TRUMP 2024

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TRUMP 2024

#1 Post by jampoodle » Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:14 am

Only "dictator" in recorded history to lower taxes and protect/promote citizen gun ownership.

We're living in clown town thanks to you low IQ dems. Time to shut the circus down for good and all.


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Re: TRUMP 2024

#2 Post by bo_sox48 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:18 am

gonna move this to politics for you krellin

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#3 Post by jampoodle » Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:21 am

krellin was based before being based was a thing

special shout out to kansasboyd as well

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#4 Post by MajorMitchell » Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:34 am

Welcome to Webdiplomacy Jampoodle,
We love amusing proselytisers of questionable intelligence for blighters like Trumptoad, Stalin or that little fat fellow in Noryh Korea. like the Iranian Theocratic state?
What's your view of War Criminal Dictator Min Aung Hlaing? (He's the chap who led the military coup d'etat in Myanmar.on 1st Feb 2021 and is supported by Chinese Dictator Xi Jinpeng.

Thank you Jampoodle for declaring DJ Trump a Dictator, and so boldly in quotations, obviously you mean it with sincerity since you made it an official qote on record here.

Interesting tactical move I must say, to declare your political idol a Dictator, mskes a chap eager to see ypur next move.
I am wondering if you engage in gunplay, you appear to have an affection for firearms, similar behaviour to calling your political idol a Dictator with firearms might result in the loss of feet, so please, do be careful.

Her Serene Imperiousness Indoors, my Fire Breathing MemSahib, my domestic weapons officer & dab hand with a Purdey wanted me to caution you against shooting yourself in the feet in a rash move with a firearm and keep those blunders to your debating antics.

How delightful that you are aquainted with kansasboyd, I haven't scathingly satarised his illogical rantings in a forum post for some time, perhaps you will kindly encourage him to provide an opportunity to do so again.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#5 Post by orathaic » Thu Sep 08, 2022 7:58 am

Presumably Trump will be disqualified from running again, you blknow because of all the Crimea.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#6 Post by Octavious » Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:40 am

Disqualifying him would be an error. It is fundamentally anti-democratic and plays into his narrative. It would also be rather ineffective. He could just promote someone else to take his place, possibly a family member, and then Trump is back on the ballot
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Re: TRUMP 2024

#7 Post by orathaic » Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:07 am

It is anti-democratic to hold people accountable for trying to undermine democracy now?

Weird worldview if you ask me.

Edit: no wait, nepotism and a political dynasty... Perfect examples of democracy.

They should also arrest Boris Johnson.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#8 Post by Octavious » Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:04 pm

It is anti democratic to stop people from standing, yes. Ultimately stopping the "wrong sort" from being elected doesn't get you anywhere. Imagine how grim Northern Ireland would be if everyone I considered to be criminal scum was prevented from being elected. You either believe that the people should be the ultimate arbiters of who deserves to be in power, or you don't. And if you do then Trump should be allowed to stand and face the judgement of the people.
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Re: TRUMP 2024

#9 Post by MajorMitchell » Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:47 pm

I would love to see Trump go up against Kamala Harris in 2024.
The glorious FUN of watching all those dumbass wednecks in stunned horror when their blimplike Trumptoad gets crushed by a Woman.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#10 Post by MajorMitchell » Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:52 pm

Has anyone heard from jampoodle?
I do hope he hasn't retreated like a whipped cur with his tail between his legs.
Was I too harsh on the naughty blighter or was it my use of many multisyllable words ?

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#11 Post by jampoodle » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:43 am

MajorMitchell wrote:
Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:34 am
Welcome to Webdiplomacy Jampoodle,
We love amusing proselytisers of questionable intelligence for blighters like Trumptoad, Stalin or that little fat fellow in Noryh Korea. like the Iranian Theocratic state?
What's your view of War Criminal Dictator Min Aung Hlaing? (He's the chap who led the military coup d'etat in Myanmar.on 1st Feb 2021 and is supported by Chinese Dictator Xi Jinpeng.

Thank you Jampoodle for declaring DJ Trump a Dictator, and so boldly in quotations, obviously you mean it with sincerity since you made it an official qote on record here.

Interesting tactical move I must say, to declare your political idol a Dictator, mskes a chap eager to see ypur next move.
I am wondering if you engage in gunplay, you appear to have an affection for firearms, similar behaviour to calling your political idol a Dictator with firearms might result in the loss of feet, so please, do be careful.

Her Serene Imperiousness Indoors, my Fire Breathing MemSahib, my domestic weapons officer & dab hand with a Purdey wanted me to caution you against shooting yourself in the feet in a rash move with a firearm and keep those blunders to your debating antics.

How delightful that you are aquainted with kansasboyd, I haven't scathingly satarised his illogical rantings in a forum post for some time, perhaps you will kindly encourage him to provide an opportunity to do so again.
Way to prove my point clown. I see right through your fake keyboard intellect, down to the crust of a low IQ that voted for one of the most corrupt establishment bozos of our time. And before you try to claim otherwise, we all know you voted Biden because your wittle feels from orange man's mean tweets were hurt and the TV/Wapo/CNN/NYT/MSM told you to.

