M80 Game Thread

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M80 Game Thread

#1 Post by Chaqa » Mon May 15, 2023 7:35 pm

GM: Chaqa

All deadlines are at 5 PM EDT, which is 9 PM UTC, or 10 PM BST.

The game begins today at 5 PM EDT.

Standard rules apply.

Hammering (voting ##END to end the day early) is permitted, but everyone must cease posting once they realize a hammer has occurred, and must remain quiet until the GMs resolve the phase. See the rules doc for more info on how a Hammer is triggered.

+1s are encouraged.

17 players

All power roles are Jacks-of-all-Trades, or JOATs. Each will have three single-use abilities. Each of the mafia roles has the jail ability in lieu of a factional

4 Mafia:
- Factional kill (no factional RB)
- Enforcer (Jail, Strongman, Ninja)
- Agent (Jail, Drive, Suicide Bomb)
- Spy (Jail, Role Cop, Track)
- Propagandist (Jail, Vote Remover, Day Shortener)

13 Town:
- Pirate Priest (Doctor, Track, Friendly Neighbor)
- Pirate Navigator (Cop, Jail, Commute)
- Pirate Captain (Kill, Watch, Roleblock)
- Pirate Quartermaster (Informant, Vote Doubler, Delayer)
- 9 Pirate Crew (Vanilla Town)

Please see this detailed roles docment for role PMs, order of operations, and other information.

All players will be receiving their role in the following format:
PM Title: M80 Role PM

You are the [role name]. Please see the role document for detailed role info.

(if mafia): Your teammates are X, Y, and Z. Here is a link to the M80 discord.
Player List:
President Eden


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Re: M80 Game Thread

#2 Post by Chaqa » Mon May 15, 2023 8:30 pm

Updated player list:
Haze with a Z
President Eden

The bot has been setup. Role PMs have been sent out. Game begins in about 30 minutes.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#3 Post by Chaqa » Mon May 15, 2023 9:00 pm


It's been a bountiful season in the seven seas of Diploworld. From the Cricket Sea in the West to the Gobble Sea in the East, vessels under the command of the Dread Pirate Zultar recorded many victories, much plunder, and several captured ships. From their pirate haven in the wildlands of the Dip Republik, the crew of the schooner "9 Lives of Jessop" begins to head out for a trip to the Spaghetti Sea sure to bring glory, thrills, and most importantly - booty.

However, not all is well for the forces under the Jolly Roger. A band of infiltrators is rumored to be aboard the Ole 9 Lives, sent by the vile Royalists of the Satsek Empire. Armed with restraining cuffs, rowboats, spyglasses, gadgets, weaponry, and guile, the Royalist and Pirate forces will clash and try to gain control of the 9 Lives of Jessop in...

Mafia 80: Jacks of ARRR Trades!


Game has begun.

You may now post.
Last edited by Chaqa on Mon May 15, 2023 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#4 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:00 pm


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Re: M80 Game Thread

#5 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:01 pm

i read the setup but i didn't understand it because i skimmed it

this will not be rectified

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#6 Post by Kakarroto » Mon May 15, 2023 9:03 pm

"Das ist die G'schicht' von Kapitän Kak "Arr" Oto ~♪
ein mutiger Pirat auf den sieben Weltmeeren ~♪
die Tortuga Insel zieht ihn mystisch an ~♪
wie ein Rabe der die Briese des Meeres folgt ~♫
[Name der weiblichen Hauptfigur]
Kak "Arr" Oto
und zurück zum guten Teil
Seit dem Tag seiner Geburt zog ihn das Abenteuer an ~♪
Oh alter Kapitän Kak hat es ihnen immer zurückgezahlt ~♪
er ist der Landstreicher der Brandung ~♪
Der Narr von Tortuga ~♪
aber am Grund des Ozeans ~♪
was erwartet ihn da? ~♫
Kapitän Kak
was'n' Depp
[Name des Gegenspielers]
Tentakel Tier"

