MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#481 Post by Chaqa » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:21 pm

DeathLlama8 wrote:
Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:16 pm
##vote kak but I don't think we should hammer this as I can see VT kak fakeclaiming here

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#482 Post by Chaqa » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:21 pm

Like come on guys lol

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#483 Post by DeathLlama8 » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:27 pm

it's kak though. he's still probably scum but VT kak will claim anything lmao

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#484 Post by Chaqa » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:33 pm

This is why we joke how bad webdip towns are lol

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#485 Post by DeathLlama8 » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:41 pm

We can definitely hammer by tomorrow night if the situation doesn't change but it's not like maniac is awake rn anyways

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#486 Post by Maniac » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:52 am

I’m awake.

I’m not hammering yet, but only out of an abundance of caution.

@chaqa is there a possibility that scum!Deathllama held their kill? Possibly thinking 3 v 1 is better than 2 v 1. Possibly thinking doc would out themselves and who they are protected last night. Scum!Deathllama could’ve lucked out here by opting to hold kill and then have you save him so he can claim to have received the save message. I know this is all unlikely and the obvious vote is Kak, but just wanted to ensure we are covering every angle.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#487 Post by Kakarroto » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:37 am

Please consider DL's timing in confirming only after the question about the information was answered by our GM.

Since you all don't seem to even consider answering any questions I had for you, I at least implore you to wait that Jamie answers the following:

##askGM or ##callGM as we had the day before today a 'no kill'-vote, in case Mafia had chosen a 'no kill'-night, we would not be allowed to vote 'no kill' today, correct? Since there should be a ruling that the party that first decided to 'no kill' has to move on with the case if the other faction also did a 'no kill' thing the following phase, right? Please also point out if my next vote (like the time during this game when Chaqa voted for Bona who doesn't partake in this game) is invalid(due to reasons stated above).

##vote nokill

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#488 Post by Maniac » Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:54 pm

@kak - whilst I can completely understand why you’ve asked that question, in the context of this game it’s a bit like asking the GM who the last mafia is. I’m not surprised that it hasn’t been answered yet.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#489 Post by Chaqa » Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:55 pm

I’m not engaging this game any further.

Vote Kak out. and win

Leave the rest up to my bros Animaniac and Carl the Murder Llama

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#490 Post by DeathLlama8 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:30 pm

yeah realistically we're only ever killing kak today


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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#491 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:32 pm


If four successive phases have a "No Kill" outcome, the game will end in a draw.
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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#492 Post by Kakarroto » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:36 pm

I assume that GM note is all the answer I would get for my question? I've at least expected to get a "we will not answer this due to XYZ". But it seems it might've sparked a difficult discussion in the god thread or with the council. Maybe that gm note is an offering of an oil branch.

I'm now to 99% sure the remaining mafia is DL. If I'm wrong and it's maniac everything is lost for town anyway. Though I doubt that scenario since maniac could've just end voted here and there.

I have heavily considered to burst out and let Jamie modkill me, since I'm just so frustrated that this fool of a doctor is so stubborn and can't see what I've tried to do with my EoN post. But at the end of the day I question if even my flip would make him see reason.

So the only chance I see for town to not have that fool of a doc decide the 50/50 coinflip tonight with the save is to ask, no, to beg you,

@maniac please consider to vote along side me to tie this phase. It will be still 3 town and one mafia so we can't lose the game there. The expected target would be DL, so since he can't be it, that might, might shake Chaqa awake. If it's me, I'm sure you could convince Chaqa. If it's you, well, I guess that would still be a game over, though who knows if Chaqa comes around. If the target is Chaqa, we could get DL tomorrow. Disadvantage is however, if I understood it correctly, mafia could just not kill again and draw the game. I guess the game ends too if there's a save.

That is, if you believe I'm town with you. If you can't trust me on this, I wish you good luck, I can't do more without breaking the rules. I'm curious why exactly my question wasn't answered since I'm now pretty sure it would uncover DL's lie, but I guess that has to wait for after the game.

##vote DL

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#493 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:39 pm

Kakarroto wrote:
Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:36 pm
I assume that GM note is all the answer I would get for my question? I've at least expected to get a "we will not answer this due to XYZ". But it seems it might've sparked a difficult discussion in the god thread or with the council. Maybe that gm note is an offering of an oil branch.
I have answered your question.
Tio estas mia terpomo. Estas multaj kiel ĝi, sed tiu ĉi estas mia. Mia terpomo estas mia plej bona amiko. Ĝi estas mia vivo. Mi devas majstri ĝin kiel mi devas majstri mian vivon. Sen mi, mia terpomo estas senvalora. Sen mia terpomo, mi estas senvalora.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#494 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:40 pm


To clarify the last part of Kak's question, voting No-Kill is allowed, if you want to. I have explained what will happen if there are successive no-kills (in successive night and day phases, in any sequence).
Tio estas mia terpomo. Estas multaj kiel ĝi, sed tiu ĉi estas mia. Mia terpomo estas mia plej bona amiko. Ĝi estas mia vivo. Mi devas majstri ĝin kiel mi devas majstri mian vivon. Sen mi, mia terpomo estas senvalora. Sen mia terpomo, mi estas senvalora.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#495 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:42 pm


Kakarroto (3) - Chaqa(End), Maniac, DeathLlama8(End)
DeathLlama8 (1) - Kakarroto

KAK is set to be removed from play.

28 hours and 20 minutes are left.
Tio estas mia terpomo. Estas multaj kiel ĝi, sed tiu ĉi estas mia. Mia terpomo estas mia plej bona amiko. Ĝi estas mia vivo. Mi devas majstri ĝin kiel mi devas majstri mian vivon. Sen mi, mia terpomo estas senvalora. Sen mia terpomo, mi estas senvalora.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#496 Post by Maniac » Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:06 pm


If we haven’t won then we’ll played scumbo

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#497 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:14 pm

Tio estas mia terpomo. Estas multaj kiel ĝi, sed tiu ĉi estas mia. Mia terpomo estas mia plej bona amiko. Ĝi estas mia vivo. Mi devas majstri ĝin kiel mi devas majstri mian vivon. Sen mi, mia terpomo estas senvalora. Sen mia terpomo, mi estas senvalora.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#498 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:22 pm


Kakarroto (3) - Chaqa*, Maniac*, DeathLlama8*
DeathLlama8 (1) - Kakarroto


A strange young man kept appearing and disappearing around the streets of Little Genua. The people became increasingly bothered by his strange utterances and claims of authority.

The other day it had been "I'm a Lance-Constable in the city watch, listen to me!"

Today he was dressed up in some bizarre parody of a surgeon's outfit. "I'm a doctor, I have important lives to save, let me through!"

A broad-shouldered citizen stopped him.

"You're a fraud, mister. What are you really planning to do with all those scalpels, eh?"

Kakarroto has died. He was K. Karotte, the Vanilla Town!

Tio estas mia terpomo. Estas multaj kiel ĝi, sed tiu ĉi estas mia. Mia terpomo estas mia plej bona amiko. Ĝi estas mia vivo. Mi devas majstri ĝin kiel mi devas majstri mian vivon. Sen mi, mia terpomo estas senvalora. Sen mia terpomo, mi estas senvalora.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#499 Post by Chaqa » Sat Jun 25, 2022 8:22 pm

What the fuck

Kak I’m never playing with you again

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