A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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brainbomb (295 D)
01 Jul 17 UTC
Is the voter fraud investigation a distraction?
Is it Republican Data mining? Beating a dead horse? Or all of the above. It feels like its designed to help Republicans gain shitloads of unsolicited free information about voters. Why else would they need such data? Why not trust the states - many of which are Red states to uphold fair elections.
36 replies
Valis2501 (2850 D(G))
29 Jun 17 UTC
Claiming To Represent Flynn, GOPer Sought Clinton Emails From Hackers
3 replies
Manwe Sulimo (419 D)
09 Jun 17 UTC
300 Point Game
Anybody down to play a 5 min phase anonymous gunboat? I'll need to give final approval for all participants, but if you'd like to express interest, do so in this thread. I'm thinking 07/01/2017 at 5pm EST.
21 replies
leon1122 (190 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
CNN Exposed In Undercover Sting - Producer Admits Russia Story Fake News
34 replies
Dorian (246 D)
01 Jul 17 UTC
Non-random picks
Is it possible to have non-random picks for custom games and tournament play?
2 replies
Deeply_Dippy (458 D)
29 Jun 17 UTC
RIP Jim-Bob Burgess
Yesterday, Doug Kent of Diplomacy World announced the passing of Jim Burgess - one of the Hobby's most consistent and valued publishers.
3 replies
mfontecilla (301 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
New Player Registering Error
Hi guys, hope you're doing well. A friend of mine is having issues opening an account, however the validation keeps saying "Mailer error: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate." Does anyone knows how to solve this?
9 replies
SuperMario0727 (204 D)
26 Jun 17 UTC
Diplomacy Strategy: Sphere Theory
First and foremost, this "theory" is based on articles written by other members of the Diplomacy community. This thread is simply an elaboration of those ideas.

This "theory" attempts to craft a general strategy for the game that can be used as a guideline for players.
40 replies
cb6000 (100 D(S))
29 Jun 17 UTC
New fleets only game
Game where players build only fleets. Rule change results in non standard openings. gameID=201181. Pw = boats4
5 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
30 Jun 17 UTC
Status, wealth, racism, and maybe some socialism.
So at the moment US republicans are trying to make sure access to healthcare is dependent on wealth. But discrimination based on status goes a long way back...
3 replies
The_Meep (100 D)
29 Jun 17 UTC
New player - submitting support orders
Hi. Could someone please explain the syntax for submitting a support order? It shows up as: Army at X support move to Y from Z.
So, X is the supporting army. But is Y the Army that is being supported or the territory that they are attacking?
10 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
30 Jun 17 UTC
Have you ever been to Hell?
Some people have near death experiences and claim they see white light and hear heavenly music. Some have even claimed to have been to heaven and come back. But has anyone ever been to Hell? Like they go into a coma or have a near death moment and learn theyre going to hell?
8 replies
Randomizer (722 D)
21 Jun 17 UTC
EU court says coincidence is good enough
Court ruling that scientific proof isn't needed to blame a drug for illness. Just get enough cases to establish cause and effect.
31 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
28 Jun 17 UTC
My restaurant is looking to host a game night; I do not have a date or time but are there 7+ people in the area or willing to travel to Williamsport PA; if such an event were planned?
10 replies
Scrub (198 D)
29 Jun 17 UTC
Live game
I've always wanted to try a live game and today I actually have a free day. Please join gameID=201182 and post more live games to join
0 replies
WildcatSir19 (347 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Known World
How do you start a game of the variant Known World?
9 replies
peterlund (1310 D(G))
27 Jun 17 UTC
US image - steep decline
But I guess you don't care... ;(
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Ripple_Echo (100 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
As a fellow scientist (biochemistry,) I am also deeply concerned about the climate. I am in no way suggesting that the scale of climate change we should expect if trends continue is anything less than catastrophic for millions.

