New World 1650 Variant Seeking Players

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New World 1650 Variant Seeking Players

by bilbert » Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:04 pm

For those interested in variants, I'm recruiting players for a run of my New World 1650 on Discord. The deadlines will be long to allow for real-life and significant negotiations.

Rules and art are both tailored to the era. Much of the art is cut straight out of Library of Congress maps of the time. Join and build New Sweden into the colony it always dreamed of being.

Here are most of the modified rules:


The variant follows standard diplomacy with the following exceptions.

All territory, SC and non-SC, is captured only after Autumn retreats.

Powers are divided into two types: European and Native American powers. They differ in supply rules, build rules, and win conditions.

If a European and Native American power reaches their respective win conditions simultaneously, the game ends in a two-way draw.

European Powers’ Rules

Supply: Any territory with an SC dot on it counts as one full supply, capable of supplying an army or fleet if captured.

Builds: European powers may build fleets in the Atlantic Crossing territory. See the below section “Atlantic Crossing” for details.

Europeans may also build in “Controlled Territory”. See “Controlled Territory” for details.

A European power may also transform a fleet docked in a supply center in winter orders. It may not transform armies into fleets at any time.

Win Condition: A European power wins a solo victory when it controls the majority of the European-controlled SCs -- i.e., if the power’s SC count is greater than all other European SCs combined.

Native American Powers’ Rules

Supply: All capturable territories count as 1/2 supply. A Native power treats SC and non-SC territories as equal in value.

Builds: Native powers may build on any owned and vacant territory.

Win Condition: A Native American power wins a solo victory when it controls the majority of the Native American-controlled SCs -- i.e., if the power’s SC count is greater than all other Native American SCs combined.

Example of Solo Victory

Due to the win conditions being subjective for the two power types, it is possible for a nation to win a solo victory despite having fewer supply centers than other nations.

Example of a solo win for the Wendat Confederacy having 6/11 of the Native American supply:

- Wendat Confederacy: 6 victory points

- Muscogee Confederacy: 3 victory points

- Susquahannok: 2 victory points

- Spanish Empire: 15 victory points

- Kingdom of France: 13 victory points

- English Commonwealth: 4 victory pointsImage 3: Example of a Wendat victory. Note that the map has been modified since this example was made.

Atlantic Crossing

Atlantic Crossing serves as a build territory for all European powers. It can be occupied by an unlimited number of fleets by any power. It is possible for a single power to build multiple fleets in the territory.

A fleet in the Atlantic Crossing may move to any of the adjacent territories with the movement being adjudicated normally. A fleet in the Atlantic Crossing may contest or even bounce another fleet that is also in the Atlantic Crossing if they have the same destination.

A fleet in the Atlantic Crossing may also support other fleets according to standard rules. A fleet in the Atlantic Crossing may not, however, have its support order (either to hold or move) cut by another fleet while the supporting fleet remains in the Atlantic Crossing.

Fleets may also move from the main map to the Atlantic Crossing and back out again the following season. For example, a fleet could move from Sea of New Spain in the spring, and then back out into Labrador Sea in the autumn, assuming the latter move is not bounced.

Any fleets that are unable to make it out of the Atlantic Crossing in the year are destroyed by storms or pirates (or whatever you fancy) in autumn retreats. They may be replaced again in the winter builds, according to the supply count.

Controlled Territory

Controlled territory is territory that has all adjacent capturable territory under control of the same power. A European power may build in a territory that is controlled in this way, is vacant, and has a supply dot.

If a power does not have any controlled territory (and none of the European powers begins with any), it may always build fleets in the Atlantic Crossing.

Trading Posts

Each Spring, Native American and European powers can agree to set up European trading posts in Native American territories that have a neutral supply dot. This functions as an order but is not attached to any specific unit.

If successful, the supply dot would change to be the color of the European power. This trading post would give one supply to the European power for as long as the trading post remains. However, the territory would still be owned by the Native American power. The Native American power in return would receive +1 build in that year’s builds only.

To be successful, matching orders must be given in Spring by both powers, with the supply dot remaining neutral and the territory controlled by the Native American power. If successful, the trading post is set up and all players are notified at Spring adjudication.

Each Native American power may only establish one trade post in their territory a year.

Example of Successful Order

For example, the Wendat Confederacy and Swedish Empire may agree to set up a Swedish trading post in Petun (Pet).

The Spring orders for both powers must be:

Swedish trading post Petun

The orders only fail if Petun is occupied by a third party in the same Spring.

Destruction of a Trading Post

A trading post is destroyed any time the territory it occupies changes control, even if that occurs the very same winter it is established.

If the territory is captured by another Native American power, the supply dot reverts to being neutral.

If the territory is captured by a European power, the European power captures the supply dot as well.

If the original Native American power regains control of the territory in a later year, the trading post is not automatically restored. The two powers may replace it with a new trading post through the proper orders.
