M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

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M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#1 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:50 pm

It is another peaceful day on Farmer Brown’s Questionably Ethical Chicken Farm. The chickens are happily going about their days, except that the enclosures are too cramped to actually go anywhere, and they aren’t actually happy at all. At least, that’s what PETA would say, the chickens would say something else entirely. Probably “Cluck”.

But the space is growing mysteriously less crowded. There is now space to move around, not that the chickens are fit enough to take advantage of it, nor would they want to when they can sit around being fed instead. But now they will have to come to terms with this alarming development, or they might be next.

Join the chickens on this eggciting new adventure, as they attempt to uncover a fowl conspiracy! This may not be a pheasant experience, but the problem must be laid to rest. Shell the farm’s inhabitants be able to crack the case, or will they chicken out?

GM: BobMcBob
Cohost: Nobody :(
Day Phase Deadline: 5pm EST/2pm PST/10pm GMT/8am AEST/3 hours earlier than last game
Day Phase Length: 48 hours
Night Phase Deadline: 5pm EST/2pm PST/10pm GMT/8am AEST/3 hours earlier than last game
Night Phase Length: 24 hours
Start Date: 25 February


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of this game for the town majority is to kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. The objective of the mafia minority is to survive until they outnumber the town. The game is typically very active, so the thread will grow quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game.


This game follows standard WebDip Mafia Rules, located here.


Players may be warned, forcibly replaced, or modkilled for violation of game rules. The GM team will attempt to minimize disruption to the game, but will use whatever means are needed to preserve the integrity of the game.

Players who have site-wide muted other players must unmute them to participate in this game. Players who have been silenced on webDiplomacy due to site infractions will be forcibly replaced from the game.

Players who wish to quit playing may be replaced at GM discretion. Replacement is not guaranteed. Substitutes cannot participate in spectator chats until they sub into the game and are subsequently removed from it (e.g., by dying).


To vote for a player, type ##VOTE <player> (e.g. ##VOTE Eden). You may unvote by typing ##UNVOTE. You may switch from voting one player to another without unvoting first (e.g., if you ##VOTE Eden then type ##VOTE Bona, you will vote for Bona). You may choose to no-kill by typing ##UNVOTE. You don’t need to type out the player’s full name, but failing to do so may lead to ambiguity that causes errors in vote tallying, particularly with the bot. In the event of a tie vote at the end of the day, no player will be killed.

You may vote to end the day early by typing ##END. If a majority of players are voting ##END and casting the same vote (whether for a player or to no-kill), the phase will end early. If the day ends more than 8 hours into the start of the day phase, the remaining time will be added to the next night phase; if the day ends less than 8 hours into the start of the day phase, the next night phase will end 24 hours early.


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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#2 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:52 pm


M73 is an open setup. There are 15 members of the town and 4 members of the mafia. Note that I have dropped the Watcher and a Goon from the original setup due to a lower number of players.

1 Cop
1 Doctor
1 Miller (unaware)
11 Vanilla town

1 Godfather
1 Janitor (single-use)
1 Flipper
1 Goon
Mafia has a factional nightkill and a factional roleblock

When a player is roleblocked, they will not receive a notification that they were roleblocked. A Cop/Tracker who has their action blocked will receive a message of "Your night action failed". A JOAT who has their action blocked will receive a message of "Your night action failed but you did not expend a charge".

Role PMs


You can lay eggs, become food, be widely used as a symbol for cowardice, and not much else.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
You win when all members of the Mafia are eliminated.

Miller also receives vanilla town role PM, but scans as GUILTY. They still flip as the miller.

You have a very fancy crest on top of your head that is imbued with usually accurate-ish mind-reading powers!
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
At Night, you may scan a player learning if there are GUILTY or INNOCENT by PM at the End of Night.
You win when all members of the Mafia are eliminated.

You lay blue-shelled eggs, which have secret healing powers when ingested. It’s probably not cannibalism. You also have a funny face.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
At Night, you may heal a player. If that player is attacked, they will be healed and will not die at the End of Night. You may HEAL yourself. You may NOT HEAL the same player on consecutive nights.
You win when all members of the Mafia are eliminated.

You can lay a lot of eggs. LIke seriously, a lot. Might as well repurpose some of them for extra utility, right?
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
At Night, you may take one of three ONE USE actions.
You may ##SCAN as a COP, once.
You may ##HEAL as a DOCTOR, once.
You may ##KILL once, allowing you to kill a player in the same way as the mafia NK. It will be processed at the end of the night.
If you are roleblocked while performing one of these actions, you will not lose the ability to do that action, and may attempt it again on another night.
You win when all members of the Mafia are eliminated.

You are a large, very tall chicken with a comically long neck. Kind of like a giraffe. But a chicken.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
At Night, you may track a player. If that player visits another player at night, you will be notified of who they visited, but not what actions were performed.
You win when all members of the Mafia are eliminated.


