Age of Exploration Simulator

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#41 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:02 am

dargorygel wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:46 am
brainbomb wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:33 pm
Henry the one legged boy: Sirs, welcome to your ship. Ive hobbled up and down, too and fro, into every corner of this fine ship. there are councillors quarters for each of you and two spare rooms. The crew sleeps in bunks or on deck in hammocks. we have 2 escape boats, and of course 2 cannons.
I lost my leg when I got tangled up in the crows nest on one if our older, clunkier inferior sea vessels. rest assured I may be young but I know how to sail. oh yea you betcha.
And he's from Minnesota
Henry: You need people of loyalty and a certain. mindset ya know? If were gonna make it in this world it starts with having dedication to your job. I lost my leg at Seaport Dawn, but I couldve given up and just gone home a cripple. But then id be mocked by the other rich kids and called names. Id rather be at sea, on a ship, on an adventure where life is dangerous. Circumstances may have taken my leg but nothings gonna break my intrepid spirit! Eh!?

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#42 Post by Percy Williams » Fri Mar 29, 2019 2:20 am

1. Peignoir
2. ike
3. squiggs
4. thammykins
5. Reedeer1
6. dargo
7. mez
8. Percy

I would like to be the religious spy. Unless one of those two has been chosen on the discord. Also can you direct invite me to the discord? I tried to follow the link, but I think because of platform it wasn't working. My username is the same as it is on this site, and I'll Pm you the number if you can

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#43 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 2:54 am

Notice of Denouncement : Lithgopp

His Imperial highness Baron Lithgopp has denounced Queen Regina and the Kingdom of Hollish. In Lithgopp our highest priority is our safety, and the ability to trade freely with other island nations. We, the people of Lithgopp do formally accuse Hollish of hiring privateer marauders to seize our cargo in open waters. Though we cannot directly prove wrongdoing, we have testimony from a number of captors recently which identified triremes of Hollish being used by these marauders to carry out these heinous deeds. Not only was property of ours taken, but men of ours were killed, and some taken as slaves.
If we can prove that Hollish paid Pirates to do these deeds there will be war. For now we are discontinuing all trade, and asking others to openly Embargo Hollish and her allies.
-Baron Lithgopp

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#44 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 2:57 am

Queen Regina:
Lies! I would never pay pirates to do dirty deeds for me. Lithgopp cannot protect their ships and would do or say anything to lower our glory in the eyes of the other Island Kingdoms. Our Navy has no need to engage in such vicious tactics, we are powerful and mighty as a people. We do not bully others.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#45 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:05 am

General update of people and character selection:

1. Peignoir - Royalty / Astronomer
2. ike
3. squiggs
4. thammykins
5. Reedeer1 - Hunter / Healer
6. dargo - Mercenary / Soldier
7. mez - Aristocrat / Builder
8. Percy - Religious / Spy

Still left:

2. (Captain)
3. (Prisoner)
4. (Commoner)
5. (Noblewoman)
6. (Slave)

1. (Navigator)
5. (Sailor)
6. (Economist)
7. (Law)
10. (Tamer)

Ike, Tham, you guys want any of these before I pick? There are still a couple combos I would go for.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#46 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:39 am

Loper Taggart: I have submitted a letter of intent to the Queen herself to include the lovely miss Lady Nari on our mission. She is a noblewoman and an immigrant of the kingdom of Hartskrane. Normally this would be a significant risk given the dangers of spies but I feel at this time that the woman is indeed harmless.
Lady Nari came to me in the late hours of the night asking if she could join our mission. I have not yet inquired what her talents or skills are, but suffice it to say, she is nobility, and therefore immediately is an asset.
We want people of quality and stature in our kingdom. She is an immigrant here in Hollish, and is no stranger to travel.

I will bring her before the council if you have any interest in adding her to the mission. If you do not, I would be willing to make room for her on my ship. Assuming the Queen approves all of this.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#47 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:41 am

Commander Haymarket: (grumbles) Foreigners, so it begins. You may endanger yourselves on your ships all you want. But do not let any woman of Hartskrane anywhere near my vessel. I have no trust for anyone who smiles all the time and wears pretty dresses.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#48 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:13 am

Lady Nari

Dear Councilors, Loper has probably already informed you of my request to join your mission. Let me start by telling you my story and what has happened to me.
I am 22 years of age. I grew up an orphan and never knew my family. I was traded on the slave market along with a number of young people. We were sent into mines to find Niter, and Ore.
I worked hard, stay quiet. I held back my tears and found solace in the people around me who were all scared, and alone. For 3 years we endured terrible conditions of life. Some children suffered collapsed lungs, others were crushed in mine collapses. A friend of mine was lost in the mine who fell deep into a chasm.
I did not get a childhood. By the time I was 11 I had already broken a few fingers, and had lost everyone I cared about. I never stopped looking for reasons to be happy, and reasons to keep fighting.
When I was a teenager I was adopted by Lord Hartskrane and his daughters taught me to write your language. I learned to speak fluently in the dialects of the region.
Since my arrival here in Hollish I have already picked up the local phrases and gossip. Did you know that Mary Nielson is planning to sell the family plantation? Not that anyone cares of course. But I am a resourceful person, and a linguist.
You're probably wondering how I became a Lady.
Thats a story for another time perhaps. But please allow me to join this council. I have included in this letter my official capabilities.

