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Australian Politics

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:31 pm
by Smokey Gem
Or as we call it . Nothing realy happened today.

Re: Australian Politics

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:37 pm
by Smokey Gem
Mass shootings - nil no gun debate
Insane leader - nil to boring to discuss both sides ( if there are actually 2 different sides )
Radical Views - thank god we have the Queenslanders. ( Pauline and BOb K).
Scandals- someones great grandfather was Irish so they are no longer allowed to be a politician. hell we even booted someone with Aboriginal heritage as not Australian 60 000 years is not long enough..

Re: Australian Politics

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:23 am
by Smokey Gem
Ohhhh. A man had an affair with someone at work and his previuos marriage has disolved and he is now with his new work collegue.ONLY in Politics hey !!! What next.

PS he is the one who hates Johnny Depps dogs..

Yes basically nothing is still happening.

Re: Australian Politics

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:39 am
by kaner406
You forgot to mention some guy getting killed in a Sydney gaol by another inmate, and that the national broadcaster is talking about whether or not they are dumbing their news down for their viewers.

Most exciting bit in the recent news was some dumbass tourists parking their campervan in a flood prone location, and then having to bash their way past some crocs when they woke up the next day surrounded by the bloodthirsty buggers.

Re: Australian Politics

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:14 am
by kaner406
Oh and who can miss an ex-finance minister retiring from politics... Oooh the excitement just keeps ramping up.

Re: Australian Politics

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:51 pm
by MajorMitchell
Dearest Smokey Gem, please don't forget these details about that MP chap's affair with his staffer..the young lady staffer is about twenty odd years younger than her boss and lover. She's pregnant to her MP boss/lover. He suppressed public knowledge of his affair whilst he argued against marriage law reform and argued that "traditional marriage arrangements" needed to be defended and respected. Some say that the Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister need to meet a higher standard of personal ethics than the ordinary citizen.. obviously this particular Conservative MP disagrees with that view

Re: Australian Politics

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:25 am
by Smokey Gem
So MM your saying he is a person like a normal human being ...ohhh. got it .

I think the issue is more between him and his family.

If a politician is elected to support an issue they pesonally dont agree with they still have to follow the wishes of the people.