Sci Fi Simulator XIII

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Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#1 Post by brainbomb » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:21 pm


03/23/2023 3:04 PM
Asteroid Bennu is discovered, which passes earth every 6 years. The asteroid was discovered by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey on September 11, 1999.
Bennu’s original designation was 1999 RQ36. In 2013, a third-grade student named Michael Puzio won a contest to name the asteroid.
Bennu has drifted into near-Earth space because of gravitational interactions with giant planets and the gentle push of heating from the Sun.
Potentially hazardous
Scientists estimate Bennu has a 1‐in‐2,700 chance of impacting the Earth during one of its close approaches to the Earth in the late 22nd century.

By taking the Yarkovsky effect into account, they’ve estimated that Bennu could pass closer to Earth than the Moon is in 2026, 2135, and possibly even closer between 2175 and 2195. Although Bennu is unlikely to hit Earth at that time.

The world fears y2k will destroy financial data and computers as we know it.

The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 3.3 Million people worldwide died from
Covid-19, or issues related to the virus.
On May 25, 2020
George Floyd was killed by Police officers in Minneapolis, sparking nationwide riots and protests.

On August 4, 2020,
a massive explosion in the Port of Beirut ripped through Lebanon's capital, killing 218 people, injuring 7,000 and leaving 300,000 displaced.
Oct 2020
The diligent work of SpaceX paid off when NASA finally approved the Crew Dragon in November, which is the Falcon 9 and the capsule itself. According to a statement, part of the agency's Commercial Crew Network is the first commercial spacecraft vehicle in history capable of carrying astronauts to and from the International Space Station.
The CREW-1 flight was successfully deployed with not two but a complete complement of four astronauts onboard from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On November 16th, NASA astronauts Victor Glover, Mike Hopkins, Shannon Walker, and JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi entered the ISS ahead of a six-month station stint. By chance, Victor Glover is the first black astronaut to remain onboard the ISS for six months.
The Space Force Space and Missile Command (SMC) also chosen SpaceX to launch its National Security Space systems and bring surveillance satellites into orbit for five-year contracts. The organization has successfully deployed more than 950 of the thousand Starlinks. SpaceX already plans to send into the sky by the end of the year as of late November, but SpaceX finally needs more than 42,000 Starlinks covering the globe.
As early as this week, the Starship's toughest obstacle to date, the first high-altitude test trip, could happen. In September, the company's newest prototype, the SN8, was completed and was initially expected to fly to a height of around 60,000 feet before safely descending to Earth. For unknown purposes, the limit was lowered to 50,000 feet in late September, and the test itself has since been repeatedly postponed. In late November, however, Musk tweeted that a proper flight test was imminent following its engines' successful static firing.
On Jan 26, 2021
A mob of pro-Trump demonstrators stormed the U.S. Capitol in an effort to stop lawmakers from certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election. Five people died in the chaos either shortly before, during or following the event, including a Capitol police officer. Lawmakers from both political parties, including Vice President Mike Pence, were forced to flee the congressional chamber for safety. Accused of inciting his supporters to riot, Trump became the first president to be impeached (and acquitted) twice. More than 600 people were later charged for their role in the insurrection, and the House established an independent committee to investigate this attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

Jan 2021
In his first hours as president, Biden signed a letter signaling the return of the United States to the global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, adopted by nearly 200 nations in Paris in 2015. The nation had officially withdrawn from the Paris accord in late 2020, after Trump began the process soon after taking office. Biden also renewed U.S. support for the World Health Organization (WHO), a leader in efforts to combat COVID-19 worldwide.
April 2021
The United States withdraws from Afghanistan. As the withdrawal proceeded, the Muslim fundamentalist group the Taliban took advantage of a crumbling Afghan government to seize control of much of the country. After a chaotic final stretch in which some 120,000 people were evacuated to safety, the last U.S. military forces left Afghanistan on August 30, ending the nearly 20-year-long conflict that resulted in the deaths of 2,500 U.S. service members and more than 100,000 Afghans, including many civilians.

2021 Jan-Oct
Erratic weather hits the United States, droughts in the west, massive Hurricane IDA Making landfall as a Category 4 hurricane with 150 mph winds on August 29, Hurricane Ida claimed the lives of more than 30 people in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, becoming the most damaging storm to hit the region after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. After weakening to a tropical depression, Ida wreaked unexpected havoc in the Northeast, killing at least 60 people in six states and causing widespread flooding of streets, neighborhoods, houses and even the New York City subway system.

