Can you help dislodge yourself?

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Re: Can you help dislodge yourself?

by JECE » Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:56 pm

Omphalos wrote:
Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:21 am
Gimix is correct, but you can still issue an order supporting another player's unit moving against one of yours. It will not count against your unit, but it WILL count against a third player's attempt to dislodge your unit, so it can be useful for attack holds.
In other words, suppose that France has an armies in Spain and Portugal and a fleet in Western Mediterranean, England has an army in Gascony and a fleet in Mid-Atlantic Ocean and Italy has an army in Marseilles.

Por supports Mar-Spa
NAt supports Gas-Spa
Wes convoys Spa-Tun

Except for the convoy, that order set results in all holds. Here is a visual: ... 27422C4247

If no convoy had been issued, it would have still resulted in all holds: ... 06832S1742

Re: Can you help dislodge yourself?

by Omphalos » Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:21 am

Gimix is correct, but you can still issue an order supporting another player's unit moving against one of yours. It will not count against your unit, but it WILL count against a third player's attempt to dislodge your unit, so it can be useful for attack holds.

Re: Can you help dislodge yourself?

by gimix » Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:54 pm

No, you can't help dislodge yourself. If you check under Help | More info | DATC you will find it as case 6.D.12.
However in your specific example I believe you may cut one of your enemies support (with a different unit, not the one being attacked, of course), and then the other enemy would succeed.

Can you help dislodge yourself?

by x3n » Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:03 pm

I know that you can't dislodge yourself. Does that also mean that you cannot lend support to someone else dislodging you?

For example, if Enemy 1 supports a unit into your space and Enemy 2 supports a unit into your space, can you lend support to one or the other so that they succeed - or is it going to be a standoff regardless?
