What would happen? (defending sea lion, multiple bounces)

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What would happen? (defending sea lion, multiple bounces)

#1 Post by morglum » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:51 pm

What will happen?

I am England and they all admitted they are going to sea-lion me (http://webdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameI ... #gamePanel).

I have fleet in London, North Sea and Norway and I would like to buy time.

France has F Brest and F Belgium
Germany has F Kiel and F Denmark
Russia has F Swerden and A St Petersburg.

I expect to see the following happen:
F Swe -> Norway, supported by St Petersburg
F Brest -> ENG
F Belgium -> North Sea supported by Germany's F Denmark.

I am going to need to give up Norway, but would like to create as many bounces as possible. What would the following moves result in?

F North Sea -> Eng (bouncing off the french fleet from best)
F Norway -> North sea, supported by F London ( I cant dislodge my own fleet, but my own fleet should be disloged by the French/German fleet after having bounced in Best)

Here is what I would like to hear:
F North Sea bounces off F Brest, keeping the english channel clear. It is then dislodged by the german, so it retreatts somewhere (norwegian sea?). the german are then bounced off by my norway move supported by london.
my norway fleet then has to retreat, because it is dislodged by the russians.. maybe to skaggerrack ?

That would keep both ENG and North sea clean, while giving up Norway and any interest from the russian.

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Re: What would happen? (defending sea lion, multiple bounces)

#2 Post by thamrick » Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:03 pm

You shouldn't discuss ongoing games.

However, if you want to sandbox potential outcomes, http://www.backstabbr.com is a great tool for trying different scenarios.

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Re: What would happen? (defending sea lion, multiple bounces)

#3 Post by dargorygel » Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:08 pm

Aye... locking this topic... please do not discuss present games. Thanks.

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Re: What would happen? (defending sea lion, multiple bounces)

#4 Post by ghug » Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:37 pm

It's actually fine to discuss full press games on the forum, so I'm unlocking this.

That said, it's certainly unwise, as anyone else in your game could read your forum post and gain an advantage. If you want to discuss a specific scenario, it's best to try to find a similar one or phrase it generally to avoid revealing that. If this weren't a full press game, it would be against the rules, so also be mindful of that.

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Re: What would happen? (defending sea lion, multiple bounces)

#5 Post by morglum » Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:56 pm

Turn is over. I guessed wrong, but Italy sure eased the pill.

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