Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

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Crazy Anglican
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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#41 Post by Crazy Anglican » Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:33 pm

Ah, I see it does say "why do so many Christians like" him further down. To that I'd say, entrenched thinking. Seems like a lot of the conservative Evangelical set like him, but I'm not sure how closely they tie that to religion. Most people I talk to that like him, cited economic reasons.

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#42 Post by MajorMitchell » Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:21 pm

Whether the Conservative Christia Evangelicals are genuine or fake Christians is a question of merit in my opinion. The hatred they express towards minorities, to anyone who disagrees with them is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus imho.
Whether I believe in the teachings of Jesus is irrelevant.
The Conservative Evangelicals profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus and consistently act in ways that are inconsistent with those teachings of Jesus.
There is a great expression of the dangers of fanatics in the movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Summarised as:
Beware the fanatic for at the core of every fanatic are repressed doubts in their belief system, that is what drives their fanaticism, their psychological need for certainty when there is no certainty. Christianity, Islamic faith, or any political.ideology, Fascism to Communism.
The Ideology, type of Religious belief are relatively unimportant when analysing the behaviour of fanatics, what is important is understanding why the fanatic is a fanatic imho. Their need to crush any opposition to their chosen belief system is the notable common denominator.
Those who are comfortable with a belief system are those who can openly discuss their doubts with their belief systems imho.

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#43 Post by Crazy Anglican » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:14 pm

Final tally, for Trump toadies in my voting districts was that five were eliminated in the primaries, of the remaining two, one was defeated in a runoff; and only one got into office. I’ll be keeping a sharp eye on our new lieutenant governor, but the governor and Secretary of State were particular objects of the former toddler on chief’s ire. Both of them were re-elected handily.

That’s not the entirety of my state, as some election deniers got back into office in their own districts. All in all I was pleased with the results.

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#44 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:46 am

Perhaps a benefit of Trumptoad's corrupt and dangerous acts that have threatened Democracy in the USA is the resulting mobilisation of those who now realise the threat that he and his supporters pose to their democracy, they have been shaken from apathy into action?
In a similar way to the big scare Putin's war in Ukraine has given the nations in Westetn Europe and their responses, investing in NATO, investing in alternative energy supplies to Russian energy sources.
A big scare initiates responses, motivates the "comfortable" & apathetic into action.

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#45 Post by Crazy Anglican » Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:22 am

MajorMitchell wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:46 am
Perhaps a benefit of Trumptoad's corrupt and dangerous acts that have threatened Democracy in the USA is the resulting mobilisation of those who now realise the threat that he and his supporters pose to their democracy, they have been shaken from apathy into action?
For most people in the USA, it seems not. At least in terms of outright activism. We are used to things going smoothly in elections and disputes being handled by lawful means. Nobody is out in the streets, this time. I think most of us have faith in the system. Hopefully we are "voting the bums out", like we have done in the past. Keeping a watchful eye on things nonetheless.
MajorMitchell wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:46 am
In a similar way to the big scare Putin's war in Ukraine has given the nations in Westetn Europe and their responses, investing in NATO, investing in alternative energy supplies to Russian energy sources.
A big scare initiates responses, motivates the "comfortable" & apathetic into action.
One can only hope. The Ukrainians seem motivated and able, but having nations like Sweden and Finland trying to join NATO, definitely makes one stop and think. It doesn't seem as if 2022 was a year for comfortable or apathetic.

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#46 Post by orathaic » Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:55 pm

Crazy Anglican wrote:
Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:22 am
MajorMitchell wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:46 am
In a similar way to the big scare Putin's war in Ukraine has given the nations in Westetn Europe and their responses, investing in NATO, investing in alternative energy supplies to Russian energy sources.
A big scare initiates responses, motivates the "comfortable" & apathetic into action.
One can only hope. The Ukrainians seem motivated and able, but having nations like Sweden and Finland trying to join NATO, definitely makes one stop and think. It doesn't seem as if 2022 was a year for comfortable or apathetic.
I'm not sure what your point is, but *Try* is the important word. With every other NATO country holding a veto, Turkiye or Hungary could hold this up for some time...

