The full press and FvA bots will be offline on the 10th and 11th. Apologies for the inconvenience.

A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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WardenDresden (239 D(B))
15 Jul 11 UTC
bleble Germany should draw already...
It's been 3 years, and still Germany will not accept offers for a cease-fire in this long war. All the other sovereign nations have ratified the pledge and are supporting each other. When will Germany accept that he cannot break the combined will of Europe? gameID=63769
13 replies
baumhaeuer (245 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
hope somebody can offer it
38 replies
King Atom (100 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Game For The Honest
If you stick to your alliances and are tired of being stabbed, please join this game. I'll send anyone the password if they show genuine interest.
100 replies
TrustMe (106 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
2011 Masters
Round 6 is getting under way. Please check your emails and join at your earliest convenience. We are also looking for subs, if you are interested please send me your username, userid and preferred email to [email protected].
1 reply
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
This Time On Philosophy Weekly--Grouped Stars or Dividing Stripes: Nationalism vs. Global
Now, this one I DEFINITELY want, if possible, folks from other nations outside the US to contribute to, as I'd be keen to hear what someone might have to say who actually IS part of a greater-than-a-nation-union, such as the EU, but it's a pretty simple question:
Politically AND Ideologically, which is preferable--Nationalism or Globalization/Unions, and which do you believe is the "future" politically?
21 replies
Putin33 (111 D)
15 Jul 11 UTC
My home states want to fight over Lake Erie
1 reply
deathbed (410 D)
15 Jul 11 UTC
private game with 2 cds
message me if you are interested
3 replies
NamelessOne (273 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Newbie game missing three players

The password is llp. Starts later today!
1 reply
bill777 (100 D)
15 Jul 11 UTC
Can someone put me in contact with a MOD?
Hey, i have a game going on, and we scheduled a pause that was to end onf July 10th. Everyone has voted to unpause, except for France. Could a Moderater please unpause the game for us?
1 reply
Geofram (130 D(B))
10 Jul 11 UTC
The WebDip Map of Fame

Make your mark! We're at 130 or so already.
25 replies
The Czech (39938 D(S))
14 Jul 11 UTC
Live Gunboat in 15 min
105 D buy-in
0 replies
Philalethes (100 D(B))
14 Jul 11 UTC
Hey there,

Can a unit retreat into where there has been a bump?
2 replies
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
01 Jul 11 UTC
SoW Summer 2011
We are looking for people to sign up for this summer's School of War. TA's, professors and students are welcome!
191 replies
Geofram (130 D(B))
10 Jul 11 UTC
DC's Potomic Tea & Knife F2F Meetup Today
Babak the no show. Thought you'd at least be coming but having to leave early.

I'll post a play by play tomorrow. Flight + 3 hours of sleep = dead Zachary.
9 replies
JesusPetry (258 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Death with Honor
In order to promote good playing behavior, I'd like to introduce the concept of "Death with Honor", which I suggest to be included as a tie-breaker in tournaments just after the number of wins. Definition follows:
4 replies
Draugnar (0 DX)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Random conversations from the edge...
Let's use this thread as a useful tool to just BS about subjects that don't need a thread all their own.
17 replies
Oskar (100 D(S))
14 Jul 11 UTC
Need 2 Players for 12hr Gunboat

25 point, WTA
1 reply
Draugnar (0 DX)
14 Jul 11 UTC
Congrats to dDShockTrooper
He won the LPTPW thread with the following:
"The zombie plague was but an elaborate decoy to allow my american troops to move into key locations around Belgium, such as Burgundy with the support from the rest of Europe to eliminate the zombie threat."
8 replies
Gunfighter06 (224 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
Your 2012 Presidential Pick
I know it is a little early, but I am curious. If the American presidential election were tomorrow, who would you vote for and why? You can pick Republicans who have not announced their candidacy yet. You can also pick a Democrat that you would pick over Obama.
162 replies
jayen (201 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
points distribution?
I recently won gameID=61459 and I'm confused by the points distribution. Shouldn't the distribution be 20/10/1 scaled up to 135/68/7 and not 131/73/8?
26 replies
rayNimagi (375 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
Novice Players Wanted!
See inside.
23 replies
wonka2 (100 D)
14 Jul 11 UTC
5 minute phase games.
Is anybody willing to have a quick fun 5 minute phase game?
0 replies
g01df1ng3r (2821 D)
12 Jul 11 UTC
Fan-fic for WebDiplomacy!
Pondering the idea of writing some fan-fic for some epic games here. Does anyone have suggestions for games with lots of drama, twists, climax, etc? Would the players involved be willing to give interviews for the inside stories?
9 replies
Macchiavelli (2856 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Why are there so few quality World Dip games here?
I've played hundreds of games, and on this site my win\draw ratio is quite strong, as it generally tends to be. I consider myself to be a strong player, not an expert, but quite skilled.

