The full press and FvA bots will be offline on the 10th and 11th. Apologies for the inconvenience.

A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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nomoney (532 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
New game up, join and lets start playing
0 replies
gomey (781 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
Extra unit on board.
Could a mod look at this please? In game:

England was just forced to disband two units out of four, but still seems to have three units on the board. The fleet in St.Pet shouldn't be there right?
2 replies
Invictus (240 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
I found a gray hair today.
I'm 19.
23 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
11 Apr 09 UTC
Turritopsis nutricula
This jellyfish is immortal. Literally.
14 replies
Malleus (2719 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
Potential multi-accounter (or meta-gamer)
5 replies
Javabeans (252 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
Question on Civil Disorder / AFK player
Hey guys, we have a player in a private game that has not turned in moves after the first move orders. We were wondering if there was anyway to replace him with another friend who wanted to play, or the conditions until the game basically does not wait for him to turn in moves. I believe this is called civil disorder yes? How long does it take to get into civil disorder? Thanks
1 reply
Sicarius (673 D)
01 Apr 09 UTC
I'm on the news
not trying to brag or anything but I am very proud of what we're doing
263 replies
djbent (2572 D(S))
11 Apr 09 UTC
is it meta gaming?
a theoretical question about meta gaming. i have my opinion, wondering about others' views.
22 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
11 Apr 09 UTC
You all seriously need to sign up for this lol

its fun and a good way to blow off steam
13 replies
airborne (154 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
Publishing a variant
Where do I go? I have two variants which I believe are great diplomacy experiance. Do I have to give out personal info?
9 replies
kman1234 (100 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
fun 3 game
1 hour moves!!!
1 reply
xgongiveit2ya55 (789 D)
06 Apr 09 UTC
Lets just get rid of it. Anyone agree?

Or maybe we should implement other variants as well?
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Ukla (390 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
First off, I meant "an addition" above, not "and addition".

Okay, some interesting tidbits..
-Every version of the rules (even the rough draft version) except the 1961 printing (which was the second printing of the first edition, but not the same) had this or a similar provision for declaring a draw, which every version strongly implies is somewhere between a win and a loss.
-In no version is there any credit given for any country other than the winner in games where there is an actual winner.
-In every version with a provision for a draw, all the players left on the board at the time of the draw get credit for the draw.
-Here is the most interesting point. Except for the rough draft version (1958), the original printed version (1959), and the newest version (4th edition, 2000), in every version there was a provision for a "Short Game" in which a predetermined amount of time was given for each game, and once that time limit had been reached the country with the most centers was declared the winner.

This is very interesting when combined with the fact that, until the 2000 version, it was specifically noted in EVERY version that when the original game session ended, the game was over and either there was a winner or a draw. It is my opinion that the advent of the internet actually managed to delete this from the rules.
Technically speaking, there was absolutely no provision given for play-by-mail in any version. What I mean is that, until 2000, the rules specifically stated that you played the game face to face until someone won or the session had to end, which would result in a draw.
Incidentally, I got all this information from a site called, which also has some discussion on house rules, paradoxes, variants, etc.
Ukla (390 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
As a side note, I ran across an awesome article at
which goes into what I was saying in my original post in this thread about different people and their differing motivations; what they consider success in different situations.
TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
However, Ukla, success is measured on this site by how well you are paid by the points system, that is the purpose of the points system. Your aims are defined by the point system (unless your like Edi, in which case you shouldn't really care what the system is, apart from its effect on others), and so we should pick the best system for "win, draw, survive" or "win, second, third..." depending on what we think.

PPSC is pure win, second, third
WTA is pure win, draw.
WTA/PPSC hybrid is win, draw, survive.
Ivo_'s system in either a zero-sum or non-sero sum is win, draw, survive.

