A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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denis (864 D)
15 Jun 14 UTC
Advertise for Replacements
Why doesn't this thread exist, advertise for replacements in games with CD's and NMRs, especially live games
9 replies
Dave McBride (107 D)
18 Jun 14 UTC
when someone is erroneously banned midgame, how is it fixed?
A player and friend was mistakenly banned from the game I created for no apparent reason. The game is .
47 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
10 Jun 14 UTC
Hail to the Redskins? The commercial in there will be aired in seven major markets (including Washington) during Game 3 of the NBA Finals. We've had the discussion before...but since we can all use a break from the seemingly-weekly reminders of school shootings (one today in Oregon)--1. Think they SHOULD change the name and 2. WILL the name be change soon?
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obiwanobiwan (248 D)
10 Jun 14 UTC
I naturally think they should change the I've said before...

Naming your team the Vikings, Braves, or Celtics is one thing...

Redskins is and has been a slur for Native Americans.

It's like naming a team the New York N*ggers or Kansas City Kikes.

And I'd argue that we wouldn't even be dealing with this issue if it were about any group BUT Native Americans--if those aforementioned slurs were used for team names, even if they'd been used for nearly 80+ years or so, like the Redskins name, the NAACP and Jewish Defense League and Anti-Defamation League would be on the asses of those owners and their franchise SO FAST...

But the sad reality is, given how (mostly) white Christian Americans decimated the population of Native Americans, to the extent that it rivals the shameful legacy of slavery in this country...I don't think a lot of Americans care about Native Americans.

Even if other groups--Blacks, Jews, the Irish, Latinos, etc.--have faced discrimination, they've all assimilated into American culture, so a slur against one of those groups (and their well-maintained, highly-effective lobbying and activist groups...again, you don't screw with the NAACP or Jewish Defense League, they have a pretty good deal of clout) feels like a slur against "one of our own," and most Americans therefore won't stand for it and don't take it, case in point, the backlash against Donald Sterling.

We don't do that with Native Americans...and I think we should...

And with 40+ Senators endorsing a name change and the fallout from the Sterling incident showing just how fragile ownership over a club can be...I think the name will change, it has to.

And to forestall the inevitable objection that "most Native Americans don't care"--

The commercial here's paid for by the National Congress of American Indians, who've previously and repeatedly objected to this name.

I think when the largest and most well-known activist body for a people objects to the name, it's safe to say it's more than a fringe issue for said people, and can't be brushed aside as such.

But I'm sure the opponents here will try to do just that, so--have at it.
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
10 Jun 14 UTC
Meh. I'm indifferent on the issue.
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
10 Jun 14 UTC
Of course they should change their name. There's no question they *should*. But hey, when you pit white people against Indians, who do you think is going to assert their muscles?
krellin (80 DX)
10 Jun 14 UTC
As always, you are a mind-bumbed, sheeple moron.

As with all things LIBTARD, the notion that every native American is offended by the name Redskins is complete and utter bullshit. Fuck off, seriously.
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
10 Jun 14 UTC
Yes, let's all listen to krellin when it comes to deciding sensitive minority issues.
krellin (80 DX)
10 Jun 14 UTC
But, on another topic, I do think they should change the name of the local "Holocaust Museum" to the "Ways Jesus-Killers Died Museum" because it's fitting and descriptive and accurate.
krellin (80 DX)
10 Jun 14 UTC
Bo fucks - I'm not asking yo to listen to me, you fucking moron. I'm telling you to listen to the fucking INDIANS upon whos behalf you fucking Libtards all feign such indignation when commanded by your Libtard Media Masters.

bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
10 Jun 14 UTC
Good try. If you weren't you, I might bite at that.
krellin (80 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
You might bight at that, but you won't because I'm the one that put up the link the THE FUCKING INDIANS WEARING REDSKINS JACKETS?

What, because I posted it it didn't happen?

You really are a child, aren't you? Typical libtard moron, afraid to confront FACTS that are in disagreement with your emotionally held beliefs.

Some day, when you actually grow up and learn to think for yourself, Bo, you will recognize that moron like Obiwan have no special moral standing...NOR do all the WHITE MEDIA PERSONALITIES INSTRUCTING YOUR FEIGNED OUTRAGE.

God...what a fucking sheep you are.
krellin (80 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
You know...if you hate it so much, then you and all your moronic libtard pals would stop watching ANY NFL....the NFL could force this change *if* they wanted....but...yeah...I don't see any of your fucking hypocrites *actually* doing anything...

