If war broke out between the US and China over Taiwan

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If war broke out between the US and China over Taiwan

#1 Post by brainbomb » Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:01 pm

Would there be a draft?
and if there was a draft like in veitnam would it still disproportionately draft minorities and black men like the vietnam war draft did?
Would there be people still able to draft dodge like Trump and Bush did or would the public news cycle skewer any such moves?
and would Gen Z draftees fare well in a war against China? Or would it spark a second hippie generation?

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Re: If war broke out between the US and China over Taiwan

#2 Post by Randomizer » Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:43 pm

The US seems to have enough from a volunteer force of minorities and the poor. People like Trump and Bush will always find ways to avoid serving, jut look at their children when they were eligible. The only way they would volunteer is to guarantee they wouldn't serve near combat.

The problem is that the others that volunteer are White supremacists looking for military training for their next insurrection. Like Timothy McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing.

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Re: If war broke out between the US and China over Taiwan

#3 Post by Octavious » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:25 pm

I am amazed that terms such as "draft dodger" are still in use in the US, especially as a criticism over avoiding bloody stupid wars like Vietnam. If Trump and Bush did indeed find a cunning way to avoid that conflict it was likely the best decision they ever made and is more a sign of their suitability for office than pretty much anything else they ever did.

There won't be a draft. If China takes Taiwan it will only be when they are 100% confident it will succeed, and they will prefer other means over conflict if at all possible. They will want the US decision to be not whether to defend the island, but whether to liberate it, and the US will never decide to go to war with China to return Taiwan to democracy.
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