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Re: circumcision

#61 Post by Fluminator » Thu May 30, 2019 11:32 pm

Wait, was Bo getting circumcised?

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Re: circumcision

#62 Post by ubercacher16 » Fri May 31, 2019 12:03 am


You hit the nail on the head. Thanks.

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#63 Post by Jamiet99uk » Fri May 31, 2019 12:39 am

Fluminator wrote:
Thu May 30, 2019 11:32 pm
Wait, was Bo getting circumcised?
What would make you think that??

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Re: circumcision

#64 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri May 31, 2019 2:27 am

@j Jamiet99uk I love your work mate, your Australians 1:69 post.. I gave it a +1 hilarious stuff. I won't send you a dick pic with a reference for scale/size because that's not PC & you might be seduced or horrified. Probably horrified.
May I wish Bo a speedy recovery as well.

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Re: circumcision

#65 Post by Kingdroid » Fri May 31, 2019 7:51 am


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Re: circumcision

#66 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri May 31, 2019 12:01 pm

@ Ubercacher, hit the nail on the head? Nice euphemism. The surgeon may well have dealt with Bo's problem by "nipping it in the bud".
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Bo.

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Re: circumcision

#67 Post by Jamiet99uk » Fri May 31, 2019 12:58 pm

MajorMitchell wrote:
Fri May 31, 2019 2:27 am
I won't send you a dick pic with a reference for scale/size because that's not PC & you might be seduced or horrified.
If your claims are true, it wouldn't come through anyway. My email client won't accept emails larger than 8mb.

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Re: circumcision

#68 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri May 31, 2019 3:41 pm

Jamiet99uk... Is only about 8 three quarters mb depending on the situation. LoL​
Like I said repeatedly it's definitely not the largest tool in the workshop, which in the typical over reactions has been ignored ( those over reactions that I might just have experienced only too many times in earlier decades, so weariness of that experience leaves me to some degree indifferent nowadays, whereas thirty or forty years ago I would have got cranky and spilt blood given the slightest opportunity )
Exaggeration by others (of it/ or as has occurred here, my claims about it) is also something that I might have also experienced a mind numbing number of times. The petty barbs like 'oh it smells like a Donkey' are unsurprisingly things I've also experienced a mind numbing number of times.
I will always hold "The Painted Bird" novel in high regard for it's illuminating observations​ about human behaviour. The dullards in the masses really do hate the outsiders & I've seen very common psychological defense behaviours in several responding posts.( that I've also experienced a mind numbing number of times)

I'm definitely no intellectual genius, but I believe that I have experienced a glimpse of what it's like for them. I dislike extremely that American TV program "The Big Bang" for several reasons. In my opinion it trivialises science and more importantly it wastes, squanders the opportunity to have a really profound examination of and discussion about the relationship between ordinary people and those genuinely extraordinary few
Do I have to put it all in capitals for it to register? I'm not extraordinary, I'm just a LITTLE bit different. But that little difference just happens to be with the one organ that has an extraordinary link to the delicate male ego. Women react in a totally different way, the vast majority dismiss it as unimportant very quickly. Look at the way men here have reacted.
Rather than discuss a few ( I hope, pertinent) observations that I've made about my experiences or indulge in self examination of psyche and their immediate emotional responses, the efforts have overwhelmingly been barbs, dismissive jokes etc. Was I naive to expect a different, more sophisticated response? Clearly YES.

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Re: circumcision

#69 Post by Fluminator » Fri May 31, 2019 3:58 pm

I regret making this thread.

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Re: circumcision

#70 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri May 31, 2019 4:04 pm

I would note that not one response has been made to my comment about the, in my opinion, barbaric mutilation of young women (removal of clitoris) usually done by men & linked to particular groups​ of religious extremists. It occurs in our world. Not one other person has made any contribution discussing the comparison between that (imho barbaric) surgical procedure and circumcision. Too busy thinking up trivial barbs to sling at me? Or is it the tragic treatment of those young women of no importance ? I swear if I was a much younger Blighter and stationed in the African countries where I believe it mostly occurs & caught men who did this obscene mutilation I'd bayonet the **** without mercy and without regard to "rules of engagement" or personal consequences.

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Re: circumcision

#71 Post by Senlac » Fri May 31, 2019 6:06 pm

MajorMitchell wrote:
Fri May 31, 2019 4:04 pm
I would note that not one response has been made to my comment about the, in my opinion, barbaric mutilation of young women (removal of clitoris) usually done by men & linked to particular groups​ of religious extremists. It occurs in our world. Not one other person has made any contribution discussing the comparison between that (imho barbaric) surgical procedure and circumcision. Too busy thinking up trivial barbs to sling at me? Or is it the tragic treatment of those young women of no importance ? I swear if I was a much younger Blighter and stationed in the African countries where I believe it mostly occurs & caught men who did this obscene mutilation I'd bayonet the **** without mercy and without regard to "rules of engagement" or personal consequences.
I covered this satisfactorily before you even made your comment see below...

“I’m glad I wasn’t circumcised for the same reasons I abhor most things humans do to themselves in an attempt to improve on nature’s work. Boob jobs, nose jobs, facelifts, Grecian 2000, Botox, I’m sure you can think of others.
I believe we are made the way we are supposed to be & our attempts to do things “better” are the miserable failures you could expect.
Maybe that’s another debate however...“

Bound feet, FGM, Butt implants, lip fillers, liposuction, penis enlargements, sure you can up with another selection. All abhorrent for the same reason given above. Miserable failures at trying to improve on nature’s work. Pure vanity projects for the most part, that fail & cannot be justified as beneficial compared to the damage they do.

