Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

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Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#1 Post by brainbomb » Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:04 pm

(GM's: :zultar: brainbomb, :zultar: Tom Bombadil)

(At the world congress, a handful of lesser nations are seated around a mostly silent senate hall.)

Enrico: Greetings Leaders, I am Enrico Dondalo of Venice. I stand before you today an old fool. I am a fool because I did not see beyond my mistakes 1400 years ago. I have called this congress today to review the events of our world since its beginning. Many of the great empires of old are gone. Many more will fall if we fail to understand our history.

(crowd murmurs)
(one man asks why are we still alive?)

Enrico: I will start from the beginning, in times when I was an insightful and cunning Doge.
I believe if we can mend our differences here today we can forge a covenant. One which may bring the republic back to the forefront of world affairs.
I look to all of you to put aside wars and bickering. I challenge you all to establish your nations anew through careful trade, and to put an end to always conquering your neighbors.
I ask you leaders, Can you all think back to our beginnings? when our only goal was to build a civilization that will stand the test of time?

*(The delegation enters from China)*

Enrico Dondalo: China! Oh thank goodness that a nation of such high esteem has joi-

Qin She Huang: ENOUGH! China has heard enough. We will build a wall!

Enrico Dondalo: Again? Why do you need another wall guys?

Qin She Huang: We plan to build a wall… And Mongolia will pay for it this time.

Enrico Dondalo:
So you need two great walls to keep out Mongolia?

Qin She Huang: You can never have too many walls.

(bursting into the room, are Carthaginian soldiers and Dido, Queen of Carthage)

Enrico Dondalo: Dido?

Qin She Huang:
(Kneels) Dido .. madam, to gaze upon you-

Dido: I will go down with this ship

Enrico Dondalo: What?

Dido: I will put my hands up
and surrender
there will be no white flag above my door
Im in love..
and always will be.

Enrico Dondalo: Well thats good. Love is good and I am… glad?

(Bursting into the room are Russian Cossacks Led by Catherine the Great)

Catherine: Stand down my mighty Cossacks. If China gets a wall…
We want a wall too!

Enrico Dondalo: (buries head in hands) Who do you want a wall around?

Catherine: (dismounts and winks at her horse) Oh wilbur, you devil. Enrico, do not be a fool. I want walls around all of our enemies. From all history.

Enrico Dondalo: So you want a wall around basically the entire world. Europe, America, all of it.

Catherine: Do not insult us. (eats an apple and sits at the forum pro consuls chair).

Enrico Dondalo: Please get out of my chair.

Dido: Will there be tea?

Enrico Dondalo: No. all of you sit down. (grabs Catherine by the arm and cossacks point rifles at him).

Enrico: Okay okay… sit in my chair. Why the hell are you still using cossacks? Jesus Christ.

Dido: My tea’s gone cold i'm wondering why I
got out of bed at all
the morning rain clouds out my window
but I can't see at all

Enrico Dondalo: No. no more. enough. you aren't even a world leader. And Russia, NO. You dont get a wall!

Catherine: America gets walls, China gets walls. What does Russia get? Huh? Russia wants things too!

Enrico: This isn't the point of our gathering. We aren't here to get things! we're here to work out our differences and build alliances and make the world better.

(Robed figures enter the room dragging a bloody body)

Enrico Dondalo: Oh shit… Who the hell is that?

(Removing his cloak, is Russel Crowe)

Russel Crowe: These are men loyal to me and the Army in the North. My name is Maximum Decimal Point Meridium.

Enrico Donaldo:
That is definetely not a real name. Who is this body?

Russel Crowe: Sean Bean wasnt available and this thing needed star power.

Enrico Dondalo: Are you planning on fighting this whole room?

Russel Crowe: I found this body in the shitter. He was from Macedonia. This was Alexander the Great. Show some respect… in this life or the next.

Enrico Dondalo: You really don't even remember your lines from Gladiator. You didn't even get the name right. You're supposed to be the delegate from Rome?

