Question about rules

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Question about rules

#1 Post by VinceK65 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:45 am

Two questions about rules I can’t work out:

1) Suppose, I move with support to Port from Spain NS. Spain is empty afterwards. Can Portugal retreat to Spain SC?

2) Unit X supports Unit Y to hold. Is the hold support effective if Unit Y supports and / or Conveys Unit Z? If unit Y gets attacked, does it lose support / convey for unit Z (if Y is supported by X)?

Hope somebody with more experience can help me,

Thanks, Vincent

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Re: Question about rules

#2 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:57 am

1. No. Displaced units can only retreat to territories they would have been able to move to, without support.

2. The general answer to your second question is "yes" but you are asking multiple questions in one...
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Re: Question about rules

#3 Post by dipperjay » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:28 am

VinceK65 wrote:
Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:45 am
Two questions about rules I can’t work out:

1) Suppose, I move with support to Port from Spain NS. Spain is empty afterwards. Can Portugal retreat to Spain SC?

2) Unit X supports Unit Y to hold. Is the hold support effective if Unit Y supports and / or Conveys Unit Z? If unit Y gets attacked, does it lose support / convey for unit Z (if Y is supported by X)?

Hope somebody with more experience can help me,

Thanks, Vincent
1. To elaborate on Jamie’s response, no, a unit cannot retreat to the territory that the attacking (and dislodging) unit comes from. This is regardless of coast designations, for retreats it is considered one territory. Somewhat relatedly, a ‘coastal crawl’ is also prohibited, e.g. F Spa/nc - Por and F Por - Spa/sc is not allowed. You can exchange positions in coastal provinces, however, by using a convoy. For example, F Bel - Hol, A Hol - Bel via convoy, F Nth C A Hol - Bel is a legal move.

2. A convoy is not disrupted by an attack so long as the convoying fleet(s) are not dislodged. For the purpose of support orders, a convoying fleet is considered to hold, so supporting a convoying fleet by another fleet in an adjacent territory does indeed protect against a supported attack. Please mind, of course, that a fleet cannot support and convoy at the same time. There is a very special rule for the situation in which a convoying fleet is displaced by the unit that the convoyed army was attacking (the convoy paradox,) but that’s a whole story in itself.

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Re: Question about rules

#4 Post by JECE » Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:56 am

VinceK65 wrote:
Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:45 am
2) Unit X supports Unit Y to hold. Is the hold support effective if Unit Y supports and / or Conveys Unit Z? If unit Y gets attacked, does it lose support / convey for unit Z (if Y is supported by X)?
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:57 am
2. The general answer to your second question is "yes" but you are asking multiple questions in one...
The answer to the second part of your question is partly a no.

If unit Y was supporting unit Z and unit Y gets attacked, then yes, unit Z loses its support.

If unit Y was convoying unit Z and unit Y gets attacked and dislodged, then yes, the convoy gets disrupted.

If unit Y was convoying unit Z and unit Y gets attacked, but not does not get dislodged, then no, the convoy is not disrupted.

In other words, tapping a unit ordering a support cuts that support. However, tapping a unit ordering a convoy does not disrupt that convoy, unless it's a supported attack and the unit ordered to convoy gets dislodged by this supported attack. (As dipperjay points out, things can get a little complicated if the unit ordered to convoy gets attacked with support in a certain way.)

Do you know where to find a copy of the rulebook?
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Re: Question about rules

#5 Post by kestasjk » Sun Dec 11, 2022 8:31 am

If you want to see a bunch of tricky examples and how they get adjudicated check out

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Re: Question about rules

#6 Post by VinceK65 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 10:18 am

Thanks all.

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