Wisdom tooth extraction

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Re: Wisdom tooth extraction

by Crazy Anglican » Sat May 11, 2019 6:57 pm

I had mine out when I was 18. My dentist was such an incompetent quack, I did not even make it home before having to go to the emergency room for IV fluids. He had apparently screwed up the anesthesia (he put me completely under on an insufferably hot August day) and did not check me for dehydration before packing me off into the waiting car to wait in construction traffic on the highway home. One of the construction crew noticed that both my Mom and I had passed out in the car and called an ambulance for us.

Re: Wisdom tooth extraction

by Squigs44 » Fri May 10, 2019 4:35 pm

RoganJosh wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 8:21 am
When they took my second one, they failed miserably They cut it into 10 pieces or so, but with all the blood they forgot one piece in there. Took forever for it to heal, and then my regular dentist found the piece one year later..
Same thing happened to me, except a week later the tooth shard started growing out of the side of my gums. I had to pull it out myself.

Re: Wisdom tooth extraction

by flash2015 » Fri May 10, 2019 2:36 pm

I must have been lucky. Getting my wisdom teeth removed wasn't that bad for me. I guess it depends on how impacted the wisdom teeth are.

The big mistake I made with my teeth when I was younger was not getting braces. Not for the vanity thing of course (I don't care), but because if your teeth are misaligned later in life it may cause you to become a grinder (bruxism). Whilst I am holding my own at the moment with a mouthguard and fillings on the tops of the molars, I may eventually need 16 caps/crowns for all the back molars. This isn't something I am really looking forward to.

Re: Wisdom tooth extraction

by teacon7 » Fri May 10, 2019 2:00 pm

I can relate. I had my wisdom teeth pulled 5 years or so too late. One was pointed sideways-ish, and cracked a back molar. I had to have that one out too, years later, after a couple weeks of the nerve dying. It was the worst pain I've ever had.

On the plus side, the last molar came out in one piece, so now I have a memento of the pain and of my own mortality. memento dentii.

From experience and observation, I suggest: 1) take it easy when recovering. Do the salt water gargle/flush to keep the socket clean. Don't eat rice because it'll just get stuck. Don't overdo it physically... you don't want an infection because then it'll just get worse. Do rounds of acetaminophen + ibuprophin instead of harder drugs. It works to manage pain, and doesn't have the addictive quality other drugs do . Peace to you.

Re: Wisdom tooth extraction

by dargorygel » Fri May 10, 2019 1:05 pm

SO many horror stories... when I was in high school, I was told I needed all four out... but that they didn't want to do all four on one day. So I had two removed. And it was so miserable (mistake with numbing agents...) that I refused to have the others out. Then after years of sporadic suffering, I had both out over the last two years. One easy as pi. The other also needed cutting apart, the removal of a nearby molar, and MUCH darg-feeling-sorry-for-himself. I agree with Vapor... have it done early. Even if you don't need it. Just have 'em out.

Re: Wisdom tooth extraction

by RoganJosh » Fri May 10, 2019 8:21 am

When they took my second one, they failed miserably They cut it into 10 pieces or so, but with all the blood they forgot one piece in there. Took forever for it to heal, and then my regular dentist found the piece one year later..

Wisdom tooth extraction

by Vaporwave » Fri May 10, 2019 8:09 am

Pain is real...I can't open my mouth properly or chew

They say it hurts...what an understatement, it will make you kneel on the floor

A word of advice for all of you that have kids, get them out while they're small! Don't let them grow to big sizes

Had a wisdom tooth/3rd molar extracted and it was the most painful thing I've experienced. Big demonic molar with roots in my jawbone. Don't postpone it, pls trust me, the pain will make you cry