"...we are past the point now where much of earth will be essentially uninhabitable for humans and industrial agriculture will be effectively impossible on anywhere near the scale it is now. "

I can't disagree with the sentiment here, but I think your timeline and scope are not grounded in the current research. Yes, we're probably going to move past the 2 degree tipping point. Yes, that's probably going to start a rapid cascade of climate destabilizing effects (permafrost methane, etc.) But I think it's a stretch to jump right to "essentially uninhabitable for humans." However, as you said, more along the lines of "...industrial agriculture will be effectively impossible on anywhere near the scale it is now." is probably still on the table in the not-too-distant future.

Yes, this is semantics. We're both talking about climate change being an existential threat. But I think the more likely situation is that we take a step backward as a civilization and may not be able to reclaim our former progress.

"Millions die and billions languish" rather than "billions die and millions languish."

Now, if you compare either of the two to global thermonuclear war, you end up with a really unenjoyable game of "would you rather?" I think the best option is not to get into the mess. That's why I'm highlighting the importance of the United States in the fight against climate change. The world's best chance to avert any existential threat is to convince the United States to join that fight. Climate change is not an us versus them affair.

Like or not we need them, and we urgently need to act accordingly.
Manwe Sulimo (419 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
I like Ripple. He uses proper logic.
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
Maybe progress is taking a step back. Less machines. Less people. More balance.
StevenC. (1047 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
I don't think even climate change will make us give up technology.
Ogion (3817 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
You haven't been paying close attention to the research ripple. For example you say "es, we're probably going to move past the 2 degree tipping point. Yes, that's probably going to start a rapid cascade of climate destabilizing effects (permafrost methane, etc.)" You might have missed that despite the fact that human CO2 production has leveled off in recent years from fossil fuels, CO2 concentrations are increasing at the fastest rate ever in 2016 and 2017. If it isn't humans pumping it out, there's only one other possibility: the earth isn't absorbing CO2 the way it was" That is, we're aren't Probably going to start" but rather "that process is well under way." Also, please also take a look at events on the west antarctic ice sheet where decomposition is happening vastly sooner and faster than prior predictions on a scale of centuries to decades faster.
In addition, even 1 degree warmer than now (2.5 degrees warming) would give everything in the US south of nebraska the climate of Arizona. With a loss of roughly one third of the surface freshwater, that a LOT of lost agricultural production. Of coruse, we're likely looking at four or five degrees of warming. That's roughly the "no ice caps, no rainforests" model. Pretty much teh whole US is desert. Much of Europe would host palms and mangroves, much as during the early eocene. Basically, our current range of food crops wouldn't really be able to survive summers anywhere away from the coasts. Maybe we could live on taro in Siberia (except of course the soils is crappy as hell). Of course the eocene had a CO2eq level similar to today, not 20% higher, which is where we are headed. If you head north of 5degrees warming, we're talking conditions like the Permian where 95% of species were wiped out. here's a hint, a few humans might survive such an event, but I wouldn't be on it.

So, actually, yes it is grounded in the most recent research, which I suspect I have read and you have not.
That's not "logic" Manwe, it's pulling stuff out of his nethers because it is comforting. Comforting but wrong.

As for nuclear war, that remains considerably unlikely, as opposed to climate change, which is certain.
Ogion (3817 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
Steven C, if you mean stone tools, I agree with you. If you think we'll still have the economic infrastructure to run power generators, you're not paying attention.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
@ripple : "Yes, I agree that anthropogenic climate change is a ticking clock that will steadily destroy some of the most valuable parts of human civilization. Coastal cities and nations will suffer, food security will suffer, weather will be less predictable and more lethal."

Just imagine the economic collapse, government struggle to collect any taxes, publi services shut down, people flee cities which can no longer import food.

Yeah, it will hit the poor first, but the point where an economy fails also takes out the rich. Unless they are prepared for a cashless society in advance (And every billionaire should probably invest a million or two in materials while the economy makes them cheap... But who knows how many are prepared?).

Until we had public sanatation london as a city only grew from inward migration, more people died in the city than were being born.

That is at least some growth, if all trade systems collapse, that means no fertiliser or gas to fuel our industrialised farms, no transport vechiles to bring food to cities; every city in the world is basically fucked (~3.5 billion people).