"Hey, you there, singing in the dinghy, get out of there!" a rough voice yelled, followed by an empty bottle thrown at the singer. After rubbing his growing bump on the head where the bottle hit, he looked out to see the angry looking man. "Ist alles in ordnung, mann?" he asked. "Stop talking nonsense and start to work, I need you to climb up and put up the sail!" the man yelled, pointing up to the mast. "Ah, Seil, klar, ich putz' ab das Seil, sofort" Kak said and started to climb slowly. The biggest hurdle, he thought, was the language (he never bothered to learn italian since he never planned to go here), but after he was droven away from his home village in the holy empire by the authorities and he came to the italian lands, he quickly found a place at the first harbour. Everyone there was looking for 'sailors', and he knew how to make ropes from home, his family was known landup and landdown as Seilers, or ropemakers. He was a bit surprised at the strange flag the ship had (red cross on a white background with a similar red cross but blue background in the upper left part), but that didn't matter since they took him on board when he nodded after a few words from them and he was save from the imperial troops.

"Come on, hurry you bloody b*****" the man yelled at him again. Kak took it that this is the place the man wanted the rope to be cleaned. "Jawohl, ich beginne das Seil zu putzen" he yelled back and pulled a brush out to stroke the rope. Speechless at first, the man on the deck below looked perplexed at Kak. "What are you doing man?" he asked after a bit, which Kak ignored since he was focussed to clean that rope as good as he could. "Hey, stupid" the man yelled again which got the attention of Kak. "Ja?" he asked innocently. "You idiot, stop ruining the rigging and climb up to the sail and untow it and put it up! How dense can you be you bloody b******?!?" the man screamed at him with full volume, pointing further up. Kak followed the pointing and saw another rope up there. "Ah, verstehe Chef!" and climbed up higher to another rope he saw dangling, not seeing the man below fuming because he was just called a cook.

It was a windy day and the sea was rough and Kak never got over of his fear of heights. Well, more like fear of depths since he had no problem looking up to something, just looking down from somewhere where a fall could result in a big smear that was formerly his body, that scared him. So technically, he wasn't afraid of heights. Anyway, this technicality didn't help him at the moment and the ship going up and down, cutting through waves, didn't help either. "Oh Gott" he uttered, hugging the mast, trying to reach the rope that man wanted to be cleaned. "Nächstes Mal sollte ich das Kleingedruckte lesen" he whispered while grabbing the lose rope and began to clean it as good as he could under the circiumstances.

The man below had lost it seeing Kak not doing what he was supposted to do. "Bloody h***, get that idiot down from there before he ruins the sail, I don't even care if he falls, just get him down from there!" A handful sailors reacted to the command, quickly climbed up and tried to remove Kak from up there. "He, was tut ihr, ich soll das Seil hier putzen, hört auf damit!" Kak tried to defend himself but the men were many. He couldn't hold himself to the mast, but at least he had the rope in one hand and when he lost contact, he swung on the rope. At least the thought he did, but it felt more like falling. "You bloody idiots, cut the rope or we will lose the sail, quickly now!" the man below yelled but the rope was out of the reach of the sailors.

Kak only remembered the feeling of a swish, a thump, a crack and a splash and found himself in the ocean. The good news was that the rope was here too so he definitely had it cleaned now. The bad news was that another wave came and dragged him away. The only thing he could do was holding on to that rope for whatever buoyancy it could give him.

After a while the sea grew peaceful again but from his ship there was no sign anymore. Well, there goes the money he earned, all three pence he was paid in advance. He should've taken it with him, not hidden in the crack next to his sleeping place in the dinghy. At least he still had this rope with him. He pulled on the rope to roll it up but then noticed, something put up a resistance. He followed the rope and found a long round log with parts of a sail on it. "Oh, das hilft mit dem über Wasser bleiben" he uttered and climbed up the log to stay afloat. Doing that, he noticed how tired he was surviving the rough sea and closed his eyes just for a bit.