(Linguist) Lady Nari is fluent in multiple languages and has a 75% chance to comprehend a foreign language. She is also able to write, though has typos on occasion.

(Hidden Secondary)

The Council has (2/2) Expert slots available.
Do you wish to add Lady Nari?

(Please indlude this in your opening game voting decisions.)

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#49 Post by thamrick » Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:03 pm

Iseult d'Amines, Duchess of Garthuians: My Lady Nari, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You have lived a tragic life. May I recommend to my fellow travelers that we allow you to accompany us. I believe your skills may be quite useful should we meet foreigners with whose languages we are unfamiliar.

I also ask that you share your thoughts on what the main focus of our expedition should be.

Finally, you say you are a connoisseur of gossip and information. As an economist, I would be most curious to know if you've heard any rumors about the direction of the trade market. Spice has been at an all-time high since the embargo by Lithgopp. I've barely been able to get my hands on capsaicin, and I quite enjoy it. Will we see a reprieve soon?

My dear Commander Haymarket. May I first say that I smile quite frequently, and I have been known to fancy a pretty dress every now and then, yet you will find me quite trustworthy. What fuels your distaste of foreigners so?

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#50 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:26 pm

Since Thamrick took Noblewoman Economist, I will have to go for Prisoner Law.

Kelsin Kingsley: I understand the law very well, I just prefer to take advantage of it which sometimes gets me in trouble. I always have to be the smartest person in the room... er... in this case, the smartest person in my cell. The crown is probably shipping me off on this expedition so I don't cause any more trouble in the mainland. A wise decision on their part if you ask me. Now, out in the wild, laws are a bit more gray, so we will have to fix that. Life's no fun if there aren't loopholes to be exploited. I assure you, I will only use my talents to help us, not hinder. ;)

1. Peignoir - Royalty / Astronomer
2. ike
3. squiggs - Prisoner / Law
4. thammykins - Noblewoman / Economics
5. Reedeer1 - Hunter / Healer
6. dargo - Mercenary / Soldier
7. mez - Aristocrat / Builder
8. Percy - Religious / Spy

Still left:

2. (Captain)
4. (Commoner)
6. (Slave)

1. (Navigator)
5. (Sailor)
10. (Tamer)

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#51 Post by RagingIke297 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:46 pm

Hmmmmmmmm, captain navigator? Isn't that basically a pilot?

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#52 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:48 pm

As our first order of laws I propose:

Prop 0.1.1 - Name the ship - ship
Prop 0.1.2 - Name the ship - The Queen Regina

Prop 0.2.1 - Bring the following: Seeds, Dried Meats, Oxen, Weapons, Gunpowder, Gold
Prop 0.2.2 - Bring the following: Rabbits, Oxen, Weapons, Gunpowder, Iron, Gold
Prop 0.2.3 - Bring the following: Rabbits, Oxen, Seeds, Iron, Gold, Spices

Prop 0.3.1 - Allow Nari to Join
Prop 0.3.2 - Don't Allow Nari to Join

I have gathered these proposals from what I have overheard in my cell, and added my own advice on what to bring. I do not think weapons and gunpowder will do us well. It is better to negotiate, trade, and subtly exploit than to take what we want by force. Much less messy, and much more fun. Besides, we already have a few cannons and pistols, and Commander Haymarket does have a reputation to uphold.
While naming the ship after my captor is humiliating, I agree that appeasing our benefactor is a wise decision.
As for this Nari, I fear she is not what she seems. Not to say that we would not benefit from taking her along, but that we should be cautious towards her.

##Vote YEA on 0.1.2, 0.2.3, 0.3.1

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#53 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:02 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:54 am
Notice of Contract with Pike Bay Trade Company

This letter is a notice of partnership between her Majesty Queen Regina and the Pike Bay Trade Company. Our partnership includes full military, economic and cultural cooperation. The scope of military protection includes that the Queen pledges the safety of all materials aboard all vessels, and military protection by the Queens men on the way too, and at our future colonial destination. This contract will last for 2 years and will expire naturally at such a time.
In exchange for protection and transport, the Trade Company pledges a 60% share to her majesty of any luxuries, gold, silver or beneficial commodity to the kingdom. All other shares (40%) Will be considered property of the Trade Company.
Members of the company will be provided for fully, given residency, quarter and pay no taxes during their time. Fur trappers will be given compensation for their work. The Trade Company agrees to the terms contained herein and asks no additonal perks or benefits.

