A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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d080394 (100 D)
14 May 09 UTC
Battle Of Fleets
1 hour, only play for quick game
1 reply
milestailsprower (614 D(B))
14 May 09 UTC
join Nuvole e Lenzuola 2
Yeah. It will be awesome. :)
0 replies
DipperDon (6457 D)
12 May 09 UTC
5000 WTA
715 buy in. 48 hrs.
13 replies
WhiteSammy (132 D)
13 May 09 UTC
Your Traveler IQ
I can normally only get to level 10-11.
It gets really hard after a while on the world setting.
17 replies
bishopofRome (0 DX)
13 May 09 UTC
Nature (joinable game)
one spot left join in
0 replies
Friendly Sword (636 D)
12 May 09 UTC
Most hilarious profile award
Nominate your favourite name. (not your own).

I nominate ant_the_horrible. Makes me laugh every time.
44 replies
figlesquidge (2131 D)
13 May 09 UTC
23pt gunboat
Interested? 36hr official phase-length with finalizing 'strongly advised'
29 replies
iMurk789 (100 D)
12 May 09 UTC
mods help
can someone help us out with this game? crealay has abandoned his account (we all know him in real life) but he isnt CD. we want to find a new player, but we dont want to play 2 turns of grabbing austrias supply centers and then have a replacement join. could you please boot him or something? by the way, the reason why we finalized his orders is because he gave away his password when he left so we've been finalizing to hold.
4 replies
Biddis (364 D)
11 May 09 UTC
Moral Dilema
I started playing dip about a week ago, and have consequently lied outright to a couple of people. I feel really bad cos i'm a nice person normally lol but is this just part of the game to lie well and choose your battles, or is it better to try and remain truthful while secrectly trying to get people to do what u want them to?
60 replies
kwkak37 (140 D)
13 May 09 UTC
Strategic Questions - Stabbing
Stabbing - is it better done in the spring (much more time to plan) or the fall (surprise element/immediate gain)?
9 replies
jgcrawfo (100 D)
13 May 09 UTC
So I was wondering if the aggregate game data was available for statistical analysis?
Basically I just want to know what the distribution of victories by starting country.
3 replies
gjdip (992 D)
09 May 09 UTC
Dedication and interest but no points?
I want to set up a game for players who are dedicated and want to play Diplomacy actively instead of treating it like Risk but have few points.

Apply within.
19 replies
MatGB (100 D)
13 May 09 UTC
WTA 110pt 48hr turn game BabyTeeth
Exactly what it says on the tin:
0 replies
west soccer (100 D)
12 May 09 UTC
new game
hey, new game called Browsky, i don't care who joins, it's just that i have england
6 replies
ag7433 (927 D(S))
12 May 09 UTC
Is it normal not to receive message notification in the header for games that have been finished? I have been missing angry flames from losing players. What a shame, this is why I play!
19 replies
harrypotter (100 D)
13 May 09 UTC
how the heck do i search for a certain game that i want to join without having to go through every single page of active games?!
7 replies
swampy11 (0 DX)
13 May 09 UTC
New Player in Private Game
I have started a private game and a player had to drop out. I sent the game "sting" to a new player to join and take his place. The new player received an error stating, "Could not join game: You haven't specified which country you want to take over." How does he join and specify the country he wants to take over?
1 reply
Babak (26982 D(B))
10 May 09 UTC
A discussion: for those who prefer WTA games
Friends - I was away for too long and my 'league of real dip players' thread fell off the forum =( so I missed almost all of that conversation. I want to seriously start an effort to 'organize' fans of WTA... both to create more wta games and to help newer players learn how to play wta well. join me inside.
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MarekP (12867 D)
12 May 09 UTC
I'm ready to play.
Babak (26982 D(B))
12 May 09 UTC
wow... this is awesome guys... Thank you Ghost for putting the site together and I LOVE clif's ideas on the info to include. I'm also very happy to see people taking ownership of this idea.