He didn't know how long he was asleep, but the sky was black and stars shined above. He imagined hearing a faint song but he probably still dreamed. There were soley a ship on these waters as far as he knew. But then a light came to see on the horizon and the song grew a little bit louder. And the light came slowly closer to him too while blackening the stars behind. "He ... heeee" he croaked from his dry mouth and only now he noticed how thirsty he was. "Heee" he tried louder, splashing his arms on the waters. Firstly it looked like nothing happened, but after a while he heared some voices and a somewhat distant splash in the water. "Hee .... heeee" he tried to continue but even when he fought it, everything went dark again ...

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#7 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:04 pm

Ahoy, Fellow Mateys.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#8 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:05 pm

Kakarroto wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:03 pm
"Das ist die G'schicht' von Kapitän Kak "Arr" Oto ~♪
ein mutiger Pirat auf den sieben Weltmeeren ~♪
die Tortuga Insel zieht ihn mystisch an ~♪
wie ein Rabe der die Briese des Meeres folgt ~♫
[Name der weiblichen Hauptfigur]
Kak "Arr" Oto
und zurück zum guten Teil
Seit dem Tag seiner Geburt zog ihn das Abenteuer an ~♪
Oh alter Kapitän Kak hat es ihnen immer zurückgezahlt ~♪
er ist der Landstreicher der Brandung ~♪
Der Narr von Tortuga ~♪
aber am Grund des Ozeans ~♪
was erwartet ihn da? ~♫
Kapitän Kak
was'n' Depp
[Name des Gegenspielers]
Tentakel Tier"

"Hey, you there, singing in the dinghy, get out of there!" a rough voice yelled, followed by an empty bottle thrown at the singer. After rubbing his growing bump on the head where the bottle hit, he looked out to see the angry looking man. "Ist alles in ordnung, mann?" he asked. "Stop talking nonsense and start to work, I need you to climb up and put up the sail!" the man yelled, pointing up to the mast. "Ah, Seil, klar, ich putz' ab das Seil, sofort" Kak said and started to climb slowly. The biggest hurdle, he thought, was the language (he never bothered to learn italian since he never planned to go here), but after he was droven away from his home village in the holy empire by the authorities and he came to the italian lands, he quickly found a place at the first harbour. Everyone there was looking for 'sailors', and he knew how to make ropes from home, his family was known landup and landdown as Seilers, or ropemakers. He was a bit surprised at the strange flag the ship had (red cross on a white background with a similar red cross but blue background in the upper left part), but that didn't matter since they took him on board when he nodded after a few words from them and he was save from the imperial troops.

"Come on, hurry you bloody b*****" the man yelled at him again. Kak took it that this is the place the man wanted the rope to be cleaned. "Jawohl, ich beginne das Seil zu putzen" he yelled back and pulled a brush out to stroke the rope. Speechless at first, the man on the deck below looked perplexed at Kak. "What are you doing man?" he asked after a bit, which Kak ignored since he was focussed to clean that rope as good as he could. "Hey, stupid" the man yelled again which got the attention of Kak. "Ja?" he asked innocently. "You idiot, stop ruining the rigging and climb up to the sail and untow it and put it up! How dense can you be you bloody b******?!?" the man screamed at him with full volume, pointing further up. Kak followed the pointing and saw another rope up there. "Ah, verstehe Chef!" and climbed up higher to another rope he saw dangling, not seeing the man below fuming because he was just called a cook.

It was a windy day and the sea was rough and Kak never got over of his fear of heights. Well, more like fear of depths since he had no problem looking up to something, just looking down from somewhere where a fall could result in a big smear that was formerly his body, that scared him. So technically, he wasn't afraid of heights. Anyway, this technicality didn't help him at the moment and the ship going up and down, cutting through waves, didn't help either. "Oh Gott" he uttered, hugging the mast, trying to reach the rope that man wanted to be cleaned. "Nächstes Mal sollte ich das Kleingedruckte lesen" he whispered while grabbing the lose rope and began to clean it as good as he could under the circiumstances.