That is the kind of collapse i'm talking about - not everyone dead (like in a nuclear winter, where no food will grow) - but economic collapse which tears all our inter-dependent economies apart...
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
I had an alternate view to post... But now i'm rushing off
diplomat61 (223 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
@Leon: "I'm glad that the failed Western EU countries, which are being destroyed by Middle Eastern barbarians by the moment, disapprove of President Trump." The EU hasn't failed, nor is it being destroyed, but leaving those details aside why would this please you?
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
@SteveC, when was the last time yoy built a computer chip from raw materials?

The problem is we depend on everyone else to know how our technology works, to grow us food. We trust in a system of laws which only works if everyone believes they work. Sure, i might be able to build a generator from scavanged scrap yard materials, i may even be able to repair a broken one. But i'm not going to e making copper wire to conduct anything, and i've no idea how to properly dope a semi-conductor to make a transistor.

If the interdependent trade network which 'globalised' the world over the last 50-75 years compeltely collapses, and farms can't produce enough food, and govenments can't collect tax. Then our 'technology' is going to largely need to be re-invented... Because everything will turn to shit otherwise.
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
There is also currently an estimated 10% chance it climbs to 11 degrees higher....which would indeed be an extinction level event.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
And i'm not talking about what happens when climate change hits, i am just looking at complexity levels. Which become increasingly expensive to maintain. Nuclear war, or global food shortages, or climate change, or an asteroid impact, or a pulsar coming too close, or a rogue super intelligent AI who doesn't care about humans.

We can also pass a tipping point where everything goes away.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
**At least cities, but about half of humans currently live in cities, and the rest of the land isn't going to absorb those kid of numbers.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jun 17 UTC
Even just a small collapse, like the fall of the soviet union, or the last global financial crisis are examples of entire economic systems near collapse. Russia has western help to re-balance yer economy, and the US survived by racking up more and more debt. International trade stumbled but didn't grind to a halt.

But that is not guarenteed to happen. There is no law of economics which says the complex systems can't collapse.
Ripple_Echo (100 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
@orathaic and Ogion
You both seem to have a pretty solid handle on the research you've been reading. You'd be doing me a favor if you could send it my way. It seems as though I've allowed myself become optimistic and to slip behind the times. Not good habits to be in for a scientist. I look forward to a deluge of literature.
Fluminator (1500 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
I'm pretty sure many countries were not fans of the foreign policies of Obama, Bush, or Clinton either. The America image has been suffering for a very long time with their bullying.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
28 Jun 17 UTC
@Ripple, i'm not very uptodate on climate research (although i don't think i claimed to be). I an also willing to admit that it is entirely possible we will geo-engineer the earth before run-away climate change has a chance to destroy our conplexity (requires more complexity, cheap sources of power, many more computer processors connected in ever more complex ways, including human computation - google that term if you're bot familiar with it). It is possible that we have just seen some of the most amazing breakthroughs in AI (with a computer learning how to beat the best human at Go) and the application of this breakthrough will be enough to save us - with ever more and deeper levels of complexity - ie engineering the clinate is really fucking dangerous, and politically complex beyond the mere engineering difficulties.

There is room to be optimistic. I might be more optimistic if we'd had any amazing fusion breakthroughs in the last 40 years (though the sun is doin all its own fusion, and the economics of solar panels may be looking really good now-a-days...

I'm not sure we will get there soon enough. I wish i had a good link for you on chaos and complexity, but i think you need to look at all the nonlinear systems. As a physicist, i know that it is only in recent decades that we've gotten to understand the first bit about complexity theory (or chaos and complexity) but as a biochemist i feel sure you are aware of some of the iteresting dynamics you can get in non-linear systems. (Where the energy released from one pair of atoms reacting is enough to trigger more than one other pair, you can get a non-linear respond - like an explosion... Of course this can disperse all the atoms preventing any more pair from reacting. In biology you get even deeper relationships between 'elements' the basic cell or organism. Or even the protein or pharmaceutical, you must understand the complexity and gow sompler systems are prefered unless the more complex one grants some advantage... Well we don't know whether this whole complex technological revolution will blow up on us or find a point of homeostasis.

