Reasonable Coup Attempt

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Reasonable Coup Attempt

#1 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:17 pm

Before the votes were tallied in last years impeachment trial it became obvious the trial and impeachment were mostly just political games. Imagine the day of the final vote, angry democrats storm the capitol demanding Trumps resignation. Chanting in the crowds about Collusion, Ukraine.
Do you suppose, knowing what we know now; that this type of angry mob wouldve been deemed heroes in retrospect? That brave souls who knew the monster Trump was/is would be pardoned and revered historically unlike their Republican comrades who stormed the Bastille?
Or is there just simply a line you dont cross, a line that is only etched into peoples minds now as a result of the Qanon attack on our freedom?

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Re: Reasonable Coup Attempt

#2 Post by flash2015 » Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:09 pm

Short answer - no.

Let's be clear here though. What you are describing doesn't go as far as the rioters did on January 6th. They ransacked the place and were actively trying to find Pelosi/Pence. They were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" and there was a makeshift gallows outside in the crowd. I am just thankful they didn't find any congress-person/senator. The day could have turned out far worse that it did.

Anyway, attempting a coup is an absolute last resort. You would have to believe that Trump was suspending democracy and setting himself up as leader for life, arresting dissidents, breaking institutions etc. with a compliant party backing him for it even remotely to be justified. While Trump clearly had autocratic tendencies and he was testing institutions, we were no where near that breaking these people would absolutely not be deemed "heroes". If anything, such behaviour likely would have helped pushed us towards autocracy/dictatorship rather than away from it.

Trump and his cronies pushed people to believe that "the election was rigged", that if Biden was inaugurated "they wouldn't have a country anymore", that there would never be another free and fair election, that we were on the way to becoming Venezuala/Cuba/China/Russia. If you actually believed all that was true then the coup attempt was an almost rational response to "save the country". Of course all this was complete and utter nonsense.

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Re: Reasonable Coup Attempt

#3 Post by Crazy Anglican » Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:46 pm

No, and if it had occurred we would most likely be looking at Trump's second inauguration. He'd have been able to legitimately make his opposition out to be the anti-democratic bad guys. The impeachment was a political play and everyone knew how it was going to pan out. That being said, it was important to make the stand against Trump at that time even if it was not going to oust him from office. He was an embarrassment at that time, having him removed from office by the people of the United States in a general election is the best course of action though. The toddler in chief can whine and cry and cast all sorts of aspersions, but in the end the will of the people prevailed.

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