Just fake haters....blah blah blah....mindless morons being outraged when instructed to do so.

If tomorrow the news tells you that the Native American nations are OK with it, you'll change your tune ina heartbeat...because it's isn't actually your belief, and it's nothing you were *EVER* outraged about until you were told to be outraged.

How long have you been aware of the team The Redskins? And....when did you *suddenly* decide what a horrible name it was?

krellin (80 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
And if Redskins **IS** as offensive a word as Nigger, then WHY THE FUCK did Obidick use it in the title of a thread?

I assure you Obidick wouldn't have names a thread "Hail to the Nigger".

So clearly this feigned outrage is just Libtard sheeplism.
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
11 Jun 14 UTC
I'm 1/8 Cherokee and I don't have a problem with the name.
PSMongoose (2384 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
Well, I'll try to give a coherent response, obiwan.

One of the best arguments I've seen is that the word 'redskins' is no longer used in reference to American Indians. In modern day English, when one says 'redskins,' another thinks of the football team. No longer do bigots strut around town calling every American Indian they see a 'filthy redskin.' No. The word has not kept its meaning over time like 'nigger' has. It simply is not used derogatorily anymore.

However, it is still common knowledge that 'redskin' was once used as a racial slur. This gives the name of the team a wholly different connotation than the original name of the team (back in the 1930s) - the Boston Braves. I can understand how American Indians would want to change the name in this respect - it reinforces a negative stereotype of Native Americans, as savages, whereas 'the Braves' reinforces a very positive stereotype of Native Americans, one of bravery and courage against insurmountable odds. If susceptible young American's only contact with Native American culture is though knowledge of the football team 'the Redskins,' one can see how detrimental it could be to their views about American Indians. So I advocate to change the name due to this:

** Because feeble-minded Americans could by swayed into the detrimental misassumption that all Native Americans are savages - which could cause societal disarray. **

Mistruth and misunderstanding only breeds despair. If everyone truly understood everyone else, I daresay that there would be much less conflict. So I advocate changing the name to stem the flow of disinformation.

But I do not advocate to change the name because it could 'offend someone.' This is likely due to the fact that practically nothing offends me and that I consider people that become offended to be weak-minded fools - they should have learned that "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" back in elementary school. If krellin (as he did earlier) tells me that "ass raping [me] is just [his] expression of affection for [my] pretty eyes," I shake my head and giggle slightly, but do not become offended. Not becoming offended makes everything so much more pleasant...
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
"Of course they should change their name. There's no question they *should*. But hey, when you pit white people against Indians, who do you think is going to assert their muscles?"

Honestly...I think the Indians in this scenario would have a shot if they A. get a sustained and powerful media blitz going (this is a good start) and B. Enlisted the help of the "New Coalition," that coalition of young voters, women, blacks, Latinos, Jews, and other minorities that carried Obama to victory in '08 and '12.

That coalition's really come into its own, which is part of the reason the GOP is spending so much time trying to court blocs away from it/split some members of said blocs away from the coalition; you could argue they've already tried this with Sarah Palin in '08 as a novelty move (one that backfired badly)...younger Republicans such as Marco Rubio might have more luck for them in the future (I think Rubio's best on a 2016 ticket as the VP rather than the main attraction, but that's for another thread.)

In any case, I mention that because the GOP's become pretty closely associated with that "Traditional and Powerful White Man" group you mentioned (with varying degrees of justification.) The New Coalition has shown that what used to carry the day in American politics, the Middle-to-Upper Class White Male base, that CAN be defeated now by the aforementioned Coalition.

Doesn't mean it WILL work...but it has worked, it can work...and it's probably the best shot the Native Americans have at getting rid of the name. None of those blocs in the Coalition, on their own, can really achieve their own aims when blocked by that traditionalist, white a group, however, they have a far stronger chance.
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
"As always, you are a mind-bumbed, sheeple moron."

As always, you're a prick...but "mind-bumbed?" O.o ...OK then...whatever that means...I'll just assume it's part of the "libtard" family of krellin insults.

"As with all things LIBTARD, the notion that every native American is offended by the name Redskins is complete and utter bullshit. Fuck off, seriously."

...I don't believe I said EVERY Native American?


