MajorMitchell & Tom, Becks & Harry's Adventures over Palestine & Syria

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MajorMitchell & Tom, Becks & Harry's Adventures over Palestine & Syria

#1 Post by MajorMitchell » Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:14 pm

It started when I visited my Theatrical Agent Rudy Schmeckel at his very shady table near the Central Market & slmost equidistant between Her Majestys Theatre & the Synagogue.
Our convivial chat was interupted by a telephone call from Benjamin in Tel Aviv, whining about Hamas, Hezbolalas & the Imans in Iran.
Rudy blabs to Benjy that I am with him and Benjy begs to consult me which Rudy knew he would and it was Rudy's way of dodging more whining from Benjy.

I had to give the blubbering, frantic Benjy a dose of "toughen up sweetypie medicine" & brusquely told Benjy that Hamas & Hezbolalas were his problem, his right wing antics, stealing land & other dumb actions helped create those pestiferous palestinian guerilla armies in his bosom & Benjy would get no help from me with them.
As a mollification I did offer to help by getting a few pals and coming to visit and give those Chumps with dodgy MIGs in the Syrian Airforce a few lessons in good manners.

A few telephone calls to California was all it took to organise a Lads Adventure in Syrian airspace.
First I called up a few pals at McDonnel Douglas & asked for Four Shiny new F~16s & they replied with enthusiasm that they could have the Four F~16s ready to go the following weekend.
Naturally I don't invite any ragamuffin Tom Dick & Harry trio on such a jaunt.
I invite chaps who need a break from.domestic bliss with spouse & offspring.

Becks & Harry Sussex were delighted to have a chance to escape Victoria & Meghan & offspring & of course Top Gun Tom Cruise is one of the best pilots I have flown with on many covert & dangerous missions.

Now for Security reasons I can't blab too much about our Fun in Syrian Airspace.

Results. Becks put a 500kg bomb past the keeper right into corner of a Syrian Command Bunker on his first mission to open our scoring.
Top Gun Tom kept doing re~enactments of his inverted flight "give them the bird" & take a happy snap photo gag to Blighters in dodgy MIGs.
Harry Sussex got a nice double with a pair of missiles, 2 Syrian MIGs sent down in flames when I played Beater & flushed them.out from a bank of clouds with a dose of cannon fire right into Harry's gun sights.

I spotted the Nasty Nephew of the Syrian Dictator Ali Basher in a dodgy MIG, rounded him up & put a solid medicinal dose of cannon fire into the rear vestibule of his dodgy MIG, and then, this may not seem sporting, shifting the gun sights onto the cockpit canopy, waiting for it to lift up & with a bit of lead, fire so that as the ejuector seat emerges with Naughty Blighter aboard it gets hit by a well dosed serving of depleted uranium cannon shells to give him a glowing derriere as he plummeted towards the soft sand dunes below.

Then it was back to California via Paris to visit a few Actresses & tell them hilarious tales of scallywaggery.

Well Nurse is coming soon so I have to hide my best suit & shoes.
When the family stops visiting, the Nurses take away a Chap's clothes so he can't get out for a bit of fun.
Au revoir mes amis et en avante!

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Re: MajorMitchell & Tom, Becks & Harry's Adventures over Palestine & Syria

#2 Post by brainbomb » Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:23 am

Three Cheers! Hip Hip

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