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Re: circumcision

#81 Post by Deeply_Dippy » Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:15 pm

I'm given to understand that 'girth' is preferential to 'length'.

Just thought I'd throw that in.

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Re: circumcision

#82 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:39 am

Ha Ha, I'm copping plenty of flak for my comments on length so I'm hesitating on discussing girth which is not always uniform along the organ. I'm of the belief, based on discussions with women that there are a significant number of women who have a distinct preference for the smaller sized penis, if it's just long enough to do the tasks required, and no longer then that is much preferred, particularly for a long term relationship, eg marriage.
I'm happy to be playing my part in making this thread a most popular one.

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Re: circumcision

#83 Post by Wusti » Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:21 am

Octavious wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:37 pm
Wusti wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:17 am
I think people coming into this thread and making negative and derogatory comments relating to circumcision are left-wing, elitist, virtue signalling, and totally ignorant twats who represent everything bad about said group in today's society.
Keep your toxic opinions to yourself, as your talking about something you have no experience of, in such a way is demeaning and offensive to those of us who happen to have had this procedure.
Those who have +1'd those making such comments also richly deserve a .i..
It could be worse, Wusti. We could be like you. I've not been intentionally offensive to anyone in this thread, yet if I have managed to offend you it is an unexpected bonus. My thanks.
Spoken like the total wanker you are.

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Re: circumcision

#84 Post by Durga » Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:37 am

Wusti wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:17 am
I think people coming into this thread and making negative and derogatory comments relating to circumcision are left-wing, elitist, virtue signalling, and totally ignorant twats who represent everything bad about said group in today's society.
Keep your toxic opinions to yourself, as your talking about something you have no experience of, in such a way is demeaning and offensive to those of us who happen to have had this procedure.
Those who have +1'd those making such comments also richly deserve a .i..
"left-wing" check again worsti

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Re: circumcision

#85 Post by jmo1121109 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:15 am

Wusti wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:17 am
I think people coming into this thread and making negative and derogatory comments relating to circumcision are left-wing, elitist, virtue signalling, and totally ignorant twats who represent everything bad about said group in today's society.
Keep your toxic opinions to yourself, as your talking about something you have no experience of, in such a way is demeaning and offensive to those of us who happen to have had this procedure.
Those who have +1'd those making such comments also richly deserve a .i..
I have been checking this thread regularly, because it seems like a moderation landmine, but oddly enough the most disrespectful person so far has been you with this post and "wanker" followup to criticism of this post. Kindly keep your opinions of people being twats to yourself if your only problem is that they disagree with the concept and reasoning around the procedure. The medical benefits and lack there of have been debated, feel free to contribute in that way. But insulting entire groups of people as you did is not welcome, nor permitted under the forum rules. Feel free to contribute respectfully or not at all.

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Re: circumcision

#86 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:38 pm

Huzzah for Jmo. Octavious our Oracle deserves respect and I've taken his compliments about the hirsute & odifererous nature of my appendage in the spirit in which they were delivered. We are allowed a fair degree of freedom in the Off Topic threads but there are well understood limits. I would compliment the majority of contributors to this thread, as Jmo remarked, this thread could easily be a field of landmines for the Almighty Mods, but in 85 posts there have only been two comments from one contributor that are unnaceptable in his opinion.

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Re: circumcision

#87 Post by flash2015 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 1:39 pm

Wustl was being serious? I thought it was a case of Poe's Law in action...

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Re: circumcision

#88 Post by Wusti » Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:39 pm

jmo1121109 wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:15 am
Wusti wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:17 am
I think people coming into this thread and making negative and derogatory comments relating to circumcision are left-wing, elitist, virtue signalling, and totally ignorant twats who represent everything bad about said group in today's society.
Keep your toxic opinions to yourself, as your talking about something you have no experience of, in such a way is demeaning and offensive to those of us who happen to have had this procedure.
Those who have +1'd those making such comments also richly deserve a .i..
I have been checking this thread regularly, because it seems like a moderation landmine, but oddly enough the most disrespectful person so far has been you with this post and "wanker" followup to criticism of this post. Kindly keep your opinions of people being twats to yourself if your only problem is that they disagree with the concept and reasoning around the procedure. The medical benefits and lack there of have been debated, feel free to contribute in that way. But insulting entire groups of people as you did is not welcome, nor permitted under the forum rules. Feel free to contribute respectfully or not at all.
So here on this thread we have had the following comments:

"Any child who has been circumcised should have a free pass to kick their father and the doctor who did it in the bollocks by way of retaliation. With steel toecap boots."

"Thank God I'm from Central America, where circumcision is uncommon.
I would have used something more painful than steel-toed boots."

I had already stated that I was initially uncut, and then cut as a preventative measure, which was also recommended for my son - and so he was also cut. Apparently for this crime I am meant to cop his steel toed boots?

A certain un-named poster also says:

"victims of male genital mutilation"

"It is performed undeniably on the male genitalia, causes considerable pain and leads to permanent disfigurement."

Despite having literally zero knowledge, and having had a warning shot sent across his bows that he shouldn't make judgmental comments about something he is not directly privy to, apparently because:

"It is just known."

He then continues on with:

"And yet apart from a couple of irate exclamations you have done nothing to suggest why anything I've said is wrong..."

Uh... why should I attempt to disprove something that he has made comments about, because "it is just known". Give me a break.

My personal favourite inoffensive comment was:

"From my perspective a circumcised penis is disfigured regardless of how successful or otherwise the operation has gone."

Thanks for describing my equipment as permanently disfigured. Do I need to disprove that as well?

Last, but not least it appears Scandinavians are now the arbiters of Human Rights, having taken that role from The Hague:

"Scandinavian nations are increasingly talking about banning the practice as a human rights violation".

