suggested they were going to do in 2016. There is a large number of ex-pats living all across the world who have left the United States due to political disagreement or because they despise the country. If the squad hates the US and the President then why stay? They are free to go anywhere they want in the world.
Deflect, divert, ignore again - what does the opinions of some celebrities from 2016 have with the price of fish? Find me where any of the relevant four have said they wish to live elsewhere because of Trump. They are doing their jobs by representing their constituents and presenting their views on how the country should be run. Are you suggesting people should not be allowed to disagree with Trump? We should have a one party state perhaps? This is where you are effectively going with this. I guess it would make sense as Trump has said such wonderful things about dictators across the world. He obviously aspires to be one too.

Being white has nothing to do with it. He didn’t even name them in his tweets. You aren’t inside his mind and you have no idea if he would have chosen a different insult if they are white. He insults people on a regular basis and never highlights skin color. We are all human; the whole race thing is simply a barrier box that the identity politics, cultural marxist, left invented to divide people. Viewing people based on skin color is in itself racist. Just as policies like Affirmative Action, et al are racist policies used to discriminate against folks. The left is in fact the harbinger of most racial discrimination policies still in place in America.

Chris Wallace is a Democrat. Who cares.
Who else could he possibly have been referring to then? You are being willfully blind or just playing dumb...again.

Yes, Trump throws insults all the time. They are juvenile and demean the office of the presidency. But again you are being willfully blind in not seeing how these are different. All four of these people are US citizens and have as much right to opinion as you or I irrespective of how much you disagree. It is not "My USA" or "Your USA" or "Trump's USA", it is "Our USA". "Go back to your own country" has been a racist trope for decades and decades...experienced my many non-white people in USA, Australia and the UK. I just can't comprehend how you keep diverting and diverting. You must be just trolling for the lulz. I just can't seriously believe that you believe what you write.

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Re: Celebration of America

#184 Post by flash2015 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:21 pm

Stressedlines wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:56 pm
Didnu say it was right? Dont put words in my.mouth. I never once said that or agreed with what he said. I said it wasnt racist. Stop trying to change the angle of this conversation
So what is your opinion then? Are you suggesting what he said was wrong...but it has absolutely no racial undertones? Or something else? I had thought you were saying what he said was OK because you believed their opinions are "batshit crazy"?

Given I know the long history of "go back to your own country" statements and similar sentiments have been used against non-white people in multiple countries, I am just finding it very hard to understand how you don't see this. I don't think we are usually **that*** far apart on issues. I even see you +1 some of my stuff as I +1 some of yours. I am sure we disagree often...but not by this much. I am concerned that in this case your hatred of the four (perhaps at least partially deserved) is allowing you to give Trump a pass when he really shouldn't be given one.

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Re: Celebration of America

#185 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:01 am

Again, 'go back to your country' in THIS country is not exclusive of whites at all

I saw the Russians get it in the 90s
Saw the Poles get it also
saw my family get it

Guess what? You just move on, it aint honestly that painful

My parents are Immigrants...trust me, I got it full force I didn't lose any fucking sleep over it. lol

He was a dope for saying 'go back to your country'" to 4 women who are Americans, but that doesn't mean he is racist If white people say it to white people (which they do) then what is that? Saying dumb shit is not synonymous with being a racist, or a full 95% of the population would qualify

Keep this in mind, MY PARENTS ARE IMMIGRANTS...lol I know what thie statement means, 100% But I never felt it was more than moronic patriotism when I was 14, so why would I view it any differently for them?

Hate is a strong word I reserve for very few things/people I hate brazil nuts..loathe...detest These 4? I don't even know them, but I try to judge people by this 1 litmus test "Can I drink 3 beers with this person, without them pissing me off enough to want to put hands to neck"

Obama, I am sure I could have easily had 3 or 6 beers with him, without being upset and even probably enjoying the conversation

Trump...maybe Something tells me I would get bored of him but I doubt I would want to strangle him

Bush..no Too stoic for me after number 2, I would leave him holding the tab and duck out the front

Clinton Probably, cuz he is such a leering heathen, I would have found him amusing

Bush Sr and Ronnie, im sure I could have.

these 4? Nope, not a 1 of them they say so much of-the-wall BS, that Id go to the bathroom and punch a hole in the wall They have no logic behind their thoughts at all, they just open their mouth and some BS they read somewhere the night before flows out, no filter at all, and no idea why they are saying it

I also feel like the rest of the quote being left out, changes the context a bit when he says "if you don't like how we do it, go somewhere else" or something to that effect That should have probably been all he should have said, but meh, I grow tired of those 4. I mean they call Pelosi and Biden racists...lol That shit cracks me the hell up

I think one of them called for $20 an hour minimum wage /facepalm

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Re: Celebration of America

#186 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:09 am

Flash, one thing about me is that I am very pragmatic about a lot of things in my life I am certainly not void of emotion, but I try to be as logical as I can when I view things

I think infidelity is wrong That being said, if my neighbor cheats on her husband, I don't care I didn't do it, and it aint my problem They have to work that mess out, and leave me the HELL out of it (just a hypothetical sir)

I think abortion is wrong if used as birth control Again, I am not gonna give people my opinion unless they are my family or close friends, and only if asked

I think illegal immigration is VERY wrong, for so many damn reasons I cant begin to list them here without getting carpel tunnel. I saw what MY parents had to do to get in here the correct way, and it pisses me off watching the bullshit happening today

These 4 fail my logic so often (maybe always, not sure I have ever agreed with a single thing any of them said) that anything they say, just is their lips moving. Nothing of substance is coming out.