I suggest that we make WTA/PPSC hybrid the standard type, with WTA allowed up to 50% of your points, and possibly with PPSC.
Ukla (390 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
Yeah, I hear you. I think, although I am a complex and unique entity, that I do lean toward Edi's philosophy. I only care about the points insofar as they determine how many games/what games I can play in. Other than that, it's all about the game itself. I know I'm the greatest thing to ever hit this little blue planet; I don't need a ranking system to affirm it. :)
Also, I think that all the systems should be allowed. Just because you or I don't like a particular variant doesn't mean it should be banned, as other people may enjoy it immensely.
Just for the record, and above philosophy, I'm a WTA'er at heart. Winning is the goal. Drawing is an acceptable compromise. There is no such thing as a survival. I agree with the rules in that either there is a winner and everyone else lost, or there is a draw and everyone left on the board gets full credit for the draw.
I would back your suggestion, though, if it ever came down to something as arcane as a vote: to make the hybrid the default, with WTA up to 50%, and PPSC as an additional option.
Babak (26982 D(B))
10 Apr 09 UTC
DD - what Gong said. if you are not in it to win it - then you are playing the wrong game and yes, you are playing 'wrong'. no one (not me at least) is telling you NOT to play. its as if you are playing soccer and always dribbling and never passing - thats not the way the game is 'supposed' to be played - it is a 'wrong' way to play the game (ok maybe not the best analogy but you get my perspective at least).

My overall fear and concern about this site is exactly what Chris said - that internet play (maybe phpdip) will overwhelm tournaments/ftf/pbem etc over time (?inevitable?) - and what I would hate to see is a ppsc (or even hybrid) system being perpetuated that encourages 'wrong' play... b/c in a PPSC game it is very rational and 'right' to shoot for a 17/17...

the other reality is that whenever you have a 'community' with so many games and without complete anonymity during play, there will inevitably be a level of meta-gaming that is to be expected... the PPSC system (and WTM as well - though less so) exacerbates that meta-gaming or meta-allying problem.

so - though I recognize I may hold the minority opinion (although based on the comments in this thread WTA does seem to be preferred) I will continue to believe and hold the opinion that WTA is the 'correct' form of the game and that WTA should be the default game type.

basically what I'm saying is that

Diplomacy(tm) = WTA

anything else is a variant. so WTA should be the default (if you want to put a 50%, 33% or 10% points cap thats fine).
Babak (26982 D(B))
10 Apr 09 UTC
sorry if i come across as harsh in my posts - i'm trying to type a lot of info and condense as much as I can - and I'm not editing at all...

but let me ask this - what explicit purpose does PPSC or even WTM (hybrid) serve that is so useful that it should be the default game type? this is a serious question to those who have put thought into this...

i know the claim is that newbies will stick around more - but what is the logic behind that?
Ivo_ivanov (7545 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
Babak, he first thing you should keep in mind is that there're thousands of people here - so the idea that the site creators/moderators have to respond to each of those users in detail about what they were thinking, why and how they did something, etc. is absurd. You're not the center of the universe dude :)

The logic has been explained many times - in short:
1. We have a point system - if you have no points you cannot play
2. Newcomers to the site are mostly people who have not playe the game much (if at all) - they will be losing a lot in the beginning - a good survival is all they can hope to realistically achive - if there's no reward for it they'll lose any motivation to stay and learn. PPSC simply lowers the barrier to entry.
djbent (2572 D(S))
10 Apr 09 UTC
the correct way to play diplomacy is in person. so all other forms are variants. postal play, pbem, php whatever, so you're already starting from a place of variance.

so babak and xgon maybe yall should just stick to face to face, if you're such traditionalists? otherwise just play WTA and try to convince others to play WTA, rather than trying to change the site to what you perceive as right.
Centurian (3257 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
I play a lot of PPSC. Tell me if my philosophy is contrary to how diplomacy is supposed to be played:

I always try to win. Winning is my goal, I don't like to plan 2 way draws or anything like that. In fact, as a result I often get early leader syndrom and then get knocked down a peg.

Then, if someone else is looking like they are going to win I try to form coalitions against them and force draws, or force concessions from the leader. My goal is still to win, so I still negotiate and try to put myself in a good position against a potential victim, but I will try my best not to let anyone else win. I will never throw a game to attack someone for an extra centre.

