M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

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Location: Now Performing Comedic Artist Dusty Balzac Bush Philosopher from Flyblown Gully by the Sea

Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#121 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:55 pm

I am in strife, just called Princess Estelle "Cleopatra" by mistake, that'll cost a small fortune in Tiffany Trinkets & Lingerie. 5:30 am. Must sleep. Busy afternoon and evening.

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Location: Now Performing Comedic Artist Dusty Balzac Bush Philosopher from Flyblown Gully by the Sea

Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#122 Post by MajorMitchell » Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:04 pm

What a mad, wonderful, challenging, difficult twenty days & nights since my last post.
This is just a quick heads up, I am free again after being arrested today outside new People's Republic of China Consulate in Joslin Adelaide, twas the official opening with State Government Premier Marshall (Liberal Party, conservative ) attending to eat his dumplings soaked in the blood of Xi Jinpeng's victims and do his kow~tow of obiesance.
I was not charged with a Criminal offence against any South Australian Police Officers. However a private security guard has made an allegation and I have been charged with assaulting a security guard.
This will be defended vigorously in the South Australian judicial system and I am most optimistic about the eventual outcome.
There's a number of witnesses who have offered to assist. I think it possible that after reviewing all available video & there's plenty, that South Australian Police Officers will be interviewing several security guards and one might possibly be charged with assaulting me.
A local resident, a mature respectable lady, in some ways similar to my Adorable Fire Breathing MemSahib was so incensed at seeing me arrested some time after the actual incident with the security guard that she rang her lawyer on the spot & I am following up on her offer.
There's several Excellent lawyers I could contact, it's a bit like choosing a racehorse, getting the right horse for the specific race.
Plus my arrest, one of two made TV News on all South Australian TV News programs and also nationally in Australia.
Interweb stuff has several videos circulating and spreading.
Dusty Balzac persecuted Democracy Activist in trial with Political aspects and Community Interest.
Amongst frontrunners for legal team.
Ms H S, Mr Robert McK. (Solicitors and Barristers both)
Possible helpful friends in Adelaide's legal community, Robert L, albeit comfortable and not the hungry criminal lawyer wizard he was thirty years ago, yet a sage operator.
Of course Ms Lindy P, the brilliant silk would be a Smasher as lead, but this is such a minor criminal offence compared to the grisly, terrible Criminal trials in which she normally appears. Plus a leader like Lindy would cause the prosecution much angst & Lindy has eclectic desires regarding defendants and cases. The opportunity to have some fun Communist Dictator Xi Jinpeng's Diplomatic service in her home town and it's local private security personnel might possibly induce this legal Rumpolian Portia~like Silk to enter the fray.
If only the Famous South Australian Chief Justice Bray was still.with us, I will invoke a reverential summons to his Spirit when in hallowed Adelaide Law Court.

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Location: Now Performing Comedic Artist Dusty Balzac Bush Philosopher from Flyblown Gully by the Sea

Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#123 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:35 pm

What a demanding week I have had since Tuesday 30th March. My Aged Daffy Old body and clockwork brain have had a flogging. My sleeping patterns have been thrown off normal cycles and it's been 3, maybe 4 hours​ of sleep in each 24 hr period & perhaps one meal per 24 hrs ~ I went one 24 hr period on one apple.
I lost track of which day it was of the weekend on Saturday. The popular description is surreal, yet I would use kaliedoscopic for my experiences.

I had to get out of Flyblown Gully by the Sea on Thursday night & wasn't taking passengers on that drive through hilly country roads given my mood. It wasn't a fast & furious Vin Diesel fantasy in a super high performance vehicle. Just a cobweb clearing indulgence in risk taking and enjoyment of speed.along roads I know extremely well, eg I know the potholes.
So a regular trip one way is usually an hour and ten~fifteen minutes . I managed the going north escape in 48 minutes & took an hour and forty five minutes coming home. I certainly gave God his few opportunities to put a drunk driver or the male Skippy the Kangaroo just too big for Roo Bar, airbags etc and assist me across the River Jordan in the first forty kilometres fleeing Flyblown Gully by the Sea.
Fortunately my Adorable Fire Breathing MemSahib understands my idiosyncratic ways and eccentricities and all will.be well provided I don't go anywhere near her when I am "carrying on like a drunken sailor", her charming description for​ my shenanigans she is always ready to tend to my wounds with stinging antiseptics when I make my Prodigal Scallywag's return in disheveled attire and battered state.

I have been banished to house arrest on the front balcony where I have set up my embrionic Revolutionary Art Studio for my painting capers & my study, although I was allowed to play in the garden pruning the large old extremely thorny pink rose bush & a few grape vines yesterday at dawn.

I failed to return suitably wounded and Princess Estelle had been eagerly anticipating splashing a few of my cuts & grazes with Dettol, and maybe doing three or four stitches with my Adorable Fire Breathing MemSahib's guidance and needle kit.
Apparently if I really loved her I would have acquired several nasty wounds filled with gravel and broken glass so she could nurse me for several weeks.
I was too indulgent with that pair when I passed out and fell head first onto the bathroom floor and made myself their hostage patient for months.
Last night I made myself comfortable on old leather lounge and played the film of My Fair Lady with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn and played the library scene where Rex sings that he "will never let a woman in his life"to the Colonel, playing it at least thirty seven times so it was well heard.

In a final note that indicates my willingness to indulge in risk taking.. I'm playing a game of diplomacy at another Interweb site, have Russia, first year, armies Galicia and Rumania, fleet Armenia, Turkey's fleet still in Ankara, and fleet in Sweden. In order to please Germany I am building fleet St P north coast. To force Black Sea I am building fleet Sevastapol.
So will start 02 with two armies & four fleets.
Austrian player is novice, spring 01 played army Vienna to Tyrolia and got it, fleet Trieste to Adriatic and army Budapest to Serbia. He confessed his lack of experience so I decided not to attack him and he's moved fleet Adriatic Sea to Albania, army Tyrolia to Trieste, army Serbia to Bulgaria as I suggested.
But building two fleets to have four fleets and only two armies with Russia goes against the cardinal rules for playing Russia.

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Location: Now Performing Comedic Artist Dusty Balzac Bush Philosopher from Flyblown Gully by the Sea

Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#124 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:53 pm

Thanks to all readers of my scribbling, you have passed 15,000 views.for this thread and the Publisher of our Bwave New Forum with More Decorum notice such things and know who you are. Omnipotent Zultar.is aware, being Omnipotent it's difficult for Zultar to not be aware of the reader's efforts or who you are, yet it is with a benevolent, appreciative gaze Omnipotent Zultar casts towards readers, unless they have been naughty elsewhere in which case views might help miscreants receive reduced punishment.
The Publisher of our Bwave New Forum with More Decorum needs popular threads and inexplicably readers have propelled this one to dizzy buzzy heights, so I thank them all. ( it's a relief to realise that I am not alone in embracing a bit of delusional kaliedoscopic Cosmic Madness)

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