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Re: Celebration of America

#187 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:18 am

Btw flash. You gonna play in the political gunboat? We got 4 or 5 already

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Re: Celebration of America

#188 Post by Senlac » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:33 am

An excellent piece written by Stressedlines. I’m a legal immigrant to USA (from Europe) as is my wife (from Latin America). Green card in hand on arrival at LAX (as it should be) either in the 60’s in my wife’s case, or 90’s for me. Both citizens now.

However aside from that, I read an excellent piece that put an angle on Trump’s outbursts targeting the “squad”. They’re perfect tactical ammunition for him to win in 2020. If those 4 are the “face of the Democrats” going into the election. Not the Democrat candidate obviously, but who the electorate are focusing on as Trump’s adversaries, then he’s won already.

They’re simply unelectable for the majority of folks in a Western Democracy, let alone the USA with it’s historical aversion to socialism.

He wants the news to be about those 4 & him (not a real capable opposition candidate). It’s working just brilliantly as demonstrated by this debate. Trump won in 2016 by being the smarter candidate (not necessarily the best candidate, even amongst the Republicans after the ticket) & he’s doing it again. Unless the Democrats wake up to his tactics (get the “squad” to shut up a little) they’ll lose & be wondering why (just like last time).

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Re: Celebration of America

#189 Post by Randomizer » Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:57 am


"You are comparing Robert Byrd, a sitting U.S. Senator and KKK recruiter and member to David Duke, a State Senator. Byrd served for like 40 years in the Senate and what Duke a couple of years? The comparison, unfortunately, is rubbish. And, you know it. Or how about we look at all the Democrats who were for segregation and massive resistance during the 60s and 70s? You know the Democrat Segregationists that Joe Biden was good friends with? There is noting equatable to the Republicans. The Democratic Party has always been a party of racists while Republicans have championed Civil Rights, Emancipation, and Equality to the present."

Stop living on fake news and the 1800s. Ever since the early 1960s and the Civil Rights movement the Democrats have been for Civil Rights and the Republicans took over as the party for segregation. That's why US senator Strom Thurmond changed parties from Democrat to Republican.

The KKK and White Supremacists or as Trump calls them White Nationalists are strong Republican supporters. Republicans have their greatest successes in the South in areas where the KKK is strongest.

"The KKK Grand Dragon even supported Hillary Clinton in 2016. Your views are simply wrong Randomizer. I recommend you do some research before you challenge me because you simply don’t know what you are talking about. "

KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed Trump in 2016 and still supports him to this day.

"Yes, Illegal’s and the Democrats are committing voter fraud. Eventually this will be brought to light, but even now without direct proof we know that this is influencing the electoral college: https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration ... hink-again Good, glad Arizona is trying to crack down on illegal alien voting. "

It's been two and half years and this is still fake news with no proof brought to light since the 2016 election. Just like the fake accusation that Roy Moore lost because voters were brought in from out of state to defeat him. It would have take about 300 buses to bring in that many voters and even more with smaller vehicles, but they just weren't there.

Arizona is doing voter suppression because there hasn't been a case of illegal alien voting. There has been Republican voter fraud with prosecuted voting in two different states for the same election day. Closing of polling places in Democrat areas and shortages of ballots so voters couldn't vote.

Stop repeating false allegations with no factual support. Note how many opinion pieces you use instead of fact checked stories.

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Re: Celebration of America

#190 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:23 pm

and the 'get out of my country' BS grows, as a black woman claims someone said it o her, and when he threatens to sue her due to video evidence, she quickly backtracks it. WTF....this country has LOST ITS FING brain

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Re: Celebration of America

#191 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:26 pm

and an even funnier bunch of lunacy...

Ivanka buys a white dog, and apparently THAT is racist also. walking right into The God Emperor's plan. He makes his opposition open their mouth, and the drivel that pours out, gains him more votes and loses them some

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Re: Celebration of America

#192 Post by Randomizer » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:30 pm

Trump and Fox News made me do it has take over from the devil made me do as a mental health defense:

https://www.yahoo.com/gma/mail-bomber-c ... ories.html

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Re: Celebration of America

#193 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:35 pm

Execute the idiot random. Take him out back a 50 cent solution

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Re: Celebration of America

#194 Post by Randomizer » Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:50 pm

Trump's history of fake news from business to now politics:

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/201 ... rn-vpx.cnn

Lyin' Donald never met a truth he liked.

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Re: Celebration of America

#195 Post by Stressedlines » Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:27 pm

That for me? I could give a fly9ng fuxk about the God emperor

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Re: Celebration of America

#196 Post by flash2015 » Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:31 am

Stressedlines wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:18 am
Btw flash. You gonna play in the political gunboat? We got 4 or 5 already
Thinking. I spend way, way too much time here. When a gunboat game finishes, I decide to join a mafia game. If there is nothing much happening there, I spend way too much time responding to political threads. It is a never-ending story and I keep telling myself I can stop at any time... :razz:

OK, sure. I can play.

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Re: Celebration of America

#197 Post by Stressedlines » Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:48 am

sweet I think that is 5 for the politics gunboat


Come on guys, need 2 more...Random? Jamie? Oct? any other neo-con?

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Re: Celebration of America

#198 Post by Jamiet99uk » Wed Jul 24, 2019 5:56 am

I could play

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Re: Celebration of America

#199 Post by ND » Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:17 am

yawn it's like arguing with a brick wall with you people.

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Re: Celebration of America

#200 Post by Stressedlines » Wed Jul 24, 2019 11:46 am

Six....who wants to seal the deal?

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