Here's the thing though, I've also played with alot of idiots. When I try to form the coalition, they fail, they drop the ball and if it was WTA I would get zero because someone else is an idiot. I've played the best game I possibly good and I got the same amount of points as the guy who CDed in 1901.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the way I play, so you should let me play with the payout system I like. Which, if we make the necessary change, will be hybrid.
Ivo_ivanov (7545 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
well said
Babak (26982 D(B))
12 Apr 09 UTC
Cent - Very well put - this is one of the best reasons I've heard yet about why PPSC might be worth it...

ivo and dj - I apologize that I seem to have been unclear to the point where you misconstrued my purpose... (more specific responses next - but first...)

1) I no longer wish to change this site or its rules (I did a month or so back, but got flamed enough to learn to stay in my place)

2) I am and will remain unapologetic in being anti-ppsc and pro-wta. consider me a WTA evangelist if you like (just as pugnacious and with full fervor in purpose)

3) ftf IS the best form of dip - and I play once a month in the DC area - usually 2 games a month of ftf - since I cant physically do more - phpdip WTA games are a great alternative

to repeat - I do hope to change minds - and most importantly to open the eyes of the hundreds of newbies that learn about this game only through this site that ppsc is an aberration... and that what they/you are learning is not 'pure' dip as it was meant to be played.

meanwhile - live and let live...
Babak (26982 D(B))
12 Apr 09 UTC
ivo - I dont expect kestas to respond - but i did expect you or someone else in this thread respond (which you/others did)

1) so the logic is that the ppsc system was created because of the points system? thats not a good reason for why ppsc exists... many other systems (including wta) could be used in conjunction wit a points system - so that is not a valid response I think
2) ahhhh - the newcomers theory - ie, newbies wont keep playing if they lose too many points... this is what I really wanted to respond to =P

a. in both wta and ppsc, by 1903 two playes are eliminated... most often, these are the newest players or those who CD... in both ppsc and wta, when you are eliminated you get zero points. so in both 'types' your theoretical newbie will suffer the "damn I lost" attitude...

b. in ppsc, if a newbie survives with 1-5 dots, they are losing net points on the game - so often, getting a few points back is not going to give them any wholesome feeling... whereas - in my opinion - in a WTA game, even with 1-2 dots they can learn to maneuver into a draw and get 1/3rd or 1/4th or even 1/5th of the points and actually GAIN points.

my biggest beef with ppsc is not even an issue of points - its an issue of 'culture'. we, as a community, are developing a set of cultural traits (meta gaming, game long alliances, wrong incentives etc) that are teaching newbies to the hobbey the 'wrong' set of skills because 95%+ of our games are ppsc.

in fact - I agree with Cent - PPSC is more beneficial to vet players than to newbie players... b/c vet players can take advantage of newbies by manipulating them into thinking a few extra points are valuable when in truth it is the win/draw/loss ratio that is relevant... AND b/c vets can take advantage of NMRs and CDs far more than newbs can.

but cent - one point I do concede - at least in a ppsc, you wont lose all bc some lame person went into CD... whereas in WTA, what SHOULD end in a draw might end in a loss just b/c some kid got grounded and went into CD... that is a very good point.

@dj - i do play ftf. i only play wta on this site now. and I'm not trying to change the site - but even if I have changed the menality of ONE person who reads my drivel, then I'm happy with what I've written. c'est tous.

TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
95+% PPSC is not true. It's 94% from last month, where there were relatively few GFDT or League games, which are a significant number of games.
Centurian (3257 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
First, haha at ghost
Thanks for conceding a point Babak. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So you accept that in the culture of the internet game there is really nothing tieing someone to the game like in Ftf, hence the CDs. Internet is thus a different animal, with a reward system that tries to accurately reflect skill but also tries to mitigate the distortions that are a result of internet gameplay: not just civil disorder, but more difficult communication, lack of proper introdcution the rules, even language barriers. Thus PPSC.

