And now for something completely different...

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Re: And now for something completely different...

#21 Post by Octavious » Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:15 pm

Asking for advice is not an overreaction. Asking for marriage advice in a public forum is rather stupid, but there's no law against stupidity.

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Re: And now for something completely different...

#22 Post by orathaic » Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:03 am

Are you deliberately ignoring the question, or have I given your intellect too much credit?

Whether her responce of going to the Internet for advice is not the question, the question is, would you be fine being in a relationship where the other person held such political positions.

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Re: And now for something completely different...

#23 Post by Octavious » Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:24 am

You asked if she was over reacting. I answered that question. You are now pretending you had asked a different question, which is not the case however much you might want it to be so.

Ok, so let's focus on your new question. We have no idea what the husband's political views are. There's a massive chasm between various media reports on what the Proud Boys are and what they claim to be. Frankly I find the media narrative of them being a white supremacist organisation led by a black man to be somewhat confused and not particularly convincing. We do know him, from his wife's description, to be a kind and attentive husband and dedicated father. So, in short, this case lacks far too many details to make any form of coherent judgment.

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Re: And now for something completely different...

#24 Post by orathaic » Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:28 am

It is not a new question to ask if all politics are personal.

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Re: And now for something completely different...

#25 Post by Octavious » Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:44 am

The opening post asked how we feel about the phrase "the personal is political", and gave examples of the WebDip political forum and a domestic dispute. How exactly are we meant to interpret that?

The personal is personal. People will break up, or never get together, over all sorts of things that vary in importance depending on circumstances and personal beliefs. Disagreement over how a child should be brought up is one of most common reasons for breaking up, but obviously doesn't matter a jot to a couple that has no interest in, or ability to have, children together.

There are various people I wouldn't touch with a barge pole in terms of relationships. People who are significantly older or younger, men and transsexuals, Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses, devout non Christian religious types, drug addicts, criminals who have committed crimes I find abhorrent (theft from little old ladies, for example, although murder in certain circumstances would be forgivable). You can put a political label next to these categories if you really want to, but that depends purely on your definition of politics.

If we were to look at what I'm guessing would be my equivalent to the twitter link, that a girl I fancy was revealed to be a member of antifa, then it would indeed be a concern. But plenty of otherwise decent people join such groups, and I'd be keen to find out why before taking things further. The parallel of someone I'd been with for 14 years joining such a group is too ridiculous to contemplate, but I'd already know that they were fundamentally awesome based on those 14 years. As such my reaction would be either to help them recover from whatever malady they were going through, or try to dissuade them against some dangerous bring them down from within fantasy.

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