Fill empty slots with bots - Classic Chaos

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Re: Fill empty slots with bots - Classic Chaos

by Bladerunners » Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:55 am

The bots don’t learn and perform though… often sit around doing nothing; often play incredibly weird movies to support country winning; and worst — Italy attacks Austria 75% of games which truly makes no sense. Too bad bots not learning to stop poor play but still fun

Re: Fill empty slots with bots - Classic Chaos

by wulfheart » Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:42 pm

I have some implementation of the dumbbot laying around. It is really dumb but plays better than nothing.

Re: Fill empty slots with bots - Classic Chaos

by gimix » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:07 pm

I don't think it will happen - the bots are neural networks which need to be trained by being fed with lots of games before they can play a variant; and they were developed by AI researchers who are mainly interested in how well the bots "learn" and perform, not in playing Diplomacy in itself

Fill empty slots with bots - Classic Chaos

by RyanHatesMilk » Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:18 pm

Was wondering if there were any plans for bringing bots to some of the other game variants? At the moment I think you can only get them on classic mode, but was thinking how cool it would be to play a larger game with friends and have bots fill the gaps. Like classic chaos or world diplomacy, for example.

Maybe this wouldn't work as the AI would need to be adjusted and it's too much work, but thought I'd ask!