(Alexander writes and spits blood)

Catherine: (petting her horse) He’s alive. Help him!

Alexander: Im dying.

Enrico: Yea. We can see that.

Alexander: It was America. America did this to me.

Enrico: Were you harboring weapons of mass destruction?

Alexander: (coughs) No

Enrico: Were you harboring terrorists?

Alexander: No

Enrico: Were you doing anything that would cause this?

Alexander: We invaded Persia and stole all their resources.

Enrico: Oh yea. Those are America's resources.

Alexander: Why


Enrico: Moving on, lets talk about rising sea levels and how we can fix our problems.

(Delegates of world congress begin screaming)
(Catherine pulls a lighter out)

Catherine: We are all going to die in here! We of course must find America and their cronies before its too late.

Enrico: Are you… openly colluding?

Catherine: Of course not. Cossacks! Ride to Moscow! Ride hard and get me my bulletproof vest! I've got some Mericans to catch!!


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game (for the town majority) is to kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. The town must also kill the barbarian horde.


0. The GM reserves the right to adjudicate individual scenarios that arise during the course of the game at his discretion.
1. All players must vote at least once per game day, and post at least twice per game day.
2. All players are forbidden from posting screenshots of their role PMs.
3. All players are forbidden from using encryption or weird shit.
4. All players are forbidden from using non-sanctioned PMing, or copied mechanics. You cant copy paste your role or any part of it. you can paraphrase.
5. All spectators and players who have been eliminated are forbidden from posting on all comment threads related to the game notes.
6. All players are forbidden from cheating.
7. All players are required to play to win.
8. Players and/or teams may not concede the game in public.
9. All players ARE HAPPILY ENCOURAGED TO +1 react other players' posts (give karma)


0. Given a lack of omniscience, the GM cannot create a rule to resolve all possible scenarios pre-emptively. To compensate for this, the GM is permitted to resolve a given scenario however they see fit, within the remit of the rules listed above, in the interest of all participants. The GM will resolve all scenarios as closely as possible to the intention of the rules, and will present an explanation regarding the adjudication to the greatest possible detail (which does not compromise anything in-game) and as closely in accordance with the written rules as possible.

1. You MUST cast a vote at least once during each day phase. You may vote and then 'unvote' (see below) if you change your mind as the Day progresses, however you may not end the phase with an 'unvote' in place. Anyone violating this rule will be modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances. Ending the day with a vote on “No Lynch” is permitted. During each day phase, every player MUST make at least two game-related posts. The GMs will use reasonable discretion when applying this rule.

2. All role PMs have been posted in the setup information. The point of this rule is to forbid "gaming" the role PMs to determine alignments; after all, the fun of this game is reading people, not outguessing the GM.

3. Encryption is defined as posting an encoded message on public channels that an average person would require outside software or other tools to decode. It is perfectly acceptable to leave "hidden messages" in your posts (for example, spelling out "I AM THE COP" with the first letters of every sentence), but as a rule of thumb, if you don't think the average user could decode it without a decryption service, don't post it.

4. All in-game communications should be kept within the thread. Only GM endorsed QuickTopic or Discord threads can be used for communicating with one another outside of the main game thread; aside from this, there should be no other forms of private messaging between players. You may PM the GM with questions or instructions.

5. Players who have been removed from the game are no longer playing the game, and will not be permitted to comment on it in private messages or comment threads. A special QuickTopic "God Thread" will be opened for individuals who wish to spectate on the game, or players who have been eliminated. Use this channel to discuss the game while it is still ongoing.

6. This is a catch-all rule intended to preserve the spirit of the game. If you are considering saying or doing something that may be against the spirit of the game, message the GM about it before saying/doing it and the GM will let you know whether it is allowed or not.

To clarify further: Players may not copy and paste any game related Mechanics. Players may not doctor, and create fake game related mechanics. Players may not share personal correspondence between GM to player under any circumstances. The GM will not confirm any claims, or adjudicate based upon anything that could easily be sorted out through questioning and evidentiary circumstance.