Feb 18 2021
Launched in late July 2020, the NASA rover Perseverance spent months traveling through space, covering some 292.5 million miles before touching down on Mars on February 18. As the space agency’s most sophisticated rover yet, Perseverance spent the rest of the year exploring Jezero Crater, the site of an ancient lake, collecting rock and soil samples for possible return to Earth and probing for evidence of whether life ever existed on the planet.
March 2021
Rocket company Blue Origin, owned by ex-Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, launched Star Trek actor William Shatner and three others just beyond the boundary marking outer space, making the 90-year-old Shatner the oldest space traveler in history.

Inflation rates in the United States reach 9%.

Climate Change Intensifies. Forty years ago, when scientists first warned of a possible climate catastrophe, it was a problem for the future. Two thousand twenty-two showed that that perilous future has arrived. Once rare extreme weather events became commonplace. Europe experienced record heat waves that burned forests and dried up rivers. Pakistan endured a similarly brutal heat wave that was followed by epic monsoons that left as much as one-third of the country under water. The U.S. southwest endured a record drought that shrank reservoirs like Lake Mead and diminished crops yields. On the other side of the country, Hurricane Ian wreaked havoc on Florida.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations warned in April that the effects of climate change will soon become irreversible. There were a few bright spots in the climate change debate. In August, the U.S. Congress passed, and President Joe Biden signed into law, the Inflation Reduction Act, which has been heralded as the most important step taken thus far to reduce the emission of the heat-trapping gases that cause climate change. Likewise, scientists generated technological advances that might someday wean humanity off fossil fuels. But overall, government action continued to lag. The COP27 meeting at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, ended with a loss and damage agreement that in theory will lead wealthy countries to compensate poor countries harmed by climate change. But no breakthroughs were made in cutting emissions. Instead, the share of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continued to rise in 2022.
Feb 2022
Russia Invades Ukraine. Sometimes intelligence agencies are like the mythical Cassandra, correctly predicting events only to be disbelieved. Late in 2021, U.S. and British officials began warning that Russia would invade Ukraine. Many European leaders, including Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky, dismissed the idea of war. But on February 24, 2022, Russia launched a "special military operation" that it said was needed to force the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.” To the surprise of the Kremlin and most military experts, Ukraine withstood the initial onslaught and then began to turn back Russian forces. Moscow abandoned its bid to take Kyiv and shifted to seizing the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. In September, the Ukrainians launched a counteroffensive that liberated the northeastern city of Kharkiv. Six weeks later, Russian forces abandoned the southeastern city of Kherson, spurring speculation that Ukraine might seek to reclaim Crimea, which Russia seized in 2014. Russia’s invasion exposed significant geopolitical divisions. Western nations rallied behind Kyiv. China and most countries in the Global South did not, despite their insistence that national borders are sacrosanct. Some even blamed the invasion on NATO expansion. They failed to explain, though, how an alliance that mustered less firepower on the ground than it did thirty years earlier and that one member leader said was experiencing “brain death,” suddenly threatened Russia. As 2022 ended, a ceasefire looked unlikely. Russia targeted Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, hoping that winter would do what the Russian military couldn’t, break Ukraine’s will. Meanwhile, the rest of the world struggled to adapt to the price shocks, supply disruptions, and food shortages triggered by Russia’s brazen aggression.
Tectonic plate shifts in Ethiopia show that the African continent is splitting in two – paving the way for Earth’s sixth ocean to emerge, according to researchers.

Mar 13, 2023
The Biden Administration approves Project Willow, which would begin drilling in Northern Alaska. The controversial project would release the equivalent of 3 million vehicles worth of carbon over a 30 year period.

03/23/2023 3:30 PM
Aug 18, 2023
Russia deploys 14 ICBMs on Ukranian Soil obliteration Kiev, triggering immediate Nuclear retaliation from NATO and China.

Aug 27, 2023
Moscow, St. Petersburg, Berlin, New York, Washington DC, Shanghai, Pyongyang, Paris, Stockholm, Copenhagen, London, and Rome are obliterated by Nuclear Weapons.

Aug 28, 2023
Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and 27 other locations in US and Canada are obliterated by a joint Nuclear attack by Russia and China

Sept 1, 2023
A cease fire is agreed to at a multinational summit where world leaders begin to assess death tolls and devastation. Assuming at least 1 billion have died in a month from Nuclear War, and an estimated 4 more Billion will die within 10 years.

Sept 13, 2023
India and Pakistan exchange Nuclear attacks levelling 11 cities killing an additional 1.1 billion people within hours.
Sooner than any expert had ever anticipated the Laarsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica collapse.
Mar 2024
German Scientists working for Project ANDRILL conclude their drill progress in the West Antarctica.

Oct 2024
Stunning data from Bennu Asteroid data files indicates that Bennu will make a direct collision with Earth on Jan 14, 2026.

Oct 9 2025
A mission is launched to attempt to divert Bennu Asteroid from a collision. The mission is not a success however as the craft, its crew and all of its equipment on board mysteriously vanish en route to the Asteroid.