The man below had lost it seeing Kak not doing what he was supposted to do. "Bloody h***, get that idiot down from there before he ruins the sail, I don't even care if he falls, just get him down from there!" A handful sailors reacted to the command, quickly climbed up and tried to remove Kak from up there. "He, was tut ihr, ich soll das Seil hier putzen, hört auf damit!" Kak tried to defend himself but the men were many. He couldn't hold himself to the mast, but at least he had the rope in one hand and when he lost contact, he swung on the rope. At least the thought he did, but it felt more like falling. "You bloody idiots, cut the rope or we will lose the sail, quickly now!" the man below yelled but the rope was out of the reach of the sailors.

Kak only remembered the feeling of a swish, a thump, a crack and a splash and found himself in the ocean. The good news was that the rope was here too so he definitely had it cleaned now. The bad news was that another wave came and dragged him away. The only thing he could do was holding on to that rope for whatever buoyancy it could give him.

After a while the sea grew peaceful again but from his ship there was no sign anymore. Well, there goes the money he earned, all three pence he was paid in advance. He should've taken it with him, not hidden in the crack next to his sleeping place in the dinghy. At least he still had this rope with him. He pulled on the rope to roll it up but then noticed, something put up a resistance. He followed the rope and found a long round log with parts of a sail on it. "Oh, das hilft mit dem über Wasser bleiben" he uttered and climbed up the log to stay afloat. Doing that, he noticed how tired he was surviving the rough sea and closed his eyes just for a bit.

He didn't know how long he was asleep, but the sky was black and stars shined above. He imagined hearing a faint song but he probably still dreamed. There were soley a ship on these waters as far as he knew. But then a light came to see on the horizon and the song grew a little bit louder. And the light came slowly closer to him too while blackening the stars behind. "He ... heeee" he croaked from his dry mouth and only now he noticed how thirsty he was. "Heee" he tried louder, splashing his arms on the waters. Firstly it looked like nothing happened, but after a while he heared some voices and a somewhat distant splash in the water. "Hee .... heeee" he tried to continue but even when he fought it, everything went dark again ...
Ahoy thar, Brainbomb.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#9 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:05 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:04 pm
Ahoy, Fellow Mateys.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#10 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm

kak i like your post

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#11 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm

Oh shit, Brainbomb is actually in this game, too.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#12 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm

Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:05 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:04 pm
Ahoy, Fellow Mateys.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#13 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm

Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
kak i like your post
Buddying early huh?
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#14 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:07 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:05 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:04 pm
Ahoy, Fellow Mateys.
my pm told me i was a pirate or whatever

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#15 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:07 pm

the real scum are the overlords on the ship who exploit the pirates for labor

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#16 Post by Kakarroto » Mon May 15, 2023 9:08 pm

He was woken up by a bad smelling liquid that was splashed against his face. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the cold void eyes staring at him intensely from the white skull. Instinctively he tried to retreat from it, but noticed he was bound on arms and legs to a rig. "Uaah, what is this, where am I?" he blurted out frightened, only surprised by the words he heard.

"Welcome on board" a dark voice said to him while other voices behind him cheered and laughed, "this ship is the Mad Dragon. MY ship." the voice in front of him continued. "And she nearly devoured you. You can be glad that old Bear Bones saw you just in time." Kak looked to a very tall but extremely thing person, waving while smiling devilishly. "Uuhh ... thanks?" Kak said, which made the whole group laugh.

"Yeah, you should be thankful" the dark voice said again, "and you should begin how you got here. A lone man, lying on a single cross mast, held above water by a rope and some torn sail in a region where no other ship sails in a five hundret mile radius ..." Kak felt like the person in front of him looked through his full self, deep into his core, as if nothing could be hidden from the gaze. "Uhh, well" he studdered while a total silence befell all around him "I, I know not exactly, I was on my ship, well, I am not the owner, but I was hired for it, and then was I in my dinghy where I sleep and one of the Italians who the big shots were ordered me the rope to clean and I tried to ..." suddenly Kak realised it.