7. This rule simply means that your actions should in some conceivable way advance your win condition as stated in your role PM. This rule is somewhat subjective, because the difference between a mistake and sabotage is sometimes hard to determine; the GM will exercise caution and restraint in observing this rule. This also means that if you need to leave the game for any reason, you should not simply drop out, but should message me first so I can determine the best course of action.

8. If someone wishes to concede defeat, they must PM the GM, or post in their relevant QT thread for the GM to check it over. Public concessions are not permitted.

9. You are permitted at all times other than death to click the "+1" on any other player's in-game posts. Giving +1s to the GM, by contrast, is also encouraged.


The penalty for breaking one of the above rules is decided at the GM’s discretion, up to and including immediate removal from the game and/or sanctions from future games. Removal and/or sanction are instruments of last resort and will be used only if absolutely necessary. Sanctions such as future bans will be determined by the consensus of the active player base after the game has concluded. A player removed from the game may or may not have their role revealed on removal, depending on the circumstances surrounding their removal.


Spamming (defined as excessive content-free posting; or, excessive posting regarding subjects irrelevant to the game) is not mod-killed by rule in this game. The in-game voting mechanic exists to curb any advantage that spamming as a tactic may confer; please reference the “VOTING” section below for more information. Suffice to say that spamming is not worth anyone’s time in this setup, and will be frowned upon, so while you may not be lynched or mod-killed for spamming, please refrain from doing so.

Players that have other participants on their mute list are asked to remove them for the duration of this game. Disputes stemming from outside of this game should not carry over into the gameplay. If they do, the GM reserves the right to address these issues and potentially remove or sanction players if it becomes a disruption.

If a player is silenced on the forum by the site moderators/admins, an alternate will take their place for the duration of their silence. The silenced player will then have the option to take their position back over or leave it in the hands of the alternate. As long as the silence does not stem from actions involving the mafia thread, there will be no in-game sanctions for a forum silence.

A player wishing to drop out may be replaced at the GM's discretion. Individuals wishing to serve as potential replacements must NOT join the out-of-game God QT. Replacement is not guaranteed.

If you have any actions to take, please PM your action the GM on webdip or discord. Night actions will be processed at the end of the night and can be changed up to that point. Mafia's nightkill and roleblock will be voted on in the mafia QuickTopic thread.


There are three types of voting within this game: collective voting to execute perceived Mafia in Day phases, collective voting to end a Day or Night phase, and Mafia voting to kill town members in Night phases.

“Lynch” vote: The first level of voting is for whom you intend to kill. Notate this vote with a pair of hash symbols before your intended vote target. (e.g., ##VOTE VECNA) You do not need to spell out your intended target's username fully; as long as the GM can understand who you're referencing. In the event of a tie during an execution vote, no one shall be killed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double hashtags your vote will not be counted, for reasons of fairness but also because it is unlikely the GM will see your vote using the CTRL+F feature and this rule thus prevents vote miscounts.

Must Vote: At the end of the Day phase, all participating players must have their vote on a candidate. You may ##VOTE and then ##UNVOTE if you change your mind as the Day progresses, however you may not end the phase with an ##UNVOTE in place. Anyone violating this rule will be modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances. Ending the day with a vote on “No Lynch” is permitted.

Hammer Vote: The second level of voting is whether or not to employ the hammer mechanic. By default, days are set to 48 hours long, and nights to 24 hours long; however, players may instead elect to activate the hammer mechanic. Notate this vote with a pair of hashes before the word end. (EX: ##END). The day will end as soon as a majority of players are voting to endhammer the same player. If you are not able to vote before the hammer is dropped, you will not be penalized for failing to vote during that day. Night phases may not normally be hammered - any exception to this will be announced by the GM.

Mafia Vote: The third level of voting refers to Mafia members choosing their factional NK (nightkill) target during Night phases. The mafia members will use their separate QuickTopic thread to discuss this. Please make your votes in bold, like so: kill Zultar (< b > kill Zultar < / b >). Mafia NK will be decided by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the oldest vote will break the tie. The oldest vote determines which member of the Mafia team actually performs the kill.

