Finished: 05 PM Wed 21 Oct 15 UTC
Poseidon's Revenge 13 - Ψ
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 100 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Anonymous players, Survivors-Win Scoring, Hidden draw votes
1 excused missed turn
Game won by ang10 (318D)

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19 Oct 15 UTC gg; thought Persia was going to dominate when Egypt went down ... thanks for taking the fight to them Greece - one or two things go differently in 5 and it's a draw.
20 Oct 15 UTC Well played ang10 - I suspect that oskama's inexperience meant that he could not see that exposing his backside to you would lead to only one result! AncMed is inherently unstable and tends to produce results.
20 Oct 15 UTC Yeah, very hard to set a draw line once you lose leverage.
20 Oct 15 UTC If you play Greece you have the worst country as it's very easy to force it to occupy its own build spaces. Well done, very clinical and right to occupy that 4-way meet (AUS, GOT, MES, LIB) - that is like the central 4 squares on the Chess board - huge positional control.
21 Oct 15 UTC Yup - Greece and Rome are in much worse starting position than the others, Greece in particular. You basically need to pick a war and hope that person's neighbor picks the same one and then hope to leverage a draw. Not that desirable, lol