A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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milestailsprower (614 D(B))
02 Mar 09 UTC
continuation of the least favorite country poll
Come vote folks!
3 replies
Pantalone (2033 D(S))
02 Mar 09 UTC
How exactly do the points get divided between players if they agree a Draw? Equally or pro-rata according to their number of SC's at the time?
And is this different in a Winner Takes All game compared to a Points per Supply Center game? Would love to hear Game Master's views on this.
4 replies
SirBayer (480 D)
01 Mar 09 UTC
Internal Server Error 500
I've been getting a lot and a lot and a lot of these this morning, anyone tell me what they are?
4 replies
po8crg (969 D)
02 Mar 09 UTC
Newbs picking up CDs
Is it just me, or does it seem that a lot of newbs come in and pick up a pile of really bad CD positions, lose them all and get annoyed with the game?
1 reply
rratclif (0 DX)
02 Mar 09 UTC
I just got the lamest win ever...
So I took over a CD country, turns out it was a group of friends doing 1 hour phases. Then they all left and went CD, so I won!
4 replies
Sligoman (484 D)
02 Mar 09 UTC
Newbie Question
Hi, diplomacy virgin I'm afraid and a situation occured that I could do with clarification on.. I launched a supported attack that was unfortunately blocked. I find myself unable to move this turn around, the game server saying that I have no units to move this turn. Is this normal when an attack is blocked, that you cannot use those units next turn and what other circumstances can cause this loss of turn situation ? Thanks - Darren
7 replies
Invictus (240 D)
02 Mar 09 UTC
Aviod games with Captain James Tiberius Kirk
He made a thread bad mouthing AngelaMerkel, and criticism of this irrational moron should not be tied in with a decent player like that.
19 replies
zestythelemon (950 D)
02 Mar 09 UTC
New Game: Transnistrian Tarantella
Hey, here's a new game if you'd like to play. :)
2 replies
Babak (26982 D(B))
24 Feb 09 UTC
who is interested in a wta game?
following earlier conversations - here is my effort to 'live and let live' with the ppsc system and those who like it. if you are interested in a wta game, come in so we can talk about pts, deadlines, and sundry other things.
Babak (26982 D(B))
24 Feb 09 UTC
i dont know if I used 'sundry' correctly above - someone tell me ;P

as for the game - how many pts? 50? 101? and are you able to play 18-36 hour deadlines? anything seems to fast to me, and anything more is torture at times ;P

and I'd suggest we password it so a random new player does not jump into a wolves den, but we can keep the pts below 100.

lastly - i'm not a big fan of this 'permanant-allies' phenomenon which I do think is a ppsc-created monster ;P in almost all ftf and pbem games I've ever played, such drivel as "stabing is cheating" is not suffered - so... if thats what you want... a watered down meta-alliance... go somewhere else. ;)

all thats said - anyone interested?
i'm in. 101 points is good. i'm in favor of 24hr turns or less.
Babak (26982 D(B))
24 Feb 09 UTC
so after all that talk about 'post it and they will come' only one response in 16 hours for a wta game.

@DbJ - I am up for a 101 pt game... but I'd prefer to start a few 50 pt games first... lets see if we can even get 5 more interested..
trip (696 D(B))
24 Feb 09 UTC
I'm in for a wta. would you consider a 25 pointer?
davatk (264 D)
24 Feb 09 UTC
For what it's worth, I'm be interested. I'm also somewhat lacking in the points department though...
davatk (264 D)
24 Feb 09 UTC
Huh. I produced a typo.
DipperDon (6457 D)
24 Feb 09 UTC
wooooo (926 D)
24 Feb 09 UTC
I'll play. 24 hours. 50 points?
I'd be in if the pot were large-ish (101 buy in)
Babak (26982 D(B))
25 Feb 09 UTC
so i think we have maybe 3 games i'd love to get commitments for.

25pt - 18 hrs
babak ; davatk; trip (4 more needed)

50pt - 36 hrs
babak ; wooooo

101 pts - 24 hrs
babak; dingleberry ; xgong

do we have any others interested?
Argento (5723 D)
25 Feb 09 UTC
I'm interested, but I need longer phases than 24 hours... 36 at least. I like to join the 50pt - 36 hrs game =)
Jacob (2466 D)
25 Feb 09 UTC
Why don't you just go ahead and join my WTA game already going - 36 hour phases, 165 point buy-in
wooooo (926 D)
25 Feb 09 UTC
I said 24 hours not 36 :P
Babak (26982 D(B))
26 Feb 09 UTC
what happened to all those wta fans from the long complaint thread???

it just does not seem worth it to stick around here. maybe i should just come back for the tournament
xcurlyxfries (0 DX)
26 Feb 09 UTC
I invested all my points already. sorry
DipperDon (6457 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
Hey, Babak. If you don't actually leave (like you've been promising for a month), I might join your wta game....if you'll have me, that is.
po8crg (969 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
Babak: I'm playing NINE WTA games right now. They filled up really quickly.