I fear if i linked you to the wiki article on chaos and complexity, it would fail to find the focus on the bit that i find fascinating. But the fact is i can see the bronze age collapse in terms of the complex non-linear system that it was. I'm sorry if i have failed to convey that.

Optomistically, more energy collected from the sun means more complexity which can be supported on the earth. Fusion here on earth would also be nice...
orathaic (1009 D(B))
28 Jun 17 UTC
@fulminator, did you see the bit of the article where Obama had a massive better performance in foreign opinion. Conpared to both before and after his two terms.

And this despite his actuons being only a little better than Bush (he did ban torture, but really does he deserve a pat on the back for bot being an asshole? Especially when he murdered more people with drone strikes than any other world leader) Obama had great PR, great charisma and he took the effort to appeal to a foreign audience...

Europeans in particular had a lot of respect for Obama.
MyxIsMe (511 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
You "scientists" are full of speculation and shit and not much else.

Real scientists doing real science:
Ogion (3817 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Aaaand MyxisMe demonstrates that charming conservative characteristic of not being smart or hard working enough to understand evidence and so dismissing it as not eviedence because you wouldn't recognize evidence if it crawled up your butt and died there

In facts olease check out the AR5 and the THOUSANDS of references, each one a painstaking study to elucidate one part of the puzzle. Funny, how scientists "only have speculation" but still manage to make all your electronic, medicines, machines, and pretty much everything else in modern society work. Those scientists sure do get lucky speculating how the world works without, you know, piecing together evidence over centuries

Please, just crawl back into your cave, mmmkay?
leon1122 (190 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
"why would this please you?"

If failing countries disapprove of us, it must mean we're doing something different than them which can only be good.
Ripple_Echo (100 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
@ leon1122 This attitude is precisely the sort of unaware tribalism, American exceptionalism, and downright hateful sort of thing I admonished against earlier.

The real question is, given that attitude as a starting point, how does the rest of the world go about winning someone over? What happens when the people you need most are more proud of their own ignorance than they are willing to contribute to a global crisis?
diplomat61 (223 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
"If failing countries disapprove of us, it must mean we're doing something different than them which can only be good."

Firstly, as I already pointed out Europe is not "failing".

Secondly, even if they were is the US so lacking in a compass that you must judge it in comparison to failed states.
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
@ Myxlsme..You make these assertions about scientific research....and your "qualifications" ( science based from a recognised University ?) are. ???... PS Facebook and Wikipedia don't quite "cut the mustard" appear to be more like a "Scientology graduate"
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
@ leon1122..."applying" your convoluted "logic" the driver full of drugs and alcohol speeding along the freeway "must be doing something right" because they are "doing something different" from all the other motorists driving sober, drug free and under the speed limit and carefully.
Do you have any idea just how stupid your posts are ?
Ogion (3817 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
MM, no, leon and Myxis don't know how stupid their posts are. They're prime examples of Americans, and why it is in steep decline.
leon1122 (190 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Ripple, tribalism is precisely what the world needs more of. It prevents the downfall of one country from being the downfall of the whole world.

diplomat, I know what direction I want the US to take, but the rejection by the failing EU states is still great affirmation.

Major, that's a terrible analogy. A better one would be a sober driver driving under the speed limit, while a group of drunk, speeding motorists speed by while hurling insults.
Jeff Kuta (2066 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Tribalism leads to disintegration. Didn't you study the Civil War?
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
"If failing countries disapprove of us, it must mean we're doing something different than them which can only be good."

What a dense logical fallacy.

A is bad
B is not A

Therefore B is good.

orathaic (1009 D(B))
28 Jun 17 UTC
@"Ripple, tribalism is precisely what the world needs more of. It prevents the downfall of one country from being the downfall of the whole world"

This much i will give you.

You need an extremely isolationist society, one which refuses to trade externally or send military expeditions out.

