Finished: 07 PM Fri 10 Mar 23 UTC
It's a Med world after all-51
1 day /phase (M) | 18 hours /phase (R, B)
Pot: 505 D - Autumn, 9, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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10 Mar 23 UTC GG.The original plan was to draw when Roma was sent off. It was a failure that Persia took Egypt earlier than expected.
10 Mar 23 UTC GG.The original plan was to draw when Roma was sent off. It was a failure that Persia took Egypt earlier than expected.
10 Mar 23 UTC Well played. I had my own thoughts of soloing a few years ago, but you really steamrolled east quickly.

10 Mar 23 UTC *Nicely done
10 Mar 23 UTC Not sure what Greece was trying
10 Mar 23 UTC I was trying to play a different version of this map. I've seen so many where Greece and Egypt crush Persia, while Rome and Carthage stalemate. wanted to try something different. Obviously opened the door to Persia then going after me, but I felt confident that if he did it, I'd be able to quickly throw centers to Rome or Carthage to force the three way draw. And that's basically what happened.