I'll happily join in a few other games once I get the horde under control; I didn't expect nine simultaneous starts!
trip (696 D(B))
26 Feb 09 UTC
Babk, I'm still interested in the 25pt wta although I would prefer 24 to 30 hr phases.
Babak (26982 D(B))
26 Feb 09 UTC
ok im going to start 3 wta games tonight and announce them on here. i think i will still password them so as to minimize dip-tourists.

@dipper don. i would rather not be in a game with you because of my perception of your dip-philosophy - i have classified you as (correct me if im wrong) one of the types of players who finds a pemanant alliance and 'come hell or high water' sticks with the ally. to me that is not substantially different than meta-gaming. and i hate metagamers as they essentially are ruining the balance of the game to gain unfair advantage. same as cheating.

so i guess in so many words, i consider perm-ally strategies as cheating in a way, and i prefer not to play with cheaters. (not trying to be harsh - but thats my opinion of meta gamers - they are cheaters).

Babak (26982 D(B))
26 Feb 09 UTC
and dont get me wrong - there are many game situations that call for a game-long alliance and often lead to draws and even in some cases, solos. (i have quite a few myself) BUT the diff is when you 'agree' from the start vs continuously reviving the relationship based on the dynamics of the game and map.

Chrispminis (916 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
I'm in for any WTA of pot 150 or less.
Jacob (2466 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
babak - how do you know that those people are not merely appearing to agree? If it results in a win or a draw for you then it is a valid strategy - if you are in that game and can't figure out how to overcome a 2-player alliance then you suck at diplomacy.

I know that you are a good player so I really don't understand why this is such a big deal to you.

I would have a bigger problem with three or four people agreeing to draw and doing the same exact thing in several games.
WhiteSammy (132 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
ill do the wta for 101
and the 25
Troodonte (3379 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
I'll do wta for 25 or 50 and I prefere 24h or less phase.
Hereward77 (930 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
I'll be up for one whenever I have some points released.
peterwiggin (15158 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC

Interesting thread here . . . I assume you're Babak from fb phpdip? If I wasn't playing four games over there and three games on Bounced, I'd definitely join in over here.

What is this about a tournament? Those can be fun . . .

Chrispminis (916 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
What sort of pseudo is peterwiggin for a fella named Kevin?
Babak (26982 D(B))
28 Feb 09 UTC
oh wiat is this the same kevin that just made a masterful stab at me and is now rounding the corner to a well-deserved solo? (150pt wta game - hes germany and im france)

ok, im going to start a game guys - but i cant cut and paste the link using my phone- i'll need one of you to help out with that.
Babak (26982 D(B))
28 Feb 09 UTC
Ok here we go:

Title: "2nd place is 1st loser"
Game #: 8446

Pass: wta
24 hr deadline. - 25 pts

Someone plz copy/paste the link - thx
davatk (264 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
Great, thanks for making this.

link w/ password:

peterwiggin (15158 D)
01 Mar 09 UTC

That would be me, but Turkey might have a few things to say about my solo yet.

Get your computer back already!

MadMarx (36299 D(G))
01 Mar 09 UTC
Babak, your theories on metagaming are fascinating... I have often used the "stick with one ally for the long-haul" strategy and am not sure why you consider this metagaming/cheating. There are many ways to play diplomacy and each of us are better at different strategies. It appears to me that you tend to stab a lot and your theory on metagaming is purely based on skewing the game to suit your tendency to stab and not suffer serious consequences. You might think about adjusting the way you play to counteract all valid strategies rather than claim others are cheating when the reality of the matter is that you are unable to compete against certain players. Requiring everyone to play diplomacy as you do is... a little self-centered, don't you think?
Babak (26982 D(B))
02 Mar 09 UTC
ok - new wta game:

"Winning is Everything"
50pts - 30 hr deadline
password: wta
Babak (26982 D(B))
02 Mar 09 UTC

i can see why you might reach that conclusion - but I think you misread my point. I have come to accept that this game and its ppsc variant promoted by phpdip will directly affect how the game is viewed by so many that are new to the game... but the essence of the game has always been 7 players indipendently acting in their OWN self-interest.

the reason meta-gaming is 'bad' and even 'cheating' is that one no longer is acting in 'self-interest' but rather in 'mutual interest' terms.

if an alliance is agreed to before the game starts vs within the first few turns of the game starting - and that alliance is meant to be held from the start to the end - then that is equal in my mind to a meta-gaming alliance.