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Re: Speak for yourself, Senlac

#72 Post by Jamiet99uk » Fri May 31, 2019 6:15 pm

Speak for yourself, Senlac. I've had three extra legs attached, and I feel fantastic.

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Re: circumcision

#73 Post by Octavious » Fri May 31, 2019 8:20 pm

Jamie the Peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With his extra legs, diddle-iddle-iddle-um

It's up to the minute cultural references like that which win diplomacy games

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Re: circumcision

#74 Post by Wusti » Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:17 am

I think people coming into this thread and making negative and derogatory comments relating to circumcision are left-wing, elitist, virtue signalling, and totally ignorant twats who represent everything bad about said group in today's society.
Keep your toxic opinions to yourself, as your talking about something you have no experience of, in such a way is demeaning and offensive to those of us who happen to have had this procedure.
Those who have +1'd those making such comments also richly deserve a .i..

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Re: circumcision

#75 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:23 am

@ Senlac. I've read your post several times and cannot see a specific reference to the forced removal of the clitoris. The only possible reference is with your statement where you criticise "... attempts to improve on nature's work.." and list boob jobs & other procedures that are essentially cosmetic in nature and typically undertaken voluntarily, and a hair product (Grecian 2000 that is typically applied voluntarily) & conclude with.."I'm sure you can think of others"
Is this "I'm sure you can think of others" your alleged reference to the forced removal of the clitoris? That defies logic, I would suggest.

I would disagree with you if you think that the forced removal of the clitoris could be classed as a a cosmetic procedure that is voluntarily undertaken.
So I would suggest that readers you suggest "can think of others" ie similar procedures it is extremely unlikely that any reader would think of the forced removal of the clitoris. It's NOT typically voluntarily undertaken and it is a barbaric mutilation, not a cosmetic procedure or in any way like the voluntary application a hair colouring product.
Hair colouring products, additionally are in the overwhelming number of cases a temporary measure, not a permanent mutilation that removes human tissue/organ.

In the final paragraph you lump "bound feet" with FMG ( what the devil is the meaning of that acronym?) with another group of essentially cosmetic procedures that are typically undertaken voluntarily. Now I regard binding feet as abhorrent.
So your two lists..the first are all cosmetic procedures & a hair colouring product. The second list is a confusing mix, one abhorrent practice (binding feet), an esoteric anacronym & another group of cosmetic procedures.
So the overwhelming number of procedures that you mentioned are cosmetic and typically undertaken voluntarily.

So I think that your claim to have first mentioned the forced removal of the clitoris in this thread is without basis in fact. There's certainly no specific reference, and to suggest an implied reference is without any reasonable basis.

There's a religious aspect to the forced removal of the clitoris. I do not intend to offend adherents of Islam because I regard those religious Islamic extremists who advocate the removal of the clitoris as abusers of Islam which is why when I specifically mentioned the forced removal of the clitoris in earlier posts I made only a very cautious, indirect reference to that religious aspect of the practice. Senlac makes absolutely no reference to this religious aspect, either directly or indirectly.
So Senlac, I refute your claim.

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Re: circumcision

#76 Post by Senlac » Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:18 am

Dyslexia rules KO!
“In the final paragraph you lump "bound feet" with FMG ( what the devil is the meaning of that acronym?)”

The acronym was FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). What you’re on about:-)
I know you emphasise the “voluntary” nature of many of my examples, in fact “sought after” could be said in some cases, but I don’t differentiate much on that score.
Circumcision, FGM & the foot binding are usually not voluntary & it could be said that psychological social pressures are responsible for many of the others, making them less “voluntary”. Some are fads, some are ancient. They’re all Bullshit.
I put them together because they have zero, or spurious, medical benefits yet include significant modification of something that nature has done an excellent job on in the first place. It’s mankind’s delusion we can improve the work, usually with ugly outcomes.

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Re: circumcision

#77 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:41 pm

OK then I'll concede the point. I had no idea that is what your acronym meant. ( Might not be an orphan in that )

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Re: circumcision

#78 Post by Octavious » Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:37 pm

Wusti wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:17 am
I think people coming into this thread and making negative and derogatory comments relating to circumcision are left-wing, elitist, virtue signalling, and totally ignorant twats who represent everything bad about said group in today's society.
Keep your toxic opinions to yourself, as your talking about something you have no experience of, in such a way is demeaning and offensive to those of us who happen to have had this procedure.
Those who have +1'd those making such comments also richly deserve a .i..
It could be worse, Wusti. We could be like you. I've not been intentionally offensive to anyone in this thread, yet if I have managed to offend you it is an unexpected bonus. My thanks.

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Re: circumcision

#79 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:41 pm

Senlac, I do owe you an apology. I thought I knew something about FGM, but I know virtually nothing about it. I've been doing some internet thingy research & after only a bit of that, I'm even more horrified.
Men whining about cirumcision are pathetic imho when you consider the problem of FGM and the number of women affected.
What I found most horrible was some of the information about parents who get this ghastly mutilation done to their daughters. I struggle to contemplate any worse form of child abuse. These parents aren't mediaval, they're flipping Stone age barbarians. Estimated numbers of women affected by FGM in my own country, Australia, about 53,000. That's a national disgrace.
Sort of puts a whole number of problems we whine about into the "trivial by comparison" category.

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Re: circumcision

#80 Post by Senlac » Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:57 pm

I’ve become so cynical about the ability of humans to use their supposed evolutionary advantage (large brain) that this amongst many issues are beyond salvation. Stone Age will do as a descriptor for the feeble minded kind that conduct such practises & this one is more horrific than others.
It’s another reason I cannot prioritise humans above survival of other species. Most humans are worth shit.

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