Hawks vs. Doves sive Coalition of the Willing for Humanitarian Intervention

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Hawks vs. Doves sive Coalition of the Willing for Humanitarian Intervention

#1 Post by Enee » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:31 am

Hawks vs. Doves
Coalition of the Willing for Humanitarian Intervention

This is an analysis of the last few games by the player “Echidna”. Early drop-outs in 1901 are indicated by the term ‘replacement’

1. Get-4: replacement; associated accounts “nnfolz, wombologydude”; game not finished yet.

2. Eilonn: replacement (in Spring 1903); account replaced is a new account “Ido._.Binyaminy” with only one game (a draw in 1901); 1h phase with countless drop-outs and finished 1903 with draws.

3. あ-34: replacement; echidna instantly offered a draw; game not finished yet.

4. Doodoo: replacement; game not finished yet.

5. A Noob has joined: Russia seems to have set up the game then dopped out, echidna replaced; in this game an associate account “Redesdale” (cf player history) might have done the same, just judging by the delays. Game not finished yet.

6. Mmmmm-23: replacement; account replaced is “Leonida” new acc with no games. Associate account “WumbologyDude” might have done the same.
At this point a common feature of the chat rooms seems to be non-com, also astonishment that high-rate player play noob games. I will begin record now.

7. Let's get it started-2: replacement; account replaced is new account “King Burger” which has only a few Bot Games; associate account “Tiktorchonfire” may have done the same.

8. Let's get it started: replacement; account replaced is new account “Hakim Ar” which has only a few Bot Games; associated accounts “Tiktorchonfire”, “Redesdale”, “nnfolz” may have done the same.

9. 7777-7: replacement; account replaced is new account “Dinobot1” which has only a few Bot Games; associated accounts “TurkishKid”, “Gatorboy” (Russia)
TUR (“ForGrandFenwick” delays 3/3): Has anyone heard anything from this Russia at all? So far they refuse to talk to me.
Autumn, 1901 04:07
GER (“northern spy” delays 3/3): Russia doesn’t talk to me either
Autumn, 1901 04:08
ENG (“BrianBaru” associated player, replacement for new account “Blizzmeeks” with no games in Autumn 1902, delays 0/3): Russia has spoken to me. They are terse, but not unpleasant.
Autumn, 1901 05:06
AUS(“RedLettuce” associated player, new account, replacement for AUS in 1904, delays 0/3): I have no communications with Russia.
Autumn, 1901 05:58

10. 7777-6: replacement, account replaced is account “tiktak” with innumerable Bot Games;

There seems to be a large web of many new, few medium sized and fewer large accounts which all cooperatively cheat, both by the mentioned delay tactic but also no doubt by in-game tactical cooperation.
I call upon the webdiplomacy.net community to investigate this phenomenon and and to ruthlessly cull all those entwined in this wicked web of villany! Praise be to our King Ginge86!

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Esquire Bertissimmo
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Re: Hawks vs. Doves sive Coalition of the Willing for Humanitarian Intervention

#2 Post by Esquire Bertissimmo » Fri Oct 20, 2023 2:32 pm

If you're going to break the rules and make these accusations in the forum, you could at least be clearer. I read this twice and still don't really understand the point you're trying to make.

It sounds like the account in question sometimes CDs and other times takes open positions. Sometimes the CDs are filled by new players, sometimes by players who are very active. The only names that come up more than once on your list are very active accounts that play many games - doesn't seem too suspicious. I am struggling to see who you think is abusing the system or how they are benefiting from it. I get annoyed at CDs and delays too, but the user in question has a pretty good reliability rating overall.

And the Ginge86 plug is pretty on the nose lol. The only cheating suspicion I have upon reading this post is that there's yet another alt account for a player who has already been banned twice.

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Re: Hawks vs. Doves sive Coalition of the Willing for Humanitarian Intervention

#3 Post by Enee » Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:52 am

In that case I will perhaps better take my leave.

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Re: Hawks vs. Doves sive Coalition of the Willing for Humanitarian Intervention

#4 Post by CaptainFritz28 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:32 am

I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this is; do you mean to accuse the account in question of cheating? If so, say as much. But your analysis of the civil disorders of their games does not lead to that conclusion.

And if you are going to accuse someone of cheating, do it where it is meant to be done. Report them, by all means, if you have reason to believe they cheated. Don't smear their name in a forum post, as Esquire already said.
Ferre ad Finem!


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