Finally, culturally, members of the Trade Company must follow local laws and observe any mandatory religious doctrines set forth by the Holy Church of Hollish.
This contract restricts us in far too many ways. Lets see, how can we loosen things just a bit?

The Queen has pledged full safety of the ships, the men, and the materials, so as soon as someone gets hurt or our property is damaged, this contract is void and we are free of it.
Only luxuries, gold, silver, and beneficial commodities are given to the kingdom. Any non-beneficial commodities are fair game for us to have. What is considered beneficial is a bit of a gray area. Room to exploit there for sure.
No taxes is a plus. Hard to get arrested for tax evasion when you don't have to pay taxes.
Fur trappers are given compensation, but the compensation is not listed, so there will definitely be some exploitation there.
The Trade Company is restricted to local laws, but where we are going, there will be no local laws, so that was an oversight on the part of the crown.
As the doctrine of the Holy Church of Hollish can change by the wills of men, that last bit scares me the most. I demand that the contract be amended to allow religious liberty.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#54 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:09 pm

Nari, I require your services as a test of loyalty to us. If you do as requested, I think the crew will give you full support in joining our expedition. If you refuse, I may have to withdraw my support of you.

You see, we have a bit of a problem. Lithgopp thinks that the ships that attacked them were Hollish. That may or may not be the case, but the denouncement of Hollish from Lithgopp will not help our cause. So what could remedy such a situation? Well, if Lithgopp was to find evidence that linked the pirate attack to Hartskrane... you get the picture. Would you use your knowledge and expertise with Hartskrane to fix things for us?

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#55 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:17 pm

Iseult - I suggest you become a close friend to Nari. We need someone close to those we do not trust, and seeing as how you are both women, it's only natural. Your gossip could provide invaluable in swaying the general populace to support our causes. I tend to work alone, but seeing as I am imprisoned, I will need someone to do some dirty work for me as I control things from my prison. Women tend to be good at dirty work. What do you say, would you like to gain power by entering into an alliance with me? I assure you I can sway things into our favor.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#56 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:22 pm

Jayne - your skillset is impressive. But I see you are lacking in the more subtle arts of negotiation and influencing others. I normally do not work with others, but seeing as I am detained in my prison, I need someone to carry out certain tasks for me. What do you say? Would you like to gain more power and influence by entering into an alliance with me?

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#57 Post by dargorygel » Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:28 pm

Squigs44 wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:22 pm
Jayne - your skillset is impressive. But I see you are lacking in the more subtle arts of negotiation and influencing others. I normally do not work with others, but seeing as I am detained in my prison, I need someone to carry out certain tasks for me. What do you say? Would you like to gain more power and influence by entering into an alliance with me?
I generally negotiate best when I know I am in the right. And negotation is often (More often than usually happens in this soft age) done with talk, a look, a whispered hope. One of my Masters (a trainer in certain Martial Arts,) Y'Oda attempted to teach me: "There is no try. There is only do."

If my doing can be of assistance to you... we can perhaps work together.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#58 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:00 pm

Lady Nari[/b]: Regarding.... Spice. The Spice trade is not a major aspect of the economy of Hartskrane. They deal more in mined resources such as Niter, Iron, and Ores. Im familiar enough with Lithgopp to know that they are a struggling kingdom which would fiercly defend itself if wronged.
Lady Regina insists that she did not hire privateers so I believe her.

As for my listening to local gossip and skills being put use. Sure. Hartskrane does not treat with Pirates. I can certify that they also played no role in this vile act.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#59 Post by Squigs44 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:10 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:00 pm
Lady Nari[/b]: Regarding.... Spice. The Spice trade is not a major aspect of the economy of Hartskrane. They deal more in mined resources such as Niter, Iron, and Ores. Im familiar enough with Lithgopp to know that they are a struggling kingdom which would fiercly defend itself if wronged.
Lady Regina insists that she did not hire privateers so I believe her.

As for my listening to local gossip and skills being put use. Sure. Hartskrane does not treat with Pirates. I can certify that they also played no role in this vile act.

I don't care to find out who did it. I just want Lithgopp to remain friendly to us, and framing Hartskrane would accomplish that. Will you frame Hartskrane?

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#60 Post by Mme. Peignoir » Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:13 pm

Hmm... I wonder precisely who decided to let the ship prisoner on this council. Very odd decision.

I am in full support of Lady Nari joining our crew. A linguist's skillset would be invaluable as we head for lands unknown. Can't exactly expect the locals to speak Hollish, can we? Unless we plan to resort to crude hand gestures, we will need her.

Also, I suggest we send a formal request to the Queen for more cannons. Six cannons - that's a measly two a ship! One on each side! This is hardly enough firepower to keep pirates from boarding.

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