Its a very successful strategy - I grant that. in fact - I personally think that the ppsc variant of diplomacy encourages and even necessitates this mentality to an extent.

One of the reasons that this is a particular problem in the ppsc mode is that in ppsc games, the rest of the players rarely bind together to stop a solo - nevermind a 2-player meta alliance.

in a wta game - you are far more likely to see the remaining players put aside even hot wars to stop a single or two players reaching a solo or a 17/17 draw... not to mention - a 17/17 draw is far more unrealistic of an offer in wta than in ppsc.
xcurlyxfries (0 DX)
02 Mar 09 UTC
but offer it none the less, and see if the fools will accept it

35 replies
xcurlyxfries (0 DX)
25 Feb 09 UTC
The Roast of Diplomat
You know what to do! take your best shots at him, but rmember he gets a shot at you too if you comment.

Also I like germnay as fave country (to keep diplomacy related)
86 replies
Piper (192 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
Longest Game Ever?
I'm in a game which has reached 1924 and doesn't look like ending particularly soon, and it got me wondering - which is the longest game that anyone's taken part in? Surely there must be some that went on even longer? []
9 replies
ag7433 (927 D(S))
28 Feb 09 UTC
New Game: Five Dollar Milkshake
PPSC -- 101pst -- 29 hrs
3 replies
Jacob (2466 D)
27 Feb 09 UTC
Best Beatles Album and Song
discuss inside
27 replies
airborne (154 D)
02 Mar 09 UTC
CD Italy
1902 still in orginal position.
1 reply
Naryshkin (100 D)
02 Mar 09 UTC
Game for New Players 1
Join up!
0 replies
fullautonick (713 D)
01 Mar 09 UTC
Shut the hell up
120 point buy in.
0 replies
Dunecat (5899 D)
01 Mar 09 UTC
Super-fast game called "Speed Demon"

Ready to rumble?
2 replies
Alqazar (403 D)
01 Mar 09 UTC
0 replies
Chalks (488 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
404s and such
Anyone else getting random 404s and "this page is not available right now" messages?
9 replies
Jacob (2466 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
NEW GAME TAKE 3: The Man of God's Own Choosing
Third time's the charm?
200 point buy-in, 36 hour phases, WTA
8 replies
trim101 (363 D)
26 Feb 09 UTC
You know you have been playing to much phpdip when?
sorry flashmans thread about online addiction made me think that i havnt seen one of these on here so i thought i would start it.
87 replies
Glorious93 (901 D)
27 Feb 09 UTC
To the players of trench warfare!
thejoeman, Stevelers, airborne, Invictus, Jerkface and The Mikado!
45 replies
atymins (0 DX)
01 Mar 09 UTC
Diplomacy Beginners
If you are new to Diplomacy, and want to become accustomed with the game, check out the game titled "Diplomacy Beginners" in the joinable column.
1 reply
sceptic_ka (100 D)
27 Feb 09 UTC
phpdiplomacy slows my computer down (a lot)
I recently noticed an increase in my cpu temp and traced it back to a java applet in firefox that seems to do nothing but gobble up cpu cycles.
38 replies
french trumpet (100 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
how many people have e-mailed kestas but never got a response
5 replies
AlbinoThunder33 (113 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
Private invites
How do I invite users to a private game. I am trying to play with my dad and brothers but they can't find the game in the Joinable section of the games.
9 replies
Babak (26982 D(B))
28 Feb 09 UTC
New WTA Game: "2nd place is first loser"
Not for new players. 25pts. 24 hr deadline. Password inside
7 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
28 Feb 09 UTC
England Needed! Good Position!
My friends and I started a game and one of them dropped out.
We don't metagame.
Password is password, if you need it.
10 replies
papula (116 D)
28 Feb 09 UTC
New Game opend
Here is a new game, for ppl who really want to communicate and play real Diplomacy :)

2 replies
xcurlyxfries (0 DX)
26 Feb 09 UTC
New game!
Diplimacy on a bun!
80 D's
36 hour phase PPSC
And frankly the best way to have diplomacy!
8 replies
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