Really, krellin, for someone who bashes libtards for alleged tokenism so much, I'd think you'd recognize it when you see it? (Or maybe you're just OK with it when it suits your own political ends...whatever they are here...I guess changing the name of a sports team is just an insidious part of the liberal Jewish Christ-killing agenda?)
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
"But, on another topic, I do think they should change the name of the local "Holocaust Museum" to the "Ways Jesus-Killers Died Museum" because it's fitting and descriptive and accurate."

Our enlightened krellin, everybody!

"Some day, when you actually grow up and learn to think for yourself, Bo, you will recognize that moron like Obiwan have no special moral standing...NOR do all the WHITE MEDIA PERSONALITIES INSTRUCTING YOUR FEIGNED OUTRAGE."

1. I don't claim to have special moral standing...just more moral standing than you.

Which is admittedly like saying I have a better grasp of science than Kirk "Crocoduck" Cameron...but still.

2. FOX News is as white as it gets, krellin...and they're not hopping on the bandwagon here...are you going to tell me FOX isn't a white news outlet? ...Or have I been right all along and Bill O'Reilly really IS an alien? (I KNEW IT! From the Planet Limbaugh 5, right?)

"And if Redskins **IS** as offensive a word as Nigger, then WHY THE FUCK did Obidick use it in the title of a thread?"

...Because offensive as it is...that IS the name of the team? O.o

"I assure you Obidick wouldn't have names a thread "Hail to the Nigger"."

Well, see, krellin, I don't have to--

The NAACP does a good enough job stamping out racist scum like you, so we'll never have to worry about a team being named that...and we Jews, of course, control EVERYTHING (that's why we have that Christ-Killer Museum, you know, 6 million burning and dying in the Holocaust, ALL PART OF OUR PLAN!) so you won't see a team named the Kansas City Kikes, either...

Or the owner of said team will wind up just like your good buddy Mel Gibson. you know Mellie Boy, krellin? I think you two'd make great drinking buddies!
Draugnar (0 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
Why are we all so upset about the name of a potato strain? I love me some redskin potatoes!
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
"How long have you been aware of the team The Redskins? And....when did you *suddenly* decide what a horrible name it was?"

Well, I've known the team existed since I started watching somewhere between the ages of 5 and 7...and I knew by age 12 or so that redskin was a racial, I guess for more than a decade I've known it's a horrible racial slur?

So--for most of my life? It's just that, well, you can't really do shit about that kind of thing when you're 12, now, can you? Once you can vote for shit and hold down a job and pay taxes, though...

Can you tell us how long you've been an Anti-Semite and racist?

Hey, I answered your question, only fair...

Onar (131 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
what if they kept the name, but changed the mascot to a potato?
Draugnar (0 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
Mr. Potato head could be their mascot! Remember when you actually were supposed to insert the pieces in a real potato?
Draugnar (0 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
Or they could change the mascot to a call center employee in India.
PSMongoose (2384 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
;_; obiwan responds to every non-serious post, but not mine.
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
11 Jun 14 UTC
The thing about the name Redskins is, I've NEVER heard it used as a derogatory term outside of historical contexts. It's always been the football team.

Words can change meanings over time. Nimrod used to mean "great hunter" and now it basically means idiot, thanks to Bugs Bunny. The word gay isn't always used to refer to homosexuals (If I say "that's gay" it doesn't mean "that's homosexual").
krellin (80 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
Chaqa....stop being rational. You know. Libtards have their marching orders - they have been instructed to be "outraged", and thus they will be until they recieve orders to the contrary.

Morons don't think, they just pull on their stomping boots and order people around.

krellin (80 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
"GAY" used to mean happy...and the word never bothered anybody. Then it came to take on the meaning of "Ass-packer"....or is it "fudge packer"? Anyway, suddenly the name took on horrible meanings...well, unless you are a fag, in which case you can use it for yourself and that's OK, blah blah blah.

Redskins doesn't offend a single god-damned person on this forum, becuase nobody here is fucking old enough to have any historical context for its supposed offensiveness. And apparently their are a fair number of RED SKINNED humans, commonly called "Indians" ...oh, wait, before that became offensive...that don't really give a shit about the name either, and have proudly donned the jacket of the Redskins team.

All the moron faking offense aren't worthy of my spit if they were dying of thirst int he desert. Fucking hypocrites, all of them.
krellin (80 DX)
11 Jun 14 UTC
Where is the "All Hail the Nigger" thread where we get to discuss black racism?
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
11 Jun 14 UTC
Isn't that the thread where we circlejerk about Obama?