But also (and possibly related) Russia satellite states going to war (Azerbaijan and Armenia, whatever is happening is central Asian with the Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmen, and Kazakhs... Georgia probably sees an opportunity to take back land lost in 2008... If Russia is weak enough that their allied are attacked.. who knows where it will end, Chechen independence?

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#47 Post by taylor4 » Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:28 pm

Going by the confounded mixture of innuendo and-or sci-fi hereinabove, and the Brexit who-ha over the N.Ireland and the Irish Republic's border, I opt for the data in a film.
The film has as a subplot the existence of "The Cromwell Arms" at the border, & an angry woman told to honeymoon there after a whirlwind romance and marriage.
Cromwell, it appears, during the Commonwealth period between Stuart kings, was one of the invaders of Eire.
To ortharaic's point, why not let the soon-to-dissolve-into Jelly Disunited Kingdom of King Charles III take over Waterford, or even County Cork. Would NATO turn on one of its own. What would Brussels and Strassburg think/do/blah blah?
Only saying.
Conversely, mount the Flag of Alexander atop Stirling Castle and remember Robert the Bruce & Wallace.
The above is not based on WHEN WILLIAM CAME, a Diplomacy 1900s takeover referencing Kaiser Wilhelm in Buckingham Palace,

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#48 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:58 pm

taylor4 wrote:
Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:28 pm
Going by the confounded mixture of innuendo and-or sci-fi hereinabove, and the Brexit who-ha over the N.Ireland and the Irish Republic's border, I opt for the data in a film.
The film has as a subplot the existence of "The Cromwell Arms" at the border, & an angry woman told to honeymoon there after a whirlwind romance and marriage.
Cromwell, it appears, during the Commonwealth period between Stuart kings, was one of the invaders of Eire.
To ortharaic's point, why not let the soon-to-dissolve-into Jelly Disunited Kingdom of King Charles III take over Waterford, or even County Cork. Would NATO turn on one of its own. What would Brussels and Strassburg think/do/blah blah?
Only saying.
Conversely, mount the Flag of Alexander atop Stirling Castle and remember Robert the Bruce & Wallace.
The above is not based on WHEN WILLIAM CAME, a Diplomacy 1900s takeover referencing Kaiser Wilhelm in Buckingham Palace,
Are you drunk?
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#49 Post by orathaic » Sun Dec 25, 2022 1:27 am

Given that i am in Waterford right now, i can tell you Taylor, the amount of anti-english racism here means any British Monarch trying to take over would erupt into unnecessary violence.

No fecking clue what you are talking about, Cromwell is more hated i Ireland than he is in England, and the English are still blamed for Cromwell's massacres (though the whole genocidal policy of the *checks notes* Tory government's reaction to the Great Famine of 1843... Yeah).

The Russian super-power (and fear of it) being revealed to be a paper tiger -> that Russia seems to gone from being seen to have the second strongest army in the world to the second strongest army in Ukraine... Is going to have an impact in all the countries neighbouring Russia whose security arrangements depended on the threat of the use of force by Russia.

In particular see Russian 'peace keeping' troop deployed to the Azerbaijan-Armenian border/conflict.

With specific reference to who does Russia support? Which of those two countries is 90+% Turkic ethnicity? what NATO member in the area has the second largest army in NATO, builds its own drones which is is selling to Ukraine and is a Turkic ethnicity? And tell me that Russian dominance of the area since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire (~100 years ago) is going to continue...

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Re: Why do Christians like the antichrist so much?

#50 Post by taylor4 » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:36 pm

Working on a dark rum, I predict for the coming year (in the manner of Nostradamus):
- Esperanto will be mandated for a certain country's Internet computing orders;
- A great king will abdicate.
- Esperanto will be picked to replace Latin and Italian at the Easter St Petrus basilica Mass;
- The college of Cardinals will add a (another) Orthodox Ukrainian;
- Major Mitchell will vote in absentia instead of abstaining on a pet issue;
- "Rabid mad capitalist dogs" will be the basis for a great Power's attack;
- Webdip will work and always for a year and a day;
- El antichristo will lose crypto banco deposits and dismiss his/her/its Switzers;
- The rum will run out.

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