Boo hoo.
F right off.

You literally screwed everyone and yourself simultaneously by allowing yourself to be so manipulated. Total disgrace.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#12 Post by orathaic » Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:06 am

Octavious wrote:
Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:04 pm
It is anti democratic to stop people from standing, yes. Ultimately stopping the "wrong sort" from being elected doesn't get you anywhere. Imagine how grim Northern Ireland would be if everyone I considered to be criminal scum was prevented from being elected. You either believe that the people should be the ultimate arbiters of who deserves to be in power, or you don't. And if you do then Trump should be allowed to stand and face the judgement of the people.
Can i first say, i appreciate how civil we can be sometimes.

If Trump had wanted to have the law changed so that felons can be elected, i am pretty sure he could have pushed that, not sure how popular it would have been.

Especially considering the US bans convicted felons from voting (even after they have served the time) inat least some of not all states. I am presuming the same is true for standing for office.

And yes, it would be great to see the US being more democratic. You have a point, but Trump supporters would not like this, especially considering the large number of criminalised people of colour in the US who have been intentionally excluding from voting.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#13 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:26 pm

Dearest sweetypie jampoodle,
As a resident of Australia I confine my voting to elections in this nation and do not vote in elections in the United States of America, so it is impossible for me to have voted for Biden, Obama Trump, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Bush1 & Bush2, or any candidates in any elections for POTUS.
Your tactics jampoodle are amusing, declaring DJ Trump to be a Dictator was an unorthodox start, followed by a venture in histrionics based on a false premise (Daffy old MM votes in elections for POTUS) that resulted in a non sequitur typically associated with an iliterate bully imho.

I'd like to start making book on your next move jampoodle however as daffy as I am, predicting what you will do is not an enticing proposition, what does appeal is dismissing you from my thoughts.
It's not me, tis you sweetypie jampoodle, you're just not enough of an interesting challenge, unlike other more attractive altenatives.
Free market competition jampoodle and ypur product is biege, beige, beige b/s
Please try harder.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#14 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:42 pm

FYI sweetypie jampoodle, at present I watch less than 4 hours tv per week.and no streaming services etc.
There is a thing called reading and another called writing, I tend to do quite a bit of both.
I am standing for election at present, as a candidate for Councillor on my local Council & starting to tentatively plan the post election purge in administration staff.
Testing the lot of them for illicit drug use might be one way to cull numbers although very few if any would fall at that hurdle imho.
Failure to meet key performance criteria is usually a better, more plausible reason for terminations imho.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#15 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:46 pm

Imagine that jampoodle, daffy old MM could be elected into modest position of political power.
Hows your own political career going young jampoodle? Impotent ranting and littlecelse?

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#16 Post by Randomizer » Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:08 pm

There is no US law preventing a felon from running for president and Eugene Debs ran for president from prison. It would cut down on his campaigning, but that could probably only help him by limiting the stupid things he could say that get reported.

A president, trump in control of the federal prisons, could have the White House declared a federal prison and get himself transferred there.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#17 Post by orathaic » Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:44 pm

What if he was not convicted of a federal crime? He could be held for state Crimea, like tax evasion, in multiple places .. or executed for treason, while running for office.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#18 Post by Tolstoy » Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:21 am

bo_sox48 wrote:
Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:18 am
gonna move this to politics for you krellin
I thought Doxing was a violation of the rules.

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#19 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:22 am

But Randomiser, I thought The White House had always been a US Federal Prison which was why the British Freedom Activists burnt it down to Liberate Liberace, Bullwinkle & Rocky Racoon in the 18th or 19th century during the Tax & Tea Wars ?

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Re: TRUMP 2024

#20 Post by jampoodle » Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:39 am

MajorMitchell wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:26 pm
Dearest sweetypie jampoodle,
As a resident of Australia I confine my voting to elections in this nation and do not vote in elections in the United States of America, so it is impossible for me to have voted for Biden, Obama Trump, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Bush1 & Bush2, or any candidates in any elections for POTUS.
Your tactics jampoodle are amusing, declaring DJ Trump to be a Dictator was an unorthodox start, followed by a venture in histrionics based on a false premise (Daffy old MM votes in elections for POTUS) that resulted in a non sequitur typically associated with an iliterate bully imho.

I'd like to start making book on your next move jampoodle however as daffy as I am, predicting what you will do is not an enticing proposition, what does appeal is dismissing you from my thoughts.
It's not me, tis you sweetypie jampoodle, you're just not enough of an interesting challenge, unlike other more attractive altenatives.
Free market competition jampoodle and ypur product is biege, beige, beige b/s
Please try harder.
How about you take your phony arrogance and amateur attempts at intellect and shove em, punchy? Nobody in America wants the opinion of a backwards propagandist Aussie who's own house isn't in order.

Trump did more for America than you'll ever understand.

Stay in your lane and F right off, mate. G'day.

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