Oh, I did not just go there.
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC

And now we move away from the krellin-tastic part of the debate to someone who doesn't make the late Fred Phelps look like Ellen DeGeneres by comparison. :p

"One of the best arguments I've seen is that the word 'redskins' is no longer used in reference to American Indians. In modern day English, when one says 'redskins,' another thinks of the football team. No longer do bigots strut around town calling every American Indian they see a 'filthy redskin.' No. The word has not kept its meaning over time like 'nigger' has. It simply is not used derogatorily anymore."

I actually think that's a fair point, and probably the best argument on the side of keeping the name...I still disagree with parts of it (as I'll elaborate on in a minute) but that's a fair point that most people WOULD just think of the football team at this point.

That, however, is it's own problem, I kind of dehumanizes that group and makes them almost into a cartoon character--it's the difference between active, aggressive racism and something like we see in music when white guys try and "act" stereotypically black or Latino or whatever to make them come across as having more cred--it appropriates the culture, reduces them to a stereotype, not a good stereotype at that, and worst of all, it makes assumptions about that culture.

I'd also say that...well...part of the reason, I think, no one would use that term as a slur nowadays kind of killed most of them already? :/

Well, how often do you meet someone who's Native American?

In a nation of 300 million+, a quick Google search and look at the census numbers says that there are approximately 5.2 Native Americans in the US, of which about half are of mixed ancestry.

To put that in perspective, that's not just around 2% or so of the population, give or take (I think the site said 2.7%, if we're to be precise), but the groups with the two biggest genocides against them in the last century, the Armenians and Jews, both still number over 12 million worldwide...

And the First Nations had the whole damn CONTINENT before settlers, that's a ridiculous amount of death and destruction, and I think that's the reason we don't use the term anymore...we don't have to--

The white settlers "won" that fight. Definitively.

By contrast, some still use the N-word today in part, I'd argue, because of resentment over African-Americans gaining success--a success White Supremacists view as being "stolen" from them.

But no one can say the Native Americans are stealing anyone's success...

They're historically some of the poorest, most underrepresented and disenfranchised demographics in American politics and society. Not only, then, do people often not see Native Americans--and, to be fair (if probably politically incorrect, but I don't know a better way to put it) a lot of us wouldn't "recognize" many of those 5 million Native Americans, because a lot of that's made up of people who are like Chaqa--1/8 or so Native American, and so, while I obviously don't know what Chaqa looks like, just from people I know who are 1/8 Native American...

You wouldn't often recognize them as being such at a glance in terms of appearance.

Which is again admittedly a problematic thing to say, but to be fair more than politically-correct--we'd be lying if we didn't say that different groups weren't at least somewhat recognizable by different facial features, hair color/styles/types, skin colors, etc...the idea of a "Jewish nose" is an Anti-Semitic stereotype, but again, to be fair and dissever it from those Anti-Semitic overtones grafted over it...if you say someone has a "Jewish nose," you know what they mean, and again, leaving aside the racism that term's been associated with over the centuries, there IS a reason for that--

You stick a group of people together in ghettos for 1000-1500 years and have them mainly mate and breed in-group (and add to that the fact the Old Testament has a few oh-so-nice passages discouraging mixing bloodlines between tribes) and chances are, you're going to get some features that occur relatively frequently, like the curly hair or nose...IT DOES *NOT* MEAN THAT YOU MUST HAVE THESE FEATURES (let's all get that clear, that's NOT what I'm saying) but it DOES mean that there are certain features that might key an outsider on to the fact someone's Jewish or Irish or Latino or Black or whatever.

To again be clear:


So we're clear. :p

So, without overly-essentializing that point (which I'm already going to get flak for) I think it's fair to say that a lot of people wouldn't "recognize" one of those 5 million Native Americans if they saw them on the street...

Which is in turn why the Washington Redskins are such an issue, for the reason I just (albeit problematically) stated--

As unfair as it is, this IS one instance where the media shaping our perception of things is true, because I guarantee, for most previous generations of Americans (and with my generation as well, though I'd argue the Internet and globalization's cut down on this some) their first idea of what a Native American "was" came from films and TV shows and books on Thanksgiving and, yes, teams like the Washington Redskins...