You have escaped from the vegan chicken farms, where vegan chicken is harvested. You’re composed primarily of pea protein, and are not technically living, so the marketing is… probably true.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
You scan as INNOCENT to the COP.
You win when all members of the town are eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening. You have access to a discord for discussion with your teammates, at night ONLY. Your teammates are <SCUM TEAM> and your discord may be found at <LINK>

You are a GOOSE (FLIPPER)!
Due to your high charisma and scheming mind, you can convince people you’re just about anything. And if they don’t believe you just honk. Really loudly. Repeatedly. Until they do.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
By the End of Day 1, you may choose a role that is in the setup and PM it to the GM. If you do, upon dying, your role will be revealed to the thread as the chosen role instead of the flipper. You may not choose a role after the End of Day 1.
You win when all members of the town are eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening. You have access to a discord for discussion with your teammates, at night ONLY. Your teammates are <SCUM TEAM> and your discord may be found at <LINK>.

You are a pest, and love scavenging, harassing picnickers, and ruining gardens. You also taste really bad.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
Once per game, during the Night, you may choose to clean the player that the mafia Nightkill. If the player dies that night, their role will not be revealed when they die.
You win when all members of the town are eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening. You have access to a discord for discussion with your teammates, at night ONLY. Your teammates are <SCUM TEAM> and your discord may be found at <LINK>.

You are a lesser appreciated species, because let’s face it, your efforts to be useful look poultry in comparison to that of a chicken.
During the day you must vote for a player. The player reaching a majority will be killed at the end of the day (Or upon a majority of remaining players voting to end the day early against the same player).
You win when all members of the town are eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening. You have access to a discord for discussion with your teammates, at night ONLY. Your teammates are <SCUM TEAM> and your discord may be found at <LINK>.

Order of Operations


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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#3 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:53 pm

(Tracker is not in this game anymore, but you can read the role PM for the lols anyway)

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#4 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:54 pm

Player List, in Signup Order

0. BobMcBob

1. Jamiet99uk
2. Bonatogether
3. Macca573
4. brainbomb
5. damo666
6. snowy801
7. Chaqa
8. Maniac
9. TheFlyingBoat
10. ghug
11. bozotheclown
12. celaph
13. rdrivera2005
14. pyxxy
15. BusinessLamp
16. President Eden
17. DemonRHK
18. BesharamSabi
19. Kakarroto

1. worcej
2. Hamilton Brian
3. Fluminator

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#5 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:57 pm

Warning: game is likely to start 5-10 minutes later than stated start time. Please still do not post. No other deadlines will change (I hope).

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#6 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:04 pm

John was a chicken. John is a good name for a chicken. John’s mother had always said so. John’s mother might have been a touch biased though, because her name was also John. But John didn’t mind. She was too busy eating this delicious grain.

“Hey George!” John said to the chicken lying down next to her. “What do you think of the grain today?” There was no response. “Hey Geoff!” she said to the chicken lying down on her right. “Grain tastes particularly proteiny today, don’t you think?” Still no reply. John had never been particularly good at small talk, so she went back to eating grain.

Suddenly a loud cluck came from somewhere multiple chickens away. John looked up to find Jim looking rather shell-shocked. “What is it?” John asked.
“It’s James!” Jim cried. “She’s… she’s DEAD!”

“I don’t see the problem,” John replied. “James always was a bit bird-brained.”

“Wait a second…”

It ended up being closer to a minute by the time John had actually worked out what was going on, but she knew exactly what she had to do. That thing in 101 Dalmatians where all the dogs create a barking chain to alert each other that the puppies have gone missing, but instead of dogs, it’s chickens. It was time to sound… THE TWILIGHT BA-KARK!

But during the day.


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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#7 Post by brainbomb » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:04 pm

Believing is not to be reduced to thinking that such-and-such might be the case. It is not a weaker form of thinking, laced with doubt. Sometimes we speak like this: ‘I believe that the train leaves at 6:13', where ‘I believe that’ simply means that ‘I think (but am not certain) that’. Since the left hemisphere is concerned with what is certain, with knowledge of the facts, its version of belief is that it is just absence of certainty. If the facts were certain, according to its view, I should be able to say ‘I know that’ instead. This view of belief comes from the left hemisphere's disposition towards the world: interest in what is useful, therefore fixed and certain (the train timetable is no good if one can't rely on it). So belief is just a feeble form of knowing, as far as it is concerned.
But belief in terms of the right hemisphere is different, because its disposition towards the world is different. The right hemisphere does not ‘know’ anything, in the sense of certain knowledge. For it, belief is a matter of care: it describes a relationship, where there is a calling and an answering, the root concept of ‘responsibility’. Thus if I say that ‘I believe in you’, it does not mean that I think that such-and-such things are the case about you, but can't be certain that I am right. It means that I stand in a certain sort of relation of care towards you, that entails me in certain kinds of ways of behaving (acting and being) towards you, and entails on you the responsibility of certain ways of acting and being as well. It is an acting ‘as if’ certain things were true about you that in the nature of things cannot be certain. It has the characteristic right-hemisphere qualities of being a betweenness: a reverberative, ‘re-sonant’, ‘respons-ible’ relationship, in which each party is altered by the other and by the relationship between the two, whereas the relationship of the believer to the believed in the left-hemisphere sense is inert, unidirectional, and centres on control rather than care. I think this is what Wittgenstein was trying to express when he wrote that ‘my’ attitude towards the other is an ‘attitude towards a soul. I am not of the opinion that he has a soul.’ An ‘opinion’ would be a weak form of knowledge: that is not what is meant by a belief, a disposition or an ‘attitude’.