Though the Soviet Union is a pretty good exMple, when it fell apart it was so isolated economically from the rest of the world there was no global collapse (though look at population graphs from any post-soviet country, you can see a steep and sudden decline in the early 90s, follwed in most cases by continued decline... Except perhaps in Russia which looks like it stabilised).

But to really save the world you would need isolation in economic terms - which has been deemed less profitable by the power that be - neo-cons and neo-liberals currently running the world, corporate interests pushing treaties like TTIP and TTP (and CETA).

There is another example, one which is thousands of years old. The last Chinese empire, the Qing, which ended in the 1912; was for centuries a global economic powerhouse. The were completely self-sufficient, and traded only whem the felt like - until the Opium Wars and superior european technology forced them to open the treaty ports.

They would have survived any collapse of European economic powers, and continued on their way. China was a perfect example of what you want for America. And will most likely never happen.

But the consequences of isolationism will be the same as they were for China. Now the Chinese have a more outward looking perspective, and they will soon regain their position as the single largest economic power on this globe. While acting in their long term interest by curbing CO2 emissions and investing massively in green technolgies - they will soon be the worlds largest producer of solar panels (for example), if they aren't already. And the US will be left to become a third rate power.

China will not go to war with the US until it knows it can win, and by then it will not need to.

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78 replies
Yoyoyozo (95 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Largest pot game ever?
In September I'm going to start a game titled "Wrath of the Titans."
4 replies
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Contest to decide if Dipbro Brainbomb is real
World games, anonymous and names, Classic Anon and names, Classic, HDV & RP...all only five points to enter....passwords, crack them if you can ( they're very simple )
8 replies
Hippopankake (80 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Need person
I need 1 more person for a modern game there is no password modern-8 is the games name
0 replies
Hamilton Brian (757 D(B))
25 Jun 17 UTC
GB 3 Game Tournament
Being in the middle of a pretty long, drawn-out game, I feel the need to flex some tactical muscle. I'd like to propose a 3 game, semi-anon, 24 hour phase, WTA series. Preference is for a high reliability (<80%) and moderate to high GR. 25 to 50 point buy-in. Once we get the 7, games will be created and PW messaged out.

1) Hamilton Brian RR 98%, general GR position of 177
17 replies
wel_120984 (124 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Question about dislodgement and support
Hi guys!

I've been playing Diplomacy for one year but now I'm re-reading the rulebook and I've bumped into one question.
5 replies
Maru (100 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Authentication is broken
Authentication is broken, people can't make new accounts.
2 replies
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
27 Jun 17 UTC
Magic Money Trees
The UK's totally bankrupt Prime Minister, Theresa May, told nurses they couldn't have a pay rise because "there isn't a magic money tree".

But this week there was £1.5 billion of magic money to give to some extreme-right Northern Irish homophobes with strong connections to terrorism.
23 replies
Wiza Mastermind (0 DX)
25 Jun 17 UTC
Unhelpful Allies
Quick question, does anyone get annoyed by allies who send you messages saying really obvious things about what other countries did last turn or where you could easily get a SC. Basically all the information that is super clear that everyone could figure out but they decide to tell you anyways. Am I the only one who feels this way?
21 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
25 Jun 17 UTC
Braimbomb in vegas
So I just won 2.50$ after spending 23.00$. Ohhhh yea baby VEGAS
34 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Hell yes. Florida just won the CWS for the first time in school history.
6 replies
bakay_ilya (100 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Let's play blitz the game ,missing 1 man
0 replies
AngrySeas (346 D)
28 Jun 17 UTC
Home Game
Is there a way to run a game from one computer? In a face to face game, players would submit their orders to the moderator who logs them into the program for resolution, afterwards updating the public board. Does anyone know how to make this work?
4 replies
Manwe Sulimo (419 D)
20 Jun 17 UTC
Limited Libertarian Location
Thread for Libertarians to be selfish and greedy without the chiding from those on the left and right. It's our ball and we're taking it home!
22 replies
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