And if it's already problematic enough for me to say, as a Jew myself, that you could make the argument that yeah, a lot of us often to have SOMEWHAT curly hair or a KIND OF have a nose that is commonly associated with Jews...imagine how problematic it is for an OUTSIDER to take facial and cultural stereotypes about a group and turn that into one of the things most commonly associated with said group.

So you're right, PSMongoose--when most of us use the term "Redskin," chances are, we're referring to the team that really needs to decide if Robert Griffin III is their future right now and figure out how in hell they're going to beat Chip Kelly's Eagles, rather than using it as a racial slur.

But for generations, including this one, Hollywood and books and that team have helped shape how Native Americans are depicted and perceived by when one of the first things you associate with that slur is the team, that's its own kind of problem, because the team's logo, fight song, and so on are themselves amalgamations of stereotypical ways in which White America has long viewed Native Americans.

By contrast, and in closing, because I just know someone's going to bring it up eventually...

Other groups that are depicted as mascots.

The USC Trojans?
Who cares, the Trojans died/assimilated millenia ago, you can do what you want.

The Minnesota Vikings?
More or less the same thing...Scandinavians exist, obviously, but since the Vikings depicted there are 1. More artistic creations (like the horned helmets, more Wagner than actually Scandinavian) and 2. Depictions of a way of life that existed a thousand or so years ago...yeah, you can do what you want, really...there are descendents of the Vikings/Norse peoples, Danes and Norwegians and so on, but no real "Vikings" in the classical sense.

The Boston Celtics/Notre Dame Fighting Irish?
More problematic, true, but I've never heard of anyone seriously having a problem with the former, for the latter, Notre Dame was founded by Irish Catholics, so I guess when you found the university and have that background you can name the team that if you want, sure...similarly, I BET that if the Redskins had been founded and owned by a Native American...

INSTEAD of a racist white man who refused at every turn to integrate his team...

I bet this wouldn't be as much of an issue, as then we legitimately could say that, hey, if Native Americans wanted to name the team that at the start, then who are we to say?

But was a name begat by an angry old bigot of a white man...and therein lies the difference.

What's in a name?

Everything from the history and context to who uses it, when, and why.
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
11 Jun 14 UTC
";_; obiwan responds to every non-serious post, but not mine."

Awww, don't cry, PSM! I saved the best response for you--

A Classic TL;DR Obi Post with Controversial Points and a Shakespeare Quote! ;)
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
11 Jun 14 UTC
One gripe I have with your post - and it isn't a bad post, I don't know if I agree, but I see your points and they aren't bad - is that we didn't really actively kill off the natives at first. The first settlers who came over brought disease, and those diseases did most of the work. Sure, there were events like the Trail of Tears, and in Central and South America, the Spanish/Portuguese treatment of natives wasn't great (nor here) but the whole "whites came over and killed all the native Americans" thing isn't exactly true.

Anyway, this is the Redskins logo:

Now, I don't see anything that offensive. It's a picture of a Native. I'm pretty sure the feathers in the hair and the braid are actual things they wore. I don't know anything about a Redskins mascot or song (I'm an Eagles fan, so I know Swoop and Fly Eagles Fly).

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52 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
17 Jun 14 UTC
This will confuse the Tea party .... Iran is the new best friend of The Pres

As Ronald McDonald would say ..."I'm lovin' it"
12 replies
Maniac (189 D(B))
18 Jun 14 UTC
Replacement needed

Good position
2 replies
chass (1540 D)
15 Jun 14 UTC
An Endless Blue Star. In it a star...
I'm calling the serious and relatively experienced players, who are active here enough to be able to make a move in each half of the day, who are accountable enough to finish the game they had started and who don't like meta-gaming and multi-playing - to join the game on the link in the next message.
10 replies
kestasjk (99 DMod(P))
16 Jun 14 UTC
Team changeover
FYI to help things tick along better we're changing up the team structure a bit, details within
50 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
17 Jun 14 UTC
20 Years Ago Today...
...OJ Simpson broke numerous NFL records with the longest run from scrimmage in NFL history, a record that will likely never be broken.

