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Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:27 pm
by New England Fire Squad ... diversity/ Multicultural and diverse societies are doomed to fail. The more diverse and multicultural a society becomes, the less socially cohesive and more emaciated society becomes. Multicultural neighborhoods have far less trust of their neighbors, have far greater levels on economic inequality(which heightens social tension all the more), Multicultural communities have far higher crime rates than non-multicultural neighborhoods on average across the West, along with far lower levels of civic engagement, up to and including: 1.Voting 2. Giving Less to Charity 3. Volunteering in the Community. This results in a general civil malaise than can even result in strife- one of the most striking things about this study shows that in multicultural communities, members of the same group trust and like even each other much less. Does this seem like a social experiment worth continuing?

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:01 pm
by New England Fire Squad
According to Pew Research (a widely respected US pollster) while majorities of Muslims do not support terrorism or death for those who leave Islam, sizable minorities do. ... -overview/ The most recent immigrants to mostly Western Europe come from these areas. How is this beneficial to the people of Europe?

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:03 pm
by Fluminator
I like how this article is like "shocking inconvenient truth" when everyone knew racism existed already - increasing tensions in multi-ethnic societies.

The long term benefits of different races and cultures understanding each other is worth whatever tension or inconvenience people may have about existing with different races right now. Tribalism isn't something we want to go back to.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:05 pm
by Fluminator
Oh, is this thread about radical Muslim culture or multiculturalism in general?

Like yeah, some cultures from other countries are incompatible with ours, but the article was using culture and race interchangeably it seemed.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:11 pm
by New England Fire Squad
A study from the libertarian Cato Institute (essentially means liberal for our non-American friends) shows that in Europe, migrants have far higher levels of unemployment and welfare usage than the native born population does. ... ern-europe While reading this study, please keep in mind that Cato supports open borders, due to their view that this would be beneficial to world GDP. Unemployment and welfare usage quite often goes hand and in hand with a self-defeating cycle of despair, which breeds radicalization and identification with other traits rather than one's value to his or her family or community. This cause the strands that keep nations together to begin to disintegrate- already in Holland, an Islamic political party named DENK (possibly taking orders from the Turkish government, imo) has entered the national parliament. This is part of their party manifesto: 'The movement wants to establish a monument in memory of labour, and they want knowledge of migration history as a key target in education. They propose that the term "integration" should be replaced by the word "acceptance". The movement would abolish the term "immigrant". It notes that people with a non-western background are less likely to find a job or internship and often have negative experiences with law enforcement. The manifesto states that racism in the Netherlands is structural and institutional in nature and therefore wants a so-called "racism registry" to be set up, in which manifestations of racism are registered.' As Muslim populations rise in Europe, new Islamic identity parties will become the rule rather than the exception- after all, most voters want someone to look after their interests.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:13 pm
by Fluminator
I'm confused. Are we talking about the concept of multiculturalism, Muslim culture, or immigration policies?

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:13 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Fluminator wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:05 pm
Oh, is this thread about radical Muslim culture or multiculturalism in general?

Like yeah, some cultures from other countries are incompatible with ours, but the article was using culture and race interchangeably it seemed.
It's about multiculturalism in general. Even among less distinct groups, such as in the Putnam study, the more multicultural a place became, the worse it became for everyone. If you throw even more different groups together (such as in Western Europe, for example), the results become more extreme.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:15 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Essentially, if the supposed benefits are few and far between for both the natives of the host population and the migrants themselves, to what does it avail us to continue to press on with this failed experiment?

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:17 pm
by Fluminator
Ok, then I'll just stick with my first post.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:26 pm
by Durga
I don't need an article to tell me what works and what doesn't. My community is very multicultural and it's very beautiful. You can find any source to believe the bullshit you want to believe. Stay racist.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:27 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Fluminator wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:03 pm
I like how this article is like "shocking inconvenient truth" when everyone knew racism existed already - increasing tensions in multi-ethnic societies.

The long term benefits of different races and cultures understanding each other is worth whatever tension or inconvenience people may have about existing with different races right now. Tribalism isn't something we want to go back to.
Tribalism is unfortunately what we already have, whether we like it or not. There have been countless terrorist attacks in Europe due to this- countless families torn apart, and countless futures ruined, both among the native born and the migrants. These 'inconveniences' are worth it when we don't even know what the end result will be?