Dec 25, 2025
Space Agencies around the world race to deploy recolonization ships to Mars. 11 Agencies are able to launch by the UN Deadline.
Jan 3, 2026
The world braces for Bennu impact within several weeks. AI programs suggest several survival plans and world governments race to find solutions of their own. Corsair GPT, Brainbot GPT and AIFergusson offer three plans for ways to save 1%-11% of Earth's population with radical solutions.

Jan 12, 2026
Earth's population now stands at only 2.1 billion. The planet is choking from extreme levels of Radiation, the atmosphere is now blocking out the sun causing radical weather changes.

03/23/2023 3:37 PM
(powerpoint ends)
Reinhart Space Lab - Ida Grove Iowa
8:15 AM Jan 12, 2026
General Copeland

03/23/2023 3:38 PM
Alright listen, I am going to be honest with all of you. I chose you among thousands of people who wanted to get out of Earth. I chose you because you weren't screw ups. You worked in blue collar jobs like cashier at best buy, or garbage truck driver, or high school janitor. I don't expect you to be brilliant scientists. I need you to test an AI system for the next week, and find out if it has flaws. I need you to map out a way for us to launch a colony to space, and ensure those people wont die right away.
I am giving you the full power of what remains of the US Government, and under my supervision, we will think tank this process out day by day. When we feel we have an 80% or higher chance of success, I will call Secretary Talmidge, and he will organize the mission.
If you succeed, and you meet this deadline. You people, every one of you will get to leave this planet, and live on somewhere else.
If this interests you, and you feel up to the challenge.

Say Aye.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#2 Post by brainbomb » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:21 pm

A simulator is a discord chat based RPG where players work together to resolve challenges and to act out a sci fi storyline. Content within these stories is player driven and can be highly involved, or minimally. The game works best when players dedicate some time each day even for a few minutes to talk and collaborate. Past versions of this game featured a proposal and voting system which gave players 24-48 hours to vote on things they wanted to research, build or investigate. That system is more suited for a forum setup so a discord version of the game tends to be more focused on live action. For the purposes of this game each phase a player will be assigned as "driver". during this time they may talk to everyone, they can get input on course of action. but during this time they are the primary driver of the story. This is a choose your own adventure, and at times this may mean your adventure is a secret in a hidden channel, or it may be public where all can collaborate. In most situations the DM, will provide a list of 4 or 5 options to choose from for ways to take the game, but at all times, in every situation there is always "other" which is a player created solution to the issue being discussed.
Wincon: there are no hidden wincons, there are no secret bad guys hidden among your fellow player characters. this is a semi cooperative survival RPG. To win this game requires you to first Survive beyond Jan 26. Beyond that there will be new challenges, new things to explore and do. You will have to manage some resources to stay alive. You will be expected to participate with at least 10 posts per week. Failure to do so will likely result in being killed in the game in some elaborate or hilarious way.
Can I lose?: Yes. if everyone dies, or fails to find a way to survive Jan 26. the game will end.

03/23/2023 4:20 PM
How do I join?

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#3 Post by brainbomb » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:22 pm

Join Sock Drawer Gaming Society to join this new Simulator.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#4 Post by RickySan » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:35 am

brainbomb wrote:
Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:22 pm

Join Sock Drawer Gaming Society to join this new Simulator.
It's as great an idea as ever. You are so good

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#5 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:53 am

RickySan wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:35 am
brainbomb wrote:
Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:22 pm

Join Sock Drawer Gaming Society to join this new Simulator.
It's as great an idea as ever. You are so good
Brainbomb did you create this account?
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#6 Post by Chairpusher » Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:23 pm

I would like to give it a try please.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#7 Post by Pengwinja » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:37 pm

I would try it but my school de- I mean I got banned.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#8 Post by JustAGuyNamedWill » Sat Apr 13, 2024 6:02 pm

Well I’ve not played an RPG since my dad taught me d and d when I was 9, but oh well.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#9 Post by JustAGuyNamedWill » Sat Apr 13, 2024 6:03 pm

Wait i didn’t even notice this was made last year

Nevermind lmao

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#10 Post by brainbomb » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:26 pm

If youd like to join our next RPG, I can provide you the link. the next game will be a fantasy RPG where you control armies and a party of adventurers.

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#11 Post by brainbomb » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:26 pm

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#12 Post by JustAGuyNamedWill » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:53 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:26 pm
If youd like to join our next RPG, I can provide you the link. the next game will be a fantasy RPG where you control armies and a party of adventurers.
Hmm i may

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Re: Sci Fi Simulator XIII

#13 Post by Chairpusher » Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:49 am

Could I join your RPG please.

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