An interesting take 20 years later -
4 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
17 Jun 14 UTC
Game Pickup
If you're looking for some extra games, there's lots of good games needing to be taken over right now. gameID=142371 is a solo opportunity with some maneuvering. I just picked up three myself, but there are lots more.
0 replies
ssorenn (0 DX)
17 Jun 14 UTC
Notices,IE:PMs and such
I have noticed that at a certain point, you can no longer go back to older PMs and things that were sent to you. Can you go back and find these, or are they deleted? If you can go back, can someone tell me how to do that?
2 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
17 Jun 14 UTC
Whose Line Is It Anyway
Anyone remember this show? It is treasure. I hope future generations use this show as a way of teaching our part of the history of pop culture...
24 replies
krellin (80 DX)
16 Jun 14 UTC
"Mission Accomplished'...err..I mean "On the Run"
Remember when Awesome Obama told us, like 32 different time that al Queda was “decimated” and “on the run”. I guess he was a fortune teller and foresaw their current mad dash to Baghdad… (And you thought Bush's "Mission Accomplished" was so naughty...tsk tsk...)
26 replies
ReturnoftheKing (0 DX)
16 Jun 14 UTC
A good friend of mine's mom diagnosed with lung cancer,
total medical bill came up to 80k, and he's trying to raise that along with trying to pay off his already expensive college tuition. Anything helps, even if you just pass it along to other friends to spread the word, or keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
2 replies
SYnapse (0 DX)
16 Jun 14 UTC
Well the day has finally come
What will we do without our Alexander, our Tito, our Lenin? So long, webDip republic...
5 replies
Alpha@Omega (183 D)
15 Jun 14 UTC
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Here's hoping you get some time to enjoy it before the kids start asking for money...or rides...or to borrow the car. Or anything else that we are usually only good for.
28 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
16 Jun 14 UTC
Republicans Filibuster Bill to Ease Student Loan Debt--Thanks, Krellin! Thank you, krellin, for supporting this Party of the People...because as a country that's now seeing unprecedented amounts of student debt crushing students and parents ALIKE, aid was the LAST thing we needed! The Republican Party--they sure know how to Just Say No (except when it comes to protecting a women's right to say that, of course.)
64 replies
krellin (80 DX)
16 Jun 14 UTC
RIP Casey Kasem
He'll be missed by those that remember his voice telling us what was hot.

Not surprisingly, on his death bed he was heard to mutter, "Hey Dippers and Dippettes, topping this weeks top 10 that long-loved and oft-hated forum fav...krellin....<cough...gurrgle.....arrrrgghhhhh.....>" And so a legend ended. Love Live Casey Kasem.
2 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
15 Jun 14 UTC
Bit more French, really short this time:
Je suis très intéressé de l’article parce que je sais que beaucoup de jeunes peuvent devenir aggressifs et violents (...)
Je suis très intéressé de l’article parce que je sais que beaucoup de jeunes peuvent devenir aggressif et violent (...)
So aggressifs et violents or aggressif et violent? I normally know this but I forgot since I've managed to be ill every time I had French for quite a while...
6 replies
Shirley (0 DX)
16 Jun 14 UTC
I don't hate Lebron or anything, but I did find this pretty funny XD
0 replies
tvrocks (388 D)
15 Jun 14 UTC
need replacement
gameID=143161 7 sc russia with eight being the biggest. good position, please join.
8 replies
krellin (80 DX)
14 Jun 14 UTC
Bin Laden
....was never killed. He's bunk mates with Obama....

That's why we never saw the body.
12 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
14 Jun 14 UTC
Stanley Cup
Dear LA Kings:
23 replies
krellin (80 DX)
15 Jun 14 UTC
Toshi Station
....really doesn't have the best power converters.

Just sayin'
4 replies
krellin (80 DX)
14 Jun 14 UTC
"Assclown" is Not Defamation
The courts say so, so when I call you an assclown, seriously, it's legit.
3 replies
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
14 Jun 14 UTC
A truly epic game
I may only feel this way because I won, but all the players in the game agreed it was one of the best.

4 replies
ssorenn (0 DX)
14 Jun 14 UTC
Any Rube Goldberg fans?
I just had the commissioned for me kid. Thoughts?
18 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
12 Jun 14 UTC
Tesla Opens Their Patents
51 replies
rojimy1123 (597 D)
14 Jun 14 UTC
I suck at gunboat
So why do I insist on playing it?
2 replies
SplitDiplomat (101466 D)
12 Jun 14 UTC
Obrigado Marcelo!
33 replies
krellin (80 DX)
14 Jun 14 UTC
Pre-Dinner Video

Jump to about 9:00, with the money shot at just after 11:00. Oh yummy...
0 replies
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