Finished: 05 AM Thu 31 May 12 UTC
Private Early Doors
3 days /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 14, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by mightyt1 (140D)

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08 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 1: Thanks for not interfering with Crete, and it's good to see you heading East. Looks like I scored an own goal by not staying in Cyrene long enough to own it, but it was some consolation to see that the Persian fleet did not trust me and so did not take Cyprus (yet). Interesting to see how the next turn pans out.
09 Mar 12 UTC Spring, 2: I think there is an unholy alliance between Greece and Egypt!
09 Mar 12 UTC Spring, 2: Dear Carthage, it's called a state of neutrality, something that Egypt hopes to enjoy with yourself too. The test of whether you are a trustworthy fellow and you can be listened to by any of us will be whether you try to take Leptis, which you proposed we leave as a neutral zone between us. Time will tell.
10 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 2: For the attention of all nations, having proposed & agreed to a truce and not to invade Leptis, leaving it as a neutral zone, the slippery maggot that is the ruler of Carthage has shown he is lower than a worms gonads and is not to be trusted by anyone. If you shake hands on any alliance with this vermin remember to count your fingers after, as well as washing your hands thoroughly. However the stench is likely to remain.
11 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 2: I have altered our deal... pray that I do not alter it further
11 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 2: Rather than making idle threats just get on and confirm your move.... we're waiting, but I assure you it's without any trepidation.
11 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 2: It's a star wars reference... and a great one at that!
12 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 2: Yes, right on the button with that one. Now then, how does this 'pause' option work, I see Persia has paused his. Do we all have to vote to agree to pause the game, or can just one player pause their go, which would cause all sorts of problems?
13 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 2: Chaps, I have a slight problem as I'm away until Friday and I'd be grateful if one of you could hold off posting your next move until much closer to the deadline. That way the next move won't have expired before I'm back in the evening. I'll try this vote for a pause button, but I'm unsure how & if it works. Laters.
17 Mar 12 UTC Spring, 3: Obviously the pause button doesn't work that well! Back now and just about to wreak revenge on those that would strike whilst my back was turned.
18 Mar 12 UTC Spring, 3: It seems that I've posted my move but am still showing as paused, even though I've elected to unpause. If each of you vote to unpause it might free the game up and we can continue.
20 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 3: Sorry chaps, system wouldn't let me input anything yesterday!
29 Mar 12 UTC Autumn, 5: Gulp!
16 Apr 12 UTC Autumn, 7: Gulp too
10 May 12 UTC Autumn, 12: You got me that time guys
11 May 12 UTC Autumn, 12: You are still looking good
11 May 12 UTC Autumn, 12: Although a draw now looks more likely
27 May 12 UTC oh dear the tides have turned
30 May 12 UTC Thanks for the game one and all, you made me work hard for the win.