Master Role PM list ... p=drivesdk


Player List

1. doubtingthomas
2. Nephthys
3. Squigs44
4. ND
5. xorxes
6. worcej
7. DrCJG
8. Jamiet99uk
9. damo666
10. bozotheclown
11. Ghug
12. rdrivera2005
13. Ezio
14. Vecna
15. DemonRHK
16. Foxcastle
17. RagingIke297
18. dargorygel
19. lord quas
20. crimsonfox

:!: :!: Please do not post until game starts :!: :!:

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#2 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:00 pm

(In the dark senate hall)
Enrico: Were doomed, we will never stop America now.

Catherine: Russia does not believe in giving up.

Cleopatra: I have an idea.

Enrico: Oh?

Cleopatra: I will project my consciousness back to the past to the moment I died so I can destroy America before they ever existed. (Shooting up heroin)

Enrico Dondalo: How would you send yourself back to the past if you're dead?

Cleopatra: It's really complex. You'd have to watch Harry Potter 3 where he goes back in time and saves his own life. its kinda like that.

Enrico Dondalo: Doesn't seem like real science but I don't know science. Consciousness Transfer sounds very phony baloney. Ridiculous. I have people to do science for me in Venice. Were doing some incredible things over in Venice. really great stuff. Rats are even getting good jobs in Venice thanks to me. I made tons of water parks in Venice. Really great stuff.

Cleopatra: Yep, well whatever. Here help tie me off. It helps slow my visions.

Enrico Dondalo: America is huge. They gotta be hiding around here somewhere. You gotta have a big place to hide something as bigly as America.

Cleopatra: Bigly?

Enrico Dondalo
: Excuse me, large; of course.
Everyone grab weapons and search the area. Cleo is going back in time, if she fails its up to us. Let's start killing people randomly, with little questioning or solid reasoning until America and their evil buddies show up somewhere...

-*-*-*-Dream sequence*-*-*-

(Thousands of years earlier in Thebes…)
(Cleopatra gasps as she lays on a queen sized bed, about to allow a snake to bite her neck. Her eyes suddenly gloss over and she jumps up tossing the snake across the room )

Cleopatra: Not today assholes, not today. ADVISORS GET IN HERE!!

Narrator: From the first stirrings of life beneath water. to the great beasts of the stone age.

Cleopatra: Can I skip this? Siri, skip Russel Crowe intro. Alexa skip intro!

Narrator: To man taking his first steps. You have come far. Now begins your great quest:

Cleopatra: To converting Egypt into a battle ready army of social justice warriors bae, we got a big fat oompa loompa to stop.

Narrator: Cleopatra, of Egypt; there will be those who underestimate you, but you are cunning and full of tricks.

Cleopatra: Okay. you can live. but shut it.

(The Military, Economic, Cultural and Religious advisors enter)

Cleopatra: Guys I uh, didn't kill myself. So I got some ideas, I think we should sci rush Artillery here. The yoyoyozo strategy is a decent one - get artillery 1300 years before gunpowder was even supposed to exist, blast invaders like little bugs - Deity status bitches. Once I get artillery I can go AFAB on some ARAB warlords and ez coast to a science victory!

Cultural Advisor: They will never know how to handle you m’lady.

Cleopatra: I'm getting tired of telling people where to go and what to do. Can I just automate all you lil people? Plus I don't really care what Sumeria, Nubia, and Carthage do. I hate micromanaging cities. Run my kingdom for me. Someone, please.

Military Advisor: Lady Cleopatra, we do have a pressing matter. barbarians have stolen our worker again.

Cleopatra: These barbarians must be dealt with. Do we have tanks yet? Please tell me we rushed tanks.

Military Advisor: A few more turns madam. It is only 30 BC

Cleopatra: Let them have the worker. They will be crushed under our Egyptian Panzer divisions soon.

