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Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:17 am
by DemonRHK
Greetings person reading! Welcome to a thread to gauge interest for a board game, played via the forum!

For my first experiment, I will be trying to find up to 8 lab ra-...people interested in playing a well known board game: Risk!

Now I can hear the groans already:

"Risk? On a Diplomacy forum? That's like asking Magic players to play Go Fish."

And how right you are! That's why I'm planning on spicing up the rules a bit.

1) Same-Time Risk Variant
- Originally created for the Risk II computer game by Atari released in 2000.
- All reinforcements and combat happens at the same time, preserving the diplomatic play and hidden movement aspects we all love from our common game, but with dice based RNG, because screw your well laid plans!
- Additional rules for multiple players attacking together, attacking from multiple points, ect.

2) Giant Risk - Board Variant
- Straight from BGG, it's Giant Risk! What the hell is Giant Risk? I'm glad you asked.

Normal Risk has a board featuring 42 regions. Keeps dad and granddad fighting until the turkey kicks in.

Same-Time Risk uses a board with 48 regions, because screw the Aussie turtle strategy.

Giant Risk, however, has a board with 231 regions.
Two. Hundred. Thirty. One.
And you thought entering orders in live World Dip IX was nuts.


Oh, you're still reading? Damn.

So here are the documents in question if this has gotten a wiggle in your respective reproductive organs:

The Giant Risk Map

The Rules for Same Time Risk
(Modified for a tabletop, but everything would be processed by me)

-The important stuff-
Territory assignment: Either random or drafted (fantasy style, so down the up in reverse)
Initial Reinforcement: Up for discussion. Current thinking is done simultaneously in waves of so many units.
Trade Ins: Set Value due to everyone turning in at the same time.
Restricted Reinforcement: Max 1+# of bordering territories. No, you're not putting 50 armies in Alaska. Stop asking.

All orders would be submitted to me, and I will resolve the battles using individual rolls in a custom make VASSAL engine to handle mapping of the armies, as well as having the custom dice programmed into it. Phases would be given extended lengths in real time (numbers negotiable, I'm going into this as blind as everyone else would be)

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask!

If interested, reply here and we will get a list started. If for some unholy reason we get enough for multiple games...I'll run both and hate myself later ^_^

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:30 pm
by ubercacher16
Looks awesome. How long will phases be?

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:20 pm
by DemonRHK
I am thinking 48 hours per phase (Reinforcement, Attack, Fortify) including processing time, so roughly 42-46 hours per (Depending how long it takes me to sim the combat for 8 players over a few hundred conflicts), but it's open to be discussed and modified (Like 72 for attacks instead)

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:46 am
by ubercacher16

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:41 am
by RagingIke297
I'd be interested in playing!

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:33 pm
by RagingIke297
Bumpity Bump, I've always wanted to play risk with more territories. Risk 2 was cool and it only added 6 provinces, this adds like 180+

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:43 pm
by DemonRHK
1. RagingIke297


- Territory Claiming will be random assignment
- Reinforcement Phase: 24 hours, including processing.
- Combat Phase: 48 Hours, including processing.
- Processing of combat: 24 hours.
- Fortify Phase: 24 Hours.

This means we're looking at roughly a turn a week.

I will post combat results, and an updated map every phase.

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:33 am
by Ezio
When you say the max reinforcements is the number of neighboring territories+1, is that the maximum number of units you can have there period, or simply the max you can place there in a single turn?

Re: Interest Thread - PBF Modified Risk

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:48 am
by DemonRHK
Ezio wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:33 am
When you say the max reinforcements is the number of neighboring territories+1, is that the maximum number of units you can have there period, or simply the max you can place there in a single turn?
Single turn, sorry!