But it in fact appears that I am the bad guy making offensive comments. Really?

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Re: circumcision

#89 Post by jmo1121109 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:41 pm

Yes, really. A quick google search can tell you in detail how the procedure is viewed in a widely different light across the world. In some societies it is viewed as abhorrent, in some it's viewed standard practice. There are quite obviously people in this thread from both viewpoints having a pretty civil conversation filled with enough jokes to fill a stand up routine.

Then you come in with an obviously close minded viewpoint, unwilling to consider why some cultures consider it a human rights violation and instead decide to insult and slander everyone who is apart of those civilizations. Including anyone who happens to be left wing or Scandinavian. Disagreement with a view is not a problem, coming into a civil thread like an uncivilized wrecking ball insulting wide swaths of populations across the globe is.

So, please reconsider how you're expressing your disagreement. Much appreciated.

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Re: circumcision

#90 Post by bo_sox48 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:28 pm

I'm always amazed how much people care about someone else's penis or vagina.

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Re: circumcision

#91 Post by Fluminator » Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:12 pm

Is it okay to circumcise a fetus?

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Re: circumcision

#92 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:21 pm

Fluminator wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:12 pm
Is it okay to circumcise a fetus?
What a weird question. Why would you want to do that?

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Re: circumcision

#93 Post by Durga » Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:25 pm

Omg stop you guys are so obsessed with fetuses

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Re: circumcision

#94 Post by TrPrado » Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:09 pm

Fluminator wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:12 pm
Is it okay to circumcise a fetus?
Are you suggesting you never have?

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Re: circumcision

#95 Post by MajorMitchell » Mon Jun 03, 2019 4:16 am

Talk about obtuse behaviour.
In an obvious joking way, Octavious our Oracle asked/implied that the my appendage might be odiferous (smell like a Donkey's) & then that it might be hirsute (hairy like a Donkey's) & both were clearly humourous ripostes to comments I had made and completely in context with the discussion.
I have probably pushed the envelope of what is allowable more than Octavious our Oracle.

Wusti you are missing Jmo's important point. You can disagree with Octavious or myself or anyone. How you express that disagreement is important.
You can dislike the political views of those on the left, the Socialist side of the political spectrum and for example describe the redistribution of wealth towards the disadvantaged as iniquitous, but you cannot describe a person advocating that policy as an onanist, or a gutter slang equivalent. (I think we banned the use of the word Libtard for obvious reasons... it's an offensive word that links Liberal with retard.)

In the same way I could describe the redistribution of wealth from workers and the middle class to the wealthy and business sector as iniquitous, but I cannot describe a person advocating that policy as an onanist.
That is not that hard to understand. That you refuse to do so I can describe as obstinate, and the sort of behaviour I would expect from a cork brained clown. Note that I am describing the BEHAVIOUR as being that of a cork brained clown, NOT YOU as a cork brained clown. I cannot in any circumstances, describe you as an onanist. (Or a retard)

You cannot in the Forum call other persons onanists, nor can other persons call you, in the Forum an onanist.
You receive the same protection as everyone else in the Forum, and have to adhere to the same standards as everyone else in the Forum.

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Re: circumcision

#96 Post by MajorMitchell » Mon Jun 03, 2019 4:29 am

@Bo_sox48. Don't worry, I definitely care more about my own and have a much greater interest in it, than I do about yours.

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Re: circumcision

#97 Post by flash2015 » Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:25 am

We all want this to stay on the top, don't we?

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Re: circumcision

#98 Post by MajorMitchell » Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:25 am

Agreed flash. 3 more posts to make 100. Bumpity bump.

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Re: circumcision

#99 Post by Wusti » Tue Jun 04, 2019 2:22 pm

In Australia at the moment, we have a very religious top class Rugby player called Israel Folau who has just had his contract torn up. It's become quite a thing about Freedom of Religion & Expression v the rights of corporate entities to have Codes of Conduct.

There are numerous very strong views as one might expect, but most people agree that he signed up to the Code, received a warning and then had his contract torn up on the second offense. His comment was that Homosexuals (among others) were condemned to hell and that they should repent.

The Religious Freedomists claim he should be able to state his views unfettered by role model or Code of Conduct/Employment contract considerations and some reactionists are preparing legislation to make it illegal to punish someone for airing views (the very same xenophobes who will have a WTF moment when Muslims use the same legislation against them).

The reason I tell you this is because had he simply gone out and proselytised around "God's Love", "Resurrection" and other, more positive exhortions - none of this would ever have happened: he would still be playing Rugby for Australia, homosexuals everywhere would be happily sinning away, and cranky old white guys would not be drawing up stupid laws.

Likewise, JMO, one should not allow one's bias against a person blind you to the truth of their righteous indignation. When people come on here, and rather than expressing sympathetic views or having a pleasant, non-judgemental discussion about an issue, choose to use terms like mutilation, permament disfigurement and bollock kicking (with steel toed boots no less!), it's asking for trouble. The fact you overlook the terminology used and the distinct lack of anything regarding sensitivity, speaks poorly of your own judgement.

Now having made a contribution far less incendiary, and getting this back to the top, as well as adding to the post count, I hearby withdraw from further conversation on the matter.

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Re: circumcision

#100 Post by jmo1121109 » Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:12 pm

Wusti if you are concerned about my judgement then go email the owners about it. But all I'm seeing here is a refusal on your part to consider why people view the procedure as bad and a veiled blaming of other people as justification for you being bigoted against entire groups. If someone cheats in a game you can report it and let the mods deal with it, you cannot use it as justification to make a multi and cheat back. If you feel people are "asking for trouble" on the forum by pushing rules then you can report it and let the mods look into it, you may not go off on a mini rant that breaks rules.

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