Cultural Advisor: I must object lady Cleopatra, we have no schools, children run naked in the streets, and some man keeps trying to steal the pyramids, and it's still unclear if there is no god or twenty seven gods.

Cleopatra: How do you steal the.. Nevermind I suppose you're right. we should build something nice and cultural for the people. Let's make a wonder! We shall build the glorious Petra!!

Cultural Advisor: Yes, the slaves will be so happy to have new work. We should get our worker back so we can build it faster. I am okay with making a spearman too. lets crush evil barbarian savages.

Military Advisor: Spearmen, perfect, yea. As for aid, I will send word to our neighbors Arabia, Sumeria, Persia, Nubia, Greece, whatever else is in Africa that applies, and of course our allies in China.

Cleopatra: How long will all this take…(bites nails)

Economic Advisor: Sigh, probably a long fucking time. and were broke as shit.

Cleopatra: RAISE TAXES

Economic Advisor: The masses will revolt.

Cleopatra: LOWER TAXES!

Economic Advisor: Then we can't afford a wonder. And we have to disband our army.

Cleopatra: Lets denounce someone, that always works for us.

! *Egypt has denounced the Iriquois* !

Cleopatra: There. Now don't we all feel better? That will teach those fools. how long will it take for them to learn we despise them?

Cultural Advisor: About 2900 years.

Cleopatra: Excellent. yes. Now let us build Petra with all the money we made.

Economic Advisor: Alrighty, I get the idea we need money. So I just sold 17 granaries and a barracks. we can build Petra now..

(Egyptian archers enter with a body, Military Advisor rushes to the person's side)

Military Advisor: Who did this to you? Can you hear me? Speak quickly!!

(the injured person is revealed to be Genghis Khan)

Genghis Khan: History will never know my name. I have been defeated. I will never get to play fetch with Lil Khan, and will never get to take Susie Khan down the aisle. I'll never get to watch wrath of khan and compare my attire to his.

Cleopatra: Who did this to you, oh mighty horse lord!!!

Khan: It was the Orange man. the Orange man sent drone strikes at my keshiks. He has weapons, from the future. he is some kind of time traveler psycho. Or its cheat codes. He used rocket artillery and stealth bombers to level our fortress.

Cleopatra: No, it is America. they aren't supposed to exist yet!!

Military Advisor: How do you know?

Cleopatra: Know what?

Military Advisor: How do you know America exists or isn't supposed to exist at all?

Cleopatra: They don't call me miss cleo for nothin.

Cultural Advisor: No one calls you that actually.

Religious Advisor: Well doesn't anyone want my opinion. Like, hello??? I spoke to God. And he's pretty perturbed fam.

Cleopatra: Wait! what do the Gods think we should do?

Religious Advisor: They think we should stop building wonders because, really? wonders? Guys come on, we have the Pyramids, the Lighthouse, and the Great Library. Were solid. Those aren't going anywhere. We should stop chasing barbarians, and stop denouncing people. We gotta stop doing dumb shit and save the game once in a while so if we do fuck up we can just reload.

Cleopatra: This is life!! don't you get it? There is no reload button. All you have is the time that is given to you, okay? Unfortunately I don't know how to govern without making passionate yet bad decisions! So tell me what to do.

Religious Advisor: I purort that we find America, their evil allies, and their little dog too,
then we destroy them all.

Cleopatra: Yes, let us go to war. I am so excited to meet the America doggo though. Am I right? Now I feel bad and don't wanna be mean to the Merica Doggie.

Cultural Advisor: Its Pitbull.

Cleopatra: Oh, okay yea im fine destroying America.

**Egypt has declared war on America**
**China has declared war on America**

Day 1 has begun you may now post

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#3 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm

Good evening, Fellow Townies! What a cultural festival this game is set to be!

Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I've been playing this game for quite a long time now, and if there's one kernel of wisdom I've learned, is that it's no good losing your cool. I've been known as a drama-kween but these days I'm calmer and happier. With so many roles and powers at play this game will be interesting (and a bit of a minefield for some!) but let this episode of webDip mafia be known universally as "the Friendly Game" because of its emphasis on goodwill and mutual respect.