"No wait, he told me 'to put up the sail', I remember now, I understand now, but how can that be? I can't italian speak." The silence around grew deeper, Kak felt like surrounded by a ravenous horde of piranhias, just before everyone jumped on him and teared his flesh from his bones. "... you mean ... you hired on a ship ... without being able to ... understand anyone there?" Kak gulped and carefully said "... yes ..."

A second later everyone around him snorted and laughed and sneered at him, mocking and taunting him how stupid someone can be to do such a thing. People rolled over the floor, tumbled over in the rigging, one single even fell over the railing into the sea (but was quickly pulled up again). The laughter seemed not to stop, and after the first embarrassment, Kak grew a bit angry. "Well, what know you all about it, I needed to go, far away!" He earned only more mocking and obscene gestures for his outbreak.

"Also, what is that for a sorcery, I hear me in foreign words speak, and I know what they mean, but how and why, I have these words never before spoken!" Suddenly one of the taunters instantly came close to his face, a part of his skin burned, no hair anymore, and forcefully held his head, stared into Kak's eyes while his vile breath reached Kak's noses. "This, dear guest, is no 'sorcery'" he hissed in Kak's face, "but made true due to a magical artifact of our Captain. We speak many languages here, but with this, we all can understand each other, no problemo, and no one can hide or lie to another. That's always hilarious when a sly merchant tries to get away with his most valuable good hidden." The other crew cheered positively during the last part.

"Which reminds me" the dark voice said "that you weren't finished. Now speak before I threw you back to the fishes." Kak gulped again, then continued "well ... I thought I had the rope to clean, so climbed I and tried it to clean. But I was only yelled at and I though I have a different rope to clean, so climbed I even higher, but then was I by other sailer attacked and I tried me to free myself but I fell, think I, but I held on the rope but then fell I into the water and the waves were so high and I tried to survive and not to die, and then sometime later when the weather was better found I the mast and tried onto it to lie but then was it black infront of my eyes. And then was I here." He felt the deep gaze on him again and for a moment, it was complete silent again.

"Well, at least you aren't a liar" the dark voice said again, "totally stupid, but not a liar." Kak wanted to reply something towards the words, but some single neuron still wanted to survive and decided not to say anything, so he remained silent. "Is there anything you have learned? Any special skills?" the voice asked. "I know how to farm, I can something little cook and I know how rope to make" he answered. "... interesting. Well, you have a choice. Either stay on board and work for me until we reach the next harbour or jump into the sea and swim back from where you came." Kak shuddered by the thought on both options but at least on the ship he would be dry ... sometimes.

"I, I'll work for you then ... captain?" he said. An affirmative grunt came from the crew and the one in front of him hissed at his face again. "Welcome, laddie, to Black Bonny's crew" he said while pulling out a knife and cutting the rope that held Kak in place. "That is still Captain Bonny for you, Joat" the dark voice added. "Aye captain" he said while finishing to free Kak. "Now go and rest up, you look like you had a dance with the devil" she said then turned around and vanished into the Captain's cabin. Meanwhile other crewmember handed over a somewhat warm mush on a wooden plate and something to drink which quickly but carefully vanished into Kak's belly while listening to all the different faces welcoming him on board. At least those that came near him. He noticed some that didn't but fiercly stared at him.

After the meal he was given a blanket and a hammock and was told to sleep and he never knew he could fall asleep so fast. If only, at the time, he knew, it would've been better if he had just tried his luck and swam back through the ocean ...

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#17 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:08 pm

I like that Chaqa has put some work into the flavour.

I be a big fan of flavour, arr, that I be.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#18 Post by Bonatogether » Mon May 15, 2023 9:08 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
kak i like your post
Buddying early huh?
i have many buddies

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#19 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:08 pm

Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:07 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:05 pm

my pm told me i was a pirate or whatever
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: M80 Game Thread

#20 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon May 15, 2023 9:09 pm

Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:08 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
Bonatogether wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm
kak i like your post
Buddying early huh?
i have many buddies
So does your Mom.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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