So in keeping with these mitigating factors, but reducing the perverse incentives to let people win, and introducing incenetivs for players to "shoot for the stars" so to speak we can bring the gameplay closer to how it was meant to be while still not being naive about the realities of the internet environment.
Centurian (3257 D)
13 Apr 09 UTC
Thus Hybrid :P

165 replies
mapleleaf (0 DX)
11 Apr 09 UTC
New game.
All are welcome, living or dead.....
5 replies
Kaleidoscope (113 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
Support Hold on Move
Just a question I was wondering about. If you move a army(1) into another army(2) (without support, thus does nothing), and army(3) tries to support hold army(1), does army(1) get the support hold bonus when someone tries to invade it with 1 army with 1 support army?
1 reply
CaesarAugustus (100 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
New game, PhD2
Hi, we have a new game, PhD2. Pot of 5 per person and several of us know each other but that doesn't mean we're inclined to favour them over anyone else. We're just here for fun.
0 replies
New game
Made a new game, only 5 point wager. This is mainly for fun not for points, so join if you can please.
4 replies
Taelisan (127 D)
11 Apr 09 UTC
New Game with fixed alliances
I have started a new, cheap game. It will be played with a variant for fixed alliances.
8 replies
jadayne (283 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
differences in playing styles as the stakes get higher
I've played a few games in the 5-20 point range and i think i'm ready for some higher stakes games.
8 replies
eliwhitney (107 D(G))
11 Apr 09 UTC
Could a mod kill this game - The coast is NEVER clear

I mistakenly made a private game called "The coast is NEVER clear". I do not have 6 friends, so please delete this game OR open it up to the public.

Thank you in advance.
4 replies
Daedalus (100 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
New game 25 points
Audentes fortuna iuvat (fortune favors the bold), 25 point buy in, 24 hour turns:
0 replies
Canada86 (100 D)
12 Apr 09 UTC
Steady the Mainsail
72 hour phase game just started, bet is 50, check it out so we can start playin!
Steady the Mainsail
0 replies
americandiplomat (0 DX)
11 Apr 09 UTC
How many different controls are there? I know /unpause, and /draw, but nothing else.
5 replies
greendjinn (0 DX)
11 Apr 09 UTC
Embarrassed to ask...
.....but this is my first game here. How do the pull-down menus for the moves work? For example, if I want to move and chose that, where do I find the options for WHERE to move? The FAQ doesn't seem to give much detail on the mechanics of the site.

Thanks in advance!
4 replies
Ukla (390 D)
10 Apr 09 UTC
Starting Placement
Is there some kind of placement by ranking that goes on with the computer? Just curious, as I seem to get freaking Turkey a LOT. Like way too often for it to be random.
17 replies
Quadsniper (110 D)
09 Apr 09 UTC
Quit/Surrender option
I'm fairly new to this site, but in a few games already I've really seen the need for a surrender option. In these 48 hour turn games, it's unbearable to wait the full turn limit for retreats when the player is obviously giving up on the game. I know not everyone would use it, but for those who are nice enough to quit when they don't feel like playing instead of wasting all of our time i think it would be great.
17 replies
Javabeans (252 D)
11 Apr 09 UTC
Is it possible to start a private game over or delete it?
Hey guys, my friends and I have started a private game but we have a problem. The move deadline is soon and a player has dropped out. While i have a replacement i would rather not let that country hold for the first turn so is there anyway to delete the game or restart it so we can start with a fresh slate? thanks!
1 reply
TheSleepingBear (100 D)
11 Apr 09 UTC
Help with move rules
Hi, can someone help me with move rules in this game: (see the reply for more info). Thanks.
6 replies
Hamilton (137 D)
11 Apr 09 UTC
Join Quick Game
12 hour per turn!
0 replies
ThomasB (742 D)
11 Apr 09 UTC
Rules Question:
What is the result of the following:
A unit receives one support, gives support to an attack on the attacking country while being attacked from said country with two support and another unit attempting to move into the attacking province.
Thanks for your help!
4 replies
GomJabbar (213 D)
09 Apr 09 UTC
Question about time limits
I am new to phpDiplomacy and have been playing my first game which has fast (9 hour) time limits per phase. However, I have noticed that the time limits seem to randomly change from phase to phase. I am guessing that the program aborts the time limit and moves to next phase if everyone (not currently in civil disorder) has finalized their orders or have no orders to give. Correct? This makes it hard to plan your times for logging on and entering next orders.
12 replies
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