there are several other things or SoW variants we can run in the future - (for example a game where 7 newbie players each get assigned a vet to help them out) but for now... lets do a test run with this first game...

we'll have one post here on the forum for the game (like the public diplomacy games) and we'll have all sorts of extras at the Blog (I absolutely think links to articles is critical)

with all that - it does look like two of our players dont have enough points for the game... I would welcome them to join SoW 2 as soon as they get some points back, but for now, we need to find ourselves 2 newbies who want to invest the time and really learn the game.

also to answer another question posed here - the players in the game are welcome to read and participate or even ask questions in the forum... that's the idea... usually we dont want people commenting on an on-going game - but in this case, that is the explicit purpose. to use the public commentary as a teaching/learning tool.
Babak (26982 D(B))
12 May 09 UTC
i'm going to start a new thread for this first game... that should attract the attention of new players better.
Babak (26982 D(B))
12 May 09 UTC
ok... Marek is also in... can you create it Marek (look in the other thread)

so - Chris... you in?
lazysummer8484 (0 DX)
12 May 09 UTC
babak - i'm in, but only if you consider me a vet player, as you like to do with yourself ;) ;)

let me know when the 2nd game has been setup
Babak (26982 D(B))
13 May 09 UTC
lol... i wanted to consider myself a mid player - but it didnt take =P

I think Ghostie has a good rule of thumb for how he's alloting 'vet' status. ;)

come to the other post and we'll see if we cant get a 2nd game started...

also - I think we addressed my 3rd point (SoW) but the 1st two got short-shrift... anyone else have any comments on the first two questions in this thread?

66 replies
airborne (154 D)
13 May 09 UTC
Discussion: Barbarossa
A Mun-Sil A Ber-Pru F Kie-Den
Is this a viable opening in any game?
If so what situation?
4 replies
d080394 (100 D)
13 May 09 UTC
game is cathy, gameID=10768&join=on&gamepass=22af645d1859cb5ca6da0c484f1f37ea is to go to it. 24 hour/phase
15 is amount needed
1 reply
d080394 (100 D)
13 May 09 UTC
2 hours
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airborne (154 D)
13 May 09 UTC
Gunboat: War of No Press
24 hour phases, 10pt buy-in, PPSC, Gunboat(duh)
3 replies
TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
10 May 09 UTC
Wow: Swine flu
My school has just been closed. Expect some heavy press in my games...
26 replies
pootercannon (326 D)
12 May 09 UTC
Playing dip and issues
Just a few thoughts, maybe start a discussion.
2 replies
bishopofRome (0 DX)
12 May 09 UTC
Cypress Creek High School
If your from Cypress Creek and you want to play a game find Cy-Creek only1 and Cy-Creek Only2 in the Joinable games. Please only from Cy-Creek.
2 replies
Knights Dawn (100 D)
12 May 09 UTC
Ahhh!!!! The game isn't letting me log out!!!
I use my friends computer for my account (He has an account too)! It is now permanentally stuck on my account!!! I don't want him to fuck up my games! what do I do???
14 replies
V+ (5648 D)
11 May 09 UTC
Need help from a Moderator...
60 replies
Jamiet99uk (1514 D)
12 May 09 UTC
How's this for a comedy backstab?
6 replies
kaner406 (356 D)
10 May 09 UTC
ok so:
Here are the districts which look abnormally large: Budapest, Moscow, Burgandy, MAO, Moscow. We you look at the ACII map though these provinces are put into perspective.
Any thoughts? should there be a better map without the injustice put upon certain provinces placing and the sizes of them on the board?: thoughts...
( )
18 replies
thewonderllama (100 D)
10 May 09 UTC
I'm trying to get a hold of lazysummer8484 to confirm his participation in round 2 of the GFDT and haven't had much success via email. If someone in a game with him could let him know to contact me (email is in my profile), I'd appreciate it.
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