I have been looking forward to this game and I have studied the various roles in detail. I am afraid that having done this, I have many, many questions.

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#4 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm


1. When India turns into a nuclear Suicide Bomber, do they change their alignment to SK, or do they remain Town?

2. Does Ethiopia's cursed posting limit include votes in the count, or not? That is, if Ethiopia has reached 25 posts in a phase, does that then prevent them changing their vote?

3. You have posted the link to the Mason QT in the Role PM document on Google Docs. I assume you will create a new Mason QT at a different location?

4. Does Persia's deathproof include protection against being lynched?

5. Is Korea a Framer or a RoleCop? The Google document still refers to both.

6. If Korea is a Framer, does this mean they are automatically mafia? Or can there be a town framer?

7. Does the Medium get to enter into an extended chat with the dead person they select, or is it a single message?

8. Since there is a medium in the game, can you confirm that dead players will NOT be given access to the God QT?

9. Is the Power Thief a Mafia role? Or can they be town?

10. If the Power Thief steals an ability which is only active in certain eras, does that limitation continue to apply to the Power Thief's ability to use the stolen power?

11. Will +1s given by people who aren't playing in the game be counted, or not?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#5 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:12 pm

Re-phrase the India question.... what I mean is, when they become suicidal does (a) their alignment, and/or (b) their victory condition, change?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#6 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:15 pm

15 minutes in and I'm the only poster. Where is everyone?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#7 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:23 pm


He is logged in and looking at the forum. Stop lurking and come in here, Squiggulator.

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#8 Post by bozotheclown » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm

Are there any rules for this game other than the role PM list?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#9 Post by Squigs44 » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm
Good evening, Fellow Townies! What a cultural festival this game is set to be!

Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I've been playing this game for quite a long time now, and if there's one kernel of wisdom I've learned, is that it's no good losing your cool. I've been known as a drama-kween but these days I'm calmer and happier. With so many roles and powers at play this game will be interesting (and a bit of a minefield for some!) but let this episode of webDip mafia be known universally as "the Friendly Game" because of its emphasis on goodwill and mutual respect.

I have been looking forward to this game and I have studied the various roles in detail. I am afraid that having done this, I have many, many questions.
Lol coming from Jamie. Love to see you keep your cool the whole game.

There are too many roles to keep track of. Basic mechanics piece to be aware of though is that +1s give power. Don't +1 lightly.

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#10 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm

bozotheclown wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm
Are there any rules for this game other than the role PM list?
The rules are posted in Brainbomb's first post.

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#11 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm

1. When India turns into a nuclear Suicide Bomber, do they change their alignment to SK, or do they remain Town?

GM: India is like any other non guaranteed civ to be either alignment. but not sk.

2. Does Ethiopia's cursed posting limit include votes in the count, or not? That is, if Ethiopia has reached 25 posts in a phase, does that then prevent them changing their vote?

GM: Ethiopia may still vote if their limit hits. they may not post content accompanying votes in that situation.

3. You have posted the link to the Mason QT in the Role PM document on Google Docs. I assume you will create a new Mason QT at a different location?

GM: Correct

4. Does Persia's deathproof include protection against being lynched?

GM: Yes, however that player may still acquire votes and be lynched. they simply wont die if lynched.

5. Is Korea a Framer or a RoleCop? The Google document still refers to both.

GM: Korea can be either a town inno child or a mafia framer. the new doc is updated to reflect this change.

6. If Korea is a Framer, does this mean they are automatically mafia? Or can there be a town framer?

GM: If Korea is a Framer, they are guaranteed to be mafia

7. Does the Medium get to enter into an extended chat with the dead person they select, or is it a single message?

GM: Extended chat for 1 night with a dead person.

8. Since there is a medium in the game, can you confirm that dead players will NOT be given access to the God QT?

GM: Dead players will not be given any spoilers or GOD QT access. there is not a guarantee there is a medium in this game. the only guaranteed roles are Barbarians, Masons, America Mafia Joat and England Role Cop.