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#8 Post by brainbomb » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:06 pm

group identity can be fractionated right down to the level of the individual. That sentence should be written in capital letters. Every person is unique—and not just in a trivial manner: importantly, significantly, meaningfully unique. Group membership cannot capture that variability. Period

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#9 Post by President Eden » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:07 pm

hardclaim cop
investigated snowy n0, he is town
goodnight sweet prince

I think we should no lunch, it’s strictly optimal play because ipsum lorem blablabla

##VOTE Jamiet99uk because he uses normal mode, bozo proved one time* that normal mode users are mafia

* this may have been in a game where bozo was mafia and making shit up

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#10 Post by Kakarroto » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:09 pm


"We're here just outside the fenced coop area, hoping to see the majestic chicken in it's natural environment. Though a typical chicken will often stay inside to sit on eggs for long periods of time, they come out when they want food, a ray of sunshine or are bored. In winter it is rare to get a sighting of them, however, one trick to quickly lure a chicken from its lair, is to throw out corn onto the ground."


[Another chicken exits the coop. It has their eyes set onto the ground, casually picking down in search of food, finding a piece of maize.]

"Extreme gluttony means the chicken is perfectly happy to swallow all corn in whole. It is unphased by the stony debris and appears to not even notice the dirty remains of other members of its flock covering the surface of the ground. It has also become immune to the foul stench that constantly lingers in the air of their abode."


[The chicken follows a trail of corn, bumping into another chicken. They first look confused at each other about the situation and cluck at each other, then the first chicken gets bored and hops away, picking up another grain of corn.]

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#11 Post by ghug » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:16 pm

##VOTE Chaqa

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#12 Post by Maniac » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:19 pm

Attila the hen surveyed the morning scene. She’d been woken up by a massive cock yet again. Oh how she missed her alarm cluck when the massive cock was out of town. To top it all it was Fry-day, her least favourite day.

Her good friend, Hetty, wasn’t very well. She feared she had people-pox but she couldn’t rule out fowl play.

She decided to go into town to see the early film; a chick flick. She crossed the road because, well because old habits die hard and bought a ticket. ‘What are you doing here?’ said the amazed ticket seller. ‘Well i enjoyed the book’ said Attila and took her seat. Before the film started she composed her thoughts on who could be responsible for the thinning of the flock on the back of an hen-velope. Foxy was, of course, top of the list. He hadn’t been seen recently, but he did have a degree in cunning from the university of Cunningham, so he was still a suspect. JamieT was next on the pecking list but the evidence was poultry and deserved closer eggs-animation.

Attila settled back to watch the film and ponder her next move…

##vote Jamie

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#13 Post by brainbomb » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:20 pm

so theres like no bot for this fam.

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#14 Post by ghug » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:20 pm

Shit, I believe the train to be flying the coop without me.

##VOTE Jamie

Chaqa tomorrow though.

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#15 Post by brainbomb » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:21 pm

poor bobba

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#16 Post by brainbomb » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:22 pm

##vote BesharamSabi

now I know what you are capable of and that wont occur on my watch ever again

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#17 Post by BobMcBob » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:23 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:20 pm
so theres like no bot for this fam.
Yeah I don't have the ability to set that up, so someone needs to do it for me and I'm not sure exactly who that needs to be.

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#18 Post by ghug » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:25 pm

BobMcBob wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:23 pm
brainbomb wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:20 pm
so theres like no bot for this fam.
Yeah I don't have the ability to set that up, so someone needs to do it for me and I'm not sure exactly who that needs to be.
Prolly Chaqa

I bet he won't though cause he's scum

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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#19 Post by brainbomb » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:25 pm

BobMcBob wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:23 pm
brainbomb wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:20 pm
so theres like no bot for this fam.
Yeah I don't have the ability to set that up, so someone needs to do it for me and I'm not sure exactly who that needs to be.

President Eden
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Re: M73 - Fowl Play - Game Thread [HIDDEN]

#20 Post by President Eden » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:25 pm

BobMcBob wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:23 pm
brainbomb wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:20 pm
so theres like no bot for this fam.
Yeah I don't have the ability to set that up, so someone needs to do it for me and I'm not sure exactly who that needs to be.
our bad lol, someone will be by to get it setup soonTM

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