Finished: 09 PM Tue 20 Jun 23 UTC
Med Gunboat -2
1 day /phase
Pot: 500 D - Autumn, 14, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by dagabs0 (32785D)

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17 May 23 UTC Spring, 1: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
18 May 23 UTC Spring, 1: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
20 Jun 23 UTC Good game everyone!
20 Jun 23 UTC Congrats Egypt!
20 Jun 23 UTC Congrats Egypt!
20 Jun 23 UTC Congrats Egypt. My streak of getting crushed as Persia continues!
20 Jun 23 UTC Carthage, when you had no centers in which to build, why would you continue an attack on me, taking my centers, therein to weaken whatever stalemate line I could muster?

dagabs0, once again congrats. I decided to give you the game after the continued aggression from Carthage in essence gave you the solo anyway.
20 Jun 23 UTC Carthage, when you had no centers in which to build, why would you continue an attack on me, taking my centers, therein to weaken whatever stalemate line I could muster?

dagabs0, once again congrats. I decided to give you the game after the continued aggression from Carthage in essence gave you the solo anyway.
20 Jun 23 UTC Oh, that would be mostly because I'm a moron!
20 Jun 23 UTC Oh, that would be mostly because I'm a moron!
20 Jun 23 UTC I wasn't really planning that well ahead this last few turns, college caught up to me and I've been a bit overwhelmed for time
20 Jun 23 UTC I wasn't really planning that well ahead this last few turns, college caught up to me and I've been a bit overwhelmed for time
20 Jun 23 UTC So most of my decisions weren't really as thought out as they could be
20 Jun 23 UTC So most of my decisions weren't really as thought out as they could be
20 Jun 23 UTC So most of my decisions weren't really as thought out as they could be
20 Jun 23 UTC But thanks for the advice!
20 Jun 23 UTC Thanks folks.

Lack of concentration (and frustration by other players) certainly happens in these games - I've been guilty of both many times.
20 Jun 23 UTC Congratulations. This was my first attempt at this variant. I started badly by misinterpreting first moves by Carthage as a sign of support
20 Jun 23 UTC I enjoy this variant, but it does seem to play out similarly more often than not. The incentive and geographic opportunity for Egypt and Carthage to immediately ally (or at least ignore each other) is really strong. So Rome basically has to fight Carthage right away and Persia will get attacked by Egypt right away. Whichever way Greece decides to open determines whether Rome or Persia is knocked out first. I'm sure you could work around this more in a standard press game, but in gunboat...
20 Jun 23 UTC Thanks for the feedback. I really thought Rome and Carthage were natural allies. That is why I left Carthage with Sag and Bal, to attack Greece. I'm new to variants. I'm really enjoying the Modern Dip II. Far more tactical considerations. Not sure I'll try this one again. Tried Fall of the American Empire IV, but the map is so small, esp in the northeast, couldn't warm up to that one as either.