9. Is the Power Thief a Mafia role? Or can they be town?

GM: Any alignment

10. If the Power Thief steals an ability which is only active in certain eras, does that limitation continue to apply to the Power Thief's ability to use the stolen power?

GM: Power thief must steal a power during the era their target has powers in the first place. Any powers stolen remain with that thief from then onward.

11. Will +1s given by people who aren't playing in the game be counted, or not?

GM: No. also do not revoke +1's. A +1 tally will be taken end of each Era by Tom Bombadil our Karma Accountant.

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#12 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm

Squigs44 wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm
There are too many roles to keep track of. Basic mechanics piece to be aware of though is that +1s give power. Don't +1 lightly.
I agree with both of these remarks.


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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#13 Post by bozotheclown » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:29 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm
bozotheclown wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm
Are there any rules for this game other than the role PM list?
The rules are posted in Brainbomb's first post.
I mean besides the general rules. For instance, where does it say how many mafia there are?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#14 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:30 pm


Thank you. I have just one follow up question.
brainbomb wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm

1. When India turns into a nuclear Suicide Bomber, do they change their alignment to SK, or do they remain Town?

GM: India is like any other non guaranteed civ to be either alignment. but not sk.
Ok, but does India's alignment or victory condition change when they become a suicide bomber?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#15 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:31 pm

bozotheclown wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:29 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm
bozotheclown wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm
Are there any rules for this game other than the role PM list?
The rules are posted in Brainbomb's first post.
I mean besides the general rules. For instance, where does it say how many mafia there are?
In the sign-up thread he said it was 14 Town, 5 Mafia, 1 Third Party.

##CALL GM - is this correct?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#16 Post by bozotheclown » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:31 pm

Squigs44 wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:24 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm
Good evening, Fellow Townies! What a cultural festival this game is set to be!

Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I've been playing this game for quite a long time now, and if there's one kernel of wisdom I've learned, is that it's no good losing your cool. I've been known as a drama-kween but these days I'm calmer and happier. With so many roles and powers at play this game will be interesting (and a bit of a minefield for some!) but let this episode of webDip mafia be known universally as "the Friendly Game" because of its emphasis on goodwill and mutual respect.

I have been looking forward to this game and I have studied the various roles in detail. I am afraid that having done this, I have many, many questions.
Lol coming from Jamie. Love to see you keep your cool the whole game.

There are too many roles to keep track of. Basic mechanics piece to be aware of though is that +1s give power. Don't +1 lightly.
Where is the information about the +1s?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#17 Post by bozotheclown » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:34 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:31 pm
bozotheclown wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:29 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm

The rules are posted in Brainbomb's first post.
I mean besides the general rules. For instance, where does it say how many mafia there are?
In the sign-up thread he said it was 14 Town, 5 Mafia, 1 Third Party.

##CALL GM - is this correct?
##CALL GM: I did not read the entire sign up thread. Is the final setup description documented somewhere other than in the sign up thread?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#18 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:34 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:30 pm

Thank you. I have just one follow up question.
brainbomb wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 pm

1. When India turns into a nuclear Suicide Bomber, do they change their alignment to SK, or do they remain Town?

GM: India is like any other non guaranteed civ to be either alignment. but not sk.
Ok, but does India's alignment or victory condition change when they become a suicide bomber?
Nope Suicide Bomber trait doesnt change their alignment

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#19 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:34 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:31 pm
bozotheclown wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:29 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm

The rules are posted in Brainbomb's first post.
I mean besides the general rules. For instance, where does it say how many mafia there are?
In the sign-up thread he said it was 14 Town, 5 Mafia, 1 Third Party.

##CALL GM - is this correct?

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Re: Mafia 41 - Sid Meiers Civilizaton Mafia - Official Game Thread

#20 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:35 pm

You guys just love me so much you wish I was playing.

game is 14 v 5 v 1

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