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NOTES ON A NAPKIN - Call for Articles

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 3:25 pm
by THC
You know, time flies.

I've spent some time on playing (yes, actually playing - I can hardly believe it), time on the POC/ODC IV (wait... you're not signed-up yet? Do it!), writing a bit for my blog (but not a lot) and some time in writing my new book on Diplomacy (working title "The Pink Book of Diplomacy" - guess the subject). I spent far too much time watching the DBNI commentaries over the last couple of weekends (excellent stuff - if you haven't watched it, I'd recommend it), including being up at ridiculous o'clock on a Monday morning with work just a few hours away!

Oh, and bits of time on life, too, the real stuff, you know, that gets in the way.

And then I realised it was March and there were only two months left to put NOTES ON A NAPKIN #2 together. Just a little bit of a panic going on.

So I'm calling out for articles. I've a couple of things planned and Oxmeister has his second instalment of his miniseries to come (I hope!) But this is about you lot putting things together so that I can get a zine out. So, if you have something to say about this bloody brilliant game, get on with it!

As a bit of inspiration, here's NOTES ON A NAPKIN #1 again.