Why does USA's Security Services leak like a sieve ?

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Why does USA's Security Services leak like a sieve ?

#1 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:46 pm

Re the Donald Trump "Russian links" investigation. The New York Times ( I think ) has run a story about former Australian Foreign Minister, and currently a Diplomat based in the USA, Alexander Downer providing information to US security services ( the FBI, I think ) about the drunken boasting of a Trump campaign staffer about collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign organisation to discredit Hillary Clinton.

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Re: Why does USA's Security Services leak like a sieve ?

#2 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:08 pm

When information is provided to the security services of the USA on a confidential basis, why do those security services leak like a proverbial sieve ? Crikey, for the hundreds of millions of taxpayer's dollars the USA spends on it's security services it'd be reasonable to expect they can function professionally.
So who leaked and why ? Was the motivation a political need to discredit the investigation ?
I've just been reading Walter Isaac's book "Einstein" and the FBI come across as a bunch of stooges, absolutely incompetent, but that was when Hoover was running the FBI. Isaacson asserts that the FBI completely cocked up their investigation of Einstein..included obviously false information about Einstein's alleged links to Communist organisations, but completely missed the one, long affair he had with a genuine Russian spy.. Margarita Konenkova.. although it is claimed that Einstein whilst having an affair with Konenkova did NOT pass along any secrets, wittingly or unwittingly. The salient point is that the FBI were completely incompetent, ready to slurp up any innacurate nonsense in their "Red scare hysteria", but so hopeless that they missed the relationship with a genuine Russian spy.

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Re: Why does USA's Security Services leak like a sieve ?

#3 Post by President Eden » Mon Jan 01, 2018 6:42 am

The intelligence agencies of the United States have been deeply politicized for a long time. Figuring out who benefits from a particular leak will help you track down the real story -- these people aren't incompetent, the leaks are purposeful to damage or send a message to someone.

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