However, I am noticing that in the World Dip variant, the talent pool seems to be rather shallow...why is this?
9 replies
Riphen (198 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
High Gunboat
2 day phases.
Non anon.
194 D.
WTA. Any interest?
3 replies
mr_brown (302 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
What are your thoughts? After a couple of couple of games under my belt I'm beginning to grow quite irritated at PPSC. It always seems to dwindle off into one less well doing player helping another better doing player to a solo for a fair share of points. More under the cut.
mr_brown (302 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
The problem I see with this is the point system in PPSC rewarding players for gaining second place. I've seen too many players being quite happy helping someone else to first place, just to get the points for second place, instead of doing the sensible thing and stopping a solo in order for everyone to get the points for a draw.

Why should there be honor in second place? Of course, once the kingmaker has more points than a hypothetical Draw, he cant be convinved to help the bigger cause. In WTA there is no such problem, and everyone understands the need for stopping a solo.

Why is there PPSC anyway?

spyman (424 D(G))
13 Jul 11 UTC
Kestas thought PPSC would appeal more to beginners.
Baskineli (100 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
The reason to stop after 18 SCs is that there is an assumption that once you have 18 SCs, you can control the whole board.

Make PPSC not to stop after 18 SCs are gained, but only after 34 SCs are gained, and you will see how PPSC becomes WTA :)

I've played a PPSC a week ago, and the precise thing you described happened. I, frankly, hate it.
Rancher (1652 D(S))
13 Jul 11 UTC
@mr brown --- I was a face to face, board game diplomer for 30 years, and frankly while I do play WTA games here, I prefer PPSC somewhat, though it's not a big deal. My point to people that ask, is that WTA is just as much of a variant as PPSC. In real board Diplomacy, there are no points to "take all" of. Further, the vast, vast majority of all of the FTF board Diplomacy games I have ever played did not end in a winner but a draw whether due to people being tired after 6 hours or just a genuine stalemate ... in trying to come up with a system for a website to guage how players are doing, the points and PPSC are not perfect by any means, but really that terrible. I don't really see the PPSC issue as being one for beginners either, as beginners get replenished to 100 D anyway when they lose. Anyway, I will continue to play both variants here (WTA and PPSC), I just like to chime in whenever it seems to be suggested (maybe you weren't intending this) that WTA is the "real" game, because it is not
Rancher (1652 D(S))
13 Jul 11 UTC
"not really that terrible" I meant for the points system
Babak (26982 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
Bask +oo (until someone shows me how to do infinity)

yup, yup, and yup. Mr. Brown welcome to the club sir.

the only way to come to peace with PPSC is to think of it as a poor variant of the game of "Diplomacy". and this as a site that is mostly dedicated to that Variant, with the 'original' thrown in for fun. kestas just really really really LIKED the variant... and thought it would help bring newer players to the hobby, and to a degree he has been proven right.

I for one, fought that crusade once and lost - if someone else takes up the banner of getting rid of PPSC or at least removing it as the 'default' option, I'd be more than happy to join the cause... but my days of carrying the banner on this subject are over.
Rancher (1652 D(S))
13 Jul 11 UTC
@Babak -- our posts overrlapped there, I very strongly belive that WTA is not "the original" .. I see nothing in the Avalon Hill rules about points or keeping track of points over a number of games
Rancher (1652 D(S))
13 Jul 11 UTC
and I don't dislike the WTA variant, I play it quite often really and it has its plsses
spyman (424 D(G))
13 Jul 11 UTC
There are more thrills and spills in WTA.
spyman (424 D(G))
13 Jul 11 UTC
... PPSC is valid though. Just accept the premise and don't feel frustrated when people play for second.
manganese (100 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
I find it strange to try to appeal to beginners with a system that makes the misunderstand the game.
EmperorMaximus (551 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
When I first started playing diplomacy the words Winner-Takes-All scared me because it sounded very menacing and cut-throat. I think presenting WTA as a varient instead of the normal game misleads new players.
mr_brown (302 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
@Emperor: I thought the exact same thing. PPSC sounded a lot nicer and it seemed like I would stand a better chance at not being totally useless in my first couple of games.

I feel pretty good to be in a ficticious club with the #2 player on this site, when I think WTA the superior variant. Heheh. At least from now on I'll favor WTA games and see how I fare there.
manganese (100 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
WTA is not a variant, it's the game.
Rancher (1652 D(S))
13 Jul 11 UTC
To the contrary, WTA is a good variant, but a variant nonetheless ... again, I am still searching the Avalon Hill rules for any reference to points or keeping track of points for multiple games over time ...
mr_brown (302 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
Well, the official rules do state that the one with 18 SC after a Fall Turn is the winner, dont they? In my book that makes everyone else not a winner, i.e. a loser.
And that's just what's peeving me so right now, that people willingly play the loser to a benevolent winner for a fair amount of the points. The points, which of course are an addition to the official rules, reward players not to follow the original goal of winning or keeping anyone else from winning.
coffeebean (355 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
The PPSC system does give people an incentive to go for strong second, but blaming the system is just an excuse for failed diplomacy IMO. The whole purpose of the diplomacy part of the game (gunboats not included, obviously) is to convince the other players to see things your way, right? If you can't convince another player to help you stop the solo, your diplomacy has failed. Take responsibility.
Rancher (1652 D(S))
13 Jul 11 UTC
in PPSC, both on this site and as with the original game, the player who first gets to 18 wins the game ... just one winner, it is only the separate issue of how the points, which are not part of the original game, are split up ...

For example, maybe a bad one, in inventing Golf, some crazy scottish dudes decided it would be fun to get away form the wives and hit a little ball around, there wasn't a purse or a corporate sponsor fund of money awarded to the winner, second, third etc .... now we have the PGA, which holds many tournaments and there is a purse, but they do something much more equivalant to PPSC, in fact if it were WTA in the PGA there woul dbe a lot less golfers on tour ... ok, I'm rambling now, carry on
manganese (100 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Fewer golfers would be a good thing.
Philalethes (100 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
I too prefer WTA, but if you've been benevolent enough that somebody will let you win instead of forcing a draw, you did your diplomacy right.
yebellz (729 D(G))
13 Jul 11 UTC
I strongly prefer WTA.

@Rancher, how the points are split up is not really a separate issue, since it motivates the players strategic aims. PPSC can result in one player to throw the game to the other in order to take strong second, and I believe that it results in some poorly deserved solos. WTA encourages players to fight for the draw if they cannot win themselves. Personally, I really dislike the notion of playing for a strong second. I believe this results in more technical play in order to insure a draw by leveraging stalemate positions.

Golf is a terrible example. It's not a zero-sum game. You play against the course and not the other players. You cannot throw another player the win in order to ride along for a strong second.
Maniac (189 D(B))
13 Jul 11 UTC
Diplomacy is a game that is played in various formats, WTA, PPSC, Gunboat each of which presents different challanges. The beauty is that when one fails at a challange - we can blame the format - was there ever a better game invented, i think not.

22 replies
Conservative Man (100 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
I feel like debating
How about we debate the existence of God? (Though I highly doubt anyone will change their minds on this subject)
I am a Christian, but I think I'll let an atheist go first.
346 replies
fulhamish (4134 D)
09 Jul 11 UTC
After the private university furore, Dawkins is in trouble again
Apparently one of our elders and betters has made a somewhat questionable analogy between a man chewing gum and the unwelcomed propositioning of a woman at an atheist conference. I am sure that this was eminantly logical but I am just struggling to see how!
112 replies
Adam Wayne (181 D)
13 Jul 11 UTC
Tournament/League Play
So, maybe you will curse me for starting a new thread about this, but I am curious.

8 replies
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
12 Jul 11 UTC
Paused Game
I have a game that was paused, but one player hasn't returned for 3 days (he is not the one that requested the pause) and everybody else is ready to go again. How long does etiquette demand we wait? Can we even GET somebody to unpause it?
2 replies
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