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:30 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Durga wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:26 pm
I don't need an article to tell me what works and what doesn't. My community is very multicultural and it's very beautiful. You can find any source to believe the bullshit you want to believe. Stay racist.
I'm sure it is, and I'm genuinely happy for you, and hope it stays that way. Mine is multicultural too, and is under constant police raids due to the high levels of crime, gang activity, and general social unrest. There's nothing like going to sleep with red and blue lights flashing through my windows.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:34 pm
by Fluminator
You've clarified you're talking about multiculturalism in general, so do you think terrorist attacks are normal of all other cultures???????????

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:46 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Fluminator wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:34 pm
You've clarified you're talking about multiculturalism in general, so do you think terrorist attacks are normal of all other cultures???????????
I would certainly not define a terrorist attack as 'normal' in any sense of the word. However, according to statistics, an incredibly statistically significant minority of Muslims believe terrorism to be justified. If even 5% of Muslims believe terrorism to be sometimes justified (and according to polling that asked many of them this directly, the number is probably somewhat higher, reaching as high as 29% in Egypt and 18% in Malaysia), then that would be the statistical equivalent of 40 million people. So I ask again- how is importing this to Europe beneficial either for Europeans or Muslims? Left-leaning Europeans should be mortified about important future voters who would tear down there hard won liberal social mores- and right leaning voters would oppose it due to the cultural issues. Muslims view the West as decadent and an age-old ideological/religious foe. Muslims will have reduced employment opportunities due to linguistic and educational difficulties, which will create impoverished, increasingly radicalized communities that steadily lose more and more hope in a better life in the West. Sure, a few will break out of the vicious cycle- but in the meantime we can count the bodies of murder and terrorism victims who would still be alive without migration, the hate crime victims who would not have suffered had they not come to Europe, the sexual assault victims who would not be scarred, and the migrants who would have been happier in a society that catered to them, rather than the other way around. Is this worth it, for maybe some benefit in 50 years time? Maybe? People's lives shouldn't be thrown away over a 'maybe'.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:52 pm
by Durga
Sorry but most of the terrorists I've heard of are white men who go on shooting sprees.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:59 pm
by Fluminator
Look man. I'm not a fan of radical Islam or the establishment's method of dealing with it either. But decrying multiculturalism because of one extreme group who were literally radicalized because the west droned their home countries for countless years... doesn't really flow.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:08 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Fluminator wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:59 pm
Look man. I'm not a fan of radical Islam or the establishment's method of dealing with it either. But decrying multiculturalism because of one extreme group who were literally radicalized because the west droned their home countries for countless years... doesn't really flow.
This seems like a dodge to me, albeit a good one. I would argue that since Bangladesh (among many others) has one of the highest support levels for terrorism, and has never been bombed by the US, while a good argument on its face, begins to crumble when one looks at the details. Belgium hasn't been bombing them- neither has Denmark, or Sweden. Why would they hold attacks on them by an entirely different entity against others simply for looking somewhat similar to their aggressors? This seems to support my argument rather than yours- if they've become radicalized even before they arrive in Europe, why let them in? As an aside, I would certainly agree that the US should cease bombing anyone anywhere, and furthermore we should return virtually all of our military home, as well as ending all foreign arms sales.

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:14 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Durga wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:52 pm
Sorry but most of the terrorists I've heard of are white men who go on shooting sprees.
I've heard that one quite a bit, and indeed you are correct that white men commit the majority of mass shootings in the USA- however, this is a very simplistic measure and completely useless. If there are 100 people in a room, 90 of whom are white, and 10 of whom are naturally striped like a zebra, and 3 of the whites commit a crime and 2 of the zebras commit a crime, then although while the whites have committed more crime, they are statistically far less likely to do so. Continuing with that, when one pulls up the statistics on the race of mass shooters in the United states over the last 30 years, whites are actually slightly underrepresented compared to their current population size. They become increasingly more underrepresented when you consider that when the statistics begin, they were a far larger percentage of the population then they are currently. ... er-s-race/

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:15 pm
by New England Fire Squad
Durga wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:52 pm
Sorry but most of the terrorists I've heard of are white men who go on shooting sprees.
^Also, not that I care in the slightest since I'm just happy discussion is happening again- but I haven't actually mentioned any racial group once in a negative light, like you just did ;)

Re: Multiculturalism Ruins Nations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:28 pm
by Durga
New England Fire Squad wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:15 pm
Durga wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:52 pm
Sorry but most of the terrorists I've heard of are white men who go on shooting sprees.
^Also, not that I care in the slightest since I'm just happy discussion is happening again- but I haven't actually mentioned any racial group once in a negative light, like you just did ;)
Oh I guess Muslims just aren't peoples. My bad.