A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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paulsantac (179 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Why play if you dont play to win?
Message sent was essentially. Hey we can still stop Russia from a solo victory if we team up now.
Message recieved. Sorry am really tired of this game would rather it just end.
Do other peoples games usually end by 1905 every year or what? I mean my favorite part is te end game where the three of four players who ave really worked their tails off, makeing deals and wth perfectly timed stabs are left to fight it out to the end or agree to a draw.
24 replies
Babak (26982 D(B))
30 Sep 09 UTC
hmm... bug maybe?
this game, all orders have been finalized, but the game clock is ticking away with no adjudication. help!
7 replies
spyman (424 D(G))
29 Sep 09 UTC
No more PPSC for me. WTA is the only way to play.
Claw Your Way To The Top
New WTA game: 40 D to join, 2 day phase, gameID=13816
spyman (424 D(G))
30 Sep 09 UTC
Dunecat (5899 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
That's funny, I find that WTA games usually suck. Maybe I'm just a bad player.
spyman (424 D(G))
30 Sep 09 UTC
What don't you like about WTA?
spyman (424 D(G))
30 Sep 09 UTC
You're kidding right?
djbent (2572 D(S))
30 Sep 09 UTC
no, i don't think he is. he complains about WTA regularly. it's much harder to win a WTA game, so that might be part of it.
Draugnar (0 DX)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Back when I worried about points, I used to be that way (WTA sucked, only played PPSC). But now, with my Ghostrating meaning more, I enjoy both and the styles of play they invoke in others. If I get low on points because I played some WTAs I could neither win nor draw, then I play some PPSC and build them back up so I can get in decent games again. But my real preference is the Leagues and Masters Tourney games. They have a higher caliber of player than the typical person and provide a challenge sometimes to just survive with my below average diplomatic skills.
spyman (424 D(G))
30 Sep 09 UTC
I won the first game I ever played (on facebook) in a PPSC game. What took me by surprise was that as I got stronger and stronger the other players didn't join together to stop me. Instead they were offering to be my ally. I found it quite odd, and not what I expected, and while I was happy to win (and surprised), it was a little unsatisfying.
It strikes me that in PPSC once a player opens up a lead they will probably win. I don't think this as true for WTA. WTA has more dimensions, so to speak. It is more challenging.
I have never won a WTA game, and when I look back on my few PPSC wins, I was very lucky not to draw.
Centurian (3257 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Draugnar, a shift from caring about points to caring about ghost rating shouldn't have changed your style of play. PPSC games are awarded like that in ghost rating, so losing alot in a wta rather than getting survives in ppsc is worse for your rating.

That being said, you should give wta another shot dunecat.
BoG75 (6816 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
spyman +1
That is exactly my sentiment in PPSC. People will not try to form 3 or 4 team alliance to stop a dominant player from winning solo but would much rather for scraps and one or two SCs before the game ends.
Draugnar (0 DX)
30 Sep 09 UTC
@Centurian - I didn't say it affected my style of play. Just that it freed me to play both as I wasn't worried about points on the whole. Before anything less than a draw in a WTA decimated me and bummed me out because I loss so many points. But surviving a WTA with equal or better GR competition is more satisfying and doesn't hurt my rating significantly (or at all if the competition is better).
hellalt (113 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
The WTA system doesn't encourage alliances as much as PPSC
Also, I like being rewarded for being second in a game.
I don't like the all or nothing attitude
Just too American for me...
Dunecat (5899 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
@djbent: perhaps. I just hate that you have to attack everyone in WTA games right away and forge alliances later at gunpoint.
Draugnar (0 DX)
30 Sep 09 UTC
@hellalt, what do you mean by alliances? Do you mean game-long as opposed to short-term? Short-term alliances are a requirement to get anywhere in this game (and in the original boardgame too), which is probably why you did so crappy in the Anonymous Public Press game we just finished together. If you mean long-term, we have already demonstrated that WTA leads to more draws than PPSC, but PPSC leads to people willing to be strong seconds for the points, so I don't know if that supports or disses your theory about more alliances in PPSC. I think it just makes the types of alliances different (i.e. equal partners versus strong and weak partners).

If you think you can play this game and win without ever forming even a short-term alliance, the odds are against you.
jhattara (209 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
I'd like an option for other scoring systems, like C-diplo variants (mainly with the WTA rule removed), where winning is awarded more than in PPSC, but the second and third can also get more back than they invested.
Centurian (3257 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Yes, I've proposed such a hybrid model in the past. But just one game where someone keeps attacking me while someone else easily wins makes me never want to play PPSC again.
Draugnar (0 DX)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Some of that could be Tall Poppy Syndrome, Centurian. Try an anonymous PPSC and see if you don't get better results.
spyman (424 D(G))
30 Sep 09 UTC
Btw thanks to Dunecat for starting this conversation. A few people have joined my game at last and I suspect it is because of this thread. Last time I tried to start a WTA game nobody joined.
hellalt (113 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
I mean game long alliances. I don't care about short-term ones.
I always had problems playing public chat games.
It seems that for some reason most people want to ally to take my head.
This was best reflected in a game that 5 people entered just to kill me off.
Thanks to the 6th neutral player I managed to survive and in the end I stabbed my loyal ally getting a 2nd place in a wta game (pointless, but I wanted to show I kick ass even with 5 countries after me).
I really know I'm a tactics expert but I really doubt my skills in the diplomacy department...
BoG75 (6816 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
You should be just a general and leave the diplomacy to politicians who can switch alliances at the whim. Just use your skills on the battlefield.
Babak (26982 D(B))
30 Sep 09 UTC
hellalt, your attitude about 2nd place is infuriating to vet dip players... its like someone in a soccer (football) game shooting into their own goal because "they just want to score a point"

its idiotic. and its not Diplomacy the game.

PPSC is such an aberration, it actually pisses me off =P

20 replies
Mack Eye (119 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
New game - "The Lincolnshire Poacher"
4 days turns, perfect for those with busy weekends!
1 reply
`ZaZaMaRaNDaBo` (1922 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Crash in live game
We need help! gameID=13833
4 replies
TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
27 Sep 09 UTC
TMG Masters '09-'10 Round 2 Games due to start
Please check your email.
17 replies
DJEcc24 (246 D)
24 Sep 09 UTC
mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama?
some new jersey school kids are being taught to sing songs praising Obama and his accomplishments. one song which goes to Jesus loves me only replacing Jesus with Obama. is this politically correct? or morally correct?
33 replies
Commander David (432 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Do we really need seven countries to start a game?
What ever happened to having some civil disorder countries if a game started with less than seven people? My four friends and I played several games together like that (So as not to give ourselves unfair advantages against two outsiders), but now we can't. Is there some option that could be made to allow a game to start without seven people?

1 reply
flashman (2274 D(G))
29 Sep 09 UTC
Austria twice for me in the Masters'...
Anyone else get lucky?
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tilMletokill (100 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Okay im glad
That this is a free site.......and im no programer but how hard is it to fix crashes and stop it from happening........I love Live Games but this is getting ridiculous....and i know what some of you are going to say...dont play them...but as you can see i almost play a live game everyday.
16 replies
denis (864 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
New WTA, Please join this time!
Been through the desert on a horse with no name...
14 D buy in
48 hour phases
9 replies
tilMletokill (100 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
what is this............the right way to promote a live game?
1 MORE!!!!!
22 replies
thechampishere (0 DX)
30 Sep 09 UTC
Join World War III-2
11 replies
tilMletokill (100 D)
30 Sep 09 UTC
another try at a live game.......JOIN JOIN JOIN....two more people
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iMurk789 (100 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
say we have player A and player B. they are initally in one game together. player A goes and joins a new game, then player B joins the same game. so now, although it was not player A's fault, any interations between the players carries over to the second game. anything that could be done to prevent this in the future?
12 replies
denis (864 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
New Live game people who is in
Just in case it crashes i'll make it cheap
7 replies
`ZaZaMaRaNDaBo` (1922 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Live Game for the People
Join up people!
23 replies
Jamiet99uk (1514 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Nuclear Weapons
I love a good debate, so here's another topic. Nuclear weapons - should we keep them? Should we get rid of them? Should we build even more? Should other countries be allowed to have them?
46 replies
Crazy Anglican (1067 D)
22 Sep 09 UTC
Has anyone played this game? Do you know of a web version of it that's any good?
19 replies
BigZombieDude (1188 D)
28 Sep 09 UTC
The Ghostmaker's Ghost Ratings
How much scope is there to consider having the Ghost Ratings list on this site?
12 replies
DJEcc24 (246 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Live game tonight? (for Babak who missed the other game)
five points
ten minutes
game will be called Bamboozle
37 replies
Lord Rashbone (112 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Urgent Pause problem - game
We all voted to pause the game above, however the pause instructions seem to have been ignored and each person who has voted pause now has no pause registered. Can anyone help with what's happened?Thanks
1 reply
PatDragon (103 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Live Game Today?
10 minute turns, 10 point bet...I'll create if at least 4 others want to play. I'm hoping 1PM-5PM PST?
0 replies
gurkesaft (118 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
For the colorblind
My friend is having the hardest time telling who is saying what. Can we somehow get a country and/or name by posts to the main thread, not just a color?

10 replies
Worldbeing (1063 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
Casual #x
I doubt I'm the only one, but I'm not fussed about gaining points, or experimenting with rule variants, etc. It's for this reason I keep creating games with the lowest possible pot, and standard rules.
The new "Casual #x" games follow this trend. They're no different, I just cba to come up with a new name each time.
They are equally competitive, challenging, or fun. I just like games that are accessible to newbies and don't require me to put up an excessive stake.
0 replies
Jacob (2466 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
bug regarding clock/phase rollover
I mentioned my suspicions on this before but it was confirmed last night in the live game I played. Phases are rolling over when they still have 3-4 minutes left on the clock. This can be especially damaging in a live game when time is a precious commodity!!
13 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
29 Sep 09 UTC
European integration
in case anyone thought it was getting a little bit complicated...
1 reply
djbent (2572 D(S))
29 Sep 09 UTC
Minor bug
Are other people getting this? When a game is paused, instead of saying "paused" it says "deadline: now." It's a minor thing, but would probably be good to fix. Thanks!
1 reply
Babak (26982 D(B))
17 Sep 09 UTC
Glenn Beck is a Mormon nutjob - discuss!!

read this first... Where Beck gets his ideas --- its a serious read.
229 replies
hellalt (113 D)
29 Sep 09 UTC
live game crashed